Chapter 3

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Karaoke night didn't seem to end. People had so much fun that I kept the club open until 3am instead of 1am as I had planned. We were all so wrecked that we decided to leave the clean up for this afternoon and head straight back to Charlie's apartment. It was a real struggle to keep my eyes open for the short drive.

Once we get inside Jenny immediately walks towards our room. "Good Night guys, see you in the morning." For a second I just stand in the middle of the apartment, unsure what to do. Jenny stops infront of the door.

"Oh come on V, we both know you're not sleeping next to me tonight." I can't help but blush a little.

I look over to Charlie, unsure whether he is ok with what was just decided. He just smiles and extends his arm towards me. I walk over to him and place my hand in his. "Good Night J." I say smiling while we're walking into Charlie's room.

He walks over to his desk chair and takes off a shirt then throws it over to me. "Did you already prepare for this?" I shake my head, smiling. He just shrugs his shoulders. "Let's just say I had hopes."

I change into his shirt real quick while he takes off his shirt and pants. Then he turns back around, facing me and a huge smile forms on his face. "I like this." He says, looking me up and down. I wanna say something mischievous but I can't... I'm too stunned by how gorgeous he is. I don't think I will ever get used to this.

I tear my eyes away from him and walk towards the bed. Charlie jumps in on his side and holds up the blanket for me. I jump in and snuggle up against his chest. My fingers start drawing small circles on his chest.

After a little while he covers my hand with his. "I really think we should sleep." he whispers into my ear. Sadly I know he's right. He places a gentle kiss on my hairline. "Good Night Vic." I turn my head a little and place a tiny kiss on his lips. "Good Night Charlie."

I wake up to something bright blinding my eyes. I squint a little before opening them. It's the sunlight that's filling up the room. I look over at Charlie who's still asleep. The way the sun shines onto his face... he looks so peaceful. I could watch that all day.

He slightly opens up one eye and immediately starts smiling. "Vic... I thought we talked about this." I hit him slightly. "Hey!" he says, rubbing his arm playfully. I shrug my shoulders. I take his hand away from his arm and place a small kiss on it.

"Feel better now?" He thinks about it for a second and then shakes his head. Very classy. I kiss his arm once again but he once again shakes his head. "Very classy. Mr. Very classy." A huge smile forms on his face.

"You started this, remember?" I shake my head, barely able to contain my smile. "You're unbelievable." He props himself up on his elbow "And you..." Within a second I'm buried under him, his arms placed next to both sides of my shoulders. "... are amazing."

He leans down for a second and kisses me but way too quickly he pushes himself up again. I fling my arms around his neck, pulling him back down into a proper kiss.

His arms give in a little and now our bodies are pressed against each other, the kiss getting more and more heated. I can feel my conscious trying to tell me something but my mind is so clouded by the feeling of Charlie's lips and his body on mine.

I can hear the rattling of something in the distance. OMG JENNY. Charlie seems to have heard it too because he pushes himself up again, getting a few inches of distance between us.

I need a second to catch my breath. I sigh a little. I love Jenny, but right now I wish she wasn't just outside this door, but she is. Charlie lets himself fall backwards into the bed next to me. He seems as frustrated as me about the sudden change of events.

I roll over a little to look at him. "I could ask her to... you know... go for a walk?" Charlie turn his head so that he can look into my eyes. "No you can't. Vic, she came all the way here for you. I think we can behave like grown ups for another week." I can't help but smile. Putting on my best kids voice I say

"What if I don't wanna be a grown up?" A small giggle steals itself from Charlie's mouth. He places a quick kiss on my lips and then jumps out of bed. "Come on, I bet it's pretty late already anyways."

He was right. It's indeed already 1pm. I can't remember the last time I've slept that long. If I think about it, ever since I started sleeping next to Charlie I feel so much more rested in the morning. I know his presence calms me down but I didn't realize it would go as far as me even sleeping better.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower." Together we walk out into the living area. "Good Morning Jenny." Charlie says, before walking over to the bathroom. "Well look who's finally decided to wake up." I blush a little, knowing we did not just wake up.

Of course Jenny realizes my reaction right away. Her eyes widen in shock. "VICTORIA!" She whisper-screams. I start laughing. "J! It's not what you think!" I walk over to her.

"Oh come on. He's obviously attractive and sooo into you and you are obviously blushing a lot right now. Plus, your lips are a little swollen. So don't lie to me!" I shake my head and laugh a little. "I swear we didn't do anything!"

The Curse of Your Past // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now