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Chapter 6 "Sister Zhang, look, the baby is laughing! He actually laughs!" When he

woke up, Chu Gan heard a familiar voice talking above his head, and the joy in his tone was unconcealed.

Who tm smiled?

This is the unconscious instinct of the body, well, he doesn't want to laugh at all.

This woman is too hypocritical. She clearly doesn't like him pretending to be there, huh, but she just treats him as the object of love and blackness. When she is abandoned by that scumbag in despair, she will show her true colors.

Chu Gan ridiculed the woman in contempt, but the baby's hunger was also aroused when he was conscious.

How many meals are you going to eat this day, can't you eat three meals on time?

It seems that I haven't eaten it for a long time, why I open my eyes and drink milk again!

He didn't want to have anything to do with this woman. After eating her milk, he owes her. What if he can't get it again?

Obviously resisting the woman's breath in his heart, Chu Gan's head is like a little milk dog encountering the owner's touch, rubbing in the woman's arms spontaneously and subconsciously looking for the source of hunger.

And the woman with experience tacitly sent his mouth to the source.

"Wow!" No, I can drink brewed milk!

Chu Gan rushed to make a little concession, but no one could understand his words.

"Baby don't worry, take your time."

Yu Xiaomin, a novice mother, how can she know why her baby cries when she sucks milk , she can see if her diapers are not changing color, maybe her heart is not well, so she patiently, she endures the basin The pain in the bones, waist and uterine cavity turned a little sideways to make it easier for the baby to eat.

"Ms. Yu, move slowly. The baby is a little hungry for a while and it will be fine. You just need to pay attention when you give birth. You are so painful that you are sweating. Let me help." The

pain of each parturient is different, see Zhang By the cold sweat on Yu Xiaomin's forehead, he knew that Yu Xiaomin was painful and sensitive.

Thinking of Miss Yu, who was so afraid of pain, she didn't say a word when she was giving birth in the delivery room, Zhang Xiaohui felt some pity in her heart.

She took a lot of orders. Almost every mother who entered the delivery room screamed earth-shatteringly. Originally, she didn't hear howling when she was waiting for Yu Xiaomin, and thought she didn't hurt much!

Now it seems that this child can only endure hardship.

Yes, she had a child, no elders, no husbands, and no one cared to cherish her when she called it out. Who would call it? She lost her teeth and swallowed her blood, and only she knew the pain and pain.

Zhang Xiaohui didn't know how Yu Xiaomin got pregnant before she got married, but Yu Xiaomin had a good temper. She felt that the girl should have been cheated, and she couldn't bear to abort.

With a sigh in his heart, Zhang Xiaohui walked over quickly, holding the baby's head and body with his hands, so that he could eat Yu Xiaomin's milk accurately.

When the beautiful milk filled his mouth, Chu's dry little tongue was eventually sucked mechanically under the control of hunger.

Chu Gan flushed again and closed his eyes in despair.

He doesn't want to drink it, but he can't resist it at all now!

"Is the baby's name ready? Think about it as soon as possible these two days. When you are discharged from the hospital, you need to register for the birth certificate. Don't forget, bring your ID card." If

the pregnant woman recovers quickly, she can be discharged in five days.

Although Yu Xiaomin still hurts, she can get out of bed and go to the bathroom by herself. The nurse felt that her recovery was okay, and left after a few questions.


Of course , Yu Xiaomin thought about a lot of names, but sometimes they looked good, and sometimes they felt that none was good. He hesitated until the children were born and they still hadn't gotten good.

"What name should I use?"

Yu Xiaomin stretched out a hand and gently stroked the back of the baby who had finished milking, while muttering various names in his mouth.

"Haotian, Junxiao, Zi Jun, Yicheng... Do you like the baby?"

Chu Gan was still in shame after drinking the milk. Hearing about the major events related to his name, his depression followed. dissipate.

Didn't you ask Chu to do it?

These names all sound good. Although some of them sound like second-degree, it's not impossible to change their names. After all, he doesn't want exactly the same life.

Haotian would be exempted, and the others barely managed.

Chu Gan thought about it for a while, and didn't know which one to choose.

Besides, he still can't speak, he can't choose if he wants to.

"Miss Yu, if you can't think of a name all of a sudden, let me help you ask the naming operator. There is a saying in my hometown that the name of a child must be counted after birth. Is it true that the five elements are missing? The name can complement his five elements and make his life more prosperous."

"Then I will trouble you, and remember to reimburse me for the name."

"Hey, good."

Sister Zhang didn't be polite with Yu Xiaomin, put down the hot water she had just made, and went to prepare lunch for Yu Xiaomin while the child was asleep.

Yu Xiaomin needs to replenish his vitality after giving birth, and he needs soup for breastfeeding. You can order meals online, but the soup outside is either too greasy or too much MSG, which is not suitable for pregnant women.

So Zhang Xiaohui went to the vegetable market to buy fresh fish and other vegetables to make soup for Yu Xiaomin.

This is her specialty. Although the steps are troublesome, she hopes that the mothers under her hands can recover well and have enough milk.

But when Yu Xiaomin held Zhang Xiaohui's bowl of hot and thick milky white fish soup, his eyes were moist.

She used to be more or less fearful of childbirth, and naturally she also worried that she could not take care of herself after childbirth, and that the child was too young.

I asked a childcare wife, but I felt a little worried.

After all, there are often news on the Internet about the nanny's private abuse of children, but at this moment she is very lucky that she is so lucky to meet such a caring and practical parenting sister Zhang.

"Sister Zhang, the fish soup you made is really good."

"Drink more if you like."

No one will refuse others' appreciation of her cooking skills. Most of the mothers who have met Zhang just think this is what she should do. Yes, some will feel that she did this to make a difference.

Those grievances and sadness, in Yu Xiao's sensitive eyes, all turned into bubbles, and became less important.

"By the way, I passed by the house of Mr. Fortune-telling just now, and by the way, I asked Miss Yu for the child's name. Mr. Fortune-telling said that the child was short of money in his life, so the name should have some words beside the golden characters. The husband also said, This child has a very good life. Taking Wenchang with him will be a rich life after a good training."

"It's good to be rich and wealthy. There is always less trouble if you have money. What is Wenchang?"

Yu Xiaomin overthrew the name he had previously picked when he heard that there was a lack of money in his life, and planned to take it again. While thinking about it, he asked her doubts.

Sister Zhang smiled and slapped her palms without seeing the cracks:

"With Wenchang, you have the fate of reading, talented and intelligent. Wenchang star is one of the six auspicious stars. If you encounter a good situation, you will be icing on the cake. In short, the baby's life is good, and he can be trained well in the future."


Yu Xiaomin was not superstitious, but since entering the book, she has been more serious about these mysterious and mysterious things.

Hearing that her son's life was so good, as a mother, even if she didn't believe it all, she was filled with joy.

After sleeping and waking up, Chu Gan was in good spirits and complained in his heart: a

woman is so happy, she must think that he is smart enough to grasp a man's heart and make that man recognize himself.

It's a pity, even if he is a genius, that scumbag still disdains women.

"Of course, or else fortune teller can say he's a rich life? A book holds a house of gold, reading good people, ah, the future is not a lot of money, wealth and lucky."

"Loose money?"

Zhang sister Yu Xiaomin caught the words in her sentence and suddenly provoked Xiu Mei:

"Sister Zhang, what do you think is called Yu Qian? Although it is a little bit vulgar, but in life, having money in hand sounds good, and it also contains golden words. of. " "

Yu money? listen is quite hi Italy, the money left money left, what time is not short of money, very rich. "

Sister Zhang agreed with Yu Xiaomin's words.

Chu Gan was stunned: should

n't the woman give him a name and hope that the scumbag would recognize him and give him the surname Chu?

Why in this life, a woman wants him to follow her own surname... and money and money, the pronunciation is the same, the meaning seems to be very different.

Qian, itself is one of the gossip, representing the sky.

The phrase "Qiankun" is grand when it sounds, but this "money", everyone loves it, will it be too tacky if it is put in the name directly, like the name that nouveau riche would take, and look at the money.

Yu·upstart·Xiaomin didn't know Chu Gan's shock. After recollecting it several times, he found that the original tackiness seemed to have changed. The remaining money and the remaining money were really happy.

The nickname is "a lot of money". In life, money can make ghosts go around.

Isn't she able to give birth to this child firmly because she has money and can support him?

After Yu Xiaomin set her name, her eyebrows and eyes stretched out. Even though her hair was a little haggard because she had not been washed in the hospital, in her soft smile, she was as beautiful as a muddy water lily, exuding a faint fragrance under the rippling spring water.

"Baby, you will be called Yu Qian from now on, how

about the nickname Qianqian, OK ?" Because it was to ask the baby, Yu Xiaomin's head fell unconsciously. Chu Gan's limited gaze suddenly saw the face that he had hated for several years, but his heart was in a trance for a moment.

In the years he has memories, this face is always stern and distorted, especially when facing him, as if to vent all the resentments and unwillingness to vent, a pair of dark eyes always live with a devilish gloomy and scary person.

But now in his sight, every line on the woman's cheeks speaks of gentleness. In a pair of black and white eyes, the dark eyes are not gloomy, but like obsidian washed by a clear spring, faintly reflecting Sunlight brings warmth and peace to people.

So, when he had no memory of his childhood, did women ever show him normal motherly care?

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