Chapter 34

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"You ready?" I feel like my whole body is shaking. Charlie squeezes my hand slightly and together we step onto the plane. This is crazy! What was I thinking? The moment I look at Charlie I know exactly what I was thinking. He looks so excited and that look alone is worth every little heart attack I might be getting today.

Maybe today can be me jumping into my new life. Now that Max is no longer a threat I can finally be free. Ben called only a couple of minutes ago and told us the restraining orders were approved. He can't come near either one of us anymore. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Maybe it's a sign that he called right before we are jumping out of a plane. This could really be a new beginning. I smile at Charlie, who's carefully watching me. The higher the plane flies the more nervous I become. I really wanna do this but that does not mean I'm not terrified.

Charlie didn't let go of my hand for a second and his hand in mine helps me to at least not go completely crazy. I just have to stop thinking about what we are going to do and just live in the moment. "Ok, we reached our height."

Excitement sparks in Charlie's eyes. My heart starts to race. We move closer to the edge of the plane. I look over at Charlie and in the exact same moment we mouth I love you and then we drop out of the plane.

It feels insane! The moment we dropped I think my heart stopped and I got so scared but now? I love it! Drifting in the air? It's an amazing feeling! Looking at the world from up here... this is probably the coolest thing I've ever done.

The moment the parachute is opened my heart skips a beat because I'm so surprised by the pull of it but then, when I slowly drift towards the ground I'm just happy. The landing is kinda smoothly I guess? I didn't hurt myself so that's good.

Charlie landed shortly before me and is now on his way towards me, the brightest smile on his face, his eyes gleaming. Once he's right infront of me he sweeps me into a hug. "Vic that was amazing!" I love how happy he is. Even if I would have hated it his happiness would have been so worth it.

"I know right!" My voice is trembling a little. When he places me back on the ground he looks worried for a moment. "Vic, you're shaking." Am I? "I feel great! I mean, I was terrified but... this was so cool!" The happiness returns to his face.

"Can we go again?" I laugh a little. "Sure... but not today." I mean it. I would love to do this again but he's right, my whole body is shaking and I think I've given my poor heart enough to deal with for today.

Back in Charlie's car he's taken his righteous spot as the driver again. "Where to M'Lady?" I smile a knowing smile. "The beach we had our first date at." Charlie starts driving and we're both quiet. When I look over at him a dreamy smile is on his face. I think he's thinking about that date and the time we spent at that beach, because so do I.

For a Saturday it's surprisingly quiet at the beach. Maybe it's because it's slowly getting colder and colder every day. It's still warm enough to sit at the beach though. I open up the trunk of Charlie's car and grab the blanket and picnic basket I packed.

Sitting down on the blanket I open up the basket and pull out the food. I hand a sandwich to Charlie and he takes a big bite. His eyes widen a little. "Hold on... are those...?" I nod happily. "Yeah... the same ones we had back then." A huge smile forms on his lips and I can't help but smile too. "You're amazing Victoria Porter."

I blush a little so I let my hair fall into my face to hide it. Even though it feels like Charlie and I have known each other since forever I'm still not used to his little compliments. We eat our sandwiches in silence but then Charlie says "How about reviving another memory?"

In my head I go through what else happened that night but Charlie doesn't have his guitar so that can't be it and we are both not dressed in swimsuits so that can't be it either. When I look up Charlie is no longer sitting across from me. I look around but can't see him.

Only seconds later someone grabs me from behind and lifts me up into the air. He starts walking towards the water and that's when it hits me. He wasn't referring to our date, he was referring to the day at the beach where he nicely dropped me into the water with all my clothes.

"Let me down!" I squirm in his arms, trying to get out of his grip but I don't have a chance against him. He walks into the water, not stopping for a second. I can only imagine how chilly it is by now and I honestly do not want to be dropped in it. He's in the water knee deep already and I can feel the water on my feet. It's ok, not warm but not freezing either.

"Charlieeee" I say in a whimsy voice. "What do I get if I don't drop you?" That's when I know he has no intention of doing it. "Anything you want" I reply, because I know that's what he's aiming for. Just like I suspected he turns around and walks back to the beach, placing me back on my own two feet on the sand. "So what do you want?" A smirk forms on his face. "You shall see."

The Curse of Your Past // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now