Chapter 38

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I feel like I've stood in the exact same spot forever. Maybe it's because I can't see anything or maybe it's because I'm a bit nervous as to why I'm here and where here is exactly. Finally, someone steps infront of me. I can tell by the little airflow. It's crazy what you notice when your eyes don't work.

Hands are gently placed on top of mine and I know it's Charlie. I can tell by his smell. I wanna lift up the blindfold so badly but I don't dare move. Quietly I can hear music starting to play.

It takes me a moment to recognize the song but once I realize it's Swimming in Stars I get an idea of what is going on. My lips immediately curl into a smile which grows only wider when I feel Charlie's lips on mine.

Just seconds later he lifts up my blindfold and whispers "Surprise" before he kisses me once again, this time more intensely, just like in the movie. Mid-kiss I can hear something explode around us so Charlie and I pull apart, both laughing when we see someone played the sound of exploding lightning bulbs.

I just stare at Charlie, kinda of in disbelieve that this whole situation just happened. "Happy Birthday" he whispers. "How did you know?" He takes a step sideways and behind him someone screams "HAPPY BIRTHDAY V!" Jenny comes running towards me, pulling me into a big hug.

"J? You're here? How?" - "Hey Tori." I hear someone say behind her. "Omg Josh!" He pulls me into a hug too. "Happy Birthday." They both take a step back. I can't believe they are actually here. "How are you guys here?" I can feel arms wrap around my waist from behind me. Jenny throws an approving look at Charlie. "Well played, dude."

I turn around in Charlie's arms. "That was all you?" He nods his head shyly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. I fling my arms around him and kiss him so passionately he has to catch his breath. "I love you" I whisper when we pull apart.

"Alright, can we go to the party now?" I turn back around to Jenny. "Party?" She slaps her hand over her mouth. Her eyes wide she looks at Charlie. "Sorry" she whispers. Josh wraps an arm around her shoulders. "I see, still the same chatterbox as usual." Playfully, she pokes her elbow into his side.

Turning back around to Charlie I say "How did you even know it's my birthday." He shoots a quick look at Josh and Jenny before he says "Well, luckily your best friend over there wanted to know what I got you for your birthday. Why didn't you tell me?" I shrug my shoulders. Looking at the floor I say "I forgot."

Charlie lifts my chin up with his thumb. "You look gorgeous by the way." I completely forgot I was all dressed up. Now that actually makes sense! For the first time I look at Charlie. I'm not the only one that's all dressed up.

He's wearing a black tuxedo and a tie that perfectly matches my dress. "Hold on... how come your tie matches my dress like perfectly?" A sexy smirk builds on his lips. "I know you." That he definitely does.

Charlie, Jenny, Josh and I climb into Charlie's car to make our way to the club where Valerie is waiting with a not-so-surprising-anymore surprise party. As I look into the rearview mirror I say "I can't believe you're back." Jenny's smile is incredibly wide as she says "I wish we would never have to leave again." So do I... it's nice having them here.

Josh looks out the window for the whole drive, taking in the city. Inside the club he nods approvingly. "Nice life that you build yourself Tori" he says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I missed him. "Thanks Joshy."

"Victoria! Happy Birthday Darling." Valerie comes walking towards us, pulling me into a hug. I don't think I've ever gotten that many hugs in one day. "Thanks Valerie." I look around the club. "Did you decorate all this?"

Over the stage there is a little banner saying Happy Birthday Victoria and there are several balloons everywhere around the club. She shakes her head. Shooting a quick look at Jenny she says "I had a helping hand."

Jenny sees that as her cue to join because she steps a little closer and says "We were gonna surprise you here but then Charlie told me what he had planned and I just had to see." Approvingly she adds "That guy really has a lot of hidden talents. Oh... speaking off..." She fumbles for her phone in her purse. "The video is ADORABLE."

She opens up the video from our kiss earlier and plays it, so Valerie and I can see. It feels a little weird to see it through her phone but she's right, it is incredibly adorable. Charlie really went all in. It looks just like in the movie. The lights were even flickering while the exploding sounds were played. It's perfect.

"Where is Charlie by the way?" I didn't see him ever since we entered the club. "I'm here." I can hear him say from right behind me. As I turn around I'm greeted by more familiar faces. "Victoria! So good to see you again! Happy Birthday." Carolynn pulls me into a hug and Jeremy joins in.

Then some steps out from behind them. "Hey, I'm Owen. Nice to finally meet you." Instead of shaking my hand he pulls me into yet another hug. When he lets go of me Charlie says "That's Owen. He, Jer and I play together in the show." I nod understandingly.

"Charlie told me so much about you!" Now he has my attention. "Oh did he? I wanna hear all about it." Wiggling my eyebrows at Charlie I take Owen's arm and drag him a little away from the group.

The Curse of Your Past // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now