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chapter 66

Two days later, Fu Yanchen began to devote himself to the new year's work.

Because Duoduo has not yet started school, Yu Xiaomin only lists the outline of the new novel in his free time, and inquires about relevant information by the way. Most of the time, he still accompanies him while his children are on vacation.

However, on the day when the new semester started, Fu Yanchen retired late for the department meeting and specially accompanied Yu Xiaomin to send the children to school.

"Dad, is it convenient for you to

ask for leave?" Baby Fu Yu knows that his father has a big company, and there are many things in it that require his father to sign and agree. Sometimes he comes back from a walk at night and sees his father go home and still has to be in the study. Very busy and very busy in meetings or handling documents.

Seeing that Dad didn't get up early to go to the company as usual on working day today, he was a little embarrassed to tilt his head.

Fu Yanchen, who drove the car, didn't look back, but she smiled when she heard Fu Yubao's words:

"Of course you can't ask for leave for ordinary things, but today is a lot of school day. Before, Dad didn't know you were there and missed many of your special days. Dad will spare time as much as possible to accompany you and mom."

Baby Fu Yu heard his father's words and felt as if he had eaten his favorite strawberry cake.

Of course he wanted his father to come with him very much.

When the school started last semester, he saw that most of the children were accompanied by their parents, only occasionally a few grandma gave them away.

But at that time he thought it was good to have a mother, and he was not particularly envious.

After all, compared to his previous life, he was really satisfied.

But after knowing that he has a father, and that he is a different father from the previous life, Baby Fu Yu has a little desire in her heart.

I hope he can have a family with father and mother like most children.

Originally thought that this wish was far away, but what he did not expect was that within a few months he would really become a happy child with parents!

Mom and Dad got the certificate, and he and his mother went to the daddy's account book together.

They are already a legal family, and his parents will soon be married, and he will become the little flower girl of mom and dad!

Baby Fu Yu wakes up every day now, with the corners of her mouth tilted upwards.

When school starts today, he also hopes to tell his friends this news so that everyone can know his joy.

But originally he was a little worried, afraid that his classmates would not believe him.

But he didn't expect his father to come to help him out, and he didn't wear a mask!

Baby Fu Yu thought that she could finally show off her parents to her classmates, she couldn't wait...

"Duo Duo, we are at school." After

a while, Fu Yanchen's car stopped. They came by coincidence, and they happened to have parents. After sending the children away, they found a parking space near the school gate.

Baby Fu Yu saw her mother open the car door and got out of the car flexibly.

After getting out of the car, Fu Yanchen walked around to the mother and the son. He originally planned to pick up the child, but was rejected by the child.

"Dad, I hold you with my left hand and my mother with my right hand... I'm actually already an older child, so I don't need

my father to hold him ." Of course, baby Yu Qian likes his father to hold him. There are not many opportunities to hug.

But he glanced at the school gate and found that there were basically no babies who asked their parents to walk with them.

In addition, he felt that he was actually much older than those children... I was really embarrassed to do so, so I had to put it second.


Fu Yanchen listened, stretched out his well-knotted broad hand to grasp Fu Yubao's little soft hand, and then looked at each other with Yu Xiaomin, and tacitly led the child into it.

"Yu Qian, how are you."

Before he got to school, Fu Yubao met a classmate in the class. He heard his classmate call him "Yu Qian" and raised a bright smile at the other party. :

. "I told my mother before sex so called 'Yu money', and now I name my dad, I changed a new name 'Fu more', as you call my new name 'Fu more' good ' '

original Can I change my name? I remember, Fu Yu."

The kid nodded vigorously, then turned to his mother and said,

"Mom, I think my name'Zhang Ruixi' is not very good, it's not good. It's too difficult to write! Several of my classmates already know how to write their own names, but I don't know how to..."

However, the child's mother gave him a thriller:

"If you don't know how to practice, practice makes perfect. Mom is not telling you the story. Have you heard of it? Don't want to be lazy!"

"Oh! Mom, I'm wrong, I'll study

hard ." The child walked away with his mother very desperately, but the look at Bao Fu Yu's Very strong envy.

It seems rather confused. Why can a classmate change his name, but he can't be called "Zhang Yiyi". It is simple and nice...

Sign up on this day without having to attend classes.

After Fu Yanchen led the children into the classroom, the two teachers in the classroom made statistics in front of the desk. Seeing Baby Fu Yu, a loving smile appeared in her eyes:

"Yu Qian, you have come to sign up, how are you doing during the winter vacation?"

Baby Fu Yu obediently said to the teacher, "Teacher is good," and explained to others:

"I have changed my name now, sir, my new name is'Fu Yu'.'Fu' is the'Fu' of the single-person master, and'Yu' is a healed'Yu'. Because I have followed my father's last name "

Ms. Lu is obviously a V blogger, and he has heard of the gossip of the rich family.

Although she did not expect Fu Yu Bao to be a wealthy son, her love for her child does not come from money, so her eyes are calmer:

"Wow, has the name been changed? The teacher's form needs to be revised!"

Yu Xiaomin did not Thinking of this, I am a little apologetic for the trouble caused to the teacher: "Thank you teacher, I forgot to tell the teacher before, sorry."


didn't think about it well." Fu Yanchen did not remember the kindergarten when he changed the name of the child. So he nodded slightly to apologize to the teacher.

This time Teacher Lu was really flattered.

After all, this is the top giant in Beijing. I heard that many people have to make an appointment to see his special help, and even the government departments have to give him three points.

At this time, they are like ordinary parents of children. They bowed their heads and apologized to her for causing inconvenience to the kindergarten work!

"This is what we should do. Baby Fu Yu can go back to Fu's house and find his father, and we will be happy for him."

After Mrs. Lu finished speaking, he added:

"I'll explain to the children in the class when the class officially starts tomorrow, so that everyone knows about the change of Baby Fu Yu's name."

"Thank you, teacher."

Yu Xiaomin took the message and handed it to her again. Signed several forms, and then took the kindergarten uniform cartoon mat quilt that Fu Yanchen was carrying, and went to make the bed for Duoduo.

After taking the children and saying goodbye to the teacher, Yu Xiaomin took Fu Yanchen out of the school.

"Don't you need to pay tuition?"

Fu Yanchen, who was the first to contact the child to start school, saw Yu Xiaomin sign a few words and left. When he didn't leave the campus, he couldn't help but ask Yu Xiaomin.

When Yu Xiaomin heard Fu Yanchen's doubts and remembered what it was like, he took out his mobile phone and started to pull Fu Yanchen into the primary one class group, and then explained to him:

"The teacher in the group has sent a message saying that you can pay the tuition online a few days after school starts. , There will be SMS notifications on the parents' mobile phones at that time. I forgot to add you to the parent group. If you have anything, the teacher will @ everybody."

Yu Xiaomin finished, and continued:

"If you change your nickname into the group, you will become Fu Yu's father , I have to change it too. You can also download an education APP software, which contains the photos and timetables of the children at school shared by the teacher. I will send you the account."

Fu Yanchen operated under the instructions of Yu Xiaomin and heard the class group "Ding Dong" and "Ding Dong" sounded in the room. He clicked on it and saw that there were parents who were actually welcoming him.

However, it is not because of his identity, but because his son is a favorite of the class and is very popular.

"It's Yu Qian's father, I just heard Zhang Ruixi's parents say that you have changed your name to Fu Yu."

"I didn't meet Fu Yu at the beginning of school today. My son was still a little unhappy and said he missed him... I was on a business trip for a month and he didn't miss me that much. Hey."

"I heard that there will be picnics and outings in the spring of this semester . Let's join together when I have time. The last time I made dinosaur light clay with Baby Fu Yu was Dad Fu Yu. It was so realistic. My son went home and yelled at me to do it. I was so arrogant that I was arguing with him. Haha... ..."

"Mother Fu Yu occasionally shared some photos of life and study on the education APP. My child's winter vacation was so wild that others couldn't listen to what others said, but she especially admired Fu Yu and would like to learn from him!"


A few months ago, when Fu Yanchen knew that he had a son, he was envious of Yu Xiaomin's parents.

Today, he finally had the opportunity to join the group. He changed his image of being cold-hearted in the company group, and when he saw the friendly greetings from the parents, he responded very seriously.

However, the parents are very busy, and after a while, they are busy in stealth.

Fu Yanchen's company also had problems, so after sending Yu Xiaomin and his children back to the old house, they drove to the company.

"Boss, you are finally here!"

But as soon as Fu Yanchen entered the president's office, Special Assistant Mo Xin followed in anxiously.

"What's the matter?"

Fu Yanchen's steady voice sounded in the office. Mo Xin's original anxiety was somewhat relieved and calmed down. He reported to Fu Yanchen:

"I suspect that there is a ghost in the company."

"How do you say?"

After Fu Yanchen sat down, his arm leaned on the brown solid wood desk, his slender fingertips tapped the desk slightly, waiting for Mo Xin to follow.

"The bidding for the Shi'ao Sports Construction Zone in City B will begin soon. Our main competitors are the Zhao family, the Luo family, and the Fang family. At present, the new Chu family seems to have intentions. There is news that the Chu family is collecting information about competitors to know each other... But what is suspicious is that they didn't investigate our Fu." It

stands to reason that the Fu Group is the most likely to win the sports area. If you really intend, the first thing you should know is the Fu Group.

What does this show?

It shows that the company may have an insider who has sold internal information, so they don't need to bother to inquire.

Generally speaking, the party who is inquired about information will definitely be alert.

Mo Xin has no evidence, but his counter-reasoning remarks are also very reasonable.

Fu Yanchen was not so arrogant that he felt that the matter was foolproof. After listening to Mo Xin's report, he nodded and confessed:

"I will investigate the inner ghost secretly, and I will handle the bidding information myself."

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