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Chapter 31 Chu Haotian was really stunned when he heard Yu Xiaomin's words. He wanted to see the traces of her lying in Yu Xiaomin's expression, but the erratic guilty conscience and eyes never appeared in her eyes when lying.

Even worse, he took a closer look and saw that Xiao Douding's face was 70% similar to Yu Xiaomin.

Exquisite matte cheeks, jet-black soft hair, white porcelain-like shiny skin, beautiful lips with small mouths, but a pair of obsidian-like eyes with sharp eyes on the face. Distinguished this is definitely not a cute girl.

Mrs. Yu did not have a second child, so this baby who is so similar to Yu Xiaomin, she really is... not a child born to someone else!

She disappeared for so many years, so she had already given up on him and had a family with other men!

"You clearly said that you would wait for me for the rest of your life, and you clearly said that even if I love others, I won't change my heart, why...why!"

Chu Haotian trembled his lips and asked with a mute voice. His heart fluctuated too much and fell to the ground. He squeezed Yu Xiaomin's arm and imprisoned her. It seemed that she didn't say one, so today she will be punished on the spot.

Baby Yu Qian was also shocked by Yu Xiaomin's words.

He always thought that although his mother was replaced by a foreign soul, his father still regarded him as a shame in his previous life and abandoned their mother and son like a scumbag.

However, when he was nervous and thought his mother would be shaken, his mother suddenly told the man that he was the child she and other men gave birth to!

If the mother really had a relationship with this man and gave birth to a baby, then after she said so, this scumbag would not be so embarrassed that he was betrayed and cuckold.

So, in this life, his mother has helped him change a father!

Although he doesn't know who his biological father is, Baby Yu Qian feels that no matter who it is, he is better than the scumbag in front of him.

However, there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and baby Yu Qian saw his mother shackled by the scumbag.

"Let go of my mother, you bastard!"

Baby Yu Qian saw that his mother was caught by the bad guy and couldn't get away with her arms, so she immediately went to break the scumbag's arm.

The child Song Yaofeng on the side saw him. Although he was afraid of this savage uncle, he did not hesitate to step forward for loyalty.

Seeing that his old man's strength was too small to stop the bad uncle's atrocities, he was heartbroken, and he grew his mouth to bite the bad uncle's arm viciously.


Song Yaofeng's little white teeth could even crush pecans. Chu Haotian was caught off guard from being attacked. A sharp pain in his arm was transmitted to his hypothalamus, so that his instinctive reflection of one hand on his body He had to let go of Yu Xiaomin.

After Yu Xiaomin was able to break free from the shackles, she saw the male protagonist's face turned blue and white, and her eyes were in vain. She subconsciously pulled the two children back and threatened coldly:

"Chu Haotian, this is a public place, it's difficult. You want to be invited to the police station because of sexual harassment!"

At this moment, Qin Mufeng, who had bought ice cream, also arrived at the scene. Seeing Yu Xiaomin's fierce atmosphere here, he doubted:

"Mother Yu Qian, what's wrong? "

Yu Xiaomin and Baby Yu Qian haven't spoken yet, but the indignant child Song Yaofeng feels that his cousin will have a backing when he arrives, so Xiao Pang clenched his fist and raised his eyebrows. He hurriedly reported:

"Cousin, this uncle wants to bully Auntie!"

Chu Haotian had already retreated a bit in Yu Xiaomin's warning. Hearing Qin Mufeng's conversation with Song Yaofeng at this time, he judged that this boy was not Yu Xiaomin's man, and the surroundings seemed to be surrounding him. Watching the lively crowd, he shook his arm and left with a black face.

After all, he still cannot explain the gossip news because of the gossip, and the Fang family is not easy to explain.

If you are frustrated in love, your career cannot be ruined!

The party left, and the crowd watching the excitement spontaneously dispersed. Yu Xiaomin saw the doubt in Qin Mufeng's eyes and smiled embarrassedly:

"Misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." The

kid Song Yaofeng felt that this was not a misunderstanding and wanted to explain, but he hadn't spoken yet. It was stopped by baby Yu Qian's eyes.

"Boss, can't you talk about this?"

Song Yaofeng pressed his mouth tightly, but a pair of Danfeng eyes squeezed by obesity opened big questions towards Baby Yu Qian.

"This is a secret."

Baby Yu Qian gave him a look that you know and I know, and the child Song Yaofeng nodded with excitement.

He and the eldest have a secret, will he be the confidant of the eldest in the future, with a position that other children can't surpass!

"Ah, give me the payment code, and I will transfer the ice cream money to you."

Seeing Qin Mufeng's apparent disbelief, Yu Xiaomin quickly changed the subject.

And Song Yaofeng finally remembered his ice cream, smashed his mouth, swallowed it, and heard the drool gushed out of the three words ice cream in his mouth. He jumped excitedly and clapped his hands in place:

"Yeah, yeah, eat ice cream, eat ice cream!"

Although baby Yu Qian has a lot of question marks in his mind, he knows that they are not suitable questions for outsiders, so he temporarily put aside his doubts and shifted his attention to Uneaten ice cream comes up.

Learning Song Yaofeng licked a sip of ice cream, baby Yu Qian's tongue was instantly covered by an unfamiliar icy coldness, but the coldness of that icy moment was melted by the original heat of the tongue, and the rest was a mixture of rich milky aroma and strawberry aroma. The wonderful taste.

good to eat!

Baby Yu Qian's eyes brightened, and he tried to roll a pinch of soft ice cream on the surface with his pink tongue and hold it in his mouth.

This time there was more ice cream than before, and it did not melt instantly.

Baby Yu Qian tried to smash his mouth, and then felt the colder and more stimulating ice melt in his mouth than before, stimulating his taste buds.

"Mom, the ice cream is delicious, as delicious as strawberry cake! Mom, you can try it too!"

Baby Yu Qian felt like she was opened to a new world, and found that there were still many unknown wonders waiting for him. Of excavation.

While he was delighted with the beautiful things in the new world, he did not forget to share it with his favorite mother. He wanted to make his mother feel the deliciousness.

He raised the ice cream in his hand high, and his obsidian eyes also reflected the dazzling light.

Yu Xiaomin's boredom being harassed by the scumbag, in the pure happy eyes of cute, instantly disappeared like bubbles.

She squatted down, licked the ice cream held high by the baby, and then a super bright happy smile appeared on her face:

"It's really delicious! Thank you baby, eat it quickly, the ice cream will melt in a while but it will be bad."

"Yes, you can eat it yourself. I bought your mother freshly squeezed watermelon juice to quench your thirst."

Qin Mufeng almost forgot the drink in his hand just now when he saw mother and child in love, especially Yu Xiaomin's dazzling smile.

After recovering, he hurriedly handed all the drinking straws to Yu Xiaomin.

Yu Xiaomin took the drink and was not polite. He took out his mobile phone and said frankly:

"You give me the payment code, I'm afraid I will forget it in a while."

Qin Mufeng originally planned to ask someone for a V letter by the way. At this time, he heard the lady sister. By this, he knew that he didn't want to get too involved with him. Seeing someone holding up the phone and waiting, he finally took out the QR code from Shanruliu, and didn't force it.

It was just that when he remembered the message that the money arrived in his mobile phone message, he felt that the love seeds that he had accidentally sprouted in his heart were also crushed by sound waves, so fragile.

I am not born as a king, but I have no part in it.

God probably wants to play with him! Alas.

Qin Mufeng couldn't help but glance at his nephew, who was licking ice cream with a carefree look of enjoyment, slightly showing envy.

Young people don't know how to feel sad.

However, his nephew Song Yaofeng received his look, but mistakenly thought that he also wanted to taste ice cream. So Qin Mufeng saw that his nephew actually moved his chubby body flexibly, leaving him with a ruthless back.

Brat, it hurts!

Look at the Duoduo baby opposite you. They also take the initiative to share the delicious food with your mother. You actually treat the cousin who sacrificed his spare time to play with you!

I didn't want to eat your food, but since you are so stingy, don't blame Cousin for being rude.

After Qin Mufeng was hit, a smile that didn't recognize her confided in the corner of Qin Mufeng's mouth, and then used the stunt of grabbing rebounds. He reached out and took the remaining half of the ice cream in Xiaopangpang's hands into his own hands:

"Uncle suddenly thought of your mother. I can't explain to you that I can't eat sweets for you. You've been addicted after eating half of it, and the remaining cousin will help you solve it."

After speaking, he turned around with the ice cream, pretending to eat alone without leaving a bite.

After the chubby Song Yaofeng reacted, he was anxious to cry, but he didn't expect that his elder brother suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

Is it possible that Big Brother wants to give me the ice cream in his hand?

The tears in Xiao Pang's eyes were pushed back by the surprise, but before he reached out to catch the gift, he heard the boss's earnest admonition:

"I heard that if you are too fat, you will get sick easily. If you want to follow me, you must reduce it. Lose weight, in the future breakfast, lunch and dinner, don't eat too much!" The

boss's eyes are full of expectations for him, Song Yaofeng's mouth is still drooling, but his heart is moved to a mess:

"Then I will try not to eat too much. Okay."

After speaking, in order to show his determination, Song Yaofeng said to his uncle


turned his back, "I don't want to eat ice cream, you can eat it." Of course Qin Mufeng was joking with his nephew, but listened. When he really wanted to lose weight, he couldn't help turning around and holding the remaining ice cream and asking:

"Uncle Cousin didn't actually eat it, so you really don't want it?"

I asked, do you want to shake my will and provoke a firm revolutionary friendship between me and the boss!

The child Song Yaofeng glared at Qin Mufeng angrily, and tried to divert his attention away from the sweet and delicious ice cream:

"If you don't want to eat it, I listen to the boss."

Qin Mufeng was really stunned. His nephew had just started. He was accidentally fattened by taking tonics, but his appetite grew after he gained weight, so that the original chubby and cuteness became too fat now.

His cousin wanted to restrict his diet a long time ago, but the grandmother who pampered the child had more than enough energy and lacked enough energy. Every time he heard the grandson cry, she would feel relieved to give him food.

I originally thought that my nephew's weight-loss career would have a long way to go, but I didn't expect that if someone added a word, the nephew would compromise.

Is this the power of idols in legends?


Because Song Yaofeng and Baby Yu Qian have different interest classes in the afternoon, they take a short break after eating ice cream, and the trip to the amusement park is over.

When they came to the gate of the amusement park, several people parted ways.

"Boss, let's play together next time...Then let's go first..." In

the steaming heat at noon, Song Yao's tender voice, which was still unfinished, floated along the air, and finally dissipated in Qin Mufeng's windy motorcycle. Naruto.

Yu Xiaomin started the car to turn on the air conditioner and walked outside along with the traffic. After a short lunch and rest, she sent Baby Yu Qian to the piano class, and then she ordered a drink in the cafe outside and started to save the code word. After all, there will be a Sanda class the next day, and she will also participate, and she has to use her free time every second.

Life is so full and energetic.

There was still some time before dinner before the end of the piano class. Yu Xiaomin came up with interest and saw the cinema opposite to the tutoring class. He also took Baby Yu Qian to experience the animated film "Little Wolf Haunted".

When returning home after dinner, Yu Xiaomin felt that it was really good to take the children to play this way every weekend, broaden the children's horizons, and feel the different childhood that he had never experienced before.

It's just that when Yu Xiaomin hurried home with a small song in her mouth, she didn't know that baby Yu Qian's head was about to burst into a pile of questions.

So when the two got home, Yu Xiaomin put down his backpack. Baby Yu Qian saw that Zhang Xiaohui hadn't gone home, and could no longer hold back the curiosity in his heart. The little hand held Yu Xiaomin's fingertips and brought people to the sofa, and there came a mother and son. Long talk.

"Mom, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you."

Yu Xiaomin didn't know the doubts of baby Yu Qian at this time. She thought that there was something she didn't understand when she watched the movie and wanted her to help her. So she touched her son gently. He said patiently:

"If you have any questions, just ask."

However, Yu Xiaomin was caught off guard. The content of the conversation a few months ago was brought to the front of the baby again:

"Mom, you said that my dad went very far away last time. Is the place real?"

Baby Yu Qian could not directly ask "Why is he not the son of a scumbag in this life", nor could he ask "Mom, when did you pass through?", let alone "The scumbag is not my father. Then how did I get born"...

So after the questions in Baby Yu Qian's mind were tangled up, he picked a thread that might solve the mystery and elicited his mother's answer.

"Of course it is true."

Yu Xiaomin was very embarrassed when she heard the baby's question, but she still kept a smile without guilty conscience.

"The last time I heard people say that I had passed away when I went to a far away place, so after my mom and dad had me, did my dad pass away?"

Baby Yu Qian suddenly heard that his dad was not a scumbag. An ecstasy.

After all, his mother changed him to a father, his mother is no longer a mad woman, and his father is no longer an annoying scumbag.

But Baby Yu Qian calmed down. When he wanted to imagine what his father looked like, when he had a slight expectation of his father, the words his mother had said to him suddenly appeared in his mind.

At the beginning, he mistakenly thought that the scumbag was his father, so he just wanted to know if his mother was different. After getting the answer, he didn't care what his mother meant.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered, but my heart felt cold.

Although his father has changed, it is very likely that he is no longer alive...

To be honest, every day when he goes to kindergarten, he listens to other children talking about his father. He is not envious of it.

But at the time he knew that his father was a bastard, so he was envious. He felt that it would be better to have no father than to have one.

However, after learning that his father was someone else, Yu Qian's inner desire for his father quietly rose again, so when asking at this time, his little hand gripped mother's finger tightly. The tender fingernails appeared cold white.

As a mother, Yu Xiaomin felt the anxiety and expectation of her son, and she felt a little distressed in her heart.

She wanted to lie and say that your father was indeed dead, but on the one hand, she felt it was not good to curse people, and on the other hand, she was afraid of hurting the baby's heart.

So Yu Xiaomin thought for a while and told her son sincerely:

"No, he is not dead, but there is a long, long distance between father and mother. Mom can't go to father's place, just like the two ends of a seesaw, you go to one side. , You can't be on the other side."

Baby Yu Qian heard her mother's words. Although she didn't understand why her father and mother can't get together in the same place with developed traffic, he knew what her mother meant:

"Mom said that although father is still alive, Can't my mother stay with my father?"

Yu Xiaomin was surprised at the child's ability to understand. Although he thought it was cruel, he nodded.

Forgive her for not being a mother who is willing to sacrifice everything for her child. Although she loves her child and can save her life, she does not want to lose herself because of her child while ensuring that the child is safe and sound.

Fu Yanchen is a completely wealthy president, but she is just an ordinary citizen.

She does not want to experience being separated from mother and child by wealthy ladies, nor does she wish to marry a wealthy and get involved in complicated social circles and increase her involuntary self.

She just hopes to live a happy life with her son.

Although Yu Xiaomin was firm in mind, he was still a little guilty after nodding. After all, because of himself, the baby lost an opportunity to grow up in a complete family.

Baby Yu Qian saw his mother's eyes reddening, but she felt very guilty.

Originally, my mother was happy today, but he insisted on asking his mother such sad questions because of his curiosity.

Without a dad, it's actually nothing!

He is with his mother and is thousands of times happier than in his previous life, and one less father happens to be no one to steal his mother from him!

Thinking of this, Baby Yu Qian hummed and stood up on the sofa and threw himself into his mother's arms, and rubbed Yu Xiaomin's neck with his soft hair to express his attachment and comfort;

"I have a mother. Don't leave me!"

Knowing that the child will choose himself between his parents, but when he really became the one chosen, Yu Xiaomin couldn't help but raise a gratifying smile:

"Mom won't leave you, you are my only relative That's it."

......After the

mother and son had spoken, the days were back on the right track.

Neither the hero nor Fu Yanchen came to harass anymore, and Yu Xiaomin felt that his days in Beijing were becoming the same as before.

In addition to the social circle, grandparents from the community became Lu Miaomiao and her baby's classmates and parents.

Baby Yu Qian's piano talent was revealed, and the piano teacher Yu Xiaomin invited praised the child for her potential more than once in front of her. He never forgets his strong sense of music.

Yu Xiaomin and Yu Qianbao's Sanda classes are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Yu Xiaomin feels that although life is a bit monotonous, peace is the simple happiness she pursues, and seeing her son's progress every day is her happiest time.

"Mom, my classmates are talking about mini games today, but I have never seen what mini games look like... and last time, the classmates were talking about cartoons, but I haven't heard of many of them... I can do it every week Apply for a computer to play for 20 minutes, do you know a little bit, otherwise, it seems a little out of place among the classmates."

Baby Yu Qian received an assignment at school today, and the teacher asked them to draw a picture of their father.

Knowing that Baby Yu Qian might not have seen his father, the teacher quietly told him that if he couldn't draw it, he would draw a respectable elder.

Baby Yu Qian actually wants to know what his father looks like, but since the last time he talked with his mother, he dare not talk about his father in front of his mother, lest his mother feel uncomfortable.

But he really can't imagine what a person looks like out of thin air. After thinking about it all the way home, he decided to paint his master as the teacher said.

Although I have never seen Master, at least I have Master's contact information!

Anyway, when the time comes to draw an outline, the other children don't know that it is their master. The picture is not a photo.

Yu Xiaomin pursed her lips when she heard her son's request, and nodded in agreement.

Nowadays, science and technology are developed. Although her original intention is to protect children's eyes, her continued prohibition of electronic products may make her unable to keep up with the times. As the child said, she lacks many topics with classmates.

When she thought that other children might be chatting about a certain animated character with great interest, but because many cartoons did not have pictures and stories, her son had never been exposed to the expression of loss of speech, so she felt that she was indeed lacking before. consider.

And how well-behaved her son is. He didn't cry out that he wanted to play with his mobile phone or computer every day. He only looked at her with a pair of eyes and said that he would only play 20 minutes on weekends.

Yu Xiaomin believes that even a hard-hearted stranger would not have the heart to refuse such a reasonable and eager request from his son.

"Do you need me to teach you how to play?"

Yu Xiaomin even feared that his son had never touched a computer, so she specifically offered to play with him.

However, I usually rely on my children who like to play with me, but this time he tactfully rejected her:

"Mom picks a simple game for me, and then teaches the game how to play it. I can play it by myself."

Yu Xiaomin felt that after his son went to kindergarten, he became more independent than before, and an inexplicable thought "My Family" The sigh of "you have grown up" is both proud and slightly disappointed.

However, she deeply understands that even if she is lost again, she can't block her son's growth because of selfishness, and let her grow up to become an involuntary Mabaonan or gnaw an old clan, so she smiled slightly and Yu Xiaomin followed her son's words and chose him for him. a cut fruits game, let him free to play:

. "that mother went to take a bath you, if you do not play, you play with other toys, Zhang sister in the living room, I heard her shout something to become"

"Well, my mother assured

Right ." Baby Yu Qian nodded obediently, but when Yu Xiaomin entered the bathroom, he quickly switched the interface.

He originally planned to use his mobile phone number to contact Master directly, but because his age was really not suitable for exposure to Master, he chose the same method as last time.

Fu Yanchen, who was processing files in front of the computer, had just sent a reply to today's email to Country M, and suddenly the computer was violently attacked by a program.

Under his instinct, he is quickly prepared and intends to take the opportunity to ferret out the opponent to counterattack.

However, seeing the familiar techniques and methods while flipping his fingers, Fu Yanchen's original vigilance and coldness suddenly turned into excitement.

Junior Brother is here?

Actually, he still used such a simple and rude way, really thinking that his technology has stagnated for a lifetime, he will be controlled by it!

Take a look at his magical skills that are not the same now!

After all, during this period of time, in order to prevent himself from being boring and thinking, he has always exercised his computer skills after handling things...

Fu Yanchen's fighting spirit appeared in his eyes, and his fingers even moved faster than before, even on the keyboard. Only the afterimages of fingertips can be seen.

However, Baby Yu Qian, who has been working hard on the piano recently, has greatly improved his finger dexterity compared to before, and at this time it is still computer operation.

Therefore, after the two of them had a discussion, Baby Yu Qian managed to hack Fu Yanchen's computer.

The big guy is the big guy, every time he gets stronger!

Fu Yanchen sighed again in front of his black screen, and felt more awe of the mysterious boss in his heart, and he also developed a stronger will to defeat the opponent.

It's just that he didn't know that Baby Yu Qian was also shocked:

Master's technique has improved dramatically compared to two years ago. If he continues to grow like this, it will take less than five years, maybe he will have to be picked up by Master!

But how can he practice computer skills secretly behind his mother's back. If he buys relevant books and reads, his mother will treat him as a monster, right?

Baby Yu Qian shook his head, got rid of his worries, and finally returned to the subject:

"Big brother, can you tell me what you look like?"

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