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Chapter 11 Of course, shock is shocked, and Yu Xiaomin's heart is more joy and pride.

"I didn't practice for him, so I went to the room this morning and found that the child was not in the crib. At first I was anxious but then I found him standing alone in the toilet."

"I originally thought he crawled over, so it seems. Maybe I walked by myself. The child really does the same every day, and I always surprise you." When

Yu Xiaomin talked about the child, his brows and eyes became gentle, and a pair of apricot eyes seemed to contain a layer of soft water.

The old grandmothers standing beside saw each other and couldn't help sighing in their hearts, "The beauty of the baby is because of her genetics."

Take a look at the three small peas next to them, cute is cute, but compared with Duoduo Baobao, they become crooked melons and cracked dates. It is not easy to use words to praise.

"Duo Duo baby, come over to Granny Wang, and grandma will eat star puffs for you."

Granny Wang also has a granddaughter who is almost a month old, but Granny Wang's son and daughter-in-law are both married, that is, men and women do not marry. Both parties should support the elderly on both sides, agreeing that the first baby should be given the man's surname, and the second baby should be given the surname of the woman.

Grandma Wang's Dabao is already in the first grade, and Erbao is usually only taken over to get close to her at the wife's house on weekends.

Grandma Wang couldn't see her granddaughter on workdays, her husband passed away, and her son was busy at work. She usually likes to take baby snacks to the community to feed other people's babies.

But since Daduobao came out, Grandma Wang's attention has been attracted by Duoduo.

Speaking of which, Grandma Wang was a bit of control when she was young, so seeing a beautiful doll, her old heart can recall the taste of youth when she was young.

It is a pity that Baby Duoduo is not as easily deceived as other gluttonous dolls. He raised his head and glanced at the canned star puff in Grandma Wang's hand. Although his eyes seemed to flash, he had no plan to act.

"Xiaomin, try it and see if Duoduo can walk independently. I watched him help his things to walk quite steadily. I may not be able to walk two or three steps without the help of things!" I could

n't seduce him with baby snacks. The baby's grandmother Wang was very interested, and saw that the baby was indifferent, she began to persuade Yu Xiaomin.

As a mother, Yu Xiaomin certainly wants to see more surprises from her baby.

Seeing that the baby was leaning on the edge of the stool with one hand and there was no sign of falling, she bent over and was ready to move the baby's palm in front of the baby.

When the baby was about one or two steps away at the same distance, she lowered her waist and hands a little, so that her eyes were as level as the baby.

The actual half-squat is naturally more effortless, but Yu Xiaomin is really afraid that the baby will not walk independently. In case he does not care to pounce and cannot step over the distance between the two, Yu Xiaomin can rush forward to catch the baby in time.


Dao Duo, come to my mother." When Yu Xiaomin spoke, her voice was a little more coaxing.

When the kid Yu Qian heard her talking like this, he slowly turned his eyes, and saw the kindness and encouragement in Yu Xiaomin's eyes, and he couldn't help but let go of his hand holding the edge of the stool and wanted to walk towards Yu Xiaomin.

However, his hand was only one centimeter away, and the baby Yu Qian's sanity broke free from the baby's natural dependence on maternal love.

Who is going to the bad woman!

Even if he can walk, he doesn't want to pay attention to this woman. Isn't he just trying to get everyone's praise through his performance?

His ability to walk has nothing to do with her. It is obviously the result of his own hard work, not that she can teach!

"Don't be afraid, baby, mom will catch you, you try it, lift your foot, and come to mom here."

Yu Xiaomin didn't know what was in baby Yu Qian's heart. Seeing him let go of her hand and back away, she thought she was scared. He didn't dare to try, so he patiently softened and encouraged him.

Other people think the same way, especially the three little peasants, booing in the voice of a small adult:

"Duo Duo, it's not terrible for a long time. Try it."

"Grandma, Duo Duo, brother is afraid to provoke me. I'm more brave, I can walk."

"Duo Duo brother, it won't take a long time, you can't play with your sister. You run and I chase. Come on."

However, this time, there was no such thing as a forceful squeeze in his mouth. , And there is no sudden desire to express, even if Yu Xiaomin's encouragement is gentle, and Xiaodouding's words are encouraged, Yu Qian's baby is not moving like a mountain.

"The baby just learned might help things go not accustomed to let go, so can be months has been very good, do not hurry."

"Right right right, my baby will actually walk a half years old, dressed in winter is not easy to learn and more Walk, maybe Spring will be there."

"Duo Duo, come and eat some small puffs, we won't go, and I 'm the best baby."

Although Yu Qian's baby did not perform his superb technique, a circle of grandmothers did Actively found a reasonable explanation for him.

Even the little peasants comforted him and let him not be sad.

A star-shaped baby puff was stuffed into her mouth, and the baby Yu Qian's newly born baby teeth could just bite it.

But the moment the puff was stuffed into his mouth, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was a very cold and cold winter, and the bad woman went out without knowing why, and didn't go home all day. There is no cooking food in the refrigerator, and there is no rice in the rice bowl.

He was very hungry when he hadn't eaten lunch. In the evening, he opened the door and sat on the dim staircase to wait for his mother to come home. Anyway, the bad woman would turn off the heating at home when he went out. Unauthorized heating provokes a lesson.

It was getting darker and darker. At that time, he was only four years old and wrapped his clothes that were obviously small and exposed his wrists, and his teeth trembled in the cold and humid air.

But the cold wasn't the most tormenting one. He had cramps in his stomach without eating for a day. He understands that this is all because of the long-term irregular diet that caused him to suffer from stomach problems at a young age.

"Your mother hasn't come home yet? You are hungry. Take this bread to cushion your stomach."

Just as he was in a trance from hunger, there was a gentle sound like spring breeze from above his head. When he looked up that year, he saw a kind-faced aunt showing his loving eyes.

He could not bear the instinct to survive, but the bread was too fragrant, and the scent of cheese and ham on it rushed into the tip of his nose, making him unable to resist.

"Thank you, auntie, I will pay you back if I earn money." He

took the bread with both hands, and his hunger surged, he opened his mouth and ate it, ate the bread in a few bites.

He was still chewing on his cheeks, but he found a pair of familiar high heels breaking into his lowered eyes.

"Eat, eat, starved to death in the previous life, have you reincarnated? Didn't you know that you are like a beggar now? What a shame to me.

He raised his head and saw that the bad woman went home, and after seeing him accepting food from others, she yelled at him not enough. She turned around and cursed at the aunt

who helped him: "Mr. Mother, who wants you to be lazy? Why don't so many hungry children all over the world see you doing charity every day? I want to provoke the separation of our mother-child relationship. Let me see you giving alms in the future, I will never end with you!"

Then, thin and thin He was dragged into the house by the bad woman, and added to the club.

Although bad women would only teach him harshly when they were in a bad mood, he also began to understand that it was better to rely on others' help than on himself.

So when the bad woman went out, he started to study hard, and by chance, he met a powerful netizen who knew how to code.

In two years, he obtained 80% of the true biography of that person, and was able to make money for the bad woman Kari on his own, so that she could beat him a few times when she was not short of money, and gave him time to grow up.

When he was only eight years old, the bad woman suddenly beat him like a madman after returning home one day, and although he was a lot higher, he could not withstand the mad beatings of adult women, and finally managed to die with her before he died.

Baby Yu Qian thought of this, and her back felt cold.

He is just a baby right now, and he should be a stopgap measure just now to give a woman some face. To get rid of her, he still has to be unconscious, at least a certain amount of mobility.


Why is he doing things so ignorantly now? It seems that he is more willful than he used to be. Is it possible that the relationship between physical development has affected his IQ more or less?

Baby Yu Qian looked towards Yu Xiaomin slightly mechanically. Even if she saw her smiling gently and softly, she somehow felt that her smile was a little gloomy.

The saliva secreted by Baby Yu Qian's mouth softened the star puffs, he swallowed, but his heart felt a little hairy.

After all, babies are more resistant to beatings than children.

What if the bad woman doesn't do anything just to save face?

"Baby, let's go home. The steamed egg with minced meat cooked by Ms. Zhang should be ready, are you hungry?" After

a while, baby Yu Qian drank the thin porridge without milk in the morning, and seemed a little hungry. Up. Originally thought that he should be eager to go home with minced meat and steamed eggs, but now he is a little reluctant to go home.


Baby Yu Qian said something that an adult couldn't understand, and her little hand grabbed Grandma Wang's hand in a posture of being here to take root.

"Do you still want to eat puffs? Dad Yumo gave her a lot of puffs and can't finish them. This jar will be given to you, but you can't eat more every day. After all, this is a snack. If you eat too much, you will delay the dinner."

Yu Xiaomin When Grandma Wang said this, she thought her baby was greedy for snacks. She was embarrassed to take others for nothing, so she took out three packs of bulk baby rice cakes and a whole pack of unopened rice cakes from the storage compartment under the push cart. Come.

The three small beans were distributed in bulk, and the whole package was handed to Grandma Wang:

"It's not impolite to come and go. This is the rice cake I gave Duoduotun. Baby Yumo can also eat it. Take it back and let her taste it. Taste it."


Giving each other snacks, Yu Xiaomin glanced at the time it was almost eleven, then picked up baby Yu Qian and put it back in the push cart.

Although Baby Yu Qian resisted, but also understood that hiding is impossible, so he waited silently for the beating and scolding that might come.

But while he was worried, he comforted himself:

No matter how bad a bad woman is, she will always be sensible when she is sober. There is still sister Zhang at home, even if she doesn't care too much for the salary, she will never watch to make a living.

Besides, the bad woman should still take him to the mother and son, and she is reluctant to beat him to death.

After returning home with Yu Xiaomin, Baby Yu Qian has already done a good job of mental construction for herself, and feels that it is good to be beaten a few times, lest he will gradually be confused by the hypocritical and gentle appearance of bad women in the long run, and when he has the ability but can't help it.

But he waited and waited, after eating the long-awaited steamed egg with minced meat, he slept for another afternoon and drank milk without waiting for Yu Xiaomin to turn his face ruthlessly.

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