The Dormitories

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The Headmaster's voice filled the room, Albus Dumbledore was for sure older than what he gave away, and was so massive even though he was just one person standing in front of thousand.

-Dear Students.. Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Before we begin we our delicious food, I must ask you to pay attention to some news: first of all, I beg you all to give your best welcome smile to our new professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts: Professor Kenninghall.

Everybody in the Great Hall clapped, Dumbledore kindly waited for the applause to finish then went on.

-I also need to remind you the most recent of the news: I trust that the older of you will remember what happened last year. -

-What happened last year?- Asked Verity low voice at the Gryffindor table.

-A Dark Wizard came to Hogwarts and attacked some students - Told her Charlie Weasley.

-But.. was he caught right????-

-I'm afraid I have to tell you the Dark Wizard who bothered us last year, has slipped from hand's autority. For this reason everyone, is strictly forbidden this year, more than ever, to leave the Hogwarts grounds. -

Everyone in the Great Hall murmured worried.

-But now please don't get too worried, let our banquet.. begin.-

Dumbledore clapped his hands and the plates that stood before the Hogwarts students which were until a moment earlier empty, were now full of food. There were french fries all piled on a tray, sausages, eggs, pudding, english soup, porridge, apple pie, and everything you may think of.

The Weasley brothers immediately jump to the food starting to eat, chatting with each other happily. Two girls who were sit a little bit distant form Verity, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Jonhson were already discussin the subject of Hogwarts, testing their tastes.

-What you think will be your favorite subject? - Asked Verity to the twins.

-I think mine will be... - Began George.

-The free time! - Concluded Fred, and then they both bursted out laughing, Verity noticed that Alicia and Angelina laughed too without too much convintion.

-Don't pay attention to them. - Began Bill. - They're not much of volenterosis students, I'm quite sure you'll love Defence Against the Dark Arts! -

Verity tried to get up just a little bit to have a look on the Ravenclaw's table, and managed to pick out Wendy talking to a Ravenclaw boy.

-I'm Roger Davis! - Said the boy to Wendy shaking her hand.

-Pleasure I'm Wendy. -

-Wendy and? -

-Just Wendy.- She said in a rush.

-Don't worry I know who you are. - Wendy almost strangled her self eating the soup. - But I get it, you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, we don't have to. I guess Ravenclaw really is your house given your family.. -

Wendy felt gratitude for Roger who understood the situation.

-Are you happy with the choice of the Sorting Hat?- She asked him.

-Very. I couldn't image myself in any other house, could you?-

-No, not really! -

-Did you come here with someone? Were are they?-

-Yeah I got to know some lots on the train, and they were all put in Gryffindors, and my bestfriend who was put in Slytherin... -

-Uhhh.. bad sign. - Said Roger eating a sausage.

-You say?- Asked Wendy a little bit concerned, considering the Sorting Hat choice for the first time.

-I mean.. it's Slytherin, isn't it? I'm just saying that it's the house with the highest percentage of bad guys. -

-Yeah but Stella isn't like that! - Said Wendy without asking herself if she really believed in what she was saying. -Stella is my bestfriend like since forever, I'm sure she's had been put in there because she's cunning, and ambitious.-

-You are the expert.- Said Roger continuing to eat.

After the dinner Albus Dumbledore asked the Prefects to escort the new students in their dormitories, they all went out from the Great Hall together, then the Slytherin went towards the entrance, the Hufflepuff followed a staircase that led under the Great Hall, Gryffindors Ravenclaws went up the Great Staircase, which was this huge staircase in the biggest tower of the castle, and Ravenclaws proceded towards the west isle of the castle, on their way to the Ravenclaws towers.

As they passed by Verity managed to see Wendy, and waved at her, who waved back.
The Ravenclaw tower was one of the tallest towers of the castle, and when Wendy reached it, she still couldn't believe she had been put into Ravenclaw. She felt just so right there, even if she still didn't see why Stella had been put into Slytherin, 'that's odd' she thought, she had been thinking about what Roger had said 'bad sign', but she shook her had to move that thought out of her head. They proceded up a spiral staircase, reaching the fifth floor.

She stopped like the others when her Prefect stopped in front of a door without no keyhole or handle, but just a doorknob with the shape of an eagle. The Perfect waited for all the Ravenclaws to gather around.

-All right. Gather around come on get closer. Don't be shy, you two on the back stop talking. Alright. - He paused once again making sure everyone was paying attention. -My name is Peter Fernsby, and I'll be your point of reference for all this year. Every question, whatever you need you may ask me. Now, as you can see behind me - He beckoned towards the door. -Out entrance has no keyhole nor handle, we are Ravenclaws, and this door only will open to true Ravenclaws, how do you get in..? You need to think. -

-What happens if we can't.... think? - Asked Roger Davis, the boy who Wendy was talking to at the dinner table.

-You sleep here, on the corridor, or you wait until someone get it right.-

-Get what right? - Asked Wendy.

-You'll see. - He turned his back to the first year students, and used the doorknob to knock three times on the wooden door. The eagle animated at once and began to talk:

I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?

Everyone started to murmur to each other, Wendy and Roger thought together.

-What's tall when young, and then get shorter? - Asked Roger.

-Maybe something that wears out.. - She thought for a moment. - A CANDLE! -She shouted in the silence of the others, and the door opened at once.

The room was circular with arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks and a midnight blue carpet covered in stars, which is reflected onto the domed ceiling. By the door leading up to the dormitories stands a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble. Peter explained to them where the relative dormitory would have been, the boys and girls separated exhausted from the day towards their bed.

The Gryffindor students were listening to their Prefect, Charlie Weasley while he explained how to get through the Fat Lady portrait, the door for Gryffindor common room.

-So we'll give you a Passoword, which will change once in a while... and if you don't remember it, or get it wrong you'll have to wait for someone who remembers it.. for example this week is venomous tentacula. The portrait at Charlie's back opened at once, and the students started to flow inside. The room was ornated with a red tapestry, with gold rifinitures, on their right stood a fireplace with fire already active, and a sofa with some chairs.
In front of them instead were the staircase that led to the dormitories. Verity greated the twins and headed for hers, where four-poster beds were waiting for her.

Both Verity and Wendy that night stood awake thinking at the long day they just had, both chewing over the things happened today. Just arrived at Hogwarts that very day their life was just getting started.

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