The End of The Year

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Wendy remained silent, iced on the spot with Rackepick's wand in her hand. They looked up at the castle where several lights where lighting, someone must had heard or seen something, and they were coming to the rescue. Fred with his wand still lit move closer to the Gryffindor girl's body laying on the ground.

-What do we do? - Asked Fred.

Nobody answered, they were all too shocked to speak, he watched silently George getting up from the ground and catching his wand. They heard a rustle behind them and turned to see Hagrid, the gatekeeper with his pink umbrella drawn out pointing towards the dark, Thor the dog behind him.

-What happened her? - He asked panting.

-We... Professor Rackepick.. - Started Wendy looking at the wand in her hands.

-Professor Rackepick what? Is that a body? - Gasped Hagrid. -Oh God I must run an call Professor Dumbledore! - He started to pace up and down, shocked by the view of the girl not knowing exactly what to do.

-That won't be necessary Hagrid.. I'm here. - A calm voice behind him interrupted Hagrid's pacing, everyone turned to see Dumbledore's beard in the moonlight. -I want you please to escort Miss Boardman, and Mr Weasleys to the Hospital wing.. -

Without adding anything else, and feeling that the situation was already serious as it was without questions, they followed Hagrid up back to the castle, and to the Hospital wing. As they entered they expected to be assaulted my Madam Pomfrey cares as usual, but instead they only faced a concerned Professor McGonagall.

-What on earth have you three been doing?? - She rushed towards them, analysing their arms, heads and clothes. - Are you hurt? No, not deadly at least. What happened. -

They all looked at each other as to decide if to they had to tell straightaway to McGonagall or to wait for Dumbledore.

-I think Professor Dumbledore wants us to wait for him.. - Said in a low voice Wendy.

-Ah. Very well never mind. Just be sure that you've just earned an entire month of detention. Or maybe two.. or three. -

-Professor.. The school will end in 2 two weeks. - Said Fred.

-This means Mr Weasley that your detention will be extended to the next year. -

Wendy and George nudged Fred in the ribs, signalling him to stop talking. A great noise of creeping door made them turn, to see a furious Dumbledore entering the room. Even though his eyes let out fire, his voice was tender and calm as usual.

-Who wants to explain what happened? - He asked to nobody in particular but looking at Wendy, and at the wand she was grasping. - That is not your wand Miss Boardman, am I right? -

-No Professor it isn't.. -

-Very well.. please.. catch me up. - he conjured a chair in front of where the three where sit and crossed his arms and legs.

Wendy started to tell him about how they discovered casually the curse when Verity had been attacked, she said that they got involved because she was their friend, and that they wanted to help. Wendy had the sensation tho that Dumbledore already knew everything, as if he managed to read her mind. She told him about seeking Professor Rackepick's help, because they thought she would have helped them, but then how everything felt weird with her. She told him about they accidentally figured what the statue was, here Wendy tried with all her strength not to think about the map, but she knew somehow Dumbledore saw it in her mind, but since he didn't ask, she didn't say.

She told that they thought Madam Rackepick had been given the wrong information by a Gryffindor student, and so that they try to reach in the Forbidden Forest but that when they reached out to her, they heard a conversation, and an unforgivable curse.

-Then we knew... it was her all along - Said Wendy. - She attacked us.. so we tried to defend ourselves.. - Professor McGonagall let out a high-pitch squeak.

Dumbledore remained silent for another minute than got up.

-Very well... I see. Well first of all of course you should have never got involved in this situation from the beginning, but on the other hand if you hadn't maybe now your friends would have been dead, since Madam Rackepick gave us a completely different version of the situation. - He pause for a minute looking at the wand.

-Now, when you disarmed Madam Rackepick in the forest doing it full-power and intentionally, you changed the loyalty of the wand towards yourself.. so now you are able to control it, and also to break the curse Miss Boardman. -

Wendy goggled her eyes to Fred and George who looked at her startled.

-Of course you don't have the skills right now to do produce such a counter-curse, you would only risk to hurt yourself and your friends. So now please, stay still as I change the loyalty of the wand once again. -

He drew out his wand from under his robes and pointed to Wendy, who took a step back instinctively.

-Don't worry Miss Boardman, it's a simple disarming spell. Expelliarmus!-

The wand once again flew out of Wendy's hands right into Dumbledore's, who headed straight for the beds where five figures were laying. Nobody had noticed until then, too shocked about what happened that night, but Madam Pomfrey hadn't come to rescue, because she had been attacked too, and now she was on a bed right next to Molly Davies.

-Of course... when she left the Great Hall, she must have looked at the statue.. - Said George.

-That's right Mr Weasley. And do you know who asked that briefing to be kept? - Asked Dumbledore gently.

-Rackepick.. - Said Wendy with tight teeth.

-Exactly. Now.. please stand back. -

He moved right in front of Verity's bed, he pointed his wand at her and concentrate for a moment.

-Nullus Lapis! - For a moment nothing happened than, slowly Verity's feet started to become colored again, the transformation then moved on to the legs, and then chest and head.

-FRED! - Verity's voice flooded the room. She sat up in the bed panting, and looked to the faces staring at her. -I'm sorry.. I think that was the last thing I was trying to say. - She said blushing.

-How do you feel Miss Alson? - Asked Professor Dumbledore.

-I'm feeling well thanks.. but.. what happened? - She asked more to Fred, George, and Wendy than the others.

-I'm sure your friends will be more than delighted to catch you up.. but tomorrow morning. Now you need to rest... And so do them. - He said looking at Fred, George and Wendy raising an eyebrow.

Fred, George and Wendy hugged Verity who needed to stay in the Hospital Wing for the night, and than started heading for their towers, as they were about to leave, Wendy stopped dead on the door with a question in her mind.

-Professor.. ?-

Dumbledore turned on his spot to look at her.

-What about that Gryffindor girl.. what will happen to her? -

Dumbledore smiled sadly.

-That is a very heavy and sad story, you had enough sorrow and concerns for tonight. Good night. -

Wendy understood that wasn't the time to ask any further question.

-Good night Professor. -

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