The Architect of Hogwarts

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- Isabelle McLean?? - Asked startled George. - It's impossible. I'd just checked on her. -

Wendy's eyes broadened, she grasped the twin wrist and dragged them aside.

-You checked on her? - George nodded. - And what did you see? - Her and Fred where with their breath held as he was telling what he saw on the map.

-But this doesn't make sense... - I mean.. She only left the Great Hall, spoke to Madam Rackepick.. and then headed straight to the Ravenclaw Tower... -

-There are no statues on the way to the Ravenclaw Tower from the Great Hall.. - Said Fred a little bit disappointed.

-Of course there is! There is one. Don't you see? It's perfect.. - Wendy exclaimed excited.

-What? What is perfect??- Asked Fred, but Wendy was already flying once again in the Ravenclaw tower and then back out again changed in day clothes.

-What are you two doing still here? Come on! Quick go get changed. -

They rushed to the Gryffindor Tower where Fred and George got through the Fat lady portrait and came out some minutes later also changed in day clothes.

-Are you explaining to us now what's going on? - Asked George.

-Come take out the map! We must not be seen after the curfew. -

They watched on the map the position of the Professors, and then ran to the Great Hall, it was easy not to get caught given the situation everyone was both in the Hospital Wing and near the Ravenclaw Tower. When they reached the bottom of the stairs panting, Wendy pointed ahead of herself.

-There. -

The twins looked for a moment confused, and than realised, how come they hadn't realised sooner? It was easier than they had thought. Everyone who had been attacked had just left the Great Hall, of course, it was a perfect position for every target.

-How didn't we realise sooner? - Said Fred.

-The Statue of Horatio Hogwartus, architect of Hogwarts. - Said Wendy. -I think it's this one. That's the statue. I know it is. -

-We need to check.. we need to tak.. - George was talking a little bit too loud given the general excitement, and he stopped dead hearing a noise behind them. The three turned to look to see, dreading to find Mrs Norris, or Flitch, but nobody was there.

-We can't talk here.. we'll talk tomorrow somewhere private, and after the lessons we'll dedicate the weekend to figure out something. - Said Wendy.

They twins nodded, and then watching the map they headed once again to their common rooms. Nobody really could sleep that night, they all felt so close to the resolution yet so far away. Who was behind the attack?

The next day during their flying lessons Fred and George flew excellently as always, while Wendy who was even overthink about what happened the night before almost dropped from the broom. When they touched ground again, Madam Hooch called the twins to talk.

-Please. Please. - Said Wendy grabbing to their robes. -I need you.. Verity needs you. Don't get detention. -

-We can't make promises. - Said Fred grinning, and they start walking to Madam Hooch,  who was waiting for them at the center of the garden.

-I'll wait for you near the lake!- Wendy shouted behind them walking away.

She left her broom along with anyone's else, and she was about to leave when a  familiar voice called her.

-Verity needs you? - Stella Williams was approaching Wendy with her green silver robes slipping. - What now? Sentimental are we? -

-Is none of your.. actually you know what..? It is. What do you know of the Lapis Partum Curse? -

-The what? - Asked Stella taken aback from the change of subject.

-You've never heard of this Curse? -

-You're lucky if something like that exists.. it wouldn't be surprising to find out you invented something up. What is it? Missing the attention due to you father?-

Wendy hands dropped to the wand without thinking, she would have cursed her this time, but then she saw Fred and George coming jumping towards her.

-Wendy!! We have to tell you! - She felt the grasp around the wand getting softer.

-Madam Hooch believes we should do the tryouts for the Quidditch team next year. She thinks we have a shot! -

-Of what? To be embarrassing? For sure! - Said Stella grinning.

Fred blushed from his hands to the tip of his nose, but George luckily grabbed him by his robes dragging him away.

-Come on let's go. -

They walked towards the lake, it was a sunny not-too-hot day, perfect for being outside with friends if only their friend wasn't dying in the Hospital wing.

-I'm so happy for you guys! You really have a shot! -

-I can't wait to tell Verity.. if.. - Began Fred.

-We will. - Said Verity, sitting on the grass. -We will. -

They looked around carefully and when they saw nobody else was around they took out once again the map and started looking at the Great Hall.

-We need to prevent that any of the half-blood or mudblood who's getting out of the Great Hall to stop and look at the statue. -

-Look. Madam Rackepick is there.. - Indicate Wendy on the map.

-Do you think she found out too? - Asked Fred.

-I don't know.. maybe.. -

They watched the little piece of parchment and the two steps fixed just outside the Great Hall.

-I don't know.. something isn't coming around.. -

-What do you mean Wendy? -

-Well.. if she knows.. why didn't she tell Dumbledore.. she's our DADA teacher! She must know something about curses... I bet she knows how to go round the curse and break it.. and so.. why doesn't she do something? -

-Well if she does know something she should do something RIGHT NOW - Said Fred, the other two looked at him scared. - Molly Davies is about to leave the Great Hall! She's from my part of the list! She's a muggle-born!!-

The three of them jumped up and started running towards the Great Hall, when they entered from the entrance courtyard Madam Rackepick was about to enter the Great Hall.

-Professor Rackepick!! - Wendy shouted.

She turned around and stopped on the threshold.

-Have you seen Molly Davies? She's a Hufflepuff student, and.. - Asked George panting.

-Yeah. She was here a minute ago. I think she left for the Herbology class. -

The three of them looked at each other and then started running towards the second floor.

-We'll never get there in time. - Said Fred jumping the stairs in pair of two.

-The Herbology class is in the Greenhouse, that's a heat source! -

They headed from the Portrait of Elizabeth Burke, just to see Molly about to enter the Greenhouse.

-Molly!!! Molly wait! - Fred shouted.

But she had already entered the Greenhouse. They ran towards the entrance hoping they would still be in time, but they had just reach the door when Professor Sprout shouted.

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