Chapter 8

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It feels like the last week just flew by. Ever since we got back from Las Vegas everything happened so quickly. We spent the whole Monday in Las Vegas. We slept in... much to Jenny's disliking.

By the time Charlie and I came out of our room Jenny had already ordered breakfast for all of us and was waiting in her room, her breakfast almost eaten up. Then we went to explore the city a little more.

Jenny and I even thought about getting a matching tattoo but then we were both too worried whether or not it's smart to get it at the tattoo studio we have no idea about. We spent the late afternoon at the pool and right before we started our way back home we watched the watershow.

It was perfect. Sadly, reality caught up with us pretty quickly after.

When we got back Charlie started working on a new project and Jenny and I spent our days split between the club and the beach. Every single time we were at the club or walked down the streets to the beach I kept my eyes wide open, prepared for the possibility of Evelyn or Max showing up.

The fact, that I haven't seen them for almost a week worries me a lot. Every day that passes I'm more and more on edge. Also, every day that passes is one day closer to Jenny leaving, which means I have to face them alone. Sure, Valerie could be around but I can't rely on that. She isn't by my side all the time like Jenny is.

Sometimes it feels like they know when Jenny will leave and they are waiting for that moment. Well... today is that day. Jenny has her flight back to Germany at 5pm.

"Good Morning Love." Charlie mumbles next to me, taking my hand into his and placing a kiss on the back of it. I turn my head so that I can look at him, a small smile building on my lips. Sadly, I can't fool him.

"What's wrong?" I shake my head slightly. Everyday I try my hardest to hide my rising panic from him but he just knows me too well by now. I wish I could just keep him out of this, but unfortunately this isn't an option.

"It's because she leaves today, right?" I just nod a little. As I said, he knows me too well. "Vic, I'm still here, ok? I'm not going anywhere." He keeps ensuring me and I wanna believe him, most of the time I do, but there is a little part inside of me that's scared.

He doesn't know Max and Evelyn. What if he manipulates Charlie the same way he manipulated me? Softly Charlie brushes a strand of hair out of my face, tugging it behind my ear.

Keeping his hand right where it is he moves closer and kisses my forehead. He pulls me closer towards him, wrapping me inside his arms. I wish we could just stay like this forever. Ignore everything that's happening outside of this room.

"So... lunch before we head to the airport?" I nod and turn over to Charlie. "Are you coming?" - "Of course I am! I don't have to be on set today, just have to swing by to grab the script for my scenes on Monday."

A happy smile forms on my face. "J and I will swing by the club so she can say goodbye to Valerie. Let's meet there at noon? We can grab something to eat and then head to the airport?" Charlie and Jenny nod in agreement.

Jenny gets up from the couch, ready to leave. It's already 10:30am... we slept in today. We won't get to the club before 11am and I know she wants to properly say goodbye to Valerie. I grab my purse, give Charlie a quick kiss and follow close behind her.

"Jenny! I can't believe you're already leaving us!" Valerie jumps up from the barstool she was waiting on and comes walking towards Jenny. They hug each other tightly. Then we all sit down on the couch in the corner.

"I know! I can't wait to come back soon." - "You should bring Josh next time." Her eyes lighten up. "That would be awesome!" She tried her best to hide it but I know she missed him. Considering the fact that they have not yet been dating for long, her leaving for two weeks must have been hard.

While Jenny and Valerie talk I can't help but get lost in my thoughts. I don't know why but I have a strange feeling about today. Maybe it's only because Jenny is leaving but I can't shake it... I feel like something bad is going to happen.

"Well..." Valerie turns towards me. "I went through the storage, checked the electrics, ... everything should be set for tonight. You'll come right back from the airport right?" I nod.

"Thanks Valerie. Yeah, we'll drop of J and then Charlie and I will head right back here. We should be in time for opening hour. But just in case, can you open up?" - "Of course... I'll see you tonight then..." She turns to Jenny. "Save flight." They hug each other tightly and then Valerie leaves the club.

Jenny and I just sit and talk about literally everything... it feels like we'll never see each other again which obviously is not what's happening. Soon enough it is about time to head out for lunch, I'm surprised Charlie isn't here yet.

Ever since my opening he always comes a little earlier than planned. I told him so many times that he really doesn't have to but he insists. He says if traffic is ever bad again, he at least has a chance to not be late. I hear the door open behind me, I guess it's our cue to leave.

With a bright smile I turn around to Charlie... only it's not Charlie. "Hello Darling." I catch my breath. "Evelyn."

The Curse of Your Past // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now