Lumos Maxima

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The next morning everyone in Hogwarts was awoke and spry early in the morning, as everyone was eager to begin their first week at Hogwarts. As soon as the sun entered through the windows and hit the four-posters beds, the curtains opened magically telling the students it was time to get ready, the dormitories were full of voices as everyone started to get in their robes. The prefects guided back the students in the Great Hall, were they would have enjoyed breakfast, and been given their tame tables for the semester. Wendy entered the Great Hall and saw Stella at the Slytherin table talking to another girl of her house, so she decided to join Fred, George and Verity at the Gryffindor table.

-Mornin' - She said sitting down.

-You're not much of an early bird, are you? - Asked George seeing the look on her face.

Professor McGonagall was walking between the tables giving the students their time tables, with the lessons of the first semester.

-Miss Alson, Miss Boardman, Gentlemen. - She said handing out four papers. -I take this opportunity of group, to inform you that I expect you two in my office tonight, to be assigned of your detention. -

Wendy and Verity laughed under their nose, as the twins departed in a serie of disgraced looks.

-Detention?? - Said Fred. - For what?! -

- Do you need to be remembered of the Neapolitan melodrama, that you and your brother put on yesterday night at the Sorting Ceremony? I believe not. - She watched over them, hair to feet, with her fuming nostril. - Never in more than two-hundred years, the Sorting Ceremony had been disrespect like the other night. I'll wait for you in my office tonight. Five o'clock. - And without adding anything else she set off.

-I think we all enjoyed the show. - Comforted Verity the twins. - At least I did. -

-Yeah me too. - Confirmed Wendy.

The twins seemed a lot more happy after the girls had praised them, and felt more ready to face the day. They all started to consult the time table.

-We have charms together. - Said Wendy.

-Yeah.. but then we have Transfiguration with Slytherins... - Said a little disgusted George.

-Verity transfiguration is.. -

-Oh I know what it is! - Verity interrupted Wendy. - I know it because it's the reason why they found out I'm a witch. When I was little I accidentally transfigured, some vegetables, into chocolate. - Again Wendy felt that rage increasing.

-That's awesome. Why didn't we think about that??? - Asked Fred to George, who simply shook his shoulders.

-So.. Shall we? - Asked Wendy to the group trying to distract herself from the rage that was now disappearing.

They all got up, and started to head towards the Charm's class, which was located on the third-floor, it  had three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, behind which sat a large upholstered chair with a high back. Professor Flitwick, was expecting the class at the top of a books pile, the class started to sit down at the desks around the pile.

-Good morning students, get in, get in! - Said Professor Flirwick with his tiny little voice.

-Goodmorning Professor! - Replied all at once the studends. Fred, George, Wendy and Verity sat all together in the same row.

-Welcome in Charm class, in this class you will be taught how to pronounce correctly spells, and how to move properly your wand. Now please subdivide yourself into groups. -

Wendy, Verity and the twins looked at each other and nodded.

-The first charm we're going to see today, is something very simple - Went on Flitwick, enchanting the chalk to write on the chalkboard. - Lumos. - His wand lighted up at once on the tip. He showed the wand at the class followed by a lot of "ooh" and "ahh".

-Nox. - The light disappeared. - It's a very simple spell, but it will give you a taste of how magic works. The wand is just a channel, what you need to do is to channel off your energy into it. Now please take out your quills and copy the movement and pronunciation down on your notebook.-

The class copied the notes written on the chalkboard in silence than Professor Flitwick showed off the charm to the class once again, then asked to the groups of trying to do the incantation. Since it was a very simple spell all the students with at least a wizard in the family, performed it with not much of an effort.

-I can't do this... - Said Verity at the third attempt discouraged seing the twins and Wendy, lighting on and off their wands. -Maybe I'm not a Witch...-

-Of course you are.. - Reassured her George.

Everyone looked at each other not sure how to help Verity. Wendy was the first to talk.

-Try to think about your energy as something solid, visualize it. See its shape, its color, see it moving through the wand..-

Verity closed her eyes concentrating, Fred, George and Wendy looked at her holding their breath. Then Verity opened her eyes.

-Lumos- She said, and the tip of her wand lighted up. -LOOK I DID IT!! Thanks Wendy!!-

-You really are a Ravenclaw- Complimented her Fred. Wendy shrugged but was clearly complaesed by that comment.

After Charm class, the Gryffindors went to have Transfiguration while the Ravenclaw headed for History of Magic with the Hufflepuff. They all re-united for the lunch-break, in the Great Hall. In the afternoon they joined their first Potion class with professor Piton, who taught them how to brew a Cure for Boils potion. The twin, in a rush to finish it, ended up in producing the exact contrary. They produced a potion which smoke caused boils to sprout on Verity's face. Piton removed 10 points from Gryffindor and sent her in the Hospital Wing, Wendy offered to show her the way.

-How is your family? - Wendy asked, finally alone with Verity.

-Well..- She started not so sure where to begin. - I never got to know my biological prents... I was brought up by my grandparents... I'm really fond of them, actually I adore them... -

-Do you ever feel like... you want to know about your true parents? Why didn't they want you?-

-Sometimes I do.. a little part of me is curious obviously. But at the end of the day, I don't. - Verity thought for a moment, she didn't know if it was the right thing to answer. - What about your family..?-

-Well... it's.. unique-

-What do  you mean? -

-I was brought up by my grandparents too. Because my father was never at home.. - Verity thought about what Fred told her, regards Wendy's father. - And my mum... she's ill, so she can't take care of me... -

-Woah.. that's horrible.. and what about Stella?-

-We have been friends since primary school... she's really my dearest friend.. -

-I have a friend too at home, well I don't know if I still have one.. -

-Why not?-

-She got really mad at me when I had my letter... of course I didn't tell her where I was going, I told her I had been accepted in a foreign school, she claimed I should have declined the offer and stayed there with her... -

-Wow.. she sounds like a toxic friend. - Confirmed Wendy.

The girls talking and walking reached the hospital wing, where they got to know Madam Pomfrey who after looking at Verity's boils swinged her wand at once, making them disappear.

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