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Chapter 46: "Enrolling enthusiastically, except for the best couple in the first place, the top 2-4 contestants can get free hotel spending tonight, the top 5-8 contestants will spend 50% off tonight, the remaining contestants will be 20% off, and all In addition to the consumption discount, participants can also receive a limited edition lipstick with random colors from the Y house after the competition."

Xiao Wu, the lobby manager, seemed a little eager to see the target person over there, and immediately continued his efforts.

Mrs. Fu has said that women have no resistance to lipsticks. This limited edition lipstick has been sold out for three days. The batch she provided was specially given to her by the only cooperative merchant in China.

If it weren't for the great-grandson daughter-in-law, she would not bear it out!

Sure enough, after Xiao Wu's words, the lovers who were still waiting in the lobby, especially the ladies, couldn't sit still.

Most of them have a high consumption level when they can enter the Fu Zhen Hotel to eat. After all, they were still hesitating in their hearts. After all, the probability of getting the first place is not high. At this time, the ladies can also get limited lipstick with the game when they hear it, and their eyes shine brightly.

"My dear, you didn't grab it for me last time when the official website was launched. You can participate this time. Let's try it?"

"It's a rare Christmas Eve event. Let's try it too. Maybe we can get the first place. Well!"

"Do you love me or not, I want a limited edition lipstick."


are too many people to participate, and everyone is not so embarrassed. In their opinion, Fu Zhen Hotel will not do it even for repeat customers. A show that makes people foolish.

"Hey, then why does it seem to be President Fu? There are girls beside him, and he seems to be able to participate in couple activities!"

"That's right, isn't Fu Yanchen extremely misogynistic? Even for company events, you shouldn't participate in such events!"

" Could it be that his grandma forced him to come on a blind date again?"

"It stands to reason not. Fu Yanchen's blind date is basically a human-shaped air conditioner, and he doesn't care about other girls. Did you see that he just took the initiative to talk to them, and he seems to be very gentle!"

"I didn't expect President Fu to be like this when he was gentle. So handsome! Why did I refuse a blind date before!"

Because Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin didn't deliberately hide their faces, some of the diners at the scene recognized his identity.

Yu Xiaomin felt a little uncomfortable looking at her, but felt the warmth from the palm of Fu Yanchen's hand, and her gaze became firm and fearless again.

If you want to be with Fu Yanchen, you will probably need a lot of pointing gazes in the future. If she can't make everyone recognize herself, she will try to have a clear conscience.

"Well, there are now 10 couples on the court to participate in the Christmas Eve activities. We designed three sessions on the scene. The first session is'Cupid's Arrow' to compete for the top eight pairs of players." The

waiter in the restaurant prepared. After the good ten packs of cigarettes and ten disposable paper cups were handed over to the ten couples on the scene, Xiao Wu explained:

"Dear male contestants, please open the cigarettes in front of you, and then you will use the cigarettes as an arrow to take what you have in your hand. Cupid's arrow was thrown into the disposable paper cup of the female player. We timed it for one minute. The first eight couples with a large number of throws can advance, and the remaining players will be eliminated, but they will get a 20% discount and a random lipstick."

Xiao Wu finished. Let the couples line up in turn, and stipulate that male and female contestants must stand on both sides of the painted "Galaxy" on the waiter floor.

At the beginning of the event, Xiao Wu gave a whistle, and the participating male compatriots began their competition.

"Oh, the aim of the blue suit is too bad.

I didn't even get one of ten cigarettes." "I was very optimistic about my brother-in-law, but I didn't expect my sister to be a pig teammate. Oh, sister, your hand Don't shake, it's all up to the mouth of the cup. You flick and smoke again!"

"Wow, Mr. Fu is so great, have you seen him? He is not the fastest shot but he must hit every shot!"

"One shot in two seconds, Fu Yanchen must have won this round, but it seems that he succeeded because of the good cooperation of the woman. You see that the beautiful girl is very calm, does not move or command, they cooperate very tacitly."


There were some diners who did not attend the scene . I have finished my dinner and watched the activity while tasting tea while seeing the interesting activities. Some of them were late and I had not finished eating. I was also quite interested and looked up from time to time.

The result came out one minute later. Yu Xiaomin's team successfully advanced and eliminated two couples on the spot.

"Oh, almost point, though, there are lipstick can take, but also the value."

"Today I did not perform well, my dear, do not be angry, Couple Ring husband did not buy you a bag ......"

"obviously I didn't cooperate well, but since your husband is so generous, I am disrespectful!"

The two couples who were eliminated have a good mentality. After getting the lipstick and discount card, they happily returned to their seats to continue watching the game.

"Next we are going to have an 8-in-4 game! The topic of this session is called'Happy Donuts'. After the game starts, you will see an aperture that changes from big to small. Each couple needs to change Stand in the aperture for one minute, and persist until the last four teams can compete for the best couple!" As

soon as Xiao Wu's words fell, eight apertures with a diameter of 80 cm appeared in front of the lovers.

This width is enough for couples to stand close to each other, so no one will be eliminated for the time being.

However, after the eight waiters who timed announced that they were all promoted, the aperture immediately became a 40-diameter circle. So the couple on the court had to adopt a face-to-face attitude.

In order to prevent the other person from accidentally leaning back, most couples adopt a hug gesture.

Yu Xiaomin thought the game was very interesting in the first session, but at this time found that the hotel design competition was really a test of couples.

The first level challenges coordination and the second level challenges intimacy.

After the circle changed, she and Fu Yanchen also adopted a posture of standing facing each other, and did not embrace, but at this time they posted extremely close.

The hem of Yu Xiaomin's skirt was quietly wrapped around Fu Yanchen's suit pants, and the straight hair that fell on her chest was only 1 cm away from Fu Yanchen's suit.

When Yu Xiaomin looked ahead, she couldn't see Fu Yanchen's face because of the difference in height, but her eyes fell on the raised apple knot on Fu Yanchen's white neck.

She wanted to turn her head and glance elsewhere, but it was a pity that there were lovers on the left and right of the game. The waiter was in front of the timekeeper, and the diners who watched the lively meal in the back. She was embarrassed to see wherever she was, so she could only face Fu Yanchen somewhere. daze.

As for Fu Yanchen, when Yu Xiaomin stood close to him, there was an urge to hold people in his arms, but with so many people at the scene, he was afraid that Yu Xiaomin was shy and he used his own reason to restrain this impulse.

But what's terrible is that Yu Xiaomin's eyes fell on him. Fu Yanchen felt her warm breath and gently sprayed under his throat, as if a feather was scratching playfully, making the tip of his heart itch. .

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

The waiter's countdown sounded on the side of Fu Yanchen's ears. Because of restraint, Fu Yanchen's lips curled into a straight line, and the fingers of both hands were slightly curled until they became stiff.

"Ha ha ha, I said this man Fuyan Chen misogyny seriously now, he must have been forced to come Fu old lady, you see his face cold with other men is not exactly the same thing!"

"This is really for Unlike couples, you see that people who are close to each other have already embraced each other. They just stood

upright as if the director was instructing the students." "Is Fu Yanchen really the same sex as in the legend..."

Because Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin are cautious. In addition to Fu Yanchen's rumors of misogyny in the past, many people underneath secretly began to gossip.

But they haven't come to any conclusions yet, and the aperture on the stage begins to change again.

"This time you need to stand in an ellipse with a length of 20 cm in diameter and a short diameter of 15 cm. The difficulty is already very great. See if you can eliminate the players this time!"

Because the circle is rapidly getting smaller, the couple on the court poses this time. Many changes began.

Four of the couples took the posture of the man and the princess hugging the woman. The two teams chose to hug each other on tiptoes. The two teams took the woman to hug the man's waist and step on the man's instep.

Yu Xiaomin originally planned to stand on tiptoes with Fu Yanchen to support each other to maintain strength, because she foresees that the next barrier will be more and more difficult, but Fu Yanchen said in her ears that the footsteps are easy to be unstable, so they also adopted the princess' hug. posture.

Speaking of it, it is not the first time that Yu Xiaomin has been held by Fu Yanchen like this, but the last time he was picked up by Fu Yanchen, what he thought was how to stay away from him.

Now after Yu Xiaomin puts aside his prejudice and tries hard to run for love, at this time, he sinks into Fu Yanchen's arms, one ear is close to Fu Yanchen's lap, Yu Xiaomin calms down, despite the hustle and bustle around, she seems to hear Fu Yanchen again A powerful heartbeat, together with her heart, weaves a moving melody, makes her eardrums swell, and makes her ears become hot.

"Ah, it's a pity that the couple have been holding on for half a minute, but they staggered out of the circle with their toes."

"Hey, the man's arm strength is too bad, and he can't even hold his girlfriend for a minute."

"You can't say that. Look at his girlfriend's body size, let alone 140. The man seems to be not as big as his girlfriend."

"Hahaha, those two are so funny, since the woman stepped on the man's instep, the man The expression on her was always in a painful state. It could have been until the promotion, but the woman who had bowed her head raised her head and saw that her boyfriend's expression immediately didn't cooperate. The foot that stepped heavily on it, it hurts. Kneel down on the keyboard."

"Who said that Mr. Fu is misogynistic? It's a rumor... People hold the girl steadily, although there is no expression on his face, but I clearly saw him just now, when I glanced down at him. Very gentle!"

"I saw it too! Damn, I can't believe that Fu Yanchen, the ice sculpture, can have such tenderness. It seems that it is true love!" After

eliminating the three players, the aperture at Fu Yanchen's feet narrowed again. .

This time, the blue aperture is only enough for a man to stand on one foot!

The remaining five couples had to be unified into the posture of a man and a woman, but standing on one foot is obviously not as simple as standing on two feet.

"Xiaowu, you have to persist, as long as we are not the first to get out of the lap, we will be promoted!"

"My dear, or you carry me, the princess looks beautiful and not suitable for standing on one foot!"

"Husband, can you do it?"

"Five in and four, Wang

Yikai, hold on to my old lady ! I want to be the first!" Yu Xiaomin did not speak, silently held Fu Yanchen's hand tightly, but Fu Yanchen was very confident:

"Don't worry, No. One must be ours."

The results of this round came out very quickly. One of the lovers, the princesses, was unsteady when they were holding them. In the eleventh second, the whole body began to swing from side to side, failing to pass the barrier.

"Congratulations to the four couples who stayed! There is only the last link left. The name of this level is called'Happy Pairing'."

"Seeing the waiter brought it and put it on your backboard. Is the candy plate? After I called out for a while, the woman picked up the white rabbit toffee peeled from the plate with her mouth or teeth, turned around and sent it to the man's mouth. After the man took the candy, he needed to turn around and use his mouth to aim and spit the sugar. Go to the trash can 70 centimeters away from you."

Xiao Wu said and gave everyone on the stage an encouraging smile:

"There are 20 candies in total, and the timer is 60 seconds. Finally, the couple who vomited the most candies in the trash can is tonight. Best couple, come on, everyone!"

"Oh, I thought the last link was to grow up while kissing!"

"I didn't expect it to be a mouth-to-mouth relay, which is interesting. Which couple do you think will win?"

"It should be Mr. Fu, right? He used to throw cigarettes very well. I think they have a better chance of winning."

"That's not necessarily. Hand throwing is completely different from mouth spitting, okay? My brother is a little expert in eating watermelon and spitting seeds. The champion is him. Belonging to."

At the end of the game, the mood of the spectators in the audience also increased.

In order to facilitate the competition, Yu Xiaomin borrowed a wooden black chopstick from the waiter next to him, and directly used the chopsticks to put an antique bun on his waist-length hair.

The young lady who saw her shawl slightly curly hair next to her was stunned.

At the beginning of the game, the ladies bowed their heads or sucked candy with their mouths, or bit the candy with their teeth, and then transferred the candy in their mouths to the men's mouth.

When Yu Xiaomin faced Fu Yanchen's close mouth, her heartbeat speeded up a bit during the incident, but she desperately comforted herself: the

candy was long enough to not touch it, even if it touched...the child was born anyway, just touching her lips!

This is a game, let your mind go, don't care!

Fu Yanchen was very measured. Seeing Yu Xiaomin a little nervous, he handed her a "don't panic" look, and then her lips really didn't touch her lips, and the candy disappeared in Yu Xiaomin's mouth in the blink of an eye.

While Fu Yanchen is spitting out candy, she can prepare the second candy first!

Yu Xiaomin turned around quickly and found that Fu Yanchen was spitting out candies faster than she drew candies. At this time, she had already turned around.

Maybe you can win!

Because the first one on Fu Yanchen's expression has fallen into the trash can.

Under the influence of the desire to win, Yu Xiaomin tried to ignore the heartbeat when the two approached, and then began to monotonously repeat the turning and handover actions with Fu Yanchen.

"Ah, ah, how can Fu Yanchen vomit so fast and so accurately!"

"Brother, come on, don't you usually vomit melon seeds? You can't just change the candy?"

"The girl ate her hair into her mouth when she ate sweets. I just saw her boyfriend bit her and turned her head hard, good guy! He directly caused the girl's tears, and the sugar fell out hahaha... ...It seems that Christmas gifts will cost a lot."

"I knew we had gone there too, so interesting!"

A minute later, Xiao Wu gave an order. The lovers stopped the candy transportation and the waiter also reported them. Count the number of candies completed by the couple.

The first place, Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin, happened to spit all 20 candies into the trash can, and they got full marks.

The second place and Fu Yanchen missed a total of 9 candies. The third place was worthy of 7 candies, and the last place only completed three.

"Big brother, your mouth is too powerful, how can you practice it!"

"Hey, I thought I could be the first. I didn't expect to meet a master."

"The focus is on participation. People are too strong. There is no way. Yes, the second place also has free bills and gifts, which is already great!"

"I don't know if there are any activities on Valentine's Day, we will come to participate again at that time, haha!" The

participating lovers all got their gifts. When it was the time of the first best couple, Xiao Wu took the stage with a professional smile and kept the two of Yu Xiaomin who had won the prize.

"Mr. Fu, as the number one, would you like to leave a photo for a souvenir, preferably an intimate photo... For example, it would be nice to bring a couple ring or a kiss."

Xiao Wu didn't expect either. Old lady Fu expected that the two of them actually won the first place in the competition. Thinking of the couple photos the old lady had confessed, Xiao Wu looked at the two opposing two with full pleading and expectation.

"Kiss! Kiss!"


Xiao Wu had forgotten to turn off Xiaobee, his voice spread a bit far away.

The spectators below were still excited after watching the game just now. Hearing Xiao Wu's request, they immediately started to booze. Among them, the young girl shouted loudest, and several of them shouted out the enthusiasm of CP. The two were in a bridal chamber.

The roar was like the wind blowing from the surface of magma, which made Yu Xiaomin's entire face flushed.

Fu Yanchen lowered his head to see Yu Xiaomin's pure apricot eyes slightly constricted, the tails of the eyes were slightly red because of shyness, and the sides of his cheeks were more beautiful and dripping like rouge, making his heart tremble.

Looking down, Yu Xiaomin's orange lip color was basically rubbed off because of the middle piece of toffee delivery, revealing the natural rose red color that belongs to Yu Xiaomin, and there is a faint water glow on the top, which looks particularly attractive.

Although Fu Yanchen suddenly had a certain urgency and desire in his heart, when he faced Xiao Wu's inquiry from the lobby manager, he said blankly and calmly:

"Just stand and take a group photo."

Xiao Wu saw the boss's face rise slightly. I was impatient, so I took out my phone and quickly took a picture of the two of them.

Although there is no interaction between the two in the photo, the woman lowered her head shyly, and the man's head was slightly tilted. His eyes fell silently on the woman's black hair. The lines of his cheeks were slightly harder, but Xiao Wu felt that the boss's eyes in the photo were more intense. The patience that looked at him was a hundred times gentler!

It's obviously a photo that doesn't match up very much, and it gives the impression that the two match well.

Mrs. Fu shouldn't blame him for this photo.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Tonight, the presidential suite is decorated with a romantic surprise for couples. Be sure to check it out!"

Xiao Wu finished speaking and happily sent a report to the superior.

"Let's go, let's pick up

Duoduo ." Yu Xiaomin and the others had finished their meal. At this time, there was nothing to do with the gifts, and she wanted to leave.

When Fu Yanchen heard her, he held her hand and walked outside without saying a word, without giving passers-by a look.

"Hey, are you talking about whether Fu Yanchen and the woman just now are lovers? Watching them play together is very tacit. Fu Yanchen is not opposed to contacting her, but compared to other lovers, I always feel that the two are not close enough."

"Yes. Yes, when the average man heard everyone's instigation and the woman was shy and did not refuse, he would have kissed him a long time ago. He was fine, with a cold face like someone owed him 80 million. If my boyfriend is like this, I I have called him an ex-boyfriend a long time ago!"

"It's not that the family is in a hurry. It is estimated that this event was designed to inform the world that he has a girlfriend! This way the family will not be forced and happy."

"Maybe . After all, I endure one day today, and then I can be cool for several years. My brother rented a girlfriend home before. If it weren't for my elder aunt to bump into the woman's date with other people, I wouldn't be exposed!" When

Fu Yanchen La Yu Xiaomin left, the two were right The girls who went out after a good meal couldn't help but speculate when they saw them leaving in a hurry.

However, as soon as the two of them stepped out of the hotel door, they watched Fu Yanchen put on a woolen coat with a gentle expression on his female partner.

The two couldn't control their footsteps and followed behind their car. They even discovered that Fu Yanchen, who had just been cold and self-made, actually took advantage of the darkness of the night and the shadow of the trees, and thumped the female companion out of the co-pilot of his black luxury car.

Then, his eyebrows were gentle and close to the wife, and when the female partner was trembling slightly and her eyelashes were widening, he wrapped a spring rain on her lips with a gentle and shallow kiss, as if he were treating the most precious fragile item in the world. , So gentle and incredible.

A handsome man who has been cold all year round, once the snow on his body melts, he often reveals a pure scenery that has never been seen in the world.

But these two young ladies accidentally ran into this scene.

Although their gentleness was not for the release of them, their heartbeat could not help speeding up inexplicably.

Ooo, ooo ...... it turned out to be true!

This is too sweet, right, in front of outsiders do not kiss but outside what secretly pro, good smoldering good innocent Oh, I want to die ...... place explosion, fried, la ...... ah ah ah ah ......

Yu Xiaomin was Fuyan Chen When I pulled out of the hotel, I was blown by the cold wind, and the heat on my face dropped.

But what she didn't expect was that when her hand pulled on Fu Yanchen's car's co-pilot handle, Fu Yanchen's hand suddenly pressed her one step ahead.

Yu Xiaomin used to be passionate about herself once, and at this time only thought that Fu Yanchen was a gentleman who wanted to open the door for her.

Unexpectedly, not only did Fu Yanchen not open the door for her, but her whole body was suddenly pressed down in her direction!

Yu Xiaomin looked up subconsciously, and suddenly found that Fu Yanchen's eyes were looking at her at this time, and the gentleness was still full of overwhelming scorching heat. She only looked at it for a moment, and her face was burnt red by Fu Yanchen's eyes.

Under such light, Yu Xiaomin's heart was beating violently and disorderly, she felt as if she was an inevitable prey in Fu Yanchen's eyes, and she was about to be bitten by him.

However, Fu Yanchen's eyes were filled with turbulent madness. When he lowered his head, the fierceness in his eyes was still there, but his lips were extremely gentle, with the restraint and cherishment that Yu Xiaomin was surprised.

Her heart softened by this cautious attitude, Yu Xiaomin felt an urge to get close to Fu Yanchen when Fu Yanchen's lips left.

However, she lifted her hand to pinch Fu Yanchen's collar and wanted to take advantage of her strength to stand up straight to meet the situation. In an instant, she was sent to the co-pilot by Fu Yanchen.

Yu Xiaomin's face was a little burnt:

What do you mean, finally wanted to take the initiative, did this person actually refuse? !

But Yu Xiaomin felt wrong after thinking about it this way. If Fu Yanchen didn't want to kiss her, why did he block her out of the car door just now?

Didn't you see her initiative, afraid that she would blame the kiss just now?

When Yu Xiaomin blushed and wondered, Fu Yanchen walked around the front of the car and opened the door of the driver's seat, and caught a cold wind.

Yu Xiaomin saw that he sat down and started the car immediately and did not intend to stay. He was embarrassed to ask, so he just turned his face and pretended to be looking at the scenery, but actually stared out of the car window in a daze.


took a peek just now." Just as Yu Xiaomin looked out of the car blankly, her consciousness diverged, but her ears suddenly floated into Fu Yanchen with a low voice with a little dull voice.


Yu Xiaomin did not hear clearly for a while, subconsciously made a questioning sound, and turned his head back into the car by the way.

Then, she heard Fu Yanchen repeating the words unclearly, with a low tone like the singing of a cello, with a slight twist and an intoxicating mellowness.

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