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The next day Fred, George, Verity and Wendy faced the lessons without too much energy since they were all already thinking about the detention they would have faced that very evening.

-At least we're all together, aren't we? - Asked Wendy.

-No offence, but I'd rather be all together in Diagon Alley - Pointed out Fred.

-What you think he'll make us do? - Asked Verity.

-I don't know.. something about care taking the castle I guess, he's the caretaker isn't he? - Replied George.

-Fair enough. -

After an intese morning of Herbology down at the greenhouses where Professor Sprout launched herself in a extended explanation of the Devil Snare, and where Alicia Spinnet managed to obtain 10 points for Gryffindor for replying correctly when Professor Sprout asked the class who knew where the Devil Snare was first discovered, and Wendy gained other 10 points for Ravenclaw for knowing that the Devil Snare feared the sun light, they headed for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, with Professor Kellinghall. Defence Against the Dark Arts was the other class that Ravenclaw and Gryffindors shared a part from Charms, and the common classes like Flying, and Astronomy.

-Good Morning students. - Said Professor Kennighall while the students were about to sit, Wendy sat next to Verity before Fred and George. - For those of you who don't know me, I'll be your teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts, in this class you'll learn how to protect yourself from the dark arts, from curses, and jinxes. -

Professor Kellinghall was a tall man, with a long white goatee, and a purple hat with a plum which he wore upside down.

-What we are going to do today is trying to learn the Knockback Jinx, so now if you all would please open your book , The Dark forces: A Guide to Self-Protection to page 56 we may begin. - A ruffling filled the air, while everyone started to search for the book in the backpacks, and then to browse it. Verity opened her book, and when she arrived at the page indicated by the Professor she read the title "Flipendo - The Knockback Jinx".

-So the first thing you need to know, as you can read in your books, is that this jinx can be used to knock the target backwards. While prominently used for , it can also be used to push heavy objects. -

Wendy and Verity took out their quills starting to scribble everything, and sometimes they glanced behind them at the twins, noticing that they were swinging on the chairs without paying too much attention.

-Aren't you two taking notes?? - Wendy told them off.

-We are naturals! - Said George.

- Now if you all please look here I'll show you the jinx, and after you copied the wand movement you'll have to try. - Professor Kellinghall stood before a huge marble block that he had just conjured in the middle of the classroom, he drawn out his wand and faced it.

-Flipendo! - The block as hit by something very heavy sided backwards, it was immediately followed by a series of "ooh". Everyone started to copy the wand movement that professor Kennighall had drawn on the chalkboard, and then after a quick exercise with their wands to memorise it, they all queued before the marble block ready to cast the spell. First was a Ravenclaw girl who didn't managed to move the block, next went a Ravenclaw boy who obtained a little movement, next it was the turn of Fred and George who both managed to move the block.

They passed behind Verity and Wendy, who were the next in line.

-How did you do that? - Murmured Wendy.

-Told you we're naturals. - Said Fred winking and blowing on the tip of his wand as to emulate a gun.

-Next please! - Called professor Kellinghall and Verity stepped forward. At first she was afraid she was going to do the same bad impression as she did during Charms, but then she started to look at the marble block and felt her energy flowing through her wand, without even realising it, she moved her wand and the block moved backwards, even further than when it has been hit by Fred and George.

-Uuh.. we've a talent here. - Said Professor Kellinghall. - You're a natural. - Verity went back in line blushing, next in line was Wendy who managed to move backwards the block with a great energy too.

-Are you going to steal our spotlight? - Fred and George teased Verity when she reached them.

When the lesson finished that afternoon they all went in the respective dormitories to leave their robe, when they re-joined in the common room Verity noticed that Fred was ambushing something quickly in his pocket. They met with Wendy and set off for Filch's office, to face their detention. When they arrived they knocked and the voice of the old caretaker rang on the other side.

-Come in. - He said dry, and without any emotion. - Well well, three Gryffindors.. this is not a surprise. Always messing around, believing we're the owner of the castle are we? And what do we have here? A Ravenclaw.. this is a surprise.. well I don't care which house you're in, you'll receive the same treatment. You little scoundrels tonight will have to polish the statues, of this corridor, and without using magic. Only your beautiful, mess-maker hands. -

The four looked at each-other surprised by the hate the care taker seemed to nourish naturally towards the students. They turned on their hills and armed with buckets and sponges they left the room. They started to polish the statues along the corridor, some were famous witches and wizards, other again where Celtic creatures that were studied at Hogwarts. Nobody talk who what it seemed an endless time, maybe because everyone was in a rush to finish the sooner as possible.

-Ok we've done enough - Said Fred and George approaching the girls on the other side of the corridor.

-What do you mean? Have you already finished? - Asked Wendy.

-More or less.. but we're getting bored so we decided to animate a bit the situation, with this - Fred opened his hand and inside was a little ball, like a tennis ball, but lightly smaller and brown.

-What's that? - Asked Verity.

-It's a Dungbomb. - Said George proudly. - Wanna see how it works? -

Fred launched the Dungbomb on the other side of the corridor, just near Filch's office, it exploded with a roar and then all the corridor started to fill up with a thick almost yellow smoke, which smelled no good. The twins bursted out laughing, and so did Verity and Wendy as the caretaker was going out from his office and walking quickly towards them with his nose capped.

-Who launched that??? - Said Mr. Filch very agitated as if his heart was going to explode, as so was the vein on his forehead. Fred and George raised her hands innocently.

-You have your hands dirty you little scoundrel. You two! My office. Now. I'm going to give you another detention. - And he sat off without waiting for Fred and George murmuring something about dungeons, and chains.

The twins vanished inside the caretaker's office, and Verity and Wendy finished their duty with the statues. They were done and ready to give back the tools when another roar exploded in the caretaker office, and some yellow smoke was coming from the door.

Filch came out coffing and holding his nose once again, George was over him.

-I'm sorry Mr. Filch! I totally forgot I had that in my pocket!! - But he was clearly laughing. Fred came out a second late.

-GO AWAY!!! GO TO YOUR DORMITORIES!! - The twins, Verity and Wendy set off for their towers leaving the caretaker to the yellow smoke, and as soon as they were out away from prying eyes, Wendy spoke.

-Fine, what did you take? -

-What you mean? - Asked George.

-I mean what did you take from his office.. that was clearly a diversion. -

The twins looked at each other pleased with them selves.

-You really are a Ravenclaw. - Said Fred smiling and taking out a parchment from his pocket.

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