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Chapter 21 The author conference has not started yet, and guests and participating authors are arranged in different lounges.

After Chu Haotian and Fang Shiyu bid farewell at the entrance of the lounge, he put a jade-like smile on his face and entered the guest area calmly.

"Young Master Chu, lucky to meet."

As the investor who is going to sign a ten million contract with Lujiang this time, Lujiang President Gao Yanzu warmly entertained him.

Chu Hao Tian mouth with a decent polite smile, held out his hand to shake hands with the president of the Green River mouth to say was undoubtedly more inspiring words:

. "I heard so much about is the high total name, now seeing is believing"

Chu Hao After exchanging greetings with Mr. Gao, Tian and several senior executives of the Internet Association and video website executives who were already present exchanged cups.

"Mr. Fu!"

At this moment, no one of the guests exclaimed, and the eyes of all the guests on the scene moved towards the entrance of the lounge.

The executives of several video sites were quick to act. Before the senior executives of the Network Association hadn't reacted, they had already surrounded them one by one, as if the ants saw a piece of sesame cake, excited and excited.

Naturally, Chu Haotian also saw the innocent man at the door, who had a sensational aura without speaking, but at the same age as him, he had become an important figure in the business district of Beijing.

When Chu Haotian's eyes passed the man, a raging flame burned inside, and a thought of not admitting defeat rose in his heart.

The Fu family's roots are deeper than those of the Chu family. Now his Chu family has entered Beijing. After a few years, the top wealthy in Beijing will sooner or later renew its place in the Chu family.

Thinking with ambition in his heart, Chu Hao put on a more amicable smile on the sky, and walked towards the emperor among the crowd.

"Mr. Fu, I

've been admiring your name for a long time." Chu Haotian took the initiative to reach out to Fu Yanchen and handed out a friendly signal that he wanted to make friends. However, his hand was lonely in the air for several seconds without waiting for the person to grasp. .

The man didn't even have any greetings.

The atmosphere became embarrassing for an instant, and Chu Haotian felt a sense of contempt and shame in his heart.

It turns out that the president of the dignified Fu family is such an arrogant person, and he has no politeness to deal with others. Sooner or later, the tall buildings of the Fu family will be pushed by his offending people.

After thinking about it in indignation, Chu Haotian's expression remained unchanged and he withdrew his embarrassed hand, and Mr. Gao next to him also began to help out:

"President Chu just came to Beijing and didn't know that Mr. Fu has a hobby of cleanliness. He has never liked contact with others. Don't mind."

"Yes, yes."

"We all know this." After Mr.

Gao finished speaking, the guests surrounding Fu Yanchen started to ease the atmosphere.

"It was me who was abrupt."

Chu Haotian smiled back from kindness, but his mother was selling criticism in his heart.

He had seen it all. Although these people were separated from that Fu Yanchen for a certain distance and did not reach out their hands, when Fu Yanchen faced other people, at least a few words broke out in his mouth, except that he was very repulsive. His eyes seem to be hostile inexplicably.

Could Fu Yanchen see his ambition at a glance?

Chu Haotian thought about it with horror, and immediately reduced the emotions in his eyes, only hoping that he would not confront people before he grew up.


And Fang Shiyu, who came to the author's conference with Chu Haotian, was Tiancha Xiaoyu, and immediately swept all the authors present when he entered the author rest area.

After passing his gaze, the integrator in Fang Shiyu's heart crackled and quickly scored all the authors present.

This temperament is not as good as her own, this appearance is not as refined as her own, this dress is too shabby... Scanning

around, Fang Shiyu feels that she will definitely become the most eye-catching female author of this author's conference after a while. More self-confidence.

"Ah, you are Tiancha Xiaoyu, I saw your picture on V Bo, you are actually even more beautiful than the picture!"

Just as Fang Shiyu was proud, a long chestnut-haired shawl with willow brows hanging on his side The skirt girl took the initiative to talk to her.

"Are you?"

Tiancha Xiaoyu is accustomed to flattery. Hearing this kind of praise actually feels quite fake. After all, everyone knows that her photos on V Bo are all refined, and I look better than the photos. That's it.

But knowing that I know, there is no woman who doesn't like to listen to good things, so Fang Shiyu raised a happy smile on his face and aroused a trace of interest in chatting.

"Ha, my author's name is Nan Lai Beiwang, you should have heard of it?" When

seeing the opposite willow leaf dangling eyebrows and reporting his name, Fang Shiyu was disdainful:

No Did she sell more online drama copyrights? What's so good about it.

"Have heard, your work is very popular."

But she still knows how to do it. Isn't it just commercial nonsense? She has understood the truth when she was very young.

"Tiancha Xiaoyu, let's add a V letter. I really see you right away. In the future, we can write articles and exchange chapters!"


Shouldn't you exchange penguins if you want to exchange chapters? I think you have another attempt...

Fang Shiyu said that it's a big deal after the author's conference, lying in Lie Lahei, thinking like this, as expected, the author started to ask if she had any connections with her novel signing.

"Hey, why do you think there is an author over there who still wears a mask?"

Fang Shiyu decisively changed the subject, not wanting to give people resources casually . When she never thought of her words, Nan came to the north and spit out yin and yang strangely:

"That's not It's Beiming, who was smashed by local tyrants with a hundred thousand overlord votes. You and her were still celebrating the festival back then. Look at the black skirt on her and look at the ordinary goods that the fabric has not been cut out of a thousand. There are no accessories, so the handbag is considered a luxury item, it is still outdated, huh."

"Some people seem to have sold a lot of copyrights and have no foundation at home. It is estimated that they will buy ordinary places in Beijing for several years of salary. Don't you have to save money?" Nanlai Beiwang is the

third house of a demolished household in Beijing. With a little bit of money, he looks down on the author who is full of sourness.

In addition, when she looked through the photos of Xiaoyu Tiancha, her cousin who worked in Fang's enterprise told her that this girl was Fang's only daughter. She wanted to please, so she tried to discredit Fang Shiyu's opponent.

"You can see that the writers at the scene are all dressed up beautifully, but she conceals them. I think they are so ugly, they can only come to show their bodies, let alone such a concealment. A bit of a sense of mystery, maybe some people think she is a beautiful woman who seeks her!"

Fang Shiyu glanced at Bei Ming's figure in Nan Lai's words from the north, and was immediately irritated by his even-skinned arms, a small waist that was not fully gripped, and the long legs that can be predicted from the silhouette of the skirt. Li's self-confidence is down by three points.

Especially the same black dress, the tube top dress on her body is still D's diamond starlight model valued at 300,000 high-end customization, and the neck is equipped with a gorgeous diamond necklace that complements the skirt... But such a gorgeous sparkle, Fang Shiyu is all Not sure, if the two stood together, the eyes of others would be attracted by Beiming Youyu's natural pearly white skin.

She is definitely an ugly girl!

It's not that Fang Shiyu can't accept that someone looks better than her, but today, at the Lujiang Authors Conference, she absolutely does not want Beiming, who has caused her to be slapped in the forum, and Beiming is more than She is dazzling.

Thinking bitterly, Fang Shiyu's fingernails were pinched into the flesh by her.

Nan Laibei, who was on the side, met with a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth: There seems to be a way to please Miss Fang.


At 2:30 in the afternoon, the Lvjiang Authors Conference officially started, and the Pomegranate video of Lvjiang's cooperation APP also began to be broadcast live simultaneously.

"Ahhhhh, I heard that Daddy L has also come to the scene today. Does any of you know who she is?"

"The girl wearing aqua blue cheongsam looks so temperamental, and I don't know if it is my goddess.

" I saw Xiaoyu sweet tea, and I really did not think she kinda nice. I have heard that she is about to sign ten million copyright, I do not know is true or false. " "

fog grass, green river celebrities today yet, you Have you seen the camera sweeping the two drooling faces in the

first row of guest seats?" "The first row of guest seats shouldn't be stars?"

"Where, why didn't I see it!"

"The third and eighth seats on the right of the first row."

"Ah, then I must stare at the camera for a while to see if the man upstairs is real It's so handsome."

"Hey, I just saw someone wearing a mask to participate in one million authors. Isn't they too long to see people?"

"Put your mouth clean so that people don't have a cold or think Is it low-key?"

"That's right, maybe you are talking about your own big family , let's listen to the introduction before drawing conclusions!"

At the beginning of the author's conference, the singer invited by Lujiang brought a song that is currently being broadcasted by Lujiang. After the novel was adapted to the TV series theme song, the host began to introduce the guests who came to the scene today.

Fu Yanchen sat next to the two presidents of Lujiang. Hearing the voice of the host introducing Gao Yanzu, it would be his turn. For a moment, his back became a little stiff.

The lights were dim when I entered the

venue just now, I wonder if she had seen him. It has been two years...Does she still remember him... Rarely in a thousand years, Fu Yanchen, who has always been calm and steady, actually got wet in his palms.

"The guests who came to this author conference are Fu Yanchen, President of the Fu Group and one of the top ten outstanding young people in the country. Welcome..." Fu

Yanchen stood up with the host's voice and turned to face the rear camera.

However, when he paused for a second to give an impression, his obsidian-like eyes seemed to inadvertently swept the direction Yu Xiaomin was, and he secretly stayed for half a second.

Yu Xiaomin's three novels signed for film and television, two of which were invested by Fu Yuan Culture Media, a subsidiary of the Fu Group, so when she heard the name of the big owner, she deliberately raised her eyes.

At this moment, she happened to meet Fu Yanchen's probing gaze at her.

For an instant, Yu Xiaomin had a sense of familiarity and an inexplicable thought, "He knows me"?

Impossible. She put on makeup like this today. Even her base friend Lu Miaomiao said that she almost couldn't recognize her. How could a stranger know what she looked like under the mask.

Knowing something is probably an illusion. Maybe people just glanced at it because they were surprised to see someone wearing a mask at the scene.

However, why does this person look so familiar...where does he really seem to have seen...financial magazines?

No, it's not a financial magazine, it's like that night...

No way!

Impossible, Yu Xiaomin, don't be whimsical. It was obviously what happened in City A that night. How could you meet in Beijing by such a coincidence?

Maybe it's just alike.

Don't panic!

Even if... Even if it is really that man... Everyone is grown up... Two years have passed... Who cares about that kind of thing.

Besides, you are still wearing a mask. People will definitely not recognize you, so you will go through the scene boldly and assuredly. When the author conference is over, everything is over.

However, Yu Xiaomin recovered her composure under the dim light, and suddenly the host came out with a name calling her scalp tingling.

"Vice President of Chu Group, CEO of Haotian Entertainment, and Beijing upstart Chu Haotian, welcome..."

Wo Cao, Chu Haotian!

Isn't that the name of the male protagonist that you have worn in?

It's not that the wealthy circle of City A is well developed, why don't you want to come to Beijing! Is it possible that because she did not follow the plot, the relationship between the male and female main characters was deviated, so the male lead was pushed to her by the plot?

Not right... In the

plot, you can find someone else to be the female partner!

Even the father of her family has changed. Is it possible that they can still match the male and female leaders?

When the male lead named Chu Haotian turned his head, Yu Xiaomin was even more shocked.

This... isn't this the handsome guy she accidentally bumped into at the airport? So she already met people when she left H city?

Wocao, do you want to be so coincidental!

When Yu Xiaomin was shocked, the readers and fans in front of the live broadcast platform were also stunned:

"Really handsome, these two people!"

"I didn't expect to see the author conference and receive such benefits, Fu Group President, Chu The vice-president, I'm not as good as the people in my master's paper. That's an aura I can't describe!"

"Blame my little knowledge, my mother asked me why I stayed before the Internet Literature Conference Saliva."

"Just give me a husband, I'm going to give you monkeys!"

"I can too!"

Fans vent their excitement and throbbing to the screen, while baby Yu Qian who is also sitting in front of the live broadcast When she saw the camera scan over Yu Xiaomin, she heard Chu Haotian's surprise, and suddenly the line in her mind that had been faintly touched was finally caught by him.

His mother has no memory loss.

But his mother knew Chu Haotian's name but couldn't remember Chu Haotian's face.

His mother has been very nice to him since he was born. She has a gentle personality and never loses her temper at him. When he is crying and making a lot of noise, she will cry with him in distress.

She also has a talent for writing and loves her profession very much. It seems that she is not a dodder who likes to rely on men.

He had personally heard from his mother's mouth that his mother took him to find his father, but he was ruthlessly abandoned by his father, but he never heard her mention any memory loss or accident.

If he saw it well, just now his mother heard the three words Chu Haotian, and there was a flash of resistance in her eyes, as if she didn't want to have any contact with him at all.


Since he can be reborn, is there any subtle change in this world?

For example, his mother is no longer his mother... It is a completely different soul, an angel sent to him by God for seeing him so poorly in his previous life.

Or maybe, this is his real mother, the previous one was just occupied by the devil, now everything is normal!

Baby Yu Qian thought of this possibility, and every cell in his body was clamoring for inexplicable relaxation and happiness, as if the mountain that was pressing on him finally collapsed at this moment, as if the light in his inner world was flourishing and the residual fear, sadness, etc. And sweep away.


Baby Yu Qian couldn't wait to confirm whether her guess was true, so she couldn't help but yelled towards the screen.

Sister Zhang heard it and thought that the baby rarely left his mother and missed his mother, so she began to divert her attention:

"The live broadcast is only now when the president of Lujiang speaks. According to the process, I have to talk about the development of Lujiang. , Duo Duo baby, or let's play Lego. Sister Zhang is not good at fighting, can you teach me?"

Baby Yu Qian has never played with any toys in his previous life, and has always been in contact with computers.

But after coming to this world, Yu Xiaomin and the others, in order to prevent him from myopia, currently hardly let him touch electronic products.

The toys for infants and toddlers are too simple. An eight-year-old child with a mental mind can at most play fresh and lose his interest. Fortunately, Yu Xiaomin bought him some Lego toys that could pass the time.


Sister Zhang's skills are indeed below him. Hearing her asking for help, Baby Yu Qian accepted the invitation in a good mood.


"In the past three years, many of Lujiang's novel works have been signed into various animation, radio, game, and film and television works. Here today, the three works we are negotiating have just reached an agreement with our partners, so, We will sign three on-site contracts next, so that everyone can witness this exciting moment together."

After President Lujiang finished speaking and the band performed another song in the midfield, the author conference finally ushered in the author appearance.

However, what people did not expect was that in the first part of the game, there were actually three on-site signings:

"I knew that Tiancha Xiaoyu had a contract and said to be on-site, but I never heard that there are two more. Do you know who it is? "

I don't know, but Tiancha Xiaoyu's contract is said to be tens of millions of dollars. Then the other two must also be big IP copyrights. I think it must be the work of Lujiang Great God who is fancying."

"I just saw it. The lighting engineer seems to have hit the lights to L University. L University has indeed released a new work recently, but the work has only been marked for completion, and it hasn't been updated yet!"

"Ahhhh, I am looking forward to it, I The most perfect fairy love in my heart, I don't know which actor to invite to participate in it!"

"The ten million-level work of L is definitely necessary. After all, the cafe is there, but who is the other one? I know that there are tens of ten million-level authors who cannot attend this time."

"Maybe another. A contract is worth several million in order to support the scene. I heard that K University is currently negotiating a game contract. I don't know if it has succeeded."

Lu Miaomiao was watching the live broadcast while holding a mobile phone in the coffee shop while eating afternoon tea. He heard these discussions. Suddenly I remembered that Yu Xiaomin's finished work a few days ago seemed to have been knocked out by the copyright editor.

It was just that she was busy moving at that time, so she directly told the copyright editor that everything was handed over to Lujiang. She had no objection.

"Could it be Yuyu?"

"It would be fine for her. After all, Yuyu just bought a house and doesn't have that much

money on hand ...but Yuyu doesn't seem to mention it, maybe he hasn't negotiated the price yet." Lu Miaomiao said . Supporting her chin, which has been somewhat rounded since the birth of the child, gently stirred the coffee in the mug with one hand, whispering.

"We have invited a large L God came to power, signed with the TV drama copyright Fourier Fu Kai's games have copyright and media and Fu source culture, congratulations!"

"Grip grass, L big Niubi, about two copyright, This is more than tens of millions, no wonder the first one is on stage!"

Lu Miaomiao watched the call frantically in the live broadcast, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

However, what surprised her was that just after L had stepped down, her family Yuyu was also invited to go up.


Yes, please Beiming Youyu come to the stage and sign the film and television drama copyright with Fu Yuan Culture Media under the Fu Group. Congratulations!" "Ahhhhh, it's really Yuyu, great! Oh, Yuyu, you It's the best!"

When Lu Miaomiao saw the fish under the light in the video, his eyes became round with surprise, and he knew that she also suddenly knew that it was probably Lujiang's surprise for her.

Excited, Lu Miaomiao screamed excitedly.

After Yu Xiaomin stepped forward to the stage, she realized that because of her unconscious screaming, many girls in the cafe were looking at her.

"Sorry, sorry, I was so excited that my goddess won the prize just now!"

"Ah, are you also Yuyu's book fan? What a coincidence, so am I!"

"So everyone is watching the live broadcast here, hehe just now Yuyu When I entered, I didn't know that it was her who was wearing the mask, but I was lucky enough to take the photo and I will share it with you!"

Lu Miaomiao encountered Jiyou's book powder in the coffee shop, than he encountered his own book. Fan was also happy. She happily exchanged QQ with a few people on her trumpet, and successfully got the admission photos of her good friends.

At the scene, Yu Xiaomin walked towards the stage step by step, under the seemingly calm footsteps, she was actually embarrassed to death.

Fu Yanchen, is the president of a large group so idle? For a signing ceremony like this, you obviously only need to send a high-level person over!

Yu Xiaomin secretly sighed that she was really lucky today, that she would encounter such a face extremely similar to that night.

Not him, not him, not him!

Yu Xiaomin hypnotized herself over and over again, and when she arrived on stage, she was barely able to make herself look completely colorless.

"Beiming has Miss Yu, after President Fu finishes signing, you will sign your name on the contract even if the signing is successful." The

host enthusiastically introduced Yu Xiaomin about the signing, but Yu Xiaomin's eyes fell on the person next to him. On the well-knotted fingers holding the pen.

That night, that person's fingers were so slender and well-proportioned.

Above the upper joint of his ring finger, there also seems to be a sesame-sized mole...

"Puff Tong"

"Puff Tong"

Yu Xiaomin's heart beat violently, and an urge to escape was born, but the host's words followed It exchanged her sanity again.

Yu Xiaomin, this is still in the signing ceremony of the Lujiang Author Conference!

Besides, he just happened to wear a mask and put on makeup today. This person definitely can't recognize himself!

Yu Xiaomin desperately did several times of mental construction for herself, and finally bit the bullet to control herself without shaking hands and finally signed her name.

However, when she stood up and wanted to escape back to the stage, Fu Yanchen suddenly stretched out her hand.

Under the spotlight, one of my own authors faced the big boss's handshake invitation, and couldn't get rid of his face. The face he should give was still to be given.

If you don't give it, you seem guilty.

Yu Xiaomin took a deep breath and looked at the palm of Fu Yanchen who was facing her. He quickly stretched out his hand and shook the big hand in a thunderous manner, and then planned to withdraw his hand.

How did you know that the person on the opposite side suddenly held her back tightly as if unresponsive, and whispered to her:


Taking pictures." The flashlight flashed, and Yu Xiaomin knew that she was shaking hands too fast just now and it was not easy to freeze, so Trying to ignore the warmth in the palm of her hand, she hypnotized herself again:

it was all for the process, don't care, don't care.

But what Yu Xiaomin didn't know was that the media who came to the scene were stunned while she lowered her eyelids to hypnotize herself.

Is this still the legendary President Fu who is serious about cleanliness? He actually took the initiative to hand out a hand to a young writer to shake hands to show his friendship. Today, he didn't wear disposable gloves!

headline News.

To burst!

This time came right! Ah ah ah ah ah!

At the same time, in the old house of the Fu family, the old lady Fu who turned on the live broadcast after a nap, widened her eyes and wiped her reading glasses, her face in disbelief.

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