The Valentine's Day Ball

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Verity regretted to have had a go with Wendy around Christmas, she wished they could have spent the first Christmas at Hogwarts the four of them together, instead January passed by and so did February and Wendy still didn't want to talk to her. The first week of February they found a notice hanged in the notice board: "Valentine's Day Ball".

All the Gryffindor students were huddling in front of the board reading the note, the girls letting out squeaks of joy grinning about who they wish they'd be invited from, and the boys letting out annoying snorts.

-Are you going? - Asked Verity to Fred.

-Of course not. I'm not the kind of Valentine's ball.. - He shredded and move away from the board to talk to Angelina Johnson.

Verity watched him talk and for a moment she wished he had invited her, but then she flushed that thought out of her mind thinking it was wrong they were friends, just friends. The notice had appeared in the Ravenclaw notice board as well, and Wendy was reading it sided by all her fellow Ravenclaws.

-Are you going to the Ball? - Asked Roger Davis. Wendy flinched and turn to look at him.

-I don't know.. I don't even know if someone's gonna ask me to... -

In that moment an explosion behind them happened, the whole Ravenclaw house turned to see a rain of stars invading the common room. Everyone looked around trying to understand where the rain was coming from, and they saw the tip of the wand of Badeea Ali still brighting, she was crying with her hands covering her face after her boyfriend Andre Egwu had invited her to the ball.

-I mean do she even have to do all this fuss? They are together... of course he would have invited her, wouldn't he? - Said Wendy stiffly to Roger.

The doors of the Ravenclaw's common room opened to reveal a seriously angry Professor Flitwick almost running inside the tower.

-What happened???- He sqeaked, and looking around at the star rain he acknowledged the situation. -Who cast this??? -

-I did Sir... - Answered Badeea Ali. - You see.. My boyfriend here have just asked me to the Valentine's Ball. -

-I did Sir.. - Replied Andre Egdwu smiling softly to Badeea, who was looking at him charmed.

-I don't care for a second the reason!!! - Squeak Professor Flitwick in even a higher voice. - You get detention. Both of you. You need to clean up this mess, up to bottom. Without magic. - And without adding anything else he left the tower.

On Valentine's Day all the Great Hall had been changed and adorned, there were only two tables instead of four, siding the walls with red and white plates, flowers and enchanted Mushroom Muffins. The Professors table had also been removed and had been conjured a small piece of lawn, with tiny pink and blue flowers, above it had also been hung a portrait representing Laverne de Montmorency the first inventor of Love Potions sided by her Unicorn.

That night all the students were excited about the ball, and at least for that night it seemed to have lifted the spirits around the school, and made forgotten the recent events. All the Professors were present and were all adorned and dressed up even Hagrid, the gatekeeper, seemed to have found a moment to comb his hair.

Fred, George and Verity decided to go to the feast to eat and have a fun night, even if nobody really had a date. When they entered the Great Hall they found a bunch of couples dancing and eating one in front of the others grinning.

-That's embarrassing.. I would never do that.. - Said George, and strolled towards a Mushroom Muffins tower to grab a few.

Fred and Verity moved towards another Mushroom Muffin tower and grab a few their own, Verity followed Fred's stare and noticed he was looking at Angelina Johnson all dressed up in a crimson dress.

-Why didn't you asked her out, if you like her? - Asked Verity, Fred moved his stare suddenly and looked at her.

-Because I don't like her.. - And he put the Muffin all at once inside his mouth, making it clear he didn't want to answer any further question.

In that precise moment Wendy entered the Great Hall, with her arm wrapped around Roger Davis's, Fred nudged at Verity beckoning towards their friend. George reached them in that moment with still his mouth full of Muffin.

-Did you.. umps... know? - He said chomping. -She was com..g? -

-No.. I didn't.. - Said Verity sadly, she wished her and Wendy had time to have a girls talk about Roger Davis and how she asked her out, about how she would have wanted to be invited by Fred, and how she was so sure about the fact that Wendy would have told her to invite him herself. She smiled seeing Wendy and waved in her direction, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Wendy gently waving back, but then moving along with Roger to eat something.

The musical group engaged for the ball began to play and all the students moved on the piece of grass to have a ball, even some Professors dabbled theim selves, like Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

-Honestly.. they stick together as the marmalade with bricks.. - Said Fred to no one in particular.

-Do you think? - Laughed Verity.

-Of course!! They seemed like a couple of old cousins whose parents have forced to be friends. - They laughed at the thought of Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore parents forcing them to dance together.

-They'd need a love potion... as half of the people in this room would.. - Said George.

-It would be a fair business you know? - Said his brother. - We really should think about produce this stuff, the girls would go mad to buy one. -

-Would you buy one Verity? - Asked George grinning.

-Do you think I need one? - Verity asked offended.

-Okay.. this a dangerous zone. We better end it here George. - Said Fred.

-I'll pretend this conversation never happened... - And she sighed deeply rolling her eyes. - Why don't we move on the dance floor? -

-You mean the dance lawn - Laughed Fred.

They moved to where the other students where dancing and had a great time that night, the danced stupidly and the twins at a certain point pretended to be in love with each other starting to pretend to kiss theirselves and saying sentences not very suitable but unleashing the laughs of all the students around. Professor McGonagall throw them out but she was red with rage when they managed to enter again the Great Hall ten minutes later and enchanted the group band to play a funeral march instead of the honeyed songs.

They had to leave at that point, and as they went out Verity had her eyes filled with tears from McGonagall reaction.

-You always have to make you recognised, don't you? - She asked them as they were running towards the Gryffindor tower.

-It wouldn't be funny otherwise! - Replied George.

It was a beautiful night and Verity's heart lifted thinking about Wendy's reaction, she knew in her heart they would have made up, but not soon enough, because what was going to happen in Hogwarts would have keep them apart for a while.

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