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Chapter 26 When Baby Yu Qian saw Master's contact information, he felt great satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.

Because his skills in his previous life were not as good as Master, Master said he would not meet with him until he succeeded in becoming a teacher and give him contact information.

But now, even though he has taken advantage of the rebirth, at least... the technology is already above the master!

In the future, he can directly call him if he wants to see the master!

But, does the master think he is a monster when he sees his small body? Would you like to mention the meeting and acquaintance again in a few years... When

Baby Yu Qian was thinking this way, when she saw the question on the other side asking him about his contact information, he was caught in a hesitation:

Don't leave the contact information, he didn't. Cell phone, if the master suddenly calls mother, how can he explain to her mother?

"Wait for your skills to surpass me, come and fetch it by yourself."

So baby Yu Qian typed on his mobile phone like this. Master once motivated him to reply, but after calling baby Yu Qian, he felt that... .

After all, his master replied that it was the elder to the younger, and he is still the younger brother of others.

So Baby Yu Qian deleted that sentence and planned to edit a more euphemistic one.

However, he hadn't thought of the appropriate language, and suddenly felt that it was too quiet around.

Mom has blown her hair after taking a shower!

When the emergency signal in Baby Yu Qian's mind rang, he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening.

The bathroom door at home was only a corner from the bedroom. Baby Yu Qian couldn't respond to the message after hearing the slight noise. He evacuated the program, uninstalled the APP, and finally turned off the phone and put the phone back into the bed to pretend to sleep.

Baby Yu Qian's series of actions were completed in one go.

Finally, when the turning sound of the door handle of the room sounded, he closed his eyes perfectly, and by the way, he adjusted his breathing while Yu Xiaomin walked in so many steps.

Soon, the bedside lamp in the room was turned off by Yu Xiaomin.

In the darkness, Baby Yu Qian felt a little embarrassed to think that he had actually let go of the master pigeon.

It will be long in the future, Master is not a stingy person, he shouldn't mind.

I had no other choice just now... In the

dark light, baby Yu Qian's eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. After sleeping half an hour late, he sank into a deep dream in a silent yawn.


Yu Xiaomin woke up the next day and found that the Lvjiang Forum had a twitch, so that his notoriety was cleaned up again, and he was in a good mood for a while.

After staying at home for a few days, the stimulus and concussion received by the author's conference slowly dissipated. She comforted herself: They

are all CEO-level figures of the company, and they are usually busy at work and will not have any intersection with petty citizens like her.

The house has already been bought, so you can't move again just because you are afraid of meeting these people?

After all, Lu Miaomiao has already helped her son to get used to the kindergarten. He will start the child's pre-kindergarten life next Monday.

Miaomiao is looking forward to coming to Beijing for a few years, and he promised to bring the baby with the code word.

Even if they meet again, in broad daylight, rule the country and society according to law, they can't do anything to themselves!

Looking at the boxes of books stacked in the corner of the living room, as well as the sofas, pillows, tablecloths, etc. that hadn't had time to change, Yu Xiaomin thought about it or went to the door.

Originally, she wanted to ask Lu Miaomiao to go with him as a reference, but unfortunately, Lu Miaomiao was called back to her natal family by her mother today, and she couldn't agree with her old mother, so Yu Xiaomin set out on her own.

She first went to the Book Plaza at the address introduced by Lu Miaomiao and chose a combination bookshelf with a glass door for herself, which could be placed on the wall of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room to make a small book wall.

By the way, I bought two fabric sofas, one large and one small. On a sunny weekend, she felt comfortable when she thought about enjoying a good reading time with her son.

Of course, when I was shopping around the furniture, I passed by the children's artificial body study desk and chair. Yu Xiaomin thought that his son would have to go to school soon, so he paid again.

There are a lot of things, but fortunately, the store said it could be delivered to your door, so after Yu Xiaomin left an address, he happily went to the home textile counter in a nearby shopping mall.

I chose a set of simple and beautiful sofa cushions and pillowcases, two fresh and washable tablecloths, a set of pleasing ceramic bowls, and a total of everything needed at home.

After picking things up and reporting the address to the store, Yu Xiaomin felt refreshed with every bone in and out of his body.

When passing by the beverage store in the mall downstairs, Yu Xiaomin, who was tired from shopping, was still in good spirits and ordered a drink alone, quenched his thirst while resting, and sent a message to Zhang Xiaohui at home by the way:

"Sister Zhang, there will be furniture store clerk and store clerk at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to help bring bookshelves, sofa cushions, etc., if they deliver to me and have not returned home, you ask them to put the bookshelves next to the floor-to-ceiling windows against the wall. I just go home and organize the other things by myself." The

other side Zhang Jie said that she had received it. By the way, she told her that Duoduo was taking a nap at this time and told her to rest assured.

After Yu Xiaomin turned off the phone, he felt that his stomach was up a little bit, so he picked up the bag and went to the toilet.

When he was out of the toilet to wash his hands, Yu Xiaomin looked in the mirror and found that a small drop of orange water was splashed on his mask when he had inserted the beverage tube too hard.

I thought that after shopping for a long time today, I didn't meet any acquaintances, so Yu Xiaomin simply threw the disposable mask that I brought with me today into the trash can next to the sink.

But when she dropped the mask and turned around, she happened to be surprised at the familiar face that had just come out of the toilet.


Why is it such a bloody encounter? The moment she finished dropping her mask, the male protagonist appeared in front of her like a ghost.

So, after all, she can't escape the arrangement of fate?

"Xiao Min?" When

Chu Haotian came back from a business trip a few days ago, she was pestered by Fang Shiyu to visit the mall, saying that she was in a bad mood in the last few days and only buying and buying can make her happy.

Chu Haotian said that you buy, buy and buy as a girlfriend. He is not interested in shopping at all. However, the Chu family and the Fang family are about to marry, and he can't neglect this wealthy daughter of the capital city.

After all, the wealthy in Beijing are exclusive. He finally managed to climb the big tree of Fang's family and settle down in Beijing. Before the foundation was unstable, he could not be willful.

Originally it was a bit annoying to walk around with people. While Fang Shiyu was trying on a bunch of clothes, he found an excuse to go to the toilet and breathe some free air by the way. However, when he came out of the toilet, he ran into his former fiancee who had been missing for two years. .

In my impression, when the former fiancée was first picked up by the Yu family, although she was dressed in rustic style, her appearance was still youthful and pleasant, but she didn't know when she started to learn to dress up.

The clothes on the body have become more advanced, but the clothes are really low, and the collocation is chaotic, not to mention the advantages of the body, but it always gives people a nondescript feeling.

A cheek that used to have no shortcomings except for a slight wheatish color was always pounded by her like a non-mainstream girl of a love-burial family, and it was too much to look directly at it.

Because the Yu family prefers the adopted daughter of the family and told the Chu family in private that the marriage contract between the two families is still for Yu Shiyao, and Yu Shiyao is indeed more celebrity demeanor, his mother has long warned him not to do anything to the real fiance Emotions that shouldn't be there.

How can it be?

When his mother warned him, he sneered in disdain. He felt that his vision was okay and it was impossible to care for a rustic girl. Even for the benefit of the family, he would marry Yu Shiyao, just like many rich men. Come to a perfect marriage that strengthens the interests of the two.

The silly girl didn't know that she was abandoned by the family. Every day she thought of ways to please the Yu family. She always kept her eyes on him when she saw him, just like a newborn duck. Plan to follow him for a lifetime of attachment.

In order to tell her to stop thinking about herself, so as not to sink deeper and deeper into pain, he deliberately showed intimacy to Yu Shiyao in front of her more than once, and more than once refused her contribution to him.

However, this girl is too stubborn. Even if he knows that he does not have her in his eyes, she still loves him like moths into the fire. He feels that even if she asks her to give her life for herself, she is willing.

Originally, Chu Haotian thought that the girl named Yu Xiaomin would be too lazy to fix him for the rest of her life. How could it be that one day two years ago, when he refused her kindness again and made it clear that she would never like her in this life , The girl suddenly sent a message to herself at night, saying that she somehow had Chinese medicine, and hoped that he would save her.

If he is unwilling, then she does not want to give herself to others and may choose to commit suicide.

At that time, Chu Haotian was about to rush to Beijing to discuss a big cooperation that could bring the Chu family to the next level. The flight that day only took place two hours later.

He was not sure if he could catch the flight after helping the girl to fight for the huge benefits of the Chu family.

Originally it was just an unrelated human life, and even if something happened, it would not be counted on him.

But after receiving the information, Chu Haotian thought that the girl might have fallen because of herself, and that there would never be a girl in the world who loves herself so innocently and stubbornly. His car was on the way to the airport and finally turned off. A crookedly came to the hotel room the girl said.

However, he knocked vigorously on the door of the room mentioned in the message, and even asked the hotel attendant to help open the door. In the end, he did not meet the girl who said he was in danger.

Could it be that because of her initial hesitation, she wasted time when she went to the airport and turned around to the hotel. Is she already desperate?

With only this time, can't she wait any longer!

Thinking that the girl might no longer think about it, Chu Haotian was leaning on the aisle of the hotel, his fingers trembling.

But then he received a call from his father.

The fate of the family was ahead, and the girl was not found for a while, Chu Haotian finally sorted out his emotions and set off for the airport.

He caught the plane and talked about cooperation, but returned to City A a few days later, but felt empty.

Later, he met Yu Shiyao, and Yu Shiyao told him that in order to marry into the Chu family, Yu Shiyao got the approval of his parents, but he actually bought the drugs and resorted to painstaking tricks. Fortunately, he did not go, otherwise the Chu family's hundreds of millions of contracts would be lost. She was confused.

Yu Shiyao also said that Yu Xiaomin knew that his affairs had been exposed, and that he had no face to see people without knowing where to hide.

At that time, he heard what Yu Shiyao said, and he was very afraid. After all, this contract was related to the fate of the Chu family, and he could not become a sinner of the family.

Yu Xiaomin was so unreasonable to make trouble and play people like a monkey, almost causing him to do stupid things, Chu Haotian couldn't help but complain about Yu Xiaomin.

It's just that day by day, the girl who made the mistake has not appeared, but Chu Haotian always feels unaccustomed.

As a result, he started to investigate Yu Xiaomin's whereabouts.

But for some reason, Yu Xiaomin was like a bubble, evaporating from the world, he was stunned that she could not find her trace.

What's more dramatic is that when he was investigating Yu Xiaomin's whereabouts, he unintentionally discovered that the so-called buy-through guys were all written and directed by Yu Shiyao.

Yu Shiyao was the one who hired the bully to administer medicine to Yu Xiaomin, but Yu Xiaomin ran away alertly after drinking the medicine.

As for where he fled, he couldn't find out the surveillance!

After he learned the news, a anger exploded in his chest of being tricked and tricked, so he went to Yu Shiyao to settle the account.

Yu Shiyao knew that she had been exposed, but did not know how to repent. He not only cried hysterically about what Yu Xiaomin always wanted to rob her, her family, and her marriage, but also deliberately ridiculed him that Yu Xiaomin might have been sullied.

It was also said that even if Yu Xiaomin went home, her parents with broken shoes would be ashamed of her, and Chu's parents would not be able to accept such a daughter-in-law, so that he would not have to bother to find someone, lest Yu Xiaomin would end up in shame and commit suicide.

He was so angry that he slapped Yu Shiyao fiercely, and then said that even if he didn't marry Yu Xiaomin, he would not be with a woman like Yu Shiyao with a vicious mind.

After Chu Haotian went home and explained the situation to his parents, he originally thought that his parents would object, but his parents felt that now the Chu family no longer needs the help of the Yu family, and that Chu Haotian can marry a more powerful daughter. So he simply cancelled the marriage contract with the Yu family.

The Yu family's parents came to the door to ask for an explanation. He relentlessly exposed Yu Shiyao's viciousness, but what was staggering was that the Yu family's parents were more selfish than his parents.

Because they suspected that Yu Xiaomin might lose her virginity, they would rather continue to spoil the vicious daughter, and keep saying that it was Yu Xiaomin who wanted to get something that shouldn't belong to them, so that they would suffer the consequences.

What makes Yu Xiaomin want to get something that shouldn't belong to him?

Didn't those originally belong to Yu Xiaomin? But it was taken away by their own partiality.

Chu Haotian admitted that he was not a good person, and his heart was full of benefits, but after all, he still felt a little distressed for the poor girl.

Sometimes he even wondered, if he didn't leave in a hurry to find someone, then she would still be by his side at this moment.

But he also knew that if he really gave up the contract for Yu Xiaomin, he would blame her somewhat.

This is an extremely complex emotion. Both are very important, but he can only grasp the same. When he gets the same, his heart will be unwilling.

Chu Haotian thought that the girl would hide in an invisible corner for the rest of her life to pity herself, but she didn't want to be caught off guard, so she appeared in front of her.

At this time, she is no longer like wearing heavy make-up and non-mainstream makeup, and she has no strange matching that does not suit her. She has long black and smooth hair cleverly draped behind her, and her slightly curled air bangs naughty cover her beautiful eyebrows. , A pair of eyes are still as pure and bright as before.

She changed to the pure and beautiful appearance when she first entered Yu's house, but her skin was whitened and her complexion was much better than before.

Moreover, the obsessive love and stubbornness towards him in those years disappeared from his eyes.

When he met again, Chu Haotian felt the barrenness buried deep in his heart suddenly exuding inexplicable vitality.

Seeing this girl standing tall and slender in front of her, she was silently silent, like a picture of a beautiful woman, Chu Haotian's heart was slightly sour, but she couldn't help sighing:

He didn't seem to take a closer look back then. This girl didn't know that under her non-mainstream appearance, she had hidden the brilliance of pearls.

"Xiaomin, where have you been in the past few years? I can't find you." The

man said affectionately to Yu Xiaomin, but Yu Xiaomin frowned: Has the hero's

brain been punished ?

In the novel she read at the beginning, although the male protagonist went to the female partner's appointment under the threat of the female partner's fate, he turned his head and blamed the female partner for causing irreparable losses to the Chu family, and he disliked the female partner very much.

Coupled with the heroine cheering up and adding vinegar to pretend to be pitiful, the heroine was driven out of the house by Yu Jiashen ashamed.

Later, the career of the male protagonist returned to prosperous. When the female protagonist took the child to find the male protagonist, the male protagonist refused to admit that it was his own child. He also swore in front of the female protagonist that there was only one female protagonist in this life. Stop wishful thinking.

After the female partner was blackened, she was expelled from the Yu family and the Chu family, which was equivalent to exile.

Although the hero's fame is supported by the heroine when he is in distress, the child is indeed the hero's.

In Yu Xiaomin's view, since the male lead is so indifferent and ruthless afterwards, it is better not to come to the female partner's appointment at the beginning, maybe the female partner will not turn into black in the later stage.

But this is all in the novel. Now that she has become a female partner, the drama of the female partner and the male lead should also end.

"Why are you looking for me? Didn't you say it was good at the beginning. You love Yu Shiyao. You will never like me and tell me to stay away from you. As for me, I am enlightened by you, and now I am free from suffering. It's very good, you don't need to find me, just take your own Yangguan Road."

Yu Xiaomin finished speaking, and walked back very smartly.

However, Chu Haotian strode over and grabbed her wrist, with deep feeling and regret in his eyes:

"Xiao Min, I did go when you asked me to go for an appointment, but I was a little late. I can't find yours. And I found out that you were the ghost of Yu

Shiyao who used Chinese medicine at the beginning , and I have already dismissed her." Yu Xiaomin didn't know the details of the female prescription of Chinese medicine. The medicine was given, and I was very surprised for a moment:

Isn't the heroine of the novel a kind and beautiful lady and daughter angel that everyone likes? After she passed through, the fact became a vicious two-faced drug.

Moreover, the fact that the protagonist was investigated because of her disappearance, so the protagonist's engagement with Miss Fang Jia is really a butterfly effect caused by her!

But astonishment turned astonishment, Yu Xiaomin didn't want to mix in anymore:

"You can see Yu Shiyao's true face and get rid of her, you are very lucky." Just because of bad eyesight, he found another half-catty person in the next house.

"If there is nothing to do, we won't have to see you again in the future. I rushed home, please let go."

Yu Xiaomin feels that he speaks very straightforwardly, and everyone understands it. However, the male lead's brain circuit is a little abnormal:

"Xiaomin, do you really have no me in your heart? You said that even if I don't like you, you too Will always guard me!"

"Xiao Min, come back to me, I will take good care of you in the future ." The protagonist,

a big man took her hand and pleaded bitterly. A pair of peach blossom eyes is a woman who will feel distressed. Yu Xiaomin's affectionate and gentle, but Yu Xiaomin is not a female partner. She has no feelings for him at all. Even if the male lead cried and knelt down, she wouldn't be

softened : "Yes, Yu Xiaomin who liked you in the first place died that night I don't like you at all now, so give up!"

Yu Xiaomin finished speaking, and felt that the male lead was disgusting.

He didn't know how to cherish the female partner when he liked him infatuatedly. In the novel, there are all kinds of dislikes. In the end, the female partner became human and ghost. In this life, she passed through as he wanted to stay away, but kept keeping .

He is now the person who is about to be engaged to Miss Fang Jia! Want to pedal two boats, that would be too scumbag!

Maybe the female partner had been pestering him at the beginning, it was because this person said ruthless words, but he made a look of hardship, making the female partner unable to let it go!

After Yu Xiaomin speculated in her heart, she couldn't help but sneered and said:

"I don't need your care, you should take care of your prospective fiancee, Miss Fang!" One focused on finding her fault, the other wanted to trick her into being Xiao San, none of them are good things. It's best to lock them up for a lifetime, and don't harm others!

Chu Haotian saw the ironic resistance in Yu Xiaomin's eyes, and when he heard Yu Xiaomin's sneer and resentment, he felt uncomfortable, but at the same time he finally remembered the fact that he still has a prospective fiancee.

The Chu family is now in a critical period of ascending, and without the help of the Fang family, it would fall short if it entered Beijing.

He couldn't imagine that if the Chu family failed this time, they would face the ridicule and ridicule of their peers when they returned to City A, nor could he accept the destruction of the Chu family in his hands.

With pain and struggle in his eyes, Chu Haotian did not let go of Yu

Xiaomin 's hand: "Xiaomin, I didn't want you to be my lover and insult you. You can wait for me for a few more years, and wait until I have autonomy. The ability of marriage, I will marry you. "

High, really high!

Look at this affectionate and feeble melancholic appearance, it is really like the idiotic (ruless) love emperor who used the last success of the female family to abolish the queen and send the white moonlight to the back in the ancient novel.

"Can't you understand people? I don't like you, I won't wait for you, let

alone marry you! Let go, or I'm welcome!" Yu Xiaomin touched her hand quietly when the male protagonist was madly talking. With the anti-wolf spray in the bag, I thought that the man who didn't let go, couldn't blame her for doing it.

"Letting go, I know you said Mandy is certainly angry words, did I hurt you too deep, but I'll make up. Mandy I'll never recapture do not want you to leave, unless you promise me!"

I promised you a Ghost!

Yu Xiaomin was itchy by the shameless anger of the hero, and finally no longer hesitated, took out the bottle of her homemade anti-wolf spray and prepared to give the hero a violent blow.

However, her anti-wolf spray hadn't reached the male protagonist. The male protagonist grabbed his hand which he kept saying that he would not let go, but was caught by a powerful hand with distinct knuckles, and was forced to let go. Yu Xiaomin's wrist.

"Mr. Chu, please respect yourself."

With the familiar low-alcohol and cold words sounded, Yu Xiaomin saw that her shadow was enveloped under a tall figure, and the air around her was once again filled with the faint and reassuring scent of elegant sandalwood.

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