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Chapter 61:

A few happy and a few sad.

Because the daughter was taken away by the police, and the incident was exposed somehow, the Yu family couldn't suppress it even if they wanted to, so there were rumors everywhere on the Internet.

"Why did the daughter of the Yu family do such a thing? Isn't she going to marry Chu Haotian soon? Is it possible that she likes Fu Yanchen. Is this jealous?"

"I heard that Yu Xiaomin is Yu The real daughter of the family, it's just that the Yu family's brains are not normal, and they don't love her own life, but they have a heart and soul for a fake daughter who is wrong. This Yu Shiyao is afraid to bully Yu Xiaomin and become addicted.

"Ah, I heard that Yu Shiyao was forced by the Yu family to marry the second youngest of the Yang family. Then you should know that the second youngest of the Yang family is famous for being a little girl. Maybe the Yu family doesn't love this daughter very much, but Profit-driven."

"The Yu family is really cold-blooded. I heard that Yu Xiaomin grew up in a rural area. They guessed that this daughter was not suitable for marriage and then gave up. Therefore, it is clear that the truth is unhappy. Now let go of spoiling the family's glorious daughter. Caught in jail, was abandoned, but joined the rich."

"Although it sounds terrible , but it sounds so comfortable, a sentence that deserves to be suitable for the Yu family, haha"

Because of the deterioration of the Internet, the Chu family suddenly withdrew. After losing the help to the Yu family, the Yu family's stock plummeted, and various projects died in an instant and faced bankruptcy in an instant.

For the New Year, Yu Jinshan is still dealing with the chaos in the company.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, why is the bank loan rushing so quickly? Can you accommodate me..."

"Mr. Jin, sorry to disturb you during the New Year, I think..."


It was the sound of the phone being hung up again. If at this time, Yu Jinshan had dropped the phone and didn't want to lose his smile, but now the company's crisis has forced him to continue.

"Hello, Mr. Cui, this project is a win-win situation for everyone. Suddenly it is unethical for you to withdraw money and you will suffer losses?"

"Lao Yu, it's not that I don't want to cooperate, but someone made a higher one. For the price, don't blame me, blame you, you can only blame you for not raising a good daughter."

Yu Jinshan made a lot of calls, and naturally felt that someone behind him wanted to fuck him.

Hearing Mr. Cui, who had a fairly good relationship with him on the phone, mentioned

something , he was heartbroken: "Does the Fu family want to deal with me?" As

he asked, Yu Jinshan had already scolded Yu Xiaomin in his heart, thinking that he shouldn't recognize this back then. Daughter, if she was still in a small town now, she would not have encountered Fu Yanchen flying on a branch to become a phoenix.

However, Mr. Cui on the phone was surprised:

"Why do you think that the Fu family is going to deal with you? Don't you know Chu... your daughter was turned back in court?"

Yu Jinshan was taken aback when he heard Mr. Cui's call. , The cursing of Yu Xiaomin in his mind also stopped abruptly.

"I have something to do, so I'll hang up first."


blind tone came again from the phone, and Yu Jinshan responded that it was Chu Haotian who was going to deal with him, and his blood pressure rose for a while.

"Chu Haotian, you bastard!"

Chu Haotian broke off his marriage with the Yu family three years ago. The original reason was that Yu Shiyao drugged Yu Xiaomin. He felt that Yu Shiyao's mind was vicious and could not be a Chu family youngster. lady.

Now Chu Haotian suddenly changed his mind, because the Chu family and the Yu family had a friendship for more than ten years, and the two juniors were childhood sweethearts, Yu Jinshan thought it was a quarrel and reconciliation between the juniors.

He and his wife felt ashamed of not attending Yu Shiyao's trial. In addition, the company was very busy recently, so it was not until this time that Yu Jinshan realized that Chu Haotian did not want to reconcile with Yu Shiyao, but wanted revenge. Yu family.

For what?

Maybe it was because he was killed when he was drugged and now married to Fu Yanchen Yu Xiaomin.

Yu Jinshan always felt that he was right, he thought that Chu Haotian was very ambitious and not emotional, and that Yu Shiyao was obedient and sensible...

Now it seems that he is too blind to be blind.

According to the usual thinking, Yu Jinshan must have pushed everything to Yu Xiaomin, feeling that this daughter has been fine since she appeared.

But before being shocked by a series of shocks and about to collapse, Yu Jinshan weakly lowered his hand in the night when the fireworks were in full bloom, and had to admit that it was all his own fault.

How can Yu Xiaomin say that they are all his biological daughters. If he took Yu Xiaomin back and drove away Yu Shiyao's sly-faced and snake-hearted daughter, maybe Chu Haotian would not hate Yu's family, and the two families would still be good relatives... Nor will he be scolded by netizens for being unconscious, and his family will not go bankrupt...

At this moment, he should have enjoyed the warmth of family reunion, but because of the focus on interests, this family relationship and wealth that should belong to him have been shattered in this winter .

"Ding Dingding tapping"

While Yu would like endless mountain tightness occasion, his cell phone rang, but the family of Mrs. Yu telephone network.

"Husband, when are you coming back? The food at home is going to be cold..."

Yu Jinshan usually treats his married wife as a respectful guest, but today he is really depressed.

Especially at the beginning, he wanted to make up for the cultivation of Yu Xiaomin. It was Mrs. Yu who scolded her daughters everywhere in front of him, degrading people to nothing, and then told him to let go of the cultivation heart, and only gave people 10 million compensation and completely ignored them. .

Yu Jinshan thought, but most of the mothers, Mrs. Fan Yu, are a little patient with their daughters, and they will not cut off relations with the Yu family now.

And Yang Zhengxuan's case, the one he had just suggested was also called Yu Shiyao for a blind date. If it weren't for Mrs. Yu's halfway idea, even if Yu Xiaomin was hiding now, at least he hadn't severed the relationship with the Yu family.

Originally, he and the Fu family might already be in-laws!

Do you need to lose your hair here, and worry about the company's bankruptcy that you can't even eat the New Year's Eve dinner?

The anger in his chest was stunned, and Yu Jinshan

yelled at Mrs. Yu on the phone for the first time: "Eat, eat, the company is gone, you still have the mood to eat! If it weren't for you, how could Yu Shiyao get crooked? If it weren't for you, how could my biological daughter sever ties with the family so that I don't even have a chance to ask the Fu family now? A stupid woman with long hair and short knowledge!"

Madam Yu was also under great pressure in the face of the family crisis, and went out to party Being ridiculed by a group of wives, I can't even start with my favorite clothes and bags for the New Year.

Faced with Yu Jinshan's scolding, her spoiled temper for decades also came up:

"You blame me, are you not responsible? I know that we are married in a family, but if you are too cold-blooded and just care about making money and family matters No matter what, things won't end up like this! I'm short-sighted, so why don't you educate Yu Shiyao well yourself? Have you given emotional education for this family? Maybe the child is cold-blooded and ruthless you learned from you!"

"You! You guys! You still have the face to say me! You..."

Yu Jinshan's blood pressure rose, but after being hit by Mrs. Yu, his blood surged. He only felt a pain in his head, and then his hands and feet began to tremble uncontrollably,

"Help me...hit...120..." After

finally saying this, the phone in Yu Jinshan's hand also bears The shaking of his hands couldn't help falling.

Mrs. Yu was originally upright and excited, and wanted to vent her depression through quarrels, but when she heard Yu Jinshan's weakness asking for help on the phone, her heart suddenly sank:

"Yu Jinshan, are you too busy to forget to take blood pressure medicine? !" No

one answered her on the phone, and after only a "click", no more movement was heard.

Madam Yu couldn't get angry anymore, she seemed to be hit by a boulder in her heart, which made her breathless:

"Driver! Driver! Get ready for the car!"

She screamed, shaking her hands and calling the hospital urgently :

"I My husband is in an accident and needs first aid!"

"The address... The address is the President's Office, 22nd Floor, XXX Road, XXX!"

After Mrs. Yu hung up the phone, she walked out with red eyes, not sure if she was worried about her husband's accident or worried about whether she was at home. It's really finished.


Although Chu Haotian successfully robbed the family of power, the relationship with the former Patriarch of the Chu family was completely broken.

For the New Year, he was not invited by his family to the old house to celebrate the New Year. He stayed alone in his cool and spacious apartment, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the fireworks in City B alone.

But the excitement is all from outsiders. With more money, he has a lonely heart overgrown with wild grass.

Chu Haotian didn't eat dinner, only holding a glass of brandy, drinking one by one.

Then, under the blooming fireworks, he seemed to see Yu Xiaomin still beside him four years ago, using the pair of Yingying only to imprint his eyes, staring at him madly.

But fantasies are fantasies after all. When Chu Haotian walked towards the "Yu Xiaomin" drunkly and wanted to hug her, what he hugged in the end was a cloud of icy void air.

When the disillusionment was disillusioned, Chu Haotian's mind returned a little.

Looking at the dark apartment with no lights on, he was red eyes after all, biting his back teeth and smashing the glass in his hand to the ground, then sitting on the ground with his face covered, his eyes filled with deep hell. The shadowy darkness that only exists.


"Duo Duo? Why are you in Mom and Dad's room..." The

next morning, Mrs. Fu woke up and called her great-grandson to get up, only to find that the child was missing. She was anxious to get angry and wanted to call the servants and started looking. He came out of the grandson's room.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I found my mother."

Duoduo woke up in the morning and saw that his parents were there, and his heart was bubbling with happiness, but he knew that he was actually 8 years old, plus more than 3 years of childhood... It's still a baby, but I'm a little embarrassed...

Mrs. Fu slapped her forehead when she heard the words of her great-grandchildren. She blamed herself:

"Oh, I blame Grandma for not being considerate. I didn't send anyone to guard you. There are so many fireworks on New Year's Eve, so I'm scared?"

Baby Fu Yu heard Mrs. Fu's words, but shook her head:

"Too grandma, I'm okay, and I'm not particularly scared, just... I suddenly wanted to find my parents. I am a little man, so I don't need to be accompanied in my room." The

old lady Fu saw that the child did not want to be accompanied, so she Nodded:

"Then I will arrange for someone to install a call button on the side of your bed. You can notify your family if you are afraid or if you have something to do at night." After the

old lady Fu finished speaking, Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin also walked out of the room. .

"It's early grandma."

"It's early grandma..."

Mrs. Fu looked up and saw the blackness under her grandson, feeling complicated for a while.

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