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Chapter 16 "

Wocao , what's going on!" Yu Xiaomin was shocked. Facing such data, he suspected that the system was pumped, so he left a message to Lu Miaomiao:

"Miaomiao, maybe the Lujiang system is unstable, I'll go Call the customer service and ask what's the situation." After

Yu Xiaomin left a message, he directly dialed the customer service hotline of Lujiang. After listening to the verified data, the customer service said that it was not because the system had a bug that the 100,000 Overlord ticket appeared. Yu Xiaomin hit it.

Yu Xiaomin listening, brow Weicu:

"help me contact my readers to do this, I think maybe people are not careful, perhaps a minor child misuse, the King ticket can be returned directly to you?"

Customer listening Yu Xiaomin hesitated and said that she needed to ask her superiors to give her feedback later.

Yu Xiaomin turned around after hanging up the phone and found that Lu Miaomiao was queuing her:

"Yuyu, the forums are discussing this matter. It has become a hot spot . Have you ever asked about it after the call? What happened? It wasn't you, it's difficult. Isn't it because you met the local tyrants and wild readers?"

Yu Xiaomin didn't believe there was such a good thing:

"My article shouldn't be sought after in this way. If there is a deep water, I can tell myself that readers like my own article, but this It's 1,000 deep water, which is a full 100,000 yuan! I suspect that if it is not a system bug, then which child accidentally clicked on it, maybe she is still crying for her misoperation..."

Yu Xiaomin watched it a few days ago According to news reports, it was said that a child had clicked a mobile phone button by mistake, and then the parent bought a high-priced item without knowing it. In the end, the parent proved that this was a misunderstanding and the merchant agreed to return the product.

Although it was delayed for two hours because of her codewords, Lujiang should also help deal with it...

"No!" After

Lu Miaomiao exclaimed, she suddenly felt that what Yu Xiaomin said was reasonable, so she was optimistic. reply:

"If that is the case, I should think green river readers back the money, if not retreat, it can come up with so much money, they should be good family conditions, Mandy you do not feel bad."

"Tinker Ding dong dong dong "

Just as Yu Xiaomin and Lu Miaomiao were communicating, Yu Xiaomin's cell phone rang.

"Hello, hello, I am Lujiang customer service number 002. After your feedback, we sent a short stop to the customer. Through communication, we learned that the customer is an adult and can be fully responsible for her actions. The customer said she did I want to give a reward to your work. Although she accidentally ordered an extra 0, she has money and likes your novel. She has determined that she does not need a refund. Please rest assured..."

"Miaomiao, the customer service just called me back I said that the reader really wanted to reward me, but she accidentally ordered an extra zero, but she is indeed a local tyrant, and told the customer service that there is no need to cancel."

"Wocao, Yuyu, you actually met a local tyrant reader!"

"I just looked at the data. Although the other three books have gotten Bawang votes earlier than your novels, your gains are much better than theirs now. I have foreseen that you understand that you can take off!"


Yu Xiaomin listened. When she heard about Lu Miaomiao, she also glanced at the data, but she was still a little embarrassed.

After all, maybe people don't want to get the money back because of face after they accidentally ordered more zeros?

Even if people have money, that money is not brought by the wind...

After thinking about it, Yu Xiaomin finally decided to return the money. After finding her account from the reader Zelei's message record, Yu Xiaomin recharged herself 50,000, and sent a huge red envelope of 100,000 to the reader from the reader's backstage.

Yu Xiaomin thought, people originally wanted to smash 10,000, and that money helped him gain exposure to the Overlord List. This exposure subscription can also help me go up to the first page of tomorrow's list... Since I want to pay it back, I should put her away All the smashed ones were paid.

Just thank her for her support and love for her text.

It was the first time that Yu Xiaomin met a reader who loved her novel so much. She was actually excited and happy in her heart, but her simple heart thought that the windfall was hot.

After the 100,000 red envelope was charged by Lujiang with a 5% handling fee, the reader should have 95,000 in the hands of the reader, just as she spent 5,000 for herself.

In this way, she received the reader's appreciation, and she would not be disappointed.

And she just saw that the reader had just bound an author number, although there was only a 30,000-character short story, at least the money could be withdrawn in her hands.

I spent 50,000 in vain, it's impossible not to feel bad, if it was the real world who bought the house and didn't have a deposit, then Yu Xiaomin would only refund 50,000 back.

However, in addition to the money in her original card, she has also saved some money for writing this year and a half, and spending 50,000 yuan will not increase her burden.

Of course, Yu Xiaomin is also afraid of accepting the money today. If anyone is jealous, the author's reputation she has accumulated may be affected by that time.

"Yuyu, did you look at your phone? A good news and a bad news."

Lu Miaomiao knows that Yu Xiaomin is busy every day . She takes her baby for a walk in the morning. In the afternoon and evening, besides playing with the children, she also needs code words. The word is turned off or muted, so she always asks every time before starting a chat.

"What's the matter?"

Yu Xiaomin was indeed in the code word, and the mobile phone was also put aside, but her computer Q was hung up, afraid that Lu Miaomiao could not contact her like yesterday.

"The good news is that your gains today are super good. You have now counterattacked from the third on the first page to the second, which means that your current subscription has exceeded the new article of the great god L! This is really going to fly. "

The bad news is that there is a suspected diehard fan of the great god L who is hanging you on the forum, saying that you are unfairly competing. After a few words, I was told that my relatives and friends ended up. It's horrible!"

"The host led a lot of L's The diehard fans attacked you together, saying that you deliberately smashed 100,000 Bawang votes to attract people's attention in the forum. Even on the V blog, there are big Vs discussing Jinjiang's sky-high Bawang votes, so your increase today can exceed L."

"But I looked at the data. This novel by Dashen was originally written by a channel she hadn't touched before. The pre-acceptance of the article is very high, but the actual increase in the first list is not very good. I think maybe the collection is a bit inflated. After all, I met The articles written by idols will also help in advance, but some of those that do not meet your appetite will not be read."

Yu Xiaomin was not nervous

when he heard the news from Lu Miaomiao: "The call was recorded when I called for customer service yesterday. The official will come out to preside over justice in a big trouble. Their malicious guidance is simply not tenable. I will go to the forum to see where it is going now, don't worry."

Yu Xiaomin said, and directly opened the forum in the Lujiang APP.

Sure enough, under a big lemon yellow hot pattern, it was the post she was hung on. #夹二 Author This wave of Sao operation really surprised me. I would rather use this method to squeeze people down and face it. #

俞小敏Click into the post, I saw the host of Yin and Yang Weiqi speaking there:

"As soon as I entered the forum yesterday, I saw a post about Jia Er. I thought it was a Lvjiang bug, but the result was really 100,000 Bawang votes. I have never seen a Japanese Bawang ticket of more than 10,000. This author dropped 10. Ten thousand, if you have no brains, it must be for hype."

"Although the cost is a bit higher, the effect is obvious. Yesterday I saw the title of Lvjiang Sky-Priced Bawang Ticket on the 48th on V Bo Hot Search. This traffic comes. Look, I've already climbed to the second place this afternoon. Would you rather think that I'm a 3800 author who can do 40,000?" The

host was filled with righteous indignation, which quickly resonated with many people. :

"This operation is really good enough, it's out of the sky."

"I haven't heard of this author before, but I really remember her because of this thing. She probably thinks that black and red are also red, and RMB players are bulls. "

I said, why the two-fold increase and the harvest so fast? It turned out to be a hype. When did the atmosphere in Lujiang become like this."

"Does the government care about such unfair competition? It's so chilling." Now, my goddess must be sad to be suppressed by such a person."

"Maybe it's an account operated by a team in gzs. I read her first novel before, and I think she is not a newcomer, but I am a goddess. Level, I can't find out which author changed the number. I suspect that people have a black history!"

"I think her ending points are thousands of points less than those of the great gods. Is it possible that the collection is better than the sky? The author is evil, and the data is

wrong ." Yu Xiaomin quickly declined, seeing that this building has actually been covered by 500 floors.

Yu Xiaomin was naturally a little uncomfortable when she saw those bad words, but she was also unscrupulously attacked because of her anonymity, and found many messages for her:

"When can I hang the clip for no reason? I read that article. The stalk is very unique, and the online rhythm of writing is also tight. I think it is reasonable to achieve such an increase."

"People have not checked the data or copied it. Obviously, the ticket is not the author himself. It is obvious that thousands of things can be done. Whoever eats and has nothing to do is to pay 100,000. It must be the local tyrant. People are so rich that they can't get only 10,000. Is it not good for RMB players to expose themselves in minutes?"

"This author is what I have been chasing after. From her article, I think she is a very warm person. I think her article will be even if she doesn't get the bawang ticket. Before I got up, I shared a list with her before, and she is the number one gainer in our list!"

"Maybe people just want to drop 10,000, and they accidentally clicked the wrong thing. You know, I wrote this article 30,000 collection for two months. only thirty thousand of income, people worked hard to do the writing for a loss? ticket and hit so many people, clip clip 4 clip 5 9 are not all smashed it? well it turns out that only the text can be broken.

"Oh, for , When clip 9 first came up, it was clip five, but even if someone smashed the ticket, it was eventually overtaken by others. It really was because she was really good-looking. "

Because the messages of these malicious photos were mixed with justice and maintenance, Yu Xiaomin's uncomfortable heart was also dispelled by these warm speeches.

After all, those who helped her speak were defined as a group of relatives and friends by angry netizens, but Only Yu Xiaomin knew that her family and friends group was only Lu Miaomiao.

Seeing that the building was getting higher and higher, Yu Xiaomin clicked the message box to start editing the text:

"I am the author of the second folder. Yesterday, a reader did give me a Bawang ticket by mistake, so much so There was a sky-high overlord ticket, but I had already contacted Lujiang customer service as soon as I knew the news, and the customer service also helped to verify that the phone calls were recorded in Lujiang. All this is just a misunderstanding. "As

soon as Yu Xiaomin left this message, those people really got even more excited:

"Who knows if you directed and acted by yourself? The reader mistakenly made a mistake, who believes it?"

"The reader accidentally made a mistake of 100,000, so the author is embarrassed to take that money? If you get it, you can sell it. I really envy your shit.

Luck (dog head)." "It's not my turn to pick up 50,000 for nothing and expose such a good luck. If you don't end up on the stage, the author, we still think you are fierce. Now that you say this, I suddenly think you are so green.

Can't we be honest if I admit that I have broken it ?" Yu Xiaomin didn't want to argue with these people, he licked his lips and searched for the tutorial of downloading pictures, and then put the screenshots of the red envelope transaction that he had issued just in case.

Yu Xiaomin originally thought that with evidence, these people should stop, but what he didn't expect is that people's eyes and brains are not in line.

Still dancing around the madness.

Some say that she has prepared a lot of dramas, some say that she is thoughtful and has a team, and some say that her routines are deep and maybe there is a dark history.

The event fermented and expanded, and the group of people also @官方. I hope the official will give an explanation.

However, when Lujiang's official customer service saw the post and gave a reply, explaining that Yu Xiaomin's words were true, the group of people still did not stop.

Even later, Great God L spoke in person on VBo, saying that she was not good at the subject matter of the new article, and it was normal to just write data for love. Let the fans speak rationally not to blame others, and did not calm this group of people.

"Yuyu is not good. Although most of L's fans have not been involved in this matter after watching her V blog, some of them feel that L has failed their maintenance because they are not willing to blame their idols for not understanding their painstaking efforts. , They organized a group to go to your post to score negative points! You can't suppress the thunder!"

Yu Xiaomin originally put the evidence and felt that she was not ashamed, so she watched the forum for a while and was still dancing, she simply quit, but nothing It's hard to think of getting out of the way.

"Let's go to the editor to apply for the control and review authority. Last time, Lujiang issued a comment area management authority, saying that he can apply to manage the comment area by himself for one day. The editor also knows that I have been wronged and should be able to apply. Come down."

"Yes, right, right, and what other control authority is there. See if I was nervous and I forgot, then you should apply for it as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will be distracted by those comments. Especially today, you clip, the comment area is smoggy and easy to affect Collection and income!"

"Yeah, I'll apply right away. Don't read the comments for me. It affects my mood. If you have time, you can code words, read sand sculpture novels, read dramas, or play games."

After Yu Xiaomin responded to Lu Miaomiao, he immediately switched the chat window.

Fortunately, editing was not very busy this day. After editing the message for three minutes, she saw her message and quickly granted her permission.

Yu Xiaomin got the right to manage comments, and immediately like the heroine of a novel got a gold finger, a domineering smile was evoked at the corner of his mouth, and he clicked on the author's backstage and began to clean up malicious comments.

I delete, I delete, I delete, delete!

I have to say that this permission is very enjoyable to use. I can only helpless when watching negative dichotomy comments. Now she clicks the mouse, and those slurs without dirty words are processed and can no longer appear in her eyes.

Except for the sore hands, after a few hours, Yu Xiaomin felt that he had been addicted to beating moles, and was in a good mood.

Especially Yu Xiaomin is gratified that when she was fighting for her own writing, her baby was super well-behaved since the afternoon, and he didn't move around after waking up. He actually lay alone in the bed. Only open a pair of innocent and ignorant eyes, counting fingers there and playing.

If it wasn't for Sister Zhang who made dinner and thought that the baby should wake up usually, she would have a closer look, and she wouldn't know that he had already woke up.

"Oh, this kid must be watching Miss Yu you are at work, so I am afraid to disturb you. Duoduo baby is really the most well-behaved baby I have ever seen. This distressing energy can be painful."

"Miss Yu, I Eat a lot of food, you can come here soon. In winter, you can eat warm food."

"Sister Zhang, I will eat it later. It will be heated in the microwave oven. You can take your baby to eat first and

leave me alone ." Yu Xiaomin said , Glanced at the cute and soft baby, moved his wrists, and planned to stuff a few biscuits to continue fighting until the end of the twelve o'clock clip.

However, she only deleted a few new negative points, and suddenly found out that the readers who had violently brushed negative points in her article turned around and apologized to her!

"I've misunderstood you. I'm so sorry. I apologize to Dadao for my overly violent behavior."

" Great, I'm sorry. I didn't expect that I was actually used by others, not only made it difficult for my goddess, but also to you. It has caused a bad influence. I will throw a rocket launcher for you. I wish you a good list."

"Shen Shui is not enough to express my great apologies . Be careful."

"You shouldn't be very prejudiced. In fact, I just read your article. really fun addictive, this collection is what you deserve. up points. " "

No wonder L have helped greatly to speak, the goddess of the eyes really are sharp, I just impulsive, sorry. "


even, in When some people are still scoring negative points in the article, those who come back to make up points will also show the way to the forum and ask them to hurry up to see the "latest development".

Yu Xiaomin was dumbfounded.

So, what happened that made these irrational brushers suddenly come to her collective consciousness and apologize in full sincerity? !

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