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chapter 71

 "Doctor, how is my grandma?"

Yu Xiaomin waited outside the emergency room for half an hour, and the doctor walked out of the operating room:

"Someone should give first aid in the golden five minutes of the patient. Now the patient has been rescued. Life is dangerous. The results of our blood tests on the patient found that the patient has some anemia, possibly ischemic heart disease and also coronary heart disease. The reason is that she has recently had poor sleep and dreams, and the blood is overactive in the brain, causing insufficient blood supply to the heart. Now the patient You are still undergoing a blood transfusion, and you can go to the ward for a while to see her by yourself." The

doctor finished speaking, and then continued:

"However, we need to further confirm the cause of the anemia. If it is a common iron deficiency anemia, add some iron. Diet and supplementation are enough, but other blood diseases are not ruled out."

Yu Xiaomin's heart shook again when he heard it.

"When will the results come out?"

"The results will be available in three to five working days. Don't worry too much. Generally, old ladies don't have much blood diseases at this age."

"Okay, thank you doctor, I I understand."

Half an hour later, Mrs. Fu was pushed out of the emergency room by medical staff and transferred to the VIP ward of the hospital.

Less than ten minutes after Yu Xiaomin came to the ward, she opened her eyelids and woke up:

"Xiaomin, did you save me just now?" The

old lady's voice was a little tired, but she was grateful to Yu Xiaomin and left after the disaster. Fortunately. She had a nightmare in the middle of the night, and was caught in the nightmare.

Later, I vaguely heard Yu Xiaomin's voice trying to open his eyelids, but lost consciousness when his chest became tight.

Before she became unconscious, there was a panic in Mrs. Fu's mind, feeling that she might step into the ghost gate with one foot.

At that time, she desperately yelled in her heart:

No, she hasn't lived enough yet... Her great-grandson just took her up, and she still wants to see her great-grandson go to elementary school, middle school, university, fall in love...

She hasn't even Saw the wedding of grandson and granddaughter-in-law!

But she couldn't struggle, her eyelids darkened, and her consciousness disappeared... The whole person seemed to sink into endless darkness, and there was no more life.

It's just that when he feels that he is about to dissipate in the world, something seems to be pulling her in the dimness to keep her from disappearing.

Pulled by such strength, she gradually remembered who she was and that she could not die.

With the desire to survive and the constant strength to give her strength, Mrs. Fu finally felt that she had sensed her body and her breath was restored.

"I'm breathing, give grandma oxygen." When Yu Xiaomin's voice came into her mind, Old Lady Fu realized that the force that had been pulling her without letting go was her granddaughter's cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It's just that her eyelids were still heavy and she couldn't speak.

Now that the body was rescued, she finally had the strength to open her eyelids, and the first sight she saw was Yu Xiaomin, who was guarding her dark eyes. The old lady Fu was pleased and grateful and felt that Yu Xiaomin was really her family's lucky star.

Not only let her hug her great-grandson, but also make her grandson smile now, and now save her life.

Thinking of this, old lady Fu was full of hot water mist in her eyes, and her chest was full of emotions and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't express it for a while and she simply asked such a sentence.

"Today, I don't think I can sleep when Achen isn't here. I want to talk to my grandmother. I didn't expect my grandmother to say that she hadn't opened the door recently. I felt uneasy, so I went in and took a look. I accidentally found that you were choking... It shouldn't."

Yu Xiaomin couldn't say that he had analyzed the plot of the novel, so he told a white lie.

But when it comes to first aid at the time, she has lingering fears.

After all, Mrs. Fu was suffocated when she went in, and she didn't even know if she was still in the golden 5 minutes.

When she was doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration for Mrs. Fu, she resisted panic and gave her first aid with tears in her eyes.

She is also particularly afraid that people will not be saved.

Fortunately, Mrs. Fu just suffocated... She also happened to learn...

"Grandma's blessing, it's you."

Mrs. Fu shook her head, but she didn't intend to take Yu Xiaomin to continue talking, but pointed out Pointing to the sofa bed in the VIP ward, he said to Yu Xiaomin:

"It's broken, grandma is all right now, you go to bed to rest first, and you will be refreshed tomorrow."

Fearing Yu Xiaomin worried, Mrs. Fu continued.

"Grandma also slept for a while. I didn't sleep well before. Now it is estimated that there are tranquilizers in the saline that the doctor gave me. I feel a little sleepy." The

doctor said it was all right, and there were nurses on duty in the ward watching. Yu Xiaomin listened to Mrs. Fu's words and lay down on the sofa bed aside.

Probably too much happened this night, and she did not sleep soundly.

Feeling dazedly asleep and feeling clear about the things next to her, she even knew that the nurse had come in several times in the middle of the night.

However, Yu Xiaomin is a young man, and squinting her eyes is better than keeping her mind, so she wakes up early the next morning. Although she is a little unconscious, she doesn't feel tired.

After all, Fu Yanchen is now busy dealing with the crisis, and Yu Xiaomin feels that she must support her at home.

After calling the housekeeper in the morning and asking him to send the child to school, Yu Xiaomin ordered the maid at home to make nutritious porridge for Mrs. Fu to bring over.

But Yu Xiaomin didn't expect Fu Yanchen to bring the porridge.

"I'm afraid you are worried, so I didn't tell you directly."

Yu Xiaomin thought that if Fu Yanchen could come, she must have known what happened last night. She was a little worried that Fu Yanchen blamed her for her own opinions, so she explained.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yanchen hugged her directly into his arms:

"Thank you."

Fu Yanchen's voice was a little muffled, as if suppressing his fragile crying, making Yu Xiaomin feel weak in his heart, and quickly reached out and hugged him, and held him He patted gently and comfortingly behind his back:

"We are a family, you are welcome, grandma will have a big life, and God will bless her."

Yu Xiaomin said, and asked worriedly:

"Did you not sleep all night? How's the company's affairs going?"

Fu Yanchen cleared up his emotions and looked up from Yu Xiaomin's shoulders:

"I squinted for two hours. I originally wanted to go home to see you. I didn't expect the housekeeper to say that there was an accident with my grandma at home last night. timely."

"Don't worry about the company's affairs. The navy on the Internet has been uncovered, and the lawyer's letter will be sent to their home. The engineering problem will also be framed, and we are already waiting for evidence. As for the injuries, we haven't gotten it yet. I get the evidence, but I will pull out their fox tails, and I won't be troubled by me."

"Chen Chen, are you here?"

Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin just said few words, and the old lady Fu woke up.

"Grandma, how do you feel?"

Fu Yanchen followed her gaze, approached the bed, and took out the health porridge from the thermal insulation box, and gave Yu Xiaomin her breakfast by the way.

"Ah, why is it pig blood porridge?"

Fu Yanchen saw that Mrs. Fu frowned and prepared to go on strike like a child. He picked up a spoon and fed the porridge to her mouth by himself:

"Although your blood sugar is not diabetes, it is also high. So you can't drink red date porridge. The doctor said that you are anemic, so naturally drink some pig blood porridge to make up."

Mrs. Fu hates eating things like pig liver and pig blood. She instinctively wanted to push it away, but remembered last night With the life and death accidents on the scene and the grandson's expression that was not negotiable, she had to open her mouth and hypnotize herself:

this is love porridge, and it is also a life-saving porridge, and the medicine is bitter.


Three days later, the bone marrow test result of the old lady came out, it was indeed just ordinary iron deficiency anemia.

After drinking pig blood porridge, duck blood vermicelli soup and chicken blood egg soup for a few days with tears, the old lady quietly asked the doctor if she could eat iron tablets directly.

The doctor nodded in agreement, but the old lady, just in case, when she checked the difference between food supplements and medicinal supplements, she actually saw someone saying that taking ferrous nitrate tablets would turn her teeth black.

Mrs. Fu loved beauty all her life. After looking in her small mirror for half an hour, she thought that washing her teeth could not be washed for a month, and finally had to give up medication.

The comparison doctor said that her anemia was not particularly high and her insomnia should be caused by other factors.

"Grandma, think about why you suffer from insomnia. The whole body examination results show that there are no major problems in other aspects?"

Yu Xiaomin looked at each report and felt that grandma's insomnia must be treated, and people do not sleep well. Okay, then everything is prone to happen frequently.

Mrs. Fu recalled the recent insomnia. At first, she was a little confused. Then she remembered something and said to Yu Xiaomin:

"My goddess has opened a new novel. She used to update regularly at 6 o'clock. I slept beautifully. You can read the text happily when you wake up, but recently she adjusted the update time to 9 pm... What's terrible is that the text she wrote this time is the storyline, and every time I get stuck at a critical moment, it makes me worry about the protagonist. "I can't help..."

Old Mrs. Fu said, and she slapped her thighs.

"Yes, yes, it must be the relationship. I have been lying on the bed with my eyes closed recently, and my mind is full of novel plots. I wish I could expand her writing. That's it!"

Yu Xiaomin didn't expect that Mrs. Fu was actually a fan of novels, or that she was so obsessed.

She frowned and persuaded: "Grandma, if you don't want to follow the serialization, if she updates at 12 o'clock, wouldn't it be ten? Go to bed at two o'clock... it still depends on your personal situation... after all, your body can't bear it."

However, Mrs. Fu was very entangled:

"If you don't follow the serialization, you won't get any profit and click. In case you think there are fewer people who like her, I'm depressed and cut the outline or pit it. Wouldn't I never see the end of it?"

Yu Xiaomin didn't expect the old lady to be so cute, so she hurriedly smiled and persuaded:

"Well, if you set a time for the alarm clock, the author will update you in the evening as if she updated it in the morning. This will not affect your post, nor will it affect your sleep... You have a healthy body

Only then can I continue to chase her down and even write down novels!" The old lady Fu nodded after listening to Yu Xiaomin's words.

Then she remembered something and suddenly asked Yu Xiaomin:

"Last time I heard Chen Chen seemed to mention that Xiaomin, you are also the author of Lujiang, what is your pen name?"

But the old lady Fu shook her head again after she asked,

"I don't want to say it. It's okay. The old lady visited the Lvjiang forum, and I heard that authors generally don't break the horse." When

Mrs. Fu asked, she remembered that she had signed with Lvjiang and she was still a small dust. Love power generation, maybe people will be embarrassed to say.

However, what she did not expect was that her grandson-in-law heard her inquiry. Although her face was a little shy, she confessed:

"My pen name is'Beiming Youyu'." The

old lady Fu was shocked immediately: this pen name...no Is she the fan of Beiming, except for L?

At the beginning, she also voted for a huge overlord by mistake, but was returned.

So... her granddaughter-in-law is actually one of her goddesses? !

The author has something to say: Mrs. Fu: The goddess has become a granddaughter-in-law, can I take her into the box (⊙ o ⊙ )?

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