The Sorting Hat

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McGonagall guided them up a staircase, and then another, she turned with her hands opened.

-Now you wait here, I'll come to call you in as soon as we ready with the ceremony. - She disappeared behind a huge door which had engraved on it four crests, starting from the left: a griffin, a snake, a raven, and a badger.

They all waited there in silent, and Verity couldn't help but noticing that Wendy was subject of numerous rumours, most of the girls and boys seemed to know her already.

-Is she Wendy Boardman?- A girl whispered under her nose, to another boy who stretched his neck to take a look.

-I think she is! -Said another one.

Verity took a look at Wendy, and saw that she had got red in her face and was pretending not to hear them, Stella on the other side was speaking rapidly in Wendy's hear as if she perfectly knew  what was going on.

-What's happening? - Verity asked in a low voice. Fred strained his ears, and then turned to Verity.

-You don't know? -

-Know what?? - She replied always in a low voice minding not to be heard by Wendy.

-Your new friend over there - He said beckoning towards Wendy and Stella. - She's the daughter of Stubby Boardman. -

-And who's that? - Fred looked at her as if she came from another planet, than his look became softer as if he was now remembering that she didn't know anything about the magical world.

-He's a singer! And what a singer.. he's the leader of the Hobgoblins. -

-Oh.. - Said Verity turning to look at Wendy once again, who was definitely trying now to sink under her robe. -Is he famous? This famous? -

-Very. - Confirmed Fred.

-And do you like him? Is he good? -

-He is good, you can't say the opposite.. anyway I don't like him that much. - Said Fred crossing his arms and looking forward. - It's not my taste in music. -

The murmur suddenly stopped as the front door moved, McGonagall appeared once again, this time she was holding what looked like a parchment.

-We're ready for you, follow me. -

She turned and the door magically opened on a Great Hall, ceiling was covered in enchanted candles which were standing in mid air, and above those stood a starry sky almost as if was perfectly painted on the castle, only that it was moving. As they walked in the room, everybody who was sitting at four long tables turned to get a look at them, some whispering, other gesturing. They all gathered around a stool where was laid an old pointed hat. Minerva McGonagall went up the three steps separating her from the cap.

-Welcome in the Great Hall, now as soon as we'll have heard the Sorting Hat song of this year, I call your names alphabetically when you hear yours, you come forward I put the hat on your heads and you'll be sorted.- Everybody nodded, but no one dared to say anything.

The Sorting Hat without notice started to move, and an old patch assumed the shape of a mouth:

"Dear Students, another year has started,

And now like the others Hogwarts boys and girls you'll be sorted.

To belong in Gryffindor you don't need to crave,

All you need is chivalry, nerves and to be brave.

If you wish to be of glory ermined,

Slytherin is the house where are cunning, ambitious and determinated.

Or maybe you feel like your mind is full with wit, wisdom and learning,

Then the Ravenclaw house is what you're searching.

And last but not least eventually,

If you value patience, hard work, and loyalty,

Then without any doubt, you have to go with the Hufflepuff House.

So students now don't be afraid,

Take a step closer, and put me on your head."

The patch closed again and everyone bursted in a thunderous applause, Minerva McGonagall started to unfold the parchment, she swinged the wand and at once the Sorting Hat stood at mid hair, she then began to read.

-Verity Alson. - Verity felt the blood icing in her veins, while the twins and her new friend Wendy turned to look at her. Fred smiled to her, and she moved a step, she sat on the stool and felt the hat going down on her head, everyone was looking at her.

-Mmm.. interesting..  I see you have no mean to take advantage of others, you have a very noble heart, and I see you're very brave.. GRYFFINDOR -

The table on Verity's left exulted, and clapped, she jumped down the chair and went to sit next to Charlie Weasley. Minerva McGonagall went on and called the second name.

-Wendy Boardman.- The Great Hall fell under the silence. Wendy moved her feet and went to sit on the stool. Once again the Sorting Hat began to speak.

-You're very talented I see.. and a ready mind.. how many details you have in here.. it's clear.. RAVENCLAW!!!! -

Again the Ravenclaw's table jumped and screamed as Wendy approached them, Verity followed her with her eyes until she disappeared in the crowd. The Sorting went on, and another boy was called Frederick Bust, who went in Slytherin, another girl Susan Freeman who went in Hufflepuff.

-Lee Jordan! - called Professor McGonagall, and a black boy went to sit on the stool.

-Gryffindor - Said the Sorting Hat at once, and in the blink of an eye they were already at letter "N".

-Lucy Nook. - Called McGonagall and a thin girl, with straight brown hair went to seat on the stool.

-Slytherin! - Yelled the Sorting Hat, the list of names seemed endless, and at the Gryffindor table Verity and Charlie were keeping a seat for the twins, for Charlie was sure they'd be put in Gryffindor. Verity turned to look at them and saw they were talking in each other ear quickly, and smirking.

-Fred Weasley - Called Professor McGonagall, and one of the twins moved to go and sit on the stool. The Sorting Hat stood quiet, and when it spoke again it had the same chant of when he had sung the song.

"You may think I'm easy to fool young student,

but this to think is so imprudent.

For I'm the Sorting Hat, and you cannot hide,

What your heart and mind are trying to deny."

The twin started to laugh heartily and McGonagall chased him down, everyone in the Great Hall was laughing, the twins had switched under the Sorting Hat, trying to fool him clearly failing.

-I can't believe it!! Never, I mean NO ONE. - Was shouting Professor McGonagall. - Has ever deserved a detention, even before being sorted!!!. -

-It's a honour then! - Said George Weasley bowing. The nostrils of Professor McGonagall were so dilated that the Great Hall once again fell under the silence scared that she might had cast a curse on them all, glueing their lips. The twins both were sorted in Gryffindor, and when got to sit at their table Verity bit the fist to Fred.

-Did you really need to do that? - Asked them their brother Percy.

-You should be thanking us! We have already been recognized, now all the school who is the cool brother, and who is the lame one. - Percy's face got red, and sank in the bench.

The last to be sorted was Stella Williams, who ended up in Slytherin, Verity stood up for a moment and saw that Wendy's face was really disappointed in that, she then sat down and an old man, with a hooked nose,  a long white beard, and a pair of half-moon glasses approached the reading desk at the center of the room: the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

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