Diagon Alley

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"I'm a Witch" thought sat on the bed Verity, after the meeting with Minerva McGonagall, she was very shocked and scared, she would have to go in London, to Diagon Alley, when she had never even leaved Little Hangleton. Professor McGonagall had told her that if they'd like, her grandma and grandpa could have gone with her, but Verity felt it wasn't the right choice to make. Besides, that world would have been entirely hers, for her grandparents were "muggles " for as long as she understood, and so she needed to start to make it on her own legs.

She passed a great deal of time that afternoon looking at the train ticket she had been given, passing and re-passing it between her fingers, she was still captured by the light-blue and gold colours, when her grandma knocked at the door.

-Verity Dear? May I? - The gold-brown hair of her grandmother were sprouting from the threshold.

-Yeah yeah... - said Verity without removing her eyes from the train ticket.

Her grandmother sat in front of her on the desk's chair, watching her niece with sweet eyes.

-Do you want us to come with you? The lady said we are supposed to know..-

-No no, I'm fine I'll go alone.. besides as McGonagall said, I'm the first one of our family, so.. I guess I'm on my own now.. I need to get into it.. I don't think I'd had much choice anyway.. - Said Verity half-smiling.

Her grandmother got up and went sitting beside her on the bed, hugging with one arm the terrified niece.

-You know.. When you accidentally transfigurated the carots into chocolate the first time - she laughed remembering it. - we were scared too...

-Yeah. Why didn't you leave me anyway?

-Excuse me? - Said Lucinda a little taken aback.

-Why didn't you leave me?- Verity asked with tears in her eyes. -Why did you keep me? -

-We didn't keep you Verity. You are family. You are my.. you're like a daughter to me. We can't choose they way we were born like, you were born like this, and you didn't do anything wrong, except for the fact that you didn't eat any vegetables..-

After a long day Verity eventually managed to laugh.

-So now... - Said Lucinda, helping her niece to get up in turn. - We get dress, and we have some shopping to make. I know you too well, I know you want to do this alone... but at least let us take you to London, we can wait for you at the Peaky Cauldron..-

Verity again bursted out laughing, why was that her grandma was always able to mangle every English word.

-It's Leaky Cauldron Mimaw.-

-Oh right right.. - Said Lucinda smiling, almost as if she crippled that name on purpose just to make Verity laugh.

On the other side at Boardman's Manor, Wendy was already aware of what she was going to face, and the house was already in a great movement. Wendy's grandparents Robin and Marian, had been looking forward for this day, for a while now.

Marian was rushing from a side to the other of the house, gathering supplies, letters, clothes which were all flying behind her. Wendy was sitting at the table, looking at Marian organising the day.

-So first of all we're going to Grincott's, and we're going to withdraw some money, I have some Galleons with me.. - Some Galleons flew off her purse, before her eyes, and then back in the purse again. - But they aren't enough.-

-What else do you need let me see.. - The letter flew from the table to Marian and stood in mid air. -Yeah yeah.. Books, alright.. Some Potions supplies, a wand of course, of course. Robes..

Robin entered the room and looked at all the objects in mid air, and for a moment looked a bit shocked himself, but then he decided he was used to that side of his wife, and that it was nothing new. He went to the table and sat on the side of Wendy.

-Are you ready?- He asked her, expecting by the way the answer.

-I can't wait. - She smiled back. -How are we reaching Diagon Alley by the way..? -

All the objects in the air almost fell at that question, but Marian managed to save them before they touched the floor.

-It's obvious isn't it? - Marian started to say. - We're going by Floo Powder. -

-Uhhhhh! I've always wanted to try that!! - Wendy said very excited.

-Alright I think we are all set. - All the objects flew inside the purse, and which considering the quantity of them, Wendy thought it must have been clearly charmed with an unrecognisable expandable spell.

-I'll go grab my coat then. - Said Wendy jumping down the chair.

-I got this. - Robin snapped his fingers and the coat magically appeared on the chair where a second before stood Wendy.

After the three of them had put their coat on,  they moved in the living room where stood the fire place, Robin took the pot above shelf, full of Floo Powder, and offered it to Wendy, who took an abundant punch of it in her hands.

-Remember now. You need to speak very clearly.-

Wendy lowered her head and stood in the fireplace, which was way to big for her, she looked at her grandparents, and couldn't wait no more, she throw the Floo Powder on her feet.

- Diagon Alley!-

When Mrs and Mr Alson reached the Leaky Cauldron, barely even noticed it, if it hadn't been for Verity that called them from almost the threshold, they were about to miss it. They thought it was nothing like they had imagined it, it could have been any pub, it had nothing "magical" about it.

When they got inside, Verity was holding close to Raymon, and everyone was looking at them, some curiously, others were even giving some unpleasant looks. They reached the back door, where a short, plump woman with red hair and five children stood.

-We wait for you right here alright Dear? Why don't you ask that kind woman if she shows you.. Excuse me Mrs! -

The red haired woman turned around and big smile was stamped on her plump face.

-I'm sorry Mrs to bother you! -Lucinda went on. -It's the first time for my niece here, Verity. You see, she's a Witch. - At that world she lowered the voice, probably forgetting, that in that moment being a witch was the normal thing.

-Oh Dear. Hi! Don't worry, of course I'll show her. My husband works for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for Misuse of Muggle Artefacts, so of course I know everything about your world.- 

-I'm Mrs Weasley - She went on and shook the hand of Lucinda and Raymond - These are my children, they are Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Fred and George are the twins.. STOP IT!!! - She yelled at them, who were trying to make a drunk Wizard fall.

Verity at that scene laughed, and one of the twins seemed particularly pleased with that.

-Don't worry. Come Dear come. - Said Mrs Weasley opening her arms towards Verity.

Verity got closer to the woman, and once she had embraced her, she turned to get one last glance at her grans.

Mrs Weasley guided her on the back and took out her wand. She tapped on the wall in a precisely order. The wall started moving, and Verity noticed she was the only agape as if the others where used to it, in the wall started to create a big hole which became bigger and bigger any second, until it became a huge arch. Mrs Weasley talked again.

-Verity, welcome to Diagon Alley.-

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