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chapter 76

 "Mom and dad, can I go with you? I also want to see how mom wears a wedding dress!" After

eating, Fu Yubao heard that mom and dad were going to try on the wedding dress, and excitedly pulled Yu Xiaomin's dress. He showed his cute and cute nirvana eyes.

Yu Xiaomin hadn't spoken yet, and Mrs. Fu had already surrendered:

"It shouldn't take long to try on the wedding dress. If the child wants to go out, take it with him. Let Xiao Li follow. It should be

fine ." Fu Yanchen has been busy working recently . , It's true that I haven't taken the children out for a long time. He thought that the child also wanted more time with his parents, so he nodded and agreed.

The three of them came to the Roman wedding dress custom office, and they were personally received by the shop manager:

"Hello, Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu, this is the young master, she looks really beautiful. Young lady's European-style wedding dress, Chinese Xiuhe The clothes, the dresses and accessories needed for the dinner have been prepared, please move to the dressing room. "The

wedding arrangement is a combination of Chinese and Western.

In the morning, Fu Yanchen and Yu Xiaomin will wear Chinese wedding gowns at the Fu's old house. At noon they will entertain guests in the hotel and exchange rings and oaths in the blessings of the crowd. In the afternoon, Fu Yanchen will take Yu Xiaomin to start a honeymoon that has been planned but not implemented.

"Then I will try it on, and you will see if it is okay in a while. If there is no problem, there should be no need to change it." The

wedding design drawings have all been seen. This shop is also the top wedding dress customization studio in City B and hires international Well-known domestic designers and producers.

Yu Xiaomin's figure has not changed much in the past few months, and his weight has been controlled within a range of one or two catties.

There should be no major changes to the details.

The main purpose of this time is to try on the effect first.

"Miss Yu, please." After the

staff took Yu Xiaomin to the dressing room, they thoughtfully said to her:

"If there is anything you want to help with during the dressing process, please call me and I will wait outside the door.

" Okay, trouble you." After

Yu Xiaomin said to the staff, he was attracted by the three sets of dresses hung on the hangers.

Although I have seen the design drawings a long time ago, when the wedding dress is actually presented in front of my eyes, it is as if the dried flowers suddenly rejuvenate and become delicate, always amazed.

And unlike taking a wedding photo, this wedding dress is not a finished product but a custom-made one. The designer completely starts from Yu Xiaomin's personal temperament and designs a work of art that belongs exclusively to her.

Yu Xiaomin's footsteps couldn't help but lighten up, like a butterfly that only smelled the scent of flowers, couldn't help but be attracted by the charming flowers.

Which set should I try on first?

Yu Xiaomin's fingers flicked across the wedding dress, Xiuhe clothing and gown, feeling that each set made her love it. However, she made the choice to hook her finger on the hanger of the Xiuhe suit, and the light in the dressing room suddenly went black.


Yu Xiaomin instinctively reached into his bag to take out the phone, but the door of the locker room was opened with a click.

In such a dark and silent environment, the voice made Yu Xiaomin a little creepy:

"Is that the staff member?"

But she felt that she could not be too timid, so she lowered her head and took out her mobile phone and planned to turn on her mobile phone flashlight to light up the room. dark.

"Xiaomin, Xiaomin, how is your side?"

At the moment when Yu Xiaomin didn't turn on the mobile phone torch, she heard Fu Yanchen's anxious voice at the end of the corridor.


She originally wanted to say "It's okay, it's just a power outage", but suddenly she smelled a strange smell between her mouth and nose, and then her mouth was forcibly blocked.

The strange smell rushed into her lungs without waiting for her to hold her breath, and she couldn't answer the question when her mouth and nose were covered.

It's just that in Yu Xiaomin's dizzy consciousness, through the light from the phone falling to the ground and the mirror of the dressing mirror in the dressing room, she could clearly see the person doing her work at this time... it was actually Chu Haotian.

Isn't he imprisoned in prison? !

Before Yu Xiaomin lost consciousness, she felt that she was being carried, and she hurriedly did not know where she was taken.

"Xiaomin!" The

sudden power failure of the bridal shop was a bit unusual. Fu Yanchen asked Xiao Li to hug the child and immediately went to the dressing room where Yu Xiaomin changed her wedding dress.

However, when his mobile phone flashlight was turned on, he found that the staff of the outdoor bridal shop was unconscious and collapsed on the ground.

At that time, Fu Yanchen's heart was tight.

Seeing that the door of the locker room had been opened, he raised his hand and took the mobile phone flashlight to shine in it, but there was no one inside, only Yu Xiaomin's mobile phone fell on the ground and gave out a faint light.

Fu Yanchen wanted to chase outside directly, and was afraid that the gangster was actually hiding in the locker room, so he had to call someone to guard the door of the locker room, and then chase outside.

However, when Fu Yanchen chased outside, he couldn't see Yu Xiaomin at all.

"Call me the monitor in the store, and help me prepare a laptop by the way." After

Fu Yanchen called the police, he forced himself to calm down.

At this time, the power supply in the shop has been pushed up, and the whole wedding dress design studio is brightly lit, but no one can feel relaxed.

Because Yu Xiaomin could not be found in the dressing room, the whole bridal shop disappeared. The

staff was very cooperative and immediately showed the monitoring to Fu Yanchen.

But the monitoring has long been destroyed. From 6 to 8 in the evening, the crowded places in the hall are normal, but the monitoring of the aisle and VIP locker room is replaced by still pictures.

"Oh, I said no one is moving in the corridor today. Did the monitoring have a problem!"

Although the monitoring of the bridal shop is always on, there are no professionals to guard it 24 hours a day, so the future will occasionally pay attention Take a look at the surveillance screen to see if there is any theft or sneaky entry.

As a result, the screen was dropped. On the quarter-size screen of the computer, the front desk did not look carefully and found no abnormality.

Fu Yanchen found clues.

This person erased the original seamless switching method of the monitoring screen, really like the program master who cleaned up Chu Haotian.

When Chu Haotian was arrested, the police did not arrest the computer hacker together.

So Yu Xiaomin's disappearance is probably related to him.

Just as Fu Yanchen turned on the computer, news suddenly appeared on the TV set in the bridal shop for customers to spend their time waiting for leisure:

"Chu Haotian, the mastermind of the financial case captured in this city a few days ago, escaped from prison this afternoon. If citizens see suspicious people, please feel free to contact the police."

Chu Haotian!

Fu Yanchen clenched his posterior molars, his eyes flushed suddenly.

I thought that Yu Xiaomin might be kidnapped for money. What Fu Yanchen has is that he is not afraid of being blackmailed, so that at least Yu Xiaomin's personal safety can be guaranteed before receiving the ransom.

But if the kidnapper was Chu Haotian, Fu Yanchen couldn't guarantee what he would do to hurt Yu Xiaomin, who was already desperate.

He flipped his fingers on the computer, trying to invade all nearby surveillance cameras to check if anyone had left the bridal shop during the power outage, and tracked down.

However, that person's hacking skills have obviously improved, and within a month he found out the loopholes that were overcome last time, and Fu Yanchen was unable to break through in a short time.

In the last case of the Fu Group, Fu Yanchen could endure three days to find out the loopholes in his family, but this time, three days are too long for him.

So long he felt that he might not be able to bear the consequences.

But last time the police at the level of the crime could not find any suspicious points. This time Yu Xiaomin was taken away, can she be discovered by accident?

After all, the news said that this person escaped from prison for a few hours, and the police investigation made no progress...

"Dad, give me the computer."

Just as Fu Yanchen's nerves were tight and his eyes were red, trying to find Yu Xiaomin's whereabouts again and again to no avail. , The baby Fu Yu behind him made absurd demands on him in a cold voice.

How could Fu Yanchen care about the relationship between father and son at this time, and his heart was all in the pain of Yu Xiaomin's disappearance, so he didn't turn his head, and directly replied in a very fast and very cold voice:

"Don't make trouble, dad is trying to find mom."

Fu Yubao could hear that his dad was close to collapse at this time, and his voice was full of crying, completely devoid of his usual composure.

In fact, he was also panicked.

Since he was reborn, he hadn't been separated from his mother much. Even if he were separated, he knew that his mother would definitely come back to him.

But now, his mother is taken away by bad guys, and maybe even beaten up...

As long as baby Fu Yu thinks that her mother might leave him, his heart is like being hit by a heavy hammer, dull and unbearable... ...It is even more unbearable than being abused by a bad mother.

So seeing that Dad can't handle surveillance, he no longer cares about being hated or being a monster. Seeing Fu Yanchen's refusal, Fu Yu directly tells the secret hidden in her heart:

"Dad, I'm Rich, let me try Try, maybe I can find my mother's location." When

Fu Yanchen was unsure of monitoring, he had been expecting that the phone would suddenly black out and show his "second brother"'s unique contact information, and then plead with someone he can trust.

However, even if the two have a good relationship, Fu Yanchen can't guarantee that such a minded family will contact him.

After trying again and again but to no avail, Fu Yanchen started to stare at the phone. He called out in his heart:

Rich, brother really needs your help at this time, can you hear me asking for help!

When Fu Yanchen pleaded like this, he didn't actually report any expectations. He even plans to give up computer exploration and drive directly to find a needle in a haystack.

However, his inner voice fell, and his son's serious words came from behind him.

The words "I am Rich" appeared in front of Fu Yanchen's eyes like a life-saving straw, asking him to stop the movement of his fingers.

But Fu Yanchen suspected that he had auditory hallucinations again.

The internet brother Rich had met three years ago, but his son, who was less than one year old three years ago, may not be able to walk steadily. How could he have hacking skills beyond his own?

However, before Fu Yanchen shook his head, his son walked up to him again and said to him in a tone beyond his age:

"This matter is complicated, but maybe only I can crack this guy's program at this moment. Anyway, Let me try...Big Brother."

Although it is absurd to hear his son call him "Big Brother", Rich's address to him is indeed "Big Brother", and for the existence of Rich on the Internet, even his special help, Mo Xin clear.

His son can call this name, and can also say what they call each other... Does it mean that he really is Rich.

Although this fact is unthinkable, Fu Yanchen's safety is the greatest in Yu Xiaomin's mind at the moment, so he can't figure out the key point. He still pushed the computer to his young son.

The author has something to say: Fu Yanchen: My son is actually my "second brother"? ? ?


Something is going on in the three-dimensional dimension, today will start on the third day. It's about to end, there may be a few extras in the follow-up, thanks to the little angels who have been supporting here, so much (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

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