81 (END)

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After Fu Yanchen found Yu Xiaomin's shoes, he took them back to the old house.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums, Yu Xiaomin was held across the brazier by Fu Yanchen and sat on the Grand Master's chair at the door, facing Fu Yanchen.

When he was in the car, Yu Xiaomin's face was covered with a veil, and he was told that he could not speak all the way.

Although Yu Xiaomin wrote about the wedding, she didn't know the specific process, so she did what the matchmaker explained.

Through the red hijab, Yu Xiaomin could only see Fu Yanchen's red groom outfit and black boots, but as long as he confirmed that Fu Yanchen was there and couldn't see other people, he seemed to be less nervous.

"The best man and bridesmaid, please come with me to the restaurant on the second floor to have hi tea."

"Can't you stay here? I want to watch fish and worship the world!" A

little further away, Lu Miaomiao's reluctant voice sounded.

Amidst the bursts of cheering, she could occasionally hear her son and a few children chattering.

"Come on, bride, please drink sugar tea, drink this cup of sugar tea, life after marriage must be a sweet honey."

As the matchmaker's joyous voice sounded, the tea girl gave a bowl of sugar water to Yu Xiaomin's mouth. . After drinking the sugar water, Yu Xiaomin again ate dumplings made of glutinous rice in the joyous words of the matchmaker, but they were only raw.

She wrote about this plot when she wrote the novel herself.

Sure enough, the tea girl held an empty bowl to her mouth and asked her to spit out the raw dumplings in her mouth.

And the matchmaker's voice was motivated and teased:

"Bride, why did you spit out dumplings?"

The scene of deja vu happened to him, Yu Xiaomin suddenly felt hot on his face, so embarrassed.

But when someone asked, she could only answer step by step:

"Dumplings are raw."

This sentence really was the best answer the matchmaker was looking forward to, so the matchmaker's voice in Yu Xiaomin's ear became more and more excited:

"No, do you want to do it again? Try one?"

Yu Xiaomin thought, if she nodded, she would say that she would have two after eating two matchmakers...

Hey, she is too familiar with this routine.

So she shook her head and decided to let her taste go. Anyway, Fu Yanchen and Mrs. Fu already knew about her difficulty in conceiving.

But the matchmaker deserves to be a matchmaker. Even if she only ate one dumpling, new tricks can be seen from the matchmaker's mouth:


Give birth to dumplings, give birth to a proud son ... It seems that the bride will have a proud son ..." ...

Well, the doctor only said that it was difficult for her to conceive, but the last time Fu Yanchen was hit by a single blow, she really couldn't assert that she would never have another.

let it go.

The next step is to worship the heaven and earth, because there is a tea girl nearby to help, and some ground can be seen under the red silk cloth, so the progress is fairly smooth.

"One worship to heaven and earth."

"Second worship to Gaotang."

"The husband and wife worship each other."

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