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Verity couldn't believe her eyes, in front of her stood this long avenue which was skirted by shops left and right. She made the first step in the Wizarding World and noticed that Mrs Weasley was already ahead of her smiling.

-Here you are Dear. Will you be okay? Do you have your letter?

-Yes, I have. Thank you Mrs Weasley. I'm sure I'll be fine now..

-Of course you'll be.. I said STOP IT!!!!!! - Just the time to get in, and the Weasley's twin were already trying to steal their brother Percy's wand to transfigure his glasses into a pair of spectraspects.

Mrs Weasley got away carrying the twins for their ears, red with rage. Verity started to look at the list, she then touched her pocket to which Professor McGonagall had added an unrecognisable extendable charm, and felt the bag of money she was given, from Hogwarts. She decided that she would have started from the simplest, and more familiar thing: books.

Wendy met her longtime friend Stella Williams in Diagon Alley, and they decided to go shopping together for Hogwarts, they bought their full-sized cauldron at Potage's Cauldron Shop, and their books at Flourish and Botts, and now all she was missing was a Magic wand. But when it was time to go to Ollivanders, Stella who already had her wand, decided to wait for her friend at Florean Fortrescue's Ice-cream.

Wendy got in and Mr. Ollivander, the notable wand maker, who was elucidating the counter.

-Good Morning Miss Boardman. Yeah I once knew your father, not by the way for the reason you think, I've given him his first wand long before he became Stubby Boardman the leader singer of Hobgoblins. When he walked through that door years ago, he was nothing more but a really frightened student.

-Yeah.. Good to know I guess.. - Ollivander looked a Wendy intrigued by the girl's answer, and then without saying anything more turned and started to look of the shelfs full of wands.

He picked one with Unicorn's hairs core and hawthorn's wood, he gave it to Wendy who wave it making Mr. Ollivander gillet swell.

-No no no! - He said trying to prevent his gillet to swell even more.

-I'm sorry!!! - Wendy replied, placing the wand carefully on the desk.

Mr Ollivander regained his search, and came up this time with a dragon heartstring and walnut wood. This time Wendy managed to explode the casher, and all the money flew on the ground. Mr Ollivander fastly took out his wand, and winged it.

-Reparo! Wingardium Leviosa! - The casher and the money turned where they stood at once.

He seemed thoughtful for a moment, then went towards the wands again. He proposed another wand to Wendy who took it in her hands, and immediately felt heat raising from feet to her hair, the light in the room flickered, and a gentle jolts happened between her hand and wand.

-Dragon heartstring, 14 1/4 inches, fir wood, reasonably supple. She will be very loyal to you, and you'll be a quick learner. Be careful to the dark arts by the way, cause she will try to tempt you.-.

-She? - Asked Wendy. - She like.. the wand?-

-Of course Miss. Boardman, it's the wand that chooses the wizard.-

Verity had extinguished her list, she had bought everything she needed except for the wand. Ollivander was not difficult to find, for it had these lare window-tube like protruding from it, and during her trip in Diagon Alley she could have sworn she had seen some fireworks coming from it.

When she approached the knob to pull it, she immediately stopped her hand to see that inside was already another girl, she could not see her face but only her long blonde hair. She didn't know why but felt that this should have been a very delicate and personal moment, so instead she took a step back and waited for the girl to finish.

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