Chapter 4

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"Vic..." I hold up my hand and stop him right there. "Charlie, I'll be fine!" I can tell he's not convinced. "I really don't feel good about you being at the club alone today." I trace my fingers along his arm, taking a deep breath.

"We've been discussing this for an eternity by now. I'm not alone, Jenny and Valerie are there and also... I can handle it." He sighs a little. I get it. My reaction to Max and Evelyn yesterday was intense but I was not at all prepared to see them. Now I'm well aware they will eventually show up.

It would be a lie to say I don't want Charlie around but he can't guard me every second of every day now... he has a life of his own and I can't let them control me like that. I can't worry every waking minute that they'll show up at my door. Who knows when they'll come next.

I look over to Jenny and gesture for her to grab her bag. It's about time we head over to the club and sort out last nights chaos. She gets up and walks towards the door. "I'll see you outside." With that she leaves and closes the door behind her.

I turn back to Charlie who's watching me carefully. I put on my best smile and say "I'll be fine." I think I can see his resistance slowly crumbling. "You call me if anything happens... promise?" - "Promise."

He nods in agreement. I lean into him and place a small kiss on his lips. "I'll see you tonight... you up for a new round of me teaching you how to cook?" His eyes lighten up a bit and he nods happily. I love to see his mood lighten up, at least a little bit. "Great... Jenny and I will swing by the store before we come back."

I get up from the couch, grab my bag and walk towards the door. The second I grab the doorknob Charlie grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him. Before I can say anything his lips are on mine. I can't help but smile a little. "I love you Vic." My smile grows wider and wider. "I love you Charlie."

"V, do you wanna talk about this?" Jenny and I have been cleaning the club in silence for the last thirty minutes but I knew eventually she was gonna bring it up.

"What's there to say?" She stops wiping the bar and comes walking over to me. She pulls me along to the couch and gestures for us to sit down. "V... you don't have to play strong around me." I know I don't have to pretend around her but right now I don't know how else to cope with this.

"I'm afraid if I don't... I'll... I'll loose it." She rubs my arm softly. She's been with me through it all, she knows exactly what kind of a mess I was after the relationship with Max. Even though I tried my best to hide every negative emotion during I'm sure she picked up on the fact that it wasn't all as happy as it seemed.

Thinking back now I know that he had manipulated me well enough to ensure I was happier than I would have been if I was in my right mind but this makes it worse somehow. To know he brainwashed me into being happy with what we had.

"I'm scared." I look down at my hands. "I know... but I'm here with you." - "Not for much longer." Jenny has already been here for a week now, she will have to leave on Friday... who knows when Max and Evelyn will come back and how long they intend to stay.

"I can stay if you want." I shake my head. "I couldn't ask that of you. You have a life too. I'm sure they'll be gone by then." We both know this is a lie but I can't ask her to put her life on hold. "You got Charlie. He'll protect you."

I laugh a bitter laugh. "This is insane! How can that guy still have so much power over me? I left! I moved to the other side of the world and yet here we are! I can't believe it! How stupid was I?" I look up at Jenny. She seems as angry as I feel. How could I have been so damn stupid?

"V, stop! Don't go there! You didn't know who he truly is." - "I should have left the second I saw who he was." We both know that I couldn't though... I was already too trapped by him.

"I can only imagine how hard this must be for you... all the memories this must bring back... but remember you are not alone, ok? You can always... and I mean always... talk to me... or to Charlie. He's a good guy." She's right, he truly is a good guy... and thanks to me he's now as trapped in this mess as I am. I honestly can't believe this.

"I thought it was over." A single tear rolls down my cheek. "I wish it was... but he can't do anything to you anymore! Please remember that. V, you're so much stronger than you think. I wish you could see yourself the way I do."

I wish I could too... right now I feel so weak. Maybe one day I will be able to be as strong as Jenny thinks I am... for now all I can do is fake it. This won't just go away. Eventually I will have to face them. I can either do it scared or I can be strong and stand my ground... show them that they do no longer determine my path.

This is my city, my club and my dream. They will not take any of that away from me. I straighten my shoulders. "Alright, let's show that idiot that he no longer has any power over me. Let him come."

The Curse of Your Past // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now