The Enchanted Parchment

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The next day during breakfast Fred, George and Verity glanced at each other thinking at the parchment they stole the night before from Filch office.

-Repeat me again how did you grab it. -

-When we were in there to get the detention, we saw a drawer behind him named "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous". - Began George.

-Why. If it said "Highly Dangerous" you read "Highly enjoyable" ?? - Asked Verity.

-Professonial bias. - Said Fred full of himself.

-And so... we decided to open it. I created the diversive and BOOM, grabbed it. - Explained George.

-How do you know it's not something dangerous? - Asked Verity perplexed pointing at Fred's robes.

-How can it be?-

-Because it was in a drawer named Confiscated and Highly Dangerous!!-

-I don't see your point... -

-Anyway - Went on Verity exhausted. - Do you even know what that is? -

-Well we've thought about it... we reckon it's a sort of Enchanted Parchment... we think it might contain some crucial information... maybe about Hogwarts itself. - Explained George.

-Did you manage to make it do something? - Asked curious Verity.

-No not yet, but we're planning to meet this afternoon after class, in the library and do some researches. - Said Fred. - Wanna come? - He said smirking too much, well aware that the risk and excitement was turning on Verity.

-We should call Wendy.- The three of them turned to look at the Ravenclaw's table were Wendy was talking again with the guy of the first day. - I mean we were with her.. I think she might be interested in it. -

-Yeah you're right.. - Confirmed George. -And more, we might use a mind like hers. -

After breakfast they waited on purpose for the Ravenclaw students to get up, then they reached up to Wendy, Verity grabbed her robes pulling her back.

-Hey!! ... Oh hi! It's you. -

-Yeah we wanted to ask you something. - Wendy nodded to say she was listening. - After class today we're meeting in the library to play with the new thing - She winked. - Wanna come? -

Wendy ponderated a minute than smile.

- Yeah ok sure... I'm curious after all! -

- Great see you there! -

Wendy thought it was incredible that someone had just invited her to spend some time together not to talk about her father, but because she was creating her own memories. She moved towards lessons with her heart much lighter that morning, and with a huge smile stamped on her face. It was the first day they had no subjects in common, at least until the night when they would have take Astronomy class, so every time they met in the corridors they glanced at each other with really hyped up looks. When that afternoon the last class finally ended, they all rushed towards the library, and slowed down only when the door that headed to Madam Pince's kingdom was ahead. They waited there for each other and when they were all together, they entered the room quietly and searched for a table quite hidden from the rest. They sat down and Fred placed the parchment on the center of the table. Wendy took it in her hands, and looked at it curiously.

-What should we do now? - She asked after studying it for a while.

-Well... we don't know... - Said George.

- Where do we start? - Asked Verity.

- We don't know that either... - Went on Fred.

Wendy sighed, got up and headed for Madam Pince. The others looked at the two talking and then at Wendy coming back with a book in her hands. She placed it at the center of the table and started to browse through the pages.

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