Chapter 9

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"What do you want mother?" I spit the word mother out as if it is poisoned... because that's what it is. She is not my mother in any way. She may be the woman that pressed me out of her womb but the last little feelings I had towards her were shattered the day she practically slammed the door in my face after my breakup with Max.

"Victoria! Is that a way to greet your mother? If that's what you've been like around Max I can only imagine what that poor boy must have been through!" A bitter laugh leaves my lips. I don't recognize my own voice as I say "You are not my mother anymore. You are dead to me."

I don't bother to say anything about Max because I know it's a waste of my breath. She wouldn't believe me, no matter what I say. For a second she seems to be thrown off as she catches her breath. "Victoria Porter! After everything I've done for you!"

I can't believe this woman! "What you've done for me? What exactly would that be?" I can feel all the anger that had build up inside me over the past years coming to the surface. All I have left for this woman is disgust.

"I raised you! I did everything so you would have a good life!" Now we're both yelling. I hardly every raised my voice against my parents but she just drives me crazy. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. It's no use to get down to her level.

"Oh yeah? From what I remember you didn't care about anything but my grades. I was scared to come home if I didn't get an A. You didn't raise me. You didn't care about me one bit." My voice is as sharp as a knife.

As I expected nothing I said rang through to her. "Of course I wanted you to do well in school! Every parents wants that for their child!" I shake my head. "What you wanted was to brag... and for me to step into dad's footsteps. You never gave a damn about what I wanted. If it wasn't for grandpa..."

She takes a step towards me, which makes me go silent. "Don't mention him." This is the first sentence she says without screaming and that makes it even scarier. I stay silent for a moment. "He put that nonsense into your head! He's the reason you are such a disappointment!" She's screaming again.

"Nonsense? You call this..." I gesture around my club "nonsense? This is my dream! And grandpa knew it. He knew me... he cared about me! Not that you would know anything about that." She takes another step towards me and it takes all my strength to not take a step back.

If I show any sign of weakness now she will bury me. That's one of the reasons I hardly spoke up to her... I didn't have the slightest chance. "He spoiled you! If it wasn't for him you would have taken the right path but look at you. Playing club owner in LA... dating some wannabe actor... your pathetic Victoria. And I can't believe my father wasted my heritage on you."

I'm disgusted by her. I just want her gone. I can't bare to look at her one more moment. She can talk bad about me all she wants but not about grandpa. "I think it's time for you to leave... go back to Germany... you have no business here. I'm done with you."

There is no use further arguing with her. It's like she lives in her own world... far far away from reality. Maybe that's why she likes Max so much. Max... where is he? It's weird that he isn't here too.

"I leave when I want to. We are not done here Victoria." I take a deep, annoyed breath. "Just tell me what the hell you want and then leave." A weird expression forms on her face... she almost doesn't look like herself anymore... she looks scary.

"It's simple. You are finally giving up on this stupid nonsense, come back home with me, apologize to Max and everything will be back to the way it's meant to be." I start laughing. I laugh straight into her face.

For a moment I can see confusion flashing up in her eyes but quickly it makes room for anger. "You must be even crazier than I thought if you believe that is ever going to happen. I'm gonna say it one last time: leave. I will stay here... I will NEVER come back... and I will most certainly not apologize to that psychopath." Her hand slaps my cheek so quickly, if it wasn't for the burning feeling I would have thought it didn't happen.

"What the hell? Get away from her!" Someone steps in-between me and Evelyn. I don't think I've ever been more happy to see Charlie. "Get out of the way boy. I'm talking to my daughter."

He doesn't move a single inch. "I don't think so. Leave. Now. Or I'll call the cops." She lets out a small laugh but starts taking a few steps backwards. "We're not done Victoria."

As soon as she's out the door I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Charlie turns around to me, concern in his eyes. "Are you ok?" I nod slowly. I can feel my whole body shaking. This was crazy.

Jenny touches my shoulder softly. "V... I don't think I've ever seen you step up to her like that." She's right. For probably the first time ever I stood my ground against her and nothing ever felt so right.

I turn back to Charlie. "Thanks for saving me." I smile at him slightly. "From what I hear you didn't need saving." I shrug my shoulders, the smile growing wider. "Maybe not... but I wouldn't have gotten her to leave so easily so..."

The Curse of Your Past // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now