House Ceremony

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The next morning Fred was the first one to reach the Hospital Wing and when George and Wendy arrived too, the explained to Verity everything that happened in the month she was out. She listened unbelieving to what has happened.

-So you managed to get into the Restricted Section.. find the curse.. face Rackepick? - She looked at them. - And that for me..? -

Wendy was about to answer but Fred damped down as usual.

-Well not just for you.. - But saying that he blushed once again, and Verity who noticed that blushed too.

The next week the atmosphere in school was heavy, as the 5th year students were taking their O.L.W.s in the Great Hall, and given what had just happened nobody was doing it lightly. And as soon as the O.W.L.s were terminated the Great Hall started to be adorned for the feast of the end of the year. The banners weren't adorned with a particular house, but they were blue smoke, with a giant "H" in the middle.

-Who do you reckon won the House cup? - Asked Fred as they were sitting at the table. Verity shredded her shoulder, not knowing what to answer, given the fact that she has been knocked out for a whole month if she didn't understand how House points worked before, she couldn't hope to understand them now.

Everyone sat down at their own table, and so did the Professors, Verity noticed that the 7th years student were particularly numbed, she turned to see Wendy sat at the Ravenclaw table and waved to say hi. Dumbledore waited for the rumours to stop, than got up and walked to the lectern.

-Good morning students. We've achieved another end of the year, now as you can see the usual banners of the Winning House, have been substituted with the Hogwarts banners. Let me explain you why. - He paused a moment, as to consider if what he was about to say at the students was the right thing to do. - Many of you, I trust, have noticed that our teaching staff is missing a Professor; Professor Rackepick is no longer with us, because she has been discovered to be working with the Dark Wizard Thorfinn Rowle. -

Dumbledore gave the students a minute to take in the new, as a new deal of rumours was filling the Hall.

-I know, I know you're all shocked. Now please.. let me go on with the story. She was at Hogwarts to try to eliminate all the muggle-borns, and half-blood students, who if you have noticed have been the only one attacked. We were able, luckily, to stop her in time, but unfortunately a Gryffindor student crossed her wand before we could arrived. -

Another deal of murmurs filled the Hall.

-Her name was Rowan Khanna, she was supposed to take take her N.E.W.T.s this year.. but unfortunately she will never get the chance. -

Verity noticed that the same numbed Gryffindors, were now crying in silence. Dumbledore spoke about Rowan, how she was kind, and brave, a loyal friend, and then asked everyone to observed a moment of silent for her.

-For this reason no one this year is the House Cup winner, in respect of our departed friend. - The Great Hall exploded in a burst of clapping, except for the Slytherin table which was filled with dissenting rumours.

-But just for your information, Slytherin would have won the House Cup this year.. so Congratulation Slytherin. -

The Slytherin table cheered and clapped for a second, but Dumbledore asked once again respect.

-Now. Let's dig in our last meal together and then the carriage will be here outside to bring you to Hogsmeade station. -

Everyone ate, and after Dumbledore speech the atmosphere was a little lighter, after lunch they all went to their respective common rooms to grab their trunks and bags, and went outside to the carriages.

Fred, George, Verity and Wendy loaded their trunks on the carriage, and then sat waiting for departure.

-It's crazy isn't it? What happened this year? - Asked George.

-You bet. - Replied Wendy.

-You what I was thinking George? - Said the twin to his brother, George turned to look at Fred and noticed he had his look when something was up. - Well, when we were eavesdropping outside the Great Hall, we had to move away from the door and we missed half of the conversation. So, I was thinking.. we should invent some device that allows us to eavesdrop even from far away.. comfortably in our room. -

George weighted it up for a second, than started to nod.

-That genius Fred! Like... a pair of ears! You know like that muggle game with cups and wires?! -

-I was thinking exactly the same thing.. we could call them.. -

-Extendable ears - They said together, and then gave each other a high five.

-You two are going to get in so much trouble in your life! - Said Verity laughing.

When they arrived to Hogwarts they reached the Hogwarts Express, and occupied a carry by themselves. As they were travel back to London they enchanged address and promised to remain in contact all the summer, until the next year.

They talked about what they were expecting from the next year, and what has been they favourite part of this one.

-I like so much the Valentine's Day Ball!! - Said Verity.

-Oh and remember when Badeea Ali casted that star charm all over the Ravenclaw tower?? Flitwick was black with anger! -

They laughed and when the King's Cross station approached they barely even had noticed, they all got down the train and looked around to search for their parents.

Molly Weasley made her way through the crowd and reached her son, she kissed them on the cheeks so many times.

-Mom please..!! - Said George trying to get away from his mother's grasp, turning red.

-Oh Fred, George! I've heard what happened to that poor Gryffindor girl! - She said starting to cry and hugging their children. - If that have been you I don't know what I would have.. I would have.. - She sighed.

-Yes but we're here mom! Safe and sound. - Said Fred.

-Verity dear hello!! - She said starting to kiss Verity as well.

Wendy walked across the station, and ran to hug her grandparents, Marian and Robin who were waiting there for her.

-Hi Dear! - Said Marian. - How was your year? -

-Intense! - She said laughing.

-Grans, these are my friends, Fred and George Weasley and she's Verity Alson. - They all shook hands introducing theirselves, Marian and Robin asked Verity about her house and how come she hadn't been put in Ravenclaw, and she laughed about the fact that she was way too forgetful and impulsive to end up in Ravenclaw.

Verity that looked around and saw Ray and Lucinda looking for her, she ran towards her and hugged them.

-Jennifer! How was your year? Have you made any friends? - Asked Ray.

-Yes! Come I introduce them to you.. -

Ray and Lucinda introduced them selves to Fred, George and Wendy, and then to their parents. Mr Weasley when found out they were Muggles without any magical power became crazy with questions, and when Lucinda told him when she was younger her job was the rice-collected he almost forced her to do it at King's Cross station, by conjuring a rice plant.

Lucinda, Ray and Verity started to head towards the car to go home, she greeted her friends and swore to write to them. When they were in the car Verity told her grans everything that happened that year, including her being petrified, even if she left out the detail that she could have died.

-That sounds pretty scary.. are you sure you want to go back next year? - Asked Lucinda concerned.

-I have to... It feels like home. -

And the car drove back to London, carrying a young witch unaware of all the challenges and unexpected event she was going to face.

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