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Chapter 56

"Xiaomin, marry me!"

Fu Yanchen took out the prepared engagement ring in his hand and opened the velvet gift box to show it in Yu Xiaomin's sight.

The fireworks in the distance were still crackling and exploding, illuminating the dark sky.

Yu Xiaomin looked at him with a serious expression that was almost pious. Only the fireworks and her Fu Yanchen were reflected in his eyes, and his heart beat more violently, as if he was about to break free from his chest.

Yu Xiaomin quietly pressed down on her unquiet heartbeat, and the smile on the corner of her mouth wanted to be restrained but couldn't hold it down:


After a period of time, Yu Xiaomin realized that his prejudice against the rich was actually not very correct.

Although her neighbour's sister had a misfortune in her marriage, it had a lot to do with her family. In fact, it was more about her being unfair.

Yu Xiaomin and Fu Yanchen didn't get along for a long time, but in her heart, she felt that Fu Yanchen was very reliable, and she loved her sincerely.

Yu Xiaomin thought, anyway, she has signed an agreement with Fu Yanchen. If the marriage brings her unbearable pain, she is capable of self-reliance, and she will not have the idea of ​​suicide.

In this case, she can be brave enough to try to grasp the happiness she wants.

After Yu Xiaomin clearly understood what he wanted, he solemnly reached out to Fu Yanchen.

Even if it had been expected, at the moment Yu Xiaomin said "OK", Fu Yanchen still felt that there was a thousand flowers blooming in his heart, and the sound of drum music made his eyes moist with excitement.

When Yu Xiaomin tried to push him back, Fu Yanchen was ready to take ninety-nine steps and cross the barriers between two people to seek happiness.

What surprised him was that after seeing his sincerity, Yu Xiaomin not only took that step ahead of time, but also ran towards him with open arms.

On the way Fu Yanchen was halfway there, they met early because of Yu Xiaomin's rush.

Fu Yanchen trembling hands, took out the ring in the velvet box as if he was afraid of regret, and then carefully put it on Yu Xiaomin's ring finger.

"Thank you, Xiaomin."

Fu Yanchen stood up, hugged Yu Xiaomin tightly, wishing to rub people into his own flesh and blood. But I was afraid that she would be bored, and after holding it tight for a moment, he restrained and slightly relieved the confinement of his hands.

Yu Xiaomin was embraced by Fu Yanchen's warm embrace, feeling that the air-conditioning on the top of the mountain had become softer.

She should thank him. If it were not for Fu Yanchen's insistence, she would not even dare to take a step...

"Bang" the

last firework disappeared into the night sky, and the sky around Yu Xiaomin dimmed again, but she had no time to sigh good It was perishable, because Fu Yanchen's hot lips pressed against her, with a hotter temperature than ever before.

Maybe the moonlight was too gentle and the neon lights around were too romantic. The jump in Yu Xiaomin's heart just couldn't calm down. She also wanted to do something to vent her turbulent emotions.

Therefore, instead of dodge shyly, Yu Xiaomin took the initiative to stand on his toes and grab Fu Yanchen's neck to cooperate with Fu Yanchen.

Fu Yanchen felt that he was just a stranded fish trying to absorb the few water sources on the shallows nearby, licking into his lips bit by bit, trying to maintain his breathing.

However, what surprised and delighted him was that just when he felt that this little water source was far from enough to sustain his life, a drizzle suddenly fell on the horizon.

Not only did he moisturize his lips, but also gradually formed a small stream beside him, allowing him to drink as much water as he could, while also giving him a chance to return to the river directly.

Fu Yanchen followed this stream downstream, his fish tail fluttered happily, and after a while, his body reappeared in the river where he could survive.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh of satisfaction.


Baby Yu Qian has long been notified by his father, knowing that his parents will not go home so soon.

So he ran to the attic of the old house with great interest, and sat with his grandma to watch the fireworks.

"Grandma, these fireworks are so beautiful, do you think your father's proposal will be successful?"

Mrs. Fu heard her great-grandson raising her neck and her eyes were full of expectation, and she touched his soft hair:

"It will succeed. , When your parents get married, how about you give them a little flower girl and sow flowers for them?"

Mrs. Fu said this to Baby Yu Qian's heart:


He had been looking forward to it. , I just didn't expect my wish to come true soon!

Old Mrs. Fu couldn't help but lifted her mouth when she saw the joyful smile from her great-grandson: She had been looking forward to this day for a long, long time. When she almost had no hope for her grandson to marry a wife, she did not expect God to give her. A super surprise.

Mrs. Fu thought that she would have to donate more money to charity activities this year during the Chinese New Year. Maybe she could add a little princess to her family.


"Wow, who is proposing marriage, so romantic!"

"It's the rich man who is proposing marriage. So many fireworks are probably very expensive, and most people can't afford it."

"Is it the proposal ceremony performed by the new capital of the capital, Chu Haotian? I heard that he spent tens of millions for his girlfriend before. I bought the token of love, and the people who are about to get married seem to be them."

"Wrong, I can't say you don't believe it. This is the movement made by Fu Yanchen's proposal from the Fu Group, because Mr. Fu just sent big red envelopes to all employees of the company. Celebrate his successful marriage proposal."

"Fu Yanchen! Is that Mr. Fu whose sexuality is a mystery and is not close to female sex? He has someone he likes!"

"I don't know which lady he married to?"

"It doesn't seem to be a person in the circle, but A very beautiful young lady, it is revealed that President Fu took her to the wedding of actress Hao Lixiang."

"Contemporary Cinderella and President Ba?"

"Wow, this girl must have saved the galaxy in her last life to be able to be like this by Fu Yanchen. Look at it, I've seen him in financial magazines, and he has been handsome for many entertainment stars."

"Oh, maybe it's a co-wife."

"The sourness upstairs is almost catching up with the ten-year old vinegar. I am lucky. Participated in the wedding of the queen, once saw Mr. Fu

uncontrollably hug the girl, and the scene tortured the single dog, okay?" During Fu Yanchen's grand fireworks proposal ceremony, the Internet was so beautiful and very romantic. The fireworks show was shocked.

Because there was no notice from Fu Shi to suppress the news, many posts were discussing this rich proposal.

Yu Shiyao and Chu Haotian did not stay longer on the island. The plane returned to City B in the afternoon of this morning. It was just that Chu Haotian was busy with official duties. Yu Shiyao had a beauty awakening and woke up on the bed to read the mobile phone news.

I was in the entertainment industry and broke up with big melons. Suddenly, the hot search became "Prosperity Proposal".

As a person who is about to get married, Yu Shiyao is naturally very interested in this topic and entered the post with one hand.

When she first saw the prosperous fireworks in the post video, she sat up from the bed and put on her pajamas and went to the balcony to watch it with great interest.

However, when the fireworks burned out, she slipped through her hands and saw the comments and found that the proposal was made by Fu Yanchen, and Yu Shiyao was not well.

Fu Yanchen actually proposed to Yu Xiaomin so soon!

Yu Xiaomin, you are really good.


Shiyao gritted his teeth and resented, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of a private investigator: "15 minutes, let me find out if Fu Yanchen's girlfriend Yu Xiaomin has a son, and then find out who the child is."

Yu Shiyao The private detective who contacted received a call from the employer with an obvious embarrassment:

"Will fifteen minutes be too

short ?" Yu Shiyao couldn't see Yu Xiaomin, and felt that it was the best way to pull Yu Xiaomin from high to the ground. Timing... After all, Yu Shiyao was really afraid that Fu Yanchen would be excited to take Yu Xiaomin to receive the certificate tomorrow morning and give her shares in the Fu Group or something.

"Five times the price."

Yu Shiyao played a role in the Zhu family's affairs. Chu Haotian not only promised her marriage and gifted her a token of love, but also gave her a free payment card.

In order to maintain her good image in front of Chu Haotian, Yu Shiyao told Chu Haotian to know that everything she did was for people who loved him, not for his money, so she never spent half of it.

It's just that the Yu family's parents' property was affected after the Yang family incident. Although Chu Haotian did his best to prevent the Yu family from going bankrupt, Yu Shiyao's current pocket money is pitiful.

She usually maintains, wears new styles, and occasionally invites the plastic flower sisters to have afternoon tea... The pocket money in her hand is almost used, and this time, to beat Yu Xiaomin, she can only use Chu Haotian's card.

"Miss Yu, don't worry, I'll send you an e-mail in a while."

Upon hearing the five times the price, the private detective on the other end was heartbroken and decided to use some small methods that he didn't usually use.

After hanging up the phone, a pair of black and thin hands in front of the LCD screen flew up on the keyboard.

He was stunned from time to time, frowned and gritted his teeth from time to time, and finally stretched his brows:

unable to access Fu Yanchen's computer and mobile phone, nor can he access Yu Xiaomin's computer and mobile phone. Fortunately, he invaded the database of the paternity test center and stole it from the hospital. The birth certificate information of Yu Xiaomin's son also took a screenshot of the photo of Yu Xiaomin picking up the child in school surveillance.

Time was tight and it was too late to check the details, but the private investigator felt that the information was enough to satisfy the employer, so he sent the main information to the other party's mailbox according to the agreed time.


Shiyao opened the e-mail, and the corner of her mouth became higher and higher: Judging from the birth certificate, the child should have been pregnant the night Yu Xiaomin was drugged in City A.

Fu Yanchen, a person from City B, should not have any intersection with Yu Xiaomin. And according to common sense, if Yu Xiaomin slept with Fu Yanchen that night, and Fu Yanchen fell in love with her at first sight, then the child would not have been out for so long.

Moreover, the personal identification center did not have the paternity identification certificate of Yu Xiaomin's child and Fu Yanchen, so Yu Shiyao dared to assert that the child was definitely not Fu Yanchen's.

What made her happy was that the paternity test center still had a report proving that the child was not from Chu Haotian.

So Yu Xiaomin, the child, may not even know who her father is... After

reading the information, Yu Shiyao immediately cut the trumpet and submitted articles to various breaking news accounts in the entertainment circle. She knew that the Fu Jiaquan was in great shape , but she believed in the Fu family. After seeing these news, the opponent would definitely release the water secretly and tell Fu Yanchen to wear this green hat.

Yu Shiyao trembled in excitement, and kept refreshing the news after sending the news.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, because of the high level of attention for that flourishing fireworks, the news that Yu Xiaomin lied to marry Fu Yanchen was immediately on the hot search, and in an unstoppable posture, it climbed to the eleventh hot search within a few minutes.

After Yu Shiyao clicked on the headline of #仓姑娘假婚傅氏CEO# into the post, he saw that the news number was exaggerated and worrying throughout the article explaining the hot news he learned a few minutes ago and the picture proof of the coding.

"I, Cao, actually eats such a big melon, this woman is too courageous!"

"Did Mr. Fu's mind be dazzled by love? I actually want to marry such a scheming girl."

"Maybe Mr. Fu has always been. Knowing that the woman has children, love is regardless of age, gender, and second marriage. As long as the person is right, is it all right?"

"The original poster really loves love, but I don't believe that Fu Yanchen will want a second marriage civilian Woman, unless that woman gave someone a gu, Fu Yanchen can't do without her."

"It's a rumors, the president of the Fu family must have investigated people when looking for someone. Is it possible that you will get married at the first sight?"

"I have a guess.

Could it be that Mr. Fu doesn't like women, so he deliberately finds someone with a child so that he won't have to adopt him in the future." "Heh, Fu Yanchen, even if he thinks, can the old lady Fu agree?"

As soon as the news came out, it was reposted and shared by many people who eat melons. When the V-blog administrator saw that the melon was quickly deleted, the neutral people who eat melons thought it might be true.

Out of the rebellious psychology of "you don't want people to know that the more we are going to spread", various screenshots began to explode on the Internet, so that the original melon became a topic on the entire network, and it rose to the top of the hot search after half an hour.

When Fu Yanchen received the news from his assistant Mo Xin, he was still sending Yu Xiaomin to the Fu's old house.

Hearing Mo Xin's report, his eyes sank:

"You don't need to press the news. Send someone to find out who is behind the rumors. You immediately rush to the Fu's old house and take my hair and Duoduo for personal identification. Tomorrow afternoon At 2 o'clock, I personally held a press conference to announce his identity as the future heir of the Fu Group."

Fu Yanchen wants to marry Yu Xiaomin, so Duoduo's identity will be exposed sooner or later.

Fu Yanchen thought, just take advantage of this turmoil to introduce Duoduo's identity to everyone, but... the process of getting acquainted with Yu Xiaomin needs to be polished.

When Fu Yanchen ordered her subordinates, Yu Xiaomin also saw the hot search news. She didn't care about online attacks, but was afraid of being hurt:

"If you hold a press conference, I can be with you, but don't bring the kids... ...Dodo, he thought we had just misunderstood the separation, and didn't know that I would stand with you one night..."

Yu Xiaomin felt that it was a child who hoped that he was the crystallization of the love between his parents.

"Rest assured, I will not let a lot of hurt, I will not let you face curses, you can accompany me tomorrow to attend the conference, but do not talk, I'm here."

Hands were big hands wrapped after Fuyan Chen, Yu Xiaomin calmed down with some anxiety.


Fu old house, the old lady Fu also brush to a trending news, but Fu old lady and did not tell the child, give the child a bath after she touched the child's head, to open the storybook:

"Today some It's late. Grandma thinks that your father's marriage proposal has been successful. Tomorrow, she will take your mother to get a certificate and become a real family in the legal sense. Sleep here today, and grandma will leave your mother behind so that you can go out tomorrow morning. ...After all, the traffic in City B is congested. They can save time on the road and they can still complete the registration."

Yu Qian Baobao was lying on the cartoon bed in the children's room, raising a pair of bright eyes and asking:

"I will be with Mom and Dad in the future. Is a registered permanent residence registered? Then, if my school's parent meeting, dad go without a mask!"

Baby Yu Qian dreams of sharing his father with his classmates, so that everyone knows that he is also a child with a father .

The last time Fu Yanchen went to the parent meeting with a mask, although Baby Yu Qian introduced it to a good friend, many students were a little unbelievable after hearing about it.

They said they only saw Baby Yu Qian's mother pick him up from school, and asked him why his father wears a mask...

Baby Yu Qian lied for the first time and told his classmates that his father had a cold, but he vaguely felt that The relationship between father and mother has not been repaired, so he dare not tell his mother what he expects.

But it's all right now.

Mom and Dad are really going to be a family. In the future, he can introduce his father to his classmates with integrity!

"Yes, in the future, your father doesn't need to wear a mask when he goes to kindergarten. When he is free, he can pick you up with your mother from school. You can also go to grandma's place for reunion dinner together. From now on we will be a real family."

Old Mrs. Fu thought that a family of two would become a family of four in an instant, and her eyes smiled so that only a gap was revealed.

After a while, Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin arrived at Fu's house.

Mo Xin also arrived in time.

"Master, uncle wants to pull out a few of your hair, but it's a little bit painful, can you bear it for a while?"

Baby Yu Qian remembered the last time a scumbag pulled his hair, and felt:

"I want to let my father Do you want to do a paternity test?"

Fu Yanchen heard his son's words, fearing that the child would not believe him, so he hurried forward to explain:

"Dad knows that you are the father's child, but the uncle who goes to the household registration does not know that, so a paternity test certificate is required for the uncle Let you and your mother become father's family, so be patient, can you?"

Fill in the father's column of the birth certificate. A paternity test is really needed. It is also convenient to enter the home. So Fu Yanchen's explanation is quite reasonable. .

"Uncle Mo Xin, please pull it out, Duo Duo is not afraid of pain."

Actually, Yu Qian baby is still very shadowed by pain, but pulling a few hairs can make him have a complete home, one more dad who loves him and loves him With grandma by his side, Baby Yu Qian feels that he is less afraid of pain.

After Mo Xin pulled out Duoduo's hair and put it in the transparent sampling bag, he pulled out three more hairs from Fu Yanchen's hair, and then left under the night.

"Xiaomin, you have already agreed to Chen Chen's marriage proposal?" The

old lady Fu asked bluntly and made Yu Xiaomin's cheeks flush, but she nodded obediently.

After Mrs. Fu was sure, she finally let go of her heart:

"Since Xiao Min has agreed, I will take her to get her certificate tomorrow morning. If there is enough time, please fill in the birth certificates. By the way, move the household registrations of their mother and child into Fu's family together. Good."

After Fu Yanchen responded, Mrs. Fu stayed with Yu Xiaomin again.

"Grandma, I and

Duoduo 's registered permanent residence are still at home now..." Yu Xiaomin was a little embarrassed, but Mrs. Fu didn't want anything to change, so she persuaded:

"I must be tired just after getting off the plane today. I still live here. Let's go down, ask Chen Chen to take it for you tomorrow morning. You see a lot of

sleep , and he missed your mother after not seeing you..." Yu Xiaomin couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the old lady, so he agreed to come down.

Originally thought that the old lady would arrange a room for her, but after Yu Xiaomin nodded in agreement, she realized that the old lady had arranged a room for her and Fu Yanchen.

"The child is born, and I will get the certificate tomorrow. Now the young boy and girl friends outside are living together, don't be so embarrassed." The

old lady closed the door for the two of them herself. Yu Xiaomin turned around and saw Fu Yanchen's eyes burning. Looking at her, her cheeks turned into big lobsters.

"I...I'm going to take a shower."

Yu Xiaomin felt that these words were quite normal . For some reason, they were ambiguous after speaking, as if they were suggesting what she was going to do after washing.

Her cheeks turned redder, and Yu Xiaomin rushed into the bathroom with the change of clothes that Mrs. Fu had prepared for her.

As a man, Fu Yanchen was in the same room with his beloved person without thinking, of course it was impossible, but when he saw Yu Xiaomin's shy look that he dared not look at him, he knew she was not ready yet.

After all, that night Yu Xiaomin took Chinese medicine and was confused, even if he was already the child's mother, there was little experience in that aspect.

Fu Yanchen didn't want to force her.

Hearing the sound of "crashing" in the bathroom calling him bloody water, Fu Yanchen turned his head and turned his ears to turn on the news on the mobile phone, and began to listen to current affairs news.

The host's calm and wise voice sounded on Fu Yanchen's auricle, covering up those charming sounds, and Fu Yanchen's mind gradually calmed down.

Half an hour later, Yu Xiaomin walked out after washing, and seeing Fu Yanchen playing with her mobile phone with her back to her, she whispered to Fu Yanchen.

Seeing that there was no response, she discovered that Fu Yanchen had a headset in her ears.

When Yu Xiaomin approached Fu Yanchen with a ghostly messenger, the sea blue quiet page of news reports and the audio playback logo displayed on the bottom of the phone appeared in his sight.

When Yu Xiaomin saw such a scene, all kinds of shame and bewilderment in his mind were suddenly replaced by the 24-word mantra of socialist core values.

Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, justice... friendly!

After circulating these words like barrage, Yu Xiaomin could finally smile and face Fu Yanchen calmly:

"I'm done washing, you go to wash it, flying all the way is very tiring."

Yu Xiaomin finished, did not ask Fu Yanchen to sleep on the floor. , Directly opened the corner of the quilt and walked into the bed. The bed was big, two meters long, and Yu Xiaomin's small ball was only one-fifth the size.

When Fu Yanchen heard Yu Xiaomin's words, he tore off the headset, and saw that Yu Xiaomin lifted the quilt and the roots of his ears turned blush.

Picking up the change of clothes and walking into the bathroom, Fu Yanchen was afraid of his own random thoughts, and directly took a battle bath with cold water to extinguish the slight heat that rose.

After drying his hair, he sorted out his pajamas and walked out of the bathroom lightly after making sure that he was neat and not unruly.

I thought that Yu Xiaomin would not be able to sleep, but after Fu Yanchen came out, she found that she had closed her eyes.

And judging from the slight trembling of her hair that fell inadvertently near her nose, she was already asleep and breathing was steady and long.

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