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Chapter 1

With a thunderous "bang", Yu Xiaomin raised her eyelids in a daze, and found that she was stumbling forward on the intricately patterned wall.

As for where to move, her groggy mind seemed to have no thoughts.

Is it in a dream?

Yu Xiaomin tried hard to recall why she appeared here, without thinking of any logic, so she consciously told herself that she was probably dreaming.

Yu Xiaomin looked up again and observed the surrounding environment for a while. Although the lights seemed to be dangling and the corridors sometimes appeared fuzzy shadows, she still judged that she seemed to be in the corridor of a certain hotel.

Blurred vision, hotel corridors.

So in the dream, I am drunk and enter the hotel alone?

Yu Xiaomin raised her tired hand and knocked her head vigorously in an attempt to wake herself up, but when she opened it again, she still had no dream ... and her head became more groggy.

There was a "click".

As Yu Xiaomin continued to move forward along the wall subconsciously, her left hand accidentally opened a hotel door.

Then he staggered and Yu Xiaomin slid in.

But even in a dream, Yu Xiaomin wouldn't tell herself to throw a dog to eat shit, so with her instinctive balance ability, she took a step sideways and was able to stabilize her figure.


Can't wait to exit the room, a gust of wind blows, and the door she just opened just now closed suddenly under the power of the draft wind entrained in the cold.


Before raising his head, Yu Xiaomin felt that the situation was very strange.

She thought, she's not dreaming of ghosts and ghosts, will she?

No, she is most afraid of ghosts!

Don't have nightmares, don't have nightmares, even spring dreams are better than ghost dreams!

Yu Xiaomin roared inwardly, hoping to change the environment in her dreams with her own power of thought. With this thought, she really felt that the cold in the room was less. It seemed that the windows had been closed, and the strange shadows of the curtains that fluttered with the wind under the low-hanging eyes Stopped fangs and claws.

Although the lights were still dim, the fear in Yu Xiaomin's heart dissipated inexplicably, and she even raised her head expectantly.

After all, this is really a dream that can be changed by her own mind. In that case, what is terrible ...

As long as she is aware of the danger, the dream can be changed.

She is the master of her dreams! Ha ha!

The faintness of the head was slightly reduced because of this thought, and Yu Xiaomin's gaze also lifted up, and then her heart began to beat wildly.


It's really a spring dream!

She just said it casually ... A handsome man with a bath towel covering his lower body came towards her opposite.

His eyebrows are deep, the bridge of his nose is high, his facial features are abstinent and indifferent, but his dark eyes are gleaming, making his entire face full of contradictory temptations.

Especially during his actions, the well-structured upper body is like the photographer's most outstanding work under the refraction of the indoor lighting, full of contrast between light and dark and the tension of light and shadow, giving people a great visual impact.

This is absolutely a dream. In reality, how could she meet such a superb beautiful man or half naked!

What's more, if the recognition of this appearance, this figure, and this figure, if it is really in reality, she has long been discovered by street photographers, media, and scouts and has become a public husband of women. How can she be unimpressed?

Because of the force of the impact, Yu Xiaomin's pupils shrank, and a heart pounded and jumped wildly. While jumping,

I doubted myself: Is it true that I am also a sex girl in my bones, or I don't have spring dreams, I just do so exciting as soon as I do?

Or ... the ending of the novel before going to bed last night was related to the car ... But ... the description of the hero in the ending car does not seem to be of this type ...

"Have you seen enough? "

Just as Yu Xiaomin When thinking wildly in her mind, an indifferent voice with a low, confusing voice rang above her head.

After regaining consciousness, I realized that at some point, the ascetic beautiful man had actually come to him just one meter away.

Probably it was the voice with a very powerful aura. For a moment, Yu Xiaomin instinctively lowered his head and wanted to apologize to him.

But when he lowered his head halfway, Yu Xiaomin's dizzy mind said to himself:

This is my dream, I am the master here, why do you order me, don't you just look twice?

Thinking like this, Yu Xiaomin suddenly raised his head, with an arrogant expression on his face:

"No ... I haven't seen enough? Why ... what!"


Will she have a big tongue when she is drunk in a dream ... She still smells of alcohol ... This is too real ...


Fuck!" Yu Xiaomin was half wondering, but the indifferent and strong voice from the man above her interrupted her Doubts.

Yu Xiaomin's rebellious mentality in his bones, who was confused in his mind, has been upgraded authenticly under the hint of "my dream is the master".

"You ... you tell me to get off and I will get off? Haha ... don't look at who is the father here!"

Yu Dreammaster Nu Colu Xiaomin with one hand on his hips, tilted his chin toward the opposite side. After provocation, he took a step that his six relatives did not recognize and walked towards the romantic round bed in the room.

However, the "go to roll, you roll" in her mouth hadn't even exited, and the soles of her feet staggered. For some reason, the whole person rushed straight at the man with water drops lying on him.

What Yu Xiaomin didn't expect was that the man on the opposite side looked powerful and full of strength, but he was actually a spoiler. When she hit him like this, the two fell directly on the bed.


Is this the legendary desire to refuse and welcome?

Look at this man's body is getting hot. After he was accidentally pounced on, the sexy Adam's apple slid up and down, making a terrible temptation. A pair of eyes that were just filled with water just now, at this moment, he sent a warm invitation to her, it seems I was saying, "I'm still like this, are you still a woman?"

Yu Xiaomin's mind was even more confused at this time, and the temperature of the palm of the hand seemed to be magical. It was instantly transmitted through her blood vessels to her limbs, making her whole Followed by hot.

The abstinent beautiful man silently invites him, his appearance is full of his own aesthetics, and this is still in his own dream, he can do whatever he wants!

Who can stand it!

Just as Yu Xiaomin's mind was shaking, the nose suddenly penetrated into the surrounding male hormones, and a hot emptiness suddenly rose in her body, making her look like a stranded fish, desperately wanting to be moisturized by rain.

"water ......"

Yu Xiaomin's vision began to blur again, and more ghost images appeared in his pupils than before.

After she shook her head subconsciously, a small drop of water shining under the refracted light suddenly broke into her pupils.

Yu Xiaomin felt that if he didn't drink water, he would be dying.

So under the survival instinct, she stretched out her small tongue and rolled towards the little drop of water.


Hi ... "After being accidentally calculated at the liquor bureau, Fu Yanchen avoided everyone and opened a room in the hotel's VVIP suite in order to prevent himself from committing misconduct. He called the assistant to notify the private doctor to come.

What he didn't expect was that the private doctor did not come, but a woman entered his room.

Moreover, this woman was brave enough to enter the wrong room and didn't go out. She was still very shameless and crawled onto his bed.

Fu Yanchen instinctively grabbed the woman's hand and wanted to drag the person out of the room, but he didn't expect that under the effect of the medicine, his consciousness of pulling people out would abruptly form and drag the woman onto him.

He was knocked down on the bed by the woman '

The blue veins on Fu Yanchen's forehead jumped abruptly. In order to prevent his hands from moving, he restrainedly grabbed the soft and light duvet under him, and stared at the woman with only a pair of eyes.

"Hurry up ..." Come down from me!

However, the words he gritted his teeth hadn't finished yet, the woman on his body was actually confused and stuck out a small lilac tongue!

His body trembled uncontrollably, and Fu Yanchen's forehead began to see fine beads of sweat.

Could this woman be an assistant who was afraid that the private doctor would not be able to rush him to detoxify him?

Fu Yanchen just came up with this thought in his mind and restrained the effect of the medicine from intending to turn the person away. His slightly upward gaze slammed into a pair of ignorant, naive, crystal-clear and charming eyes.

"That's a little ... it doesn't quench your thirst at all ..."

"Um ... so hot ..." It was

just a moment of stunned, when Fu Yanchen reacted, the woman was clinging to him like an octopus, still unconscious Rubbing between his neck.

The medicinal effect suppressed by cold water and reason in the body was like magma ramming into him under the random teasing of a woman. Fu Yanchen rationally reached out his hand and planned to tear away the woman who had troubled him, but in fact, when he looked down When he moved, he had already turned the person over and suppressed it underneath.

go away! Fu Yanchen!

It's just a little medicine, you can bear it.

The muscles all over his body were tense, and the fine sweat beads on his forehead also converged into drops with the heavy breathing under restraint and dripped down the brow peak.

However, at the juncture of Fu Yanchen's intellectual and physical needs, a pair of weak and boneless hands were suddenly clinging to his neck, and a little bit forcefully crushed his little reason.



Why is her

waist sore and back pain ... Is it because she has been sitting for too long with codewords recently, and she is also starting to suffer from an occupational disease ... When she stretched her waist without opening her eyes, making fists and fists, Yu Xiaomin pouted, intending to accept the merciless baptism of life.

But when she stretched her waist halfway, she suddenly found that her body was sore and sore, it seemed ... something was wrong ...

After the sleepworm was scared away by the anxiety of the sixth sense, her eyes widened suddenly, and then she was once again scared by the palace-style noble curtains and the gorgeous and romantic crystal chandelier.

what happened!

The room in her new small apartment is obviously small, fresh and light green curtains. Did she sleepwalk to a hotel and open a room ...

hotel? !

Wait, did she have a dream last night, dreaming that she was drunk in the hotel corridor, and then ... a fragmented picture flashed through Yu Xiaomin's mind, and then her round eyes moved mechanically behind her head.
Teks asli当俞小敏的脖子跟生锈的机器人一样一顿一顿往后转动120度,紧接着见到背后一个轮廓线宽大的白皙后背以及上面触目惊心的女人指甲痕时,她瑟缩着瞳孔忍不住捂紧了自己的嘴巴。Sumbangkan terjemahan yang lebih baik
chapter 2 When Yu Xiaomin's neck turned back 120 degrees like a rusty robot, and then saw a white back with a wide outline and the shocking nail marks of a woman on it, she shrank her pupils and couldn't help but cover it. Tightened his mouth.

what happened!

Isn't that my dream?

She obviously slept in her apartment, why did she show up in the hotel, and she had sex after drinking!

Isn't the dream awake yet?

Yu Xiaomin's eyes widened, and then quickly closed, trying to wake herself from her dream.

However, she has already pinched her thighs hard, and the pain nerves in her mind have made her physiological tears, but she can open her eyes again... or the hotel's gorgeous decoration, or the one full of male hormones... the back.


Yu Xiaomin felt that she couldn't digest such a hot thing at once, whether it was a dream or not, she instinctively planned to slip away first.

Yu Xiaomin's nerves hurt a little as his eyes fell on the lotus root pink tube top and hip skirt.

This is not like the style she can wear. She will not be schizophrenic. She will only appear in the hotel when she has a second personality!

Frightened too much, Yu Xiaomin took a deep breath, tiptoed out of the bed and started putting on clothes. After putting on the sparsely clothed skirt, she caught a glimpse of the ambiguous traces on her chest, and she simply put on the man's suit jacket hanging by the side.

Although this coat on her is as nondescript as a child wearing adult clothes, it is better than being seen.

Before he could wash, Yu Xiaomin picked up a lady's bag next to the bed and walked out the door. After all, if he really bought it with a split personality, tens of thousands of bags can be sold even if he doesn't use it!

Hemp egg!

This personality is so prodigal!

Yu Xiaomin couldn't figure out what was going on, so she tiptoed to the door, and when her hand clasped the handle and turned the handle, she looked inside the door and saw that the male leg exposed in the quilt had nothing. Some signs of movement made her face hot, and then she suffocated her breath and covered the room.

Looking left and right, the corridor was quiet, Yu Xiaomin closed the door decisively, put on high heels and walked towards the elevator, and covered his cheeks with a bag to avoid encountering anyone.

When I came to the elevator entrance, the elevator happened to open.

When Yu Xiaomin went in, she saw a slender man with gold-rimmed glasses carrying breakfast and a shopping bag coming out sideways with her. He glanced at her improper suit jacket for several times. She used a bag The covered cheeks burst into red instantly.

However, the apricot eyes that Yu Xiaomin showed fiercely glared back

at the strange man: What do you look at!

Don't you know if you don't see it?

After successfully pushing back people's sight, the elevator closed and blocked any sight. Looking at the number on the upper right corner of the display screen slowly changing from 28 to 1, Yu Xiaomin was thankful that he woke up very early, when no one came in or out of the elevator.


When the elevator successfully reached the first floor, Yu Xiaomin walked out in a hurry, only to breathe the first breath of fresh air outside the hotel. Faced with the sudden heat wave, her head was still a little confused.

Yesterday, I watched the weather forecast before going to bed and said that the temperature should be reduced to 17 degrees, but what happened to the high temperature outside which was ten degrees higher than normal?

No matter, go home first!

Yu Xiaomin walked to the side of the road and saw that there were few taxis on the road, so he walked to the bus stop.

However, when she saw the driving route on the bus stop, she felt that she should not have a split personality, but she might really be in a dream: because the route above is not in H city where she is located, but a high-speed rail from H city for a long time. City A.

She can never sleep across several provinces, right?

Yu Xiaomin thought so, and pinched her thigh again, but the clear pain on it was so real. And when the pain in the leg reached her mind, her stomach was so hungry that she made a grunt.

Is this really a dream?

Will dreams feel so real?

" Beep

!" "

Dying !" When Yu Xiaomin walked out a few steps in a daze, she suddenly heard the unbearable horn of a car and the yelling of a van driver. Yu Xiaomin looked up and saw the red light opposite, and The van driver on the left hand side was scared after the emergency brake, she retreated back to the pedestrian path, and then said "sorry" to the driver.

I couldn't see the faces clearly in my dreams. She could see the faces of the elevators just now, and she could see the faces of the drivers.

There was no pain in the dream. Although she was dazed last night, she also felt pain at a certain moment in the middle. The pinching of her thigh just now also hurt very much.

The morning sun in the dream can't be so dazzling, and after staring straight for a few eyes, there will be light and dark impact on the eyelids.

This is not a dream... Then why did she wake up and change to another city...

Yu Xiaomin subconsciously took out her mobile phone to check the time and make sure it was the second day after she slept, but when she opened her bag, she accidentally When I saw the ID card next to the phone, I realized what had happened.

She is wearing a book!

On the ID photo, it was clearly her photo, her birthday, and her name, but the household registration address had nothing to do with her.

The household register above clearly reads No. 76, Xinyiyuan, Wanpu Road, Bailian District, City A.

Yu Xiaomin clearly remembered that the vicious female partner in the novel she read before going to bed last night lived at this address. The reason why she remembered clearly was because the female partner's name and birthday coincided with her.

I still remember when she complained about the female partner's message, there were other readers below who replied to her "Wearing book warning". However, at that time, Yu Xiaomin saw other people's reply and only muttered "How can I really wear a book" before going to bed. .

In order to confirm whether such an outrageous thing really happened, Yu Xiaomin shook her hands and took out the phone. After swiping her face to unlock the phone, she opened the address book.

Seeing A Chu Haotian, who was the number one in the address book, Yu Xiaomin only felt that the sky was rolling.

Chu Haotian... the name of the cool and domineering male protagonist in the novel actually appeared in her address book, and for the convenience of contact, he added an A to the top and became the first contact.

So she really wears a book 100%, and she wears a true and false daughter into a vicious female partner Yu Xiaomin who has fallen in love with the doll but has been rejected and finally blackened.

Moreover, the plot she traveled through should be that the female partner in the novel drank the wine that someone had added, and then the female partner Jiang Ji took the opportunity to contact the male protagonist and ask him to come and save herself, intending to prepare rice and cook mature rice for the male protagonist to be responsible for her. Scenes.

Yu Xiaomin quit the address book and saw a red missed call on the phone, and three black lines were hung up in his mind.

The dog forced the male protagonist not to love the female partner, but he wanted to give the female partner expectation. He said that he would only love the female lead for life. After the female lead took the initiative to dispense Chinese medicine, he only talked on the lower body, but later the female partner brought his son to the door and looked like a machine. .

So is this the true face of the man described by the author?


After Yu Xiaomin recalled the plot, her posterior teeth were itchy, and she wished to blast the hero's head with a hammer to see if he was made of mud, but at this time she felt that the most important thing was to find a drugstore.

But Yu Xiaomin looked around and found that because it was too early, many shops had not opened yet.

Have breakfast first and think about what to do next.

Yu Xiaomin dragged a heavy step, clutching her heart and telling herself not to think about the real world anymore. After all... the house that I bought after hard work for several years is gone... When I think about it... it hurts to breathe...

"May I ask. What?"

"A bowl of preserved egg and

lean meat porridge plus a signature fried bun ." Yu Xiaomin felt that only food could dispel some of her inner discomfort at the moment, so she looked at the attractive luster on the shop's picture menu, and seemed to be able to pass the picture. Smelling the fragrant breakfast, she ordered two of her favorites.

During the waiting time, Yu Xiaomin was afraid that his cheeks would be messy and his mouth was drunk. He took out the makeup mirror and makeup remover in his bag to clean it up, and then put a stick of chewing gum in his mouth. The surrounding air is slightly fresher.

"Ding Dong"

However, when Yu Xiaomin took off his makeup and saw the mobile phone screen suddenly lit on the dining table and the bank prompt message on it, Yu Xiaomin felt that the air was more than fresh, it was full of sweetness, and it was very pleasant!

More than 8.8 million!

Why didn't she expect that the female partner would receive 10 million yuan in compensation from the Yu family after being taken back to the rich family!

Although the female partner wanted to dress herself up as the hostess, most of her usual clothing and jewelry were bought at home. She went home for three months, and she hadn't bought a luxury car just after she got her driver's license... Kari was only consumed 100 More than ten thousand.


So although her house is gone, she is still a rich little rich woman, and her savings are twice as high as before she bought the house!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Anyway, she doesn't love the male lead, and she doesn't want to be favored by eccentric parents. Then she can completely stay away from the plot and find a town with suitable prices and suitable climate to live the leisure life she dreams of.

As for the real world, her parents died since she was a child, and the grandma who raised her passed away in the first two years. The novel she wrote is just in the end. Speaking of which...except for the money on her card, there is nothing to worry about.

And maybe I will wear it back when I come, so I'll be at ease if I come!

Yu Xiaomin is not a pessimist. After he has done a good job of psychological construction for himself, there is no more daze. When the steaming soup and fried buns and the thick, suitable and delicate scent of preserved egg and lean meat porridge were served, she squinted her eyes, and the corners of her mouth evoked an arc full of expectations for life.

...At the

other end, Fu Yanchen's special assistance to Mo Xin stood outside the hotel's VVIP suite, looking at the breakfast for two people and the change of clothes he bought, but he was confused.

When I received the boss order at 11 o'clock last night, although it was difficult for him to bring a private doctor to the hotel within half an hour, Mo Xin still showed his professional level, and he drove people to the hotel number displayed on the phone. Extra.

However, when he called the boss to open the door, the phone rang for a long time and was finally picked up, but from the other end of the phone came a reply from the boss that was annoyed, lowly and with some heavy breathing... said it was all right, let him go back.

Mo Xin is not an innocent boy who doesn't know anything about men and women. Hearing the strangeness in the voice of the boss and the relationship between things before and after, he judged that the boss should have temporarily activated the B solution to solve his physiological needs.

Thinking that the boss is usually not feminine or even misogynistic, Mo Xin thinks that the medicine in the boss should be very strong this time before he can wait for his rescue.

Because he was worried that the boss would be furious afterwards, Mo Xin didn't dare to fall asleep after returning. The volume of the phone was turned to maximum and he was on standby.

The fact is that at 3:30 in the middle of the night, Mo Xin received a message from the boss on his mobile phone.

But what was unexpected was that the boss only ordered him to prepare breakfast for two and change clothes, which didn't mean much to blame.

Breakfast for two!

Since Mo Xin served as the boss's special assistant, he has been as big as the company and as small as the boss's three meals. In the past three years, he has not seen a boss and a woman have breakfast, lunch and dinner alone.

According to his original calculation, the boss would give someone a sum of money to leave after he solved his physical needs, but after seeing the order, an outrageous thought flashed in his mind.

His conservative boss will not plan to be responsible just because he slept for one night!

If so, he was really curious about who this lucky guy was...

However, what Mo Xin didn't expect was that when he was ready to change clothes and breakfast, he would encounter the person when he was upstairs in the elevator.

Although the girl covered her face with her bag, she was not a woman of the wind and dust from the perspective of her overall temperament. And she concealed her intention to escape... as if her boss didn't need to be responsible at all.

"Come in."

Mo Xin knocked the door of the hotel room for one minute according to the time set by the boss, and inside the boss came the indifferent and steady voice in his normal state.

"Boss, I don't have a room card."

Mo Xin stood at the door and shouted inside, waiting for a few seconds for the boss to open the door for him, and suddenly he became a little nervous.

Just now, he should actually hold people and let the boss decide before letting them go.

What if the woman was a commercial spy who used to steal some important information last night...or maybe...the boss didn't want her to leave!
 Chapter 3 Fu Yanchen was rarely indulged under the effect of the medicinal effect, and it was only at three o'clock in the cultivation that he completely vented the heat in his body.

After taking a shower, he sent a message to the assistant, and then, looking at the over-tired and sleeping back on the bed, he went to the bathroom for the first time in his life and took warm water to help people clean them and put them on.了小内内.

After exercising for a few hours and helping with the aftermath, Fu Yanchen originally thought that if there was a stranger in his room, he would not be able to sleep, but unexpectedly, he not only fell asleep, but also fell asleep.

Before he opened his eyes, Fu Yanchen thought of the madness of last night and the eager expectation of the grandmother at home. For the first time, he gave birth to the idea that "women are not all that hate him" and "maybe he can also try to marry people and cultivate feelings." .

However, when he lifted his eyelids, he saw that in addition to his own empty room, this newly-raised thought seemed to have been thrown down by a small flame of cold water, and disappeared without a sound.

"Boss, I'll help you heat your breakfast in the microwave. You can wash it up and you can eat it."

Assistant Mo Xin's voice sounded nearby. Fu Yanchen looked at the breakfast for two in his hand, clearly dispelling that idea. But an unexpected irritability arose in my heart inexplicably.

Especially when he was brushing his teeth, he caught a glimpse of a shallow tooth mark on his collarbone, and his inner irritation rushed up again, making his eyebrows more annoyed.

"Find out who did it?"

After washing up and sitting at the dining table in the hotel room, Fu Yanchen picked up the chopsticks and began to ask the special assistant behind the scenes.

"It's Orange Real Estate, which is competing with our company for the western suburbs land. They don't know where to hear the rumor that you are GAY, so they wanted to send a male publicist to expose your sexual orientation by the way, in order to arouse the tenderer's supervisor. The disgust of a homophobic man. Fortunately, the boss is highly vigilant and skillful to evacuate the scene in time."


Take a tooth for a tooth." Fu Yanchen took a bite of the soup and felt that he had no appetite, so he put down his chopsticks and only drank the soy milk next to him to fill his belly.


Mo Xin took the order. Seeing that the boss looked as usual, he took a breath and started to report back:

"Boss had a video conference at 9 o'clock this morning. I had a dinner with my friend John at noon, and he flew to M country at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to negotiate business. After

waiting for the special assistant to report the schedule, Fu Yanchen has already packed up and is ready to go out.

The aisle was still deserted. Mo Xin followed the boss to the elevator, pressing the elevator button and waiting time. Out of the thoroughness of the special assistant, he still asked:

"Boss, the woman last night, do you need to investigate?"

Press boss is usually strict and vigilant. It's definitely necessary to investigate a woman with an unknown source. However, to Mo Xin's surprise, his boss stepped into the elevator after the elevator door opened.

Did not answer immediately, until the elevator reached the ground floor, the two words "no need" squeezed out between the teeth.

Mo Xin was shocked.

He watched the tall and indifferent figure of the boss walking out, and he almost didn't react. He hurried to catch up with the boss when the elevator started to close inwards.

Why is there no need to investigate!

Is the body in good health, whether the mind is correct, and whether the path is clear... His boss... Isn't he afraid of being trapped?

"Go to prepare the car, I can just check out by myself."

Mo Xin wanted to say something, but with the indifferent and powerful aura of the boss's eyes, the words in his mouth were swallowed back into his stomach.

"Mr. Fu, the room cost was 4888 yuan last night. According to the investigation by the cleaning staff, the bed linen in the room was soaked in the bathroom sink. You need to pay 500 yuan. The total cost is 5388 yuan, which has been deducted from your account. This is a small ticket.

Fu Yanchen nodded, took the receipt and walked to the door.

In the hotel's automatic revolving glass door to isolate the place no one saw, he caught a glimpse of the word "sheet" on the receipt at the end of his eyes, his eyes flashed and he returned to calm again.


Yu Xiaomin had breakfast, and his exhaustion was half cured by food.

Out of the breakfast shop, she began to look for a pharmacy that opened. Ten minutes later, she was very lucky. She saw a convenient drugstore opened in an alley on the corner of the main street.

In the pharmacy, there are no people besides the pharmacist. Yu Xiaomin's embarrassment is slightly relieved. She half-hidden her face with a bag. She whispered to the pharmacist,

"Do you have any post-incident medicine?" The

pharmacist saw the customer entering the store. He was wearing a hot dress, wearing a man's suit, and his cheeks were still hidden from view. There was a clear meaning in his eyes.

Turned around and took out a box of medicine from the shelf, and threw it in front of Yu Xiaomin:

"23 yuan, cash or Alipay?"

"Alipay, help me get a pack of masks, thank you."

There was no cash in Yu Xiaomin's bag and heard the medicine. According to the teacher, pass the payment code that has been prepared a long time ago, and cover his cheeks with the bag, afraid to look directly.

The pharmacist saw the little girl's eyes avoiding, her movements cramped, and her polite appearance, suddenly changed her thoughts of "this girl is not serious", thinking that she might have been cheated.

After all, these scumbags are used to coaxing ignorant girls with sweet words, but they are always selfish in matters of men and women.

With some pity in my heart, the pharmacist filled Yu Xiaomin with a black bag and warned her when there was no one in the store:

"Take this medicine at most once every six months. It is not good for your health. Girls should still cherish themselves. "

In fact, the pharmacist regretted it after speaking. After all, not everyone is willing to listen to her advice. The last time she kindly reminded her that she was nosy.

"Thank you."

But the girl opposite seemed to have listened to her, and gave her a grateful look before leaving.


Yu Xiaomin finally bought the medicine and the mask . After leaving the pharmacy, he turned his back to the alley and used the mineral water he prepared to give it to him, and then put on a disposable medical mask.

Although wearing a mask in summer is quite sultry, Yu Xiaomin feels that she should keep a low profile in places where male and female protagonists may come and go at any time.

After finishing the matter, Yu Xiaomin did not plan to return to the address on the ID card.

Anyway, she didn't need eccentric strange parents, nor did she want to face the heroines and heroines with the halo of the heroine. She went into the clothing store that finally opened and chose two sets of loose and comfortable women's clothes, one set directly Wearing it on, there is also a set of backpacks that I bought in the shop.

Seeing the person in the mirror instantly went from hot and sultry to youthful and simple, Yu Xiaomin blinked and finally felt that he was like himself.

After the payment, she walked out of the clothing store, looked up at the clear blue sky, took a deep breath, and told herself:

It's still the same blue sky, the same breathable air, delicious food to taste, and money to spend... it's better than wearing a doomsday novel... it's time to be content!

So Yu Xiaomin put some relaxed smiles on her cheeks under her mask, took out her mobile phone and booked a ticket to City H. She took a step forward to stop a taxi to the airport.

However, the clothing store clerk behind him kindly chased out the door and handed her a bag:

"Beauty, you forgot to take your original clothes. I think they are all expensive, so I brought them over."

"Thank you."

Yu Xiaomin originally didn't plan to ask for the clothes, but when the clerk said the words "luxury", she felt that she was too bloated.

How could such a wasteful habit be born because of the money in the card?

If you don't want it, you can resell it!

Didn't someone in the post bar say that these luxury clothes can be sold for a lot of money?

Yu Xiaomin thought about it this way. When he looked at the clothes in the bag again, there was no dislike in his eyes. The game console jumped in his eyes. At this time, he stopped at the "money" and "all money" options.

The backpack was quite empty, and Yu Xiaomin opened the zipper, squinted his eyes and carefully stuffed the clothes in, before moving away.

After getting off the plane, Yu Xiaomin had another missed call in her cell phone, indicating that it was from her cheap sister, the hostess.

Yu Xiaomin curled his lips and directly blocked the person.

Her beautiful life does not need the destruction of the plot!

Returning to the familiar H city, Yu Xiaomin is very thankful that the world in the novel is extended according to reality, so H city is still the H city she is familiar with.

Aiqing County under the jurisdiction of City H where she originally lived is still that familiar small county.

Except that everyone has amnesia and can't remember her face, nothing has changed much.

" Uncle Wang, is there anyone living in Mingfeng Community 302 now?"

"The little girl knows me?"

The security uncle of the original community gave birth to a chubby and easy-going face. Even if he didn't know the current Yu Xiaomin, he smiled kindly when he saw people. Feeling:

"The original occupant of 302, Ms. Wang, wanted to take her to live with her son because she was living abroad. She is selling the house. If you want to see the house, you can contact this number."

Yu Xiaomin was very happy when she heard the news.

She used to learn about Ms. Wang's house sales information through an intermediary two months ago. In this way, the timeline in the novel was only two months later than in her reality.

Although she has known through the Internet that her study, work, and life lines have been erased in the world of fiction in reality, but what does it matter, it's just that the people around her have amnesia.

In the familiar environment, at least she will not be uncomfortable, she can still live the same life as before.


Because there is no intermediary, Yu Xiaomin bought her own house this time and saved tens of thousands of dollars. She remodeled the house again to buy furniture, curtains, and decorations. She was so skilled that she didn't need to shop around.

A month later, after Yu Xiaomin saved some manuscripts and re-registered as the author of Lujiang Literature City, and signed the contract, she held a comfortable smile at the corner of her mouth, and the whole person was lying lazily on the lazy couch, feeling that wearing a book and the real world It doesn't seem to make much difference.

#Code字群 has been added, let's join in three, six and ten thousand a day! Group number see name#

Although there are still millions in his hand, Yu Xiaomin's goal was to become the Great God of Lvjiang and make it to the gold list of Lvjiang's homepage.

So after registering the new author's name, she didn't go on the net for three days and fish for two days, but started to update diligently.

But the codeword efficiency of a person is not high. Although Yu Xiaomin occasionally needs to chat with people to develop ideas, after adding a group to the Lvjiang forum, she began to spell codewords with people daily.

Of course, it's not code time. Because now I have a lot of money, Yu Xiaomin bought himself a treadmill to exercise, and bought a lot of physical books to improve himself.

In the summer afternoon, order a dessert or milk tea, lie on the soft sofa and read novels with air-conditioning while replying to topics in the next group or forum.

It's a life like a fairy.

On this day, Yu Xiaomin stretched his waist after finishing 6,000 words, and went into a group chat while feeding himself snacks.

Seeing group friends posting pictures of cats and cats, she took a hard breath and couldn't help thinking whether she would like to buy a cute kitten too.

"My aunt has a stomachache, and today's code word assignment asks for leave."

"Poor Caicai, dysmenorrhea and other things are really uncomfortable. Drink a cup of hot brown sugar water to relieve it."

"If you haven't saved the manuscript, remember to tell the reader. , Everyone will be considerate, huh?"

However, as soon as her thoughts came up, the group started talking about women's menstrual period.

Yu Xiaomin blinked his eyes, and suddenly his heartbeat started to speed up: Wocao, her aunt seems to have not been here for a month and a half!

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