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Chapter 36 Fu Yanchen's tone was full of surprise, and the doubt in his eyes did not seem to be pretended.

When Yu Xiaomin was asked by him, the whole person was stunned: If it weren't for Fu Yanchen, who would it be?

Why did he pretend to be his son's father? Listening to the kindergarten teacher, it seems that the person abducting the child does not seem to be random, but rather like someone specially arrested.

But she has no power or power, how could someone kidnap a child...

Is it possible that someone else knows that Duoduo is Fu Yanchen's baby? It was even more impossible, Fu Yanchen himself didn't even know.

Yu Xiaomin thought in a mess, and he had already moved towards the security room.

"May I see today's registration for admission. My son may have been abducted." When

Yu Xiaomin spoke, even though she had tried to calm down, her lips could not help but tremble, especially when she talked about her son being abducted. The tips of his fingers are already shaking.

"The time is about 2 in the afternoon, and we just finished our nap."

Behind Yu Xiaomin, today's teacher Wang and Yu Qianbao's class teacher Lu are all coming together, because the child is missing the teacher's poor consideration, the two of them This looks very self-blaming and nervous.

"On this page, you can see for yourself." The

security guard was shocked when he heard that a child had been abducted inside. After hearing the words of a few people, he immediately cooperated with the entry and exit registration.

According to what the teacher said, Yu Xiaomin started searching according to the time period, and soon an unfamiliar name was brought into view.

Lin one day?

Yu Xiaomin didn't know this person, so he wanted to start dialing according to the phone number left by this person. However, before he started pressing the touch screen button, Fu Yanchen's voice rang beside her:

"This phone number is empty, he writes less I

've got one, let's investigate it!" When Yu Xiaomin heard it, her back felt soft: This gangster was clearly prepared. If the pseudonym is used for registration, can the surveillance really find it?

Yu Xiaomin's eyelids twitched fiercely, but she still forced herself to calm down: Duoduo

will be fine, he will be fine!

If the gangster really has a purpose, even if he can't find something, he will at least call and threaten him. Duto is definitely safe now!

The surveillance came out, but what Yu Xiaomin didn't expect was that the man was not sneaky at all.

When I came under the surveillance, I seemed to guess that someone would check the surveillance, and smiled deliberately at the surveillance. There was no gangster panic on his face, and he was bathed in a spring breeze smile.

"Miss Yu, this is the person, do you know him?"

Teacher Wang was stunned when he saw Yu Xiaomin looking at the monitoring screen, and asked nervously. After all, Duoduo is a child she loves very much. If something happens because of her mistake, her conscience is disturbed.


Yes ." Yu Xiaomin didn't expect that Chu Haotian would take a lot of it.

Obviously, the female partner in this life missed him. It's Fu Yanchen's child. What is he doing with the child?

If you want to retaliate because of love and hatred, months have passed. Why do you only start after seeing Duoduo so long...

And what he said was a person with a face and a face. If he really wanted to retaliate, would he have to take Duoduo personally and leave such obvious evidence?

Yu Xiaomin's mind was confused and complicated, and immediately wanted to call Chu Haotian to ask what Chu Haotian wanted to do, but the Chu Haotian number in her mobile phone had long been blacked out. She was not a female partner and did not remember her phone number at all.

"Fu Yanchen, do you have Chu Haotian's contact information?"

Yu Xiaomin eagerly wanted to find his son. Seeing Fu Yanchen next to him, looking at the surveillance camera with a solemn expression, thought that everyone is the president, maybe there is a phone number for business cooperation, so he asked with hope Tao.

"No. But I can check."

Fu Yanchen was also watching the surveillance just now.

He saw Yu Xiaomin's surprised look when Chu Haotian looked up and smiled at the monitor, and he suddenly thought that the two had a relationship.

It's just that it's not the time to be jealous. Fu Yanchen wanted to monitor what Chu Haotian was doing.

So he saw that after Chu Haotian entered the campus, he glanced at the kindergarten activity area and seemed to see the target person. He did not continue to take steps, but waved to the kindergarten teachers.

The teacher didn't know who he was. After his eyes were surprised and approached, Fu Yanchen heard that the man said he was Duoduo's father.

The kindergarten teacher apparently knew Duoduo's single parent, so he asked him a few questions vigilantly.

Obviously Chu Haotian had already prepared, so he took out his mobile phone to prove to the kindergarten teacher, and took the teacher away without paying attention.

When I walked out of the school gate, I didn't know what the man was threatening the child. The child did not dare to cry and escaped the suspicion of the security guard.

Judging from Chu Haotian's expression, it seemed that he didn't want to hurt Duoduo, and even occasionally fell on Duoduo's face, his eyes still a little loving.

It seemed to him that Duoduo really was his son.

In the video, the child is small, and a cheek that looks exactly like Yu Xiaomin is the little boy playing the piano that Mrs. Fu once showed Fu Yanchen.

Fu Yanchen didn't expect that the first time he saw his son was several months ago, he felt mixed.

While regretting why my brain was not bigger at the time, I watched the baby in the surveillance system feel soft and distressed.

This is the baby of him and Yu Xiaomin, who was taken away for the first time before seeing it with his own eyes!

"Since he dares to take the child away blatantly, he will never do anything to harm the child. Don't worry, come with me."

Fu Yanchen's voice was calm and calming. After Yu Xiaomin heard it, the panic in her heart eased slightly. , The footsteps can't help but follow others.

Then she saw Fu Yanchen got into the car, got the laptop on the back seat, and started crackling operations.

Originally, Yu Xiaomin thought that Fu Yanchen was checking the phone number of Chu Haotian, but he didn't expect that five or six minutes later, Fu Yanchen directly closed the computer and said to Yu Xiaomin,

"I know where he is, sit down."

Yu Xiaomin had already connected . Good safety belt. After hearing Fu Yanchen's words,

he immediately asked: "Where did he take my son?"

"Paternity test center."


When Fu Yanchen's eyes were complicated, Yu Xiaomin couldn't help exclaiming when such news suddenly appeared.

Because she couldn't figure out how, Chu Haotian would actually take Duoduo there.

Just ask him an irrelevant person, why did he take his child to the paternity test center, is it possible that he has a phantasy, and he still feels that he can have asexual reproduction with him?

So Yu Xiaomin was surprised that her mouth opened into an O, and she couldn't close it for a long time. When she recovered, she saw that Fu Yanchen had left the congested school section and walked smoothly through the alleys she was not familiar with.

Although the alley can only accommodate one vehicle and has many corners, it is unexpectedly several times faster than the school section.

Originally Yu Xiaomin thought it would take an hour to drive, and Fu Yanchen's car arrived there in 20 minutes.

"Will he have left with someone?"

When he got off the car, Yu Xiaomin stepped on the steps of the paternity test center and saw the empty hall inside, and couldn't help but worry.

However, Fu Yanchen was quite sure:

"No, he took the child away at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, there was little traffic. He came here at most 2:30, but when I checked the surveillance, the time passed one and a half hours. He hasn't left yet. He personally identified the expedited process in as

little as three hours, and he was waiting for the result." Yu Xiaomin heard Fu Yanchen's words and understood that if Chu Haotian wanted to leave, he would have left long ago, so he stopped talking and walked in quickly. go with.

There was indeed no shadow of Chu Haotian in the hall, but Yu Xiaomin went deep and saw two figures, one large and one small, in the long corridor inside.

Chu Haotian seemed to be talking nicely to Baby Yu Qian, but Baby Yu Qian coldly smiled and pursed his lips, thinking that he was a clay doll, and ignored him at all.

Seeing her son sitting properly, Yu Xiaomin felt relieved.

He wanted to call the baby, but Yu Xiaomin was worried that Chu Haotian, who was sitting next to him, would suddenly go crazy and do what with the child, so she hesitated at the end of the aisle, not daring to approach randomly.

But Yu Xiaomin's worry is a bit redundant.

When Baby Yu Qian raised his head and rolled his eyes towards Chu Haotian, he saw his mother's figure in his eyes, and got off the bench dexterously as soon as he sat down, and then stepped on his short legs and ran towards Yu Xiaomin.

"Mom, how did you find me!"

Baby Yu Qian was surprised and delighted.

At the moment when I hugged my mother, I seemed to embrace the whole world, a pair of innocent pupils were full of stars.

"This uncle brought me to find you. That strange uncle didn't hurt you?"

Baby Yu Qian once judged from Yu Xiaomin's words that he was not the son of Chu Hao Tian Zha Nan, but today Chu Zha Nan's behavior Calling baby Yu Qian who doesn't know the truth again is a little confused.

When Chu Zhannan took him from the kindergarten, he was threatened by his dearest mother. Baby Yu Qian was worried about her mother, so she did not dare to resist.

Because of the situation where Chu Zha Nan entangled his mother in the playground, Baby Yu Qian felt that the positions of Chu Zha Nan and his mother seemed to be reversed in this life.

From the time a bad mother wanted but couldn't get turned into a Chu scum man couldn't like it.

And when his mother first told the scumbag that he had a child, Chu scumbag clearly had a sense of betrayal in addition to his disbelief.

Mother also rightly said in front of others that he was the child of her mother and others.

Chu Zhanan was so heartbroken that he was stunned by a green hat, his entire face was distorted, and his mother was firmly held in question.

That appearance, that expression, and action clearly showed that Chu Zhannan was not his father, so why suddenly a few months later, he had to pick him up and bring him to the paternity test center?

And the weird thing is that he told himself just now that he is his father.

After being here for an hour and a half, Chu Zhanan didn't feel disgusted with him. Not only did he use his cell phone to show him cartoons, but he also told him jokes to please him.

Very weird.

Baby Yu Qian was puzzled whether his mother had memory loss or he didn't know who his father was, so he told him that his father could not live with them.

"He pulled a few of my hair."

Baby Yu Qian was puzzled, and honestly explained what had happened to her mother.

When Yu Xiaomin heard that Chu Haotian was pulling his son's hair, he remembered that this is the paternity test center, and the doubts in his heart blurted out:

"Chu Haotian, Duoduo is not your son at all. Why are you taking him for an NDA test?"

Chu Haotian saw Yu Xiaomin's At that time, a joyful smile appeared in his eyes, and he walked briskly towards Yu Xiaomin, but when he saw Fu Yanchen behind Yu Xiaomin, doubts appeared on his face:

"Mr. Fu, are you here?"

Fu Yanchen's eyes fell on Yu Xiaomin. With Duoduo, is it possible that Fu Yanchen came to grab someone from him?

Isn't it rumored that Fu Yanchen is a misogynist, and that he is probably the same?

Earlier he had heard that Fu's parents had been arranging blind dates for him, but Fu Yanchen would disrupt the situation every time, and it was almost a humanoid ice cube machine in the blind date market.

Could it be that in order to prevent forced marriages in the family, this person has found a woman like Yu Xiaomin who is powerless and powerless, and wants to have a contract marriage with her, and let Duoduo pretend to be his son, so that the elderly in the family feel at ease, and he can do it privately. Forbidden love?

Chu Haotian replenished his mind, and the eyes that were already hostile to Fu Yanchen brought a little bit of contempt in the depths of his eyes. He felt that Fu Yanchen was superior in business methods, but his character was actually lower than him.

"Help find someone, so what about you, kidnapping children here, why on

earth ?" Fu Yanchen is also hostile to Chu Haotian. Not to mention that Chu Haotian and Yu Xiaomin once had youth that he could not participate in. It was uncomfortable for my son to come out to sabotage on the first day he met.

"Child kidnapping? Haha, Mr. Fu, you laughed. Take your son out to verify the parent-child relationship. How can it be called kidnapping?" After

Chu Haotian separated from Yu Xiaomin that day, he naturally experienced a period of pain and sadness.

So he turned his grief and anger into motivation, and used Fang Shiyu's ignorance to deceive Fang's shares in a few months, and finally took the position of Fang directly.

Although he and Fang Shiyu had a certificate of marriage, after the death of President Fang, he directly kicked Fang Shiyu out of the house, and he is still a golden bachelor.

An unprecedented success in his career, but in his spare time, Chu Haotian's heart is still empty.

He had found someone to investigate Yu Xiaomin and found that there was no trace of a man by his side since he disappeared that day, but that night, he was not sure whether Yu Xiaomin had a relationship with someone.

There was a bold thought in Chu Haotian's mind. Yu Xiaomin loved him so much at the beginning, how could she indulge herself and lose herself to others... Maybe she didn't like anyone at all, that kid...

Chu Haotian finally remembered because of three generations. Single pass, he kept his sperm in the sperm bank of City A after he became an adult.

Maybe... Maybe...

Chu Haotian felt that he was close to the truth, so he rushed to City A overnight, and indeed, as he expected, the sperm he kept in the sperm bank was taken away.

And the woman who took the sperm was named Yu.

When Chu Haotian heard the news, an uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy rose in his heart.

He thinks that the reason why Yu Xiaomin avoided him was because he was hurt too deeply again and again. The reason why he denied his son was him, but because he had Fang Shiyu after seeing him ended his relationship with Yu Shiyao. .

That's right, Yu Xiaomin clearly showed resistance when he was jealous and angry in the playground!

After a while, Chu Haotian could not wait to return to Beijing to reunite with Yu Xiaomin. However, he was afraid that Yu Xiaomin would not forgive him, so he planned to preemptively recognize his son.

In order to prevent Yu Xiaomin from fleeing, he also brought the child to the paternity test center.

However, what Chu Haotian did not expect was that Yu Xiaomin's love and hatred was worse than he thought. Hearing him reveal the facts, Yu Xiaomin immediately retorted with a cold face:

"Chu Haotian, don't be crazy , we don't have anything to do with you. With the father-son relationship with

Duoduo , don't you have delusions!" Yu Xiaomin heard Chu Haotian's nonsense and her pupils were trembling, and she couldn't understand why Chu Haotian had such absurd thoughts.

The only explanation in my mind is that the story master wants to pull the broken story back to its original position.

No way?

Could it be that the memory in Chu Haotian's mind has been confused now... The paternity test report at that moment will not be manipulated by the will of the world!

Yu Xiaomin tightened his son's hand, and was suddenly occupied by a burst of inexplicable anxiety.

However, her anxiety fell in the eyes of Chu Haotian, which was a bright guilty conscience:

"You have been to the sperm bank in City A. You who loved me so much, fearing that I will not be able to go to the appointment, finally decided to quietly bring the right. My obsession is leaving, and my son is just the sustenance of your love house and Wu's love, admit it, Xiaomin, you still love me deeply, don't run away, okay?"

"Now I have no bondage, and I have an independent marriage. The ability to give you the happiness you want!" As

soon as Chu Haotian said affectionately, Yu Xiaomin noticed that the three large and small eyes at the scene focused on her face for an instant.

Chu Haotian had the pride in revealing the truth in his eyes, and with the potential for her, he almost wrote a line on his face, "Don't lie to me, woman, you can't escape from my Five Finger Mountain."

But Duoduo Baobao had a slight panic in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that his mother had deceived him, that he would have such a nauseous father.

As for Fu Yanchen, he didn't seem to believe what Chu Haotian said, but his eyes were still very complicated. It's like the current boyfriend hears that his girlfriend still misses his ex-boyfriend, and he is still hurt.

Being stared at by Fu Yanchen's eyes, Yu Xiaomin was also inexplicably embarrassed of being caught and raped by her husband.

Wo Cao Yu Xiaomin, you embarrassed a woolen yarn!

It's ridiculous!

Even if the female partner has ever done something to steal the sperm of the male lead, it must be because the female partner wanted to be pregnant with the male lead's child too much and wanted to be foolproof.

But she is not a female partner at all, and she has never used that stuff!

Logically speaking, if the female partner wants to have a relationship with the male lead, and the female partner is crazy in love with the male lead, then it must be impossible for her to artificially inseminate herself before the two are in physical contact?

In fact, when Yu Xiaomin hurriedly fled the hotel, he vaguely remembered that there was blood on the bed.

So Chu Haotian's speculation is 100% wrong.

It was embarrassing and shameful to be forced to steal someone's sperm, but Yu Xiaomin didn't want to repeat the miserable experience of the female partner. She forced down the heat on her face. Faced with Chu Haotian's affectionate confession, she chose to refuse decisively. :

"no matter how kind once, I'm not like you, a lot can not be your son, he is my life with other men, and I hope you accept that, let our mother, after all do not come back to bother us Live!"

Baby Yu Qian breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her mother's words.

Fu Yanchen heard that Yu Xiaomin broke with his ex-boyfriend and his expression was slightly relaxed.

Only Chu Haotian insisted on his own thoughts and couldn't listen to Yu Xiaomin's explanation:

" Heh , other men, do you think I have not investigated you? You have no lover other than me! Duoduo must be my son. Don't deceive yourself. That's it!"

Yu Xiaomin faced the male protagonist's lack of oil and salt, and his posterior molars would be crushed:

"If you don't believe it, then use the facts to speak, you and Duoduo paternity test will come out soon. I can't help but you don't believe it."

Yu Xiaomin didn't bother to spend more time talking with him, and sat down with anger, intending to use scientific evidence to directly cut off the male lead.

The other two men saw Yu Xiaomin waiting silently while holding his son, standing in the aisle while looking at each other, but there was a sharp spark of fighting.

"Mr. Fu, I advise you to accept that thought, Xiao Min will not agree to you, and my son will not recognize other men as fathers."

Chu Haotian couldn't hold his breath first, but he felt that what he said was clear. , If Fu Yanchen is acquainted, he shouldn't pester Yu Xiaomin again.

When Fu Yanchen heard Chu Haotian's words, a rare smile appeared on his expressionless face.

It seems that after hearing the most interesting joke in the world, it actually reached the point of his laughter, Fu Yanchen's mouth evoked:

"Chu is so confident that he really thinks that the paternity test results are your son?"

Chu Haotian was taken by Fu Yanchen. The slightly ridiculously dark eyes swept away, his back stiffened instinctively, and a sense of contradiction emerged in

his heart: "What do you mean,

Duoduo is not my son, can you still be your son?" However, Fu Yanchen did not. He took his words and gave him an intriguing look at the end, making him feel like a fly flew into his heart, crawling around his heart one by one, but he just couldn't catch it.

Quietness spread in the aisles of the paternity test center, leaving only the slight ticking of the wall clock in the air.

"Mr. Chu, here is your paternity test report, please take it."

Ten minutes later, Chu Haotian's paternity test result finally came out.

Yu Xiaomin also took a lot of hands, planning to take his son home for dinner.

After all, Yu Xiaomin felt that in the face of scientific evidence, all speculations were all paper tigers and could not stand scrutiny.

"Mr. Chu, you must already know the facts, then we will leave. If you take my son away rudely next time, I will choose to call the police. You don't want to be in the headlines!"

Yu Xiaomin put down the cruel words and planned to leave. However, Chu Haotian didn't have the disappointment and unwillingness that Yu Xiaomin imagined. Instead, he grabbed her wrist:

"You still want to escape. You open your eyes and talk nonsense without seeing the identification results. Xiaomin, if you have to deny my father-son relationship with Duoduo, I don't mind using coercive means to get Duoduo to follow me back to Chu's house!" After

Chu Haotian finished speaking, he said smugly:

"If you don't want to be separated, It's better for you to agree to marry me... Since you love me so much, why run away? If you don't believe me, I can use time to prove my love for you."

Chu Haotian said this, Yu Xiaomin present , Baby Yu Qian and Yanchen Fu both showed incredible expressions.

Yu Xiaomin hadn't spoken yet, Fu Yanchen even grabbed the paternity test report from him, with an unpredictable expression on his face.

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