Chapter 1- The Accident (Another POV)

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"Let go of me! Please!" she screamed. She attempted to run away, but instead, something worse happened.


"Linda, can we play today?" She asked her in her blue dress, "We haven't played in a while. Or, even if you don't want to do that, we can get ice cream!"

"You know I can't do that, Rosenna," Linda replied. "I have plans with Mary and Caroline, remember?" 

"Yea I know, but don't you have time to at least get some after, Please?" Rosenna begged, desperately.

"No, no means no. You never understand that!" Linda yelled. "You're not the only one I have plans with, I have a life other than you, y'know?" 

Rosenna put her head down. 

"Ay, Linda! You ready to go?"

"Yes, I'm ready!" Linda replied.

"Sorry, Rosenna. Maybe another day," said Linda. "That's Caroline's sister, she's here to bring us bowling!"

Linda got up from the floor, near the pond. Rosenna knew she was not going to do it another day. She said it every single time. 

"Can I come at least?" Rosenna pleaded.

"No, it's only for older girls. You're too weak and skinny to even hold a bowling ball," Linda snickered.

All her friends in the car laughed at Rosenna. Saddened, Rosenna stared at the floor. 

"Bye, Rosenna," all the girls in the car taunted. The car drove away.

Rosenna was very upset. This happened to her every day. They always left her out because they thought she would "tattle" on them.

"Fine," Rosenna whispered to herself, "If she is not going to come with me to get ice cream, i'll go myself."

Rosenna went inside to go grab some dollars from her piggy bank and began to walk to the ice cream shop. She already knew the route to there, because her Mother brought her there often.

She walked inside the shop. 

"Hello," Rosenna said to the person on the front desk.

"Hiya, where are your parents?" The cashier replied.

Rosenna didn't like lying, but if she said her parents were not there she wouldn't be able to get ice cream.

"Oh, they are outside waiting for me," Rosenna lied.

"Okay, what can I get ya?" The cashier asked.

"Can I have a chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch please?" Rosenna stated.

"Of course, anything else?"

"No, that will be all," said Rosenna.

"Okay, that will be $1.67," stated the cashier.

Rosenna handed her the change.

"Thank you," the cashier enunciated, "Have a nice day!"

"Yep, you too," replied Rosenna.

She walked out of the shop. After a few steps, Rosenna noticed a mysterious man. She didn't think anything of it, just an average man who wants an ice cream. 

She thought that until the man began walking towards her. He grabbed her hand. His grip was so tight and Rosenna was not able to escape it.

"Let go of me!" She screamed, "Please!"

"C'mon now, Shhh," the man replied. "You're gonna come with me, hear?"

"No!" Rosenna desperately screamed. "Please let go!!!!"

The cashier walked outside the shop. 

"What is going on here?" She questioned.

"Oh, nothing," the man blurted. "Little munchkin is just throwing a fit once again."

Rosenna tried to tell the cashier that he was lying, but he covered her mouth.

"Wow," said the cashier, "Your child acted like such a sweetheart back there, didn't think she'd do such a thing."

Rosenna was filled with confusion. How would the nice cashier think that she's his child?

"Well, every kid occasionally does this, right?" The man laughed.

"I guess so! Well, have a nice day, sir!" The cashier smiled.

"Yep, you too!" The man exclaimed. 

The cashier went back into the shop.

"Okay, you are going to do what I tell you to do!" The man scolded. " GET IN THE TRUCK, NOW!"

Rosenna began to cry as she attempted to escape his tough grip on her hands. Somehow, she managed to escape his grip. 

She ran as fast as she could, desperate to run away. She screamed on the top of her lungs while the man chased her. She continued to run while the man got into his truck. 

"You're not going to escape me!" The man screamed in his truck.

Then, the worst happened.

The man drove as fast as he could. Knowing what was about to happen, Rosenna screamed until she could scream no more. She called out for her sister, desperately.

Until the truck ran over her. 

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