The Forbidden Forest

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- Come on! There's nothing we can do now! Let's go before someone starts asking us questions.. - Said Wendy.

The three of them disappeared once again behind ... portrait, and they headed once again for the lake. They sat crossed leg under a tree, and for a minute or two nobody talked, they felt like they couldn't prevent it from happening, their plan had failed even if they had located the statue and the criteria, students were still transformed into stone, and clock was ticking for Verity.

-What do we do? - Asked Wendy after a long silence.

-I don't know.. - Said George.

-Should we talk to Madam Rackepick? About what we discovered? - Ask Fred to Wendy. - I don't think she knows about the statue otherwise she would have stopped Molly.. -

-Yeah you're right.. Began Wendy. - Yeah we must talk to her.. but after tonight. I've heard this morning that Professors are getting reunited in the Great Hall to discuss the situation.. we need to go there and listen to them! -

So that night they got back to their common rooms, and when everyone was busy rather in sleeping on in studying, the twins slythered out the Fat Lady portrait, and went to catch up with Wendy. They then moved together to the Great Hall, they got closer to the doors and heard the Professors whispering.

-What do we do now.. it's clear that somebody is trying to getting rid of all the non-pure blood students. -

-That's Mc Gonagall! They know the criteria too!- Said Wendy whispering.

-I reckon we should stay with them all the day long. - Said Professor Sprout. - Walk them to class, back to the Towers.. -

-But that way we will never be able to discover who's behind the attacks... if the attacker sees us with the children he'll never act.. - Pointed out Professor Flitwick.

There was a moment of silence, so tense that even the twins and Wendy held their breaths too. After what seemed like an eternity Dumbledore himself spoke.

-Madam Pomfrey I want you to go and take care of our students... your help is requested way more there than here... -

-Thank you Professor..-

She got up from the chair and her fast footsteps became louder and louder as she got closer to the door.

-Come on! Quick! - Said George.

They moved from the big Oak doors and hid in a mop closet, they waited to hear Madam Pomfrey get away. They slowly came out and put once again a ear to the door.

- So this is your opinion of the situation Professor Rackepick?-

-We lost the whole conversation!! - Said Fred angrily.

-Looks like Rackepick explained to Dumbledore what we told her! Listen.. -

-Absolutely Professor... I see no other reason. A Gryffindor student reported to me what I am telling you.. -

Dumbledore said nothing, and Wendy imagined him on he other side of the door with his hand crossed on his mouth studying Professor Rackepick over the half-moon glasses.

-Well it's settled than! - He said after a while. - All the students must remain inside the towers this weekend until we catch this wizard. Professors you must stay at watch of your towers... Professor Rackepick you must be of guard in the Forbidden Forest... -

The three friends outside the door looked at eachother startled.

-What?- said Fred.

-The Forbidden Forest? - Repeated Wendy. -But that's not where she's supposed to be. She spoke with someone else... we need to reach her, and tell her what we know.. -

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