I am Here!

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It turned out while of this was happening, Mr. Aizawa had completely been suppressed by the monster known as Nomu that had him pushed against the ground and his arm in the monster's grip as it was broken. "You can erase Quirks. That's wonderful, but it's nothing impressive." The leader was standing before him saying. "In the face of overwhelming power, you might as well be Quirkless." While was saying that Mr. Aizawa had turned to the Nomu and used his Quirk, only to have his other arm crushed with the same strength as before. It was as his arms were nothing by twigs to him. Even after erasing his Quirk the monster was still so strong. He was as strong as All might. These types of thoughts were running through Mr. Aizawa's mind as his head had then been gripped and smashed into the ground.
"M... M... Midoriya, I can't take it anymore." Why that whole time Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta were watching in horror. "I'm sure you must be having second thoughts, right?" Mineta was crying as had his hands over his mouth, stopping him from screaming or crying out. That's when the warp villain had appeared beside the leader.
"Tomura Shigaraki." He had called the man.
"Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?" The leader, Tomura Shigaraki, had asked him.
"I out Thirteen out of action, but there were students that I was unable to disperse, and one of them was able to run away." He had ended up explaining to him.
"Huh?" Shigaraki looked at him for a second making sure that was what he heard. But then he began to scratch himself again and again, as if it was some sort of trigger habit. "Kurogiri, you... if you weren't a warp gate, I would've crushed you to pieces." He had then stopped, as if calming down. "We can't win against dozens of pros. It's game over. Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home." Shigaraki was saying as if giving up.
"They're going home? Mineta had asked after hearing them. And then had asked the others if he said they were going home.
"That's what I heard." Asui had answered saying.
"All right! We're saved!" He had then bursted into tears of joy as he had wrapped his arms around the girl.
"Yes, but..." Next minute she was drowning him as he was gripping her chest. "I have a bad feeling about this, Midoriya." She was saying to Midoriya, who was in agreement.
"Yeah. For them to simply retreat after doing all this..." He was right in saying that, they came all this way to kill All Might but they were going to leave just like that. If they left now, security around U.A. will only get higher. That was it that they were planning on doing? That was all he had to wonder.
"Oh, yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!" As Shigaraki was saying that he had turned around to where Midoriya and that were and before they knew it, he was right in front of them. His hand was stretching out towards Asui and as Midoriya saw that, flashes of Shigaraki's Quirk replayed in his head. His Quirk allowed him to turn anything his touches to crumble into dust. Which would mean that he was aiming to kill Asui and the moment his hand had been placed over her face...
... nothing happened. "Damn it." Shigaraki had clicked his tongue after realising that his Quirk wasn't working. "You really are cool..." the reason for that was simple. "...Eraser Head." Mr. Aizawa, despite having been pummeled none stoped, had used his Quirk to stop him. However Numo had slammed his head back onto the ground but this have Midoriya a chance as he was in panic mood. It was clear that Shigaraki was different from the villains they had faced before. He was far more dangerous. Midoriya had jumped out of the water and had pulled back his fist, with his Quirk activated.
"Let go of her!" He had shouted, causing Shigaraki to look up to him. "Smash...!" Because of the impact, a stooge wing had caused dust to followed his fist as it had landed on his target. But because of the impact the wind had caused those around to fly off as it was strong. When everything had calmed down, the cloud of dust had began to slowly start to move away only to have Midoriya's arm to still be fine. It wasn't broken at all. However, when he looked up from his arm, he found that he had punished not Shigaraki but Nomu instead and he was completely unharmed. It was then when he realised that it was Nomu that was going to kill All Might.
"You move well. Your 'Smash'- Are you a follower of All Might's?" Shigaraki had asked him but it didn't matter since he was done with Midoriya. This had caused Nomu to grab ahold of his arm as the other was lifted up.
"Ribbit!" Pushing away Shigaraki's hand, Asui had stretched her tongue out of her mouth towards Midoriya. Just before Shigaraki and Nomu kill off Midoriya, Asui and Mineta, the doors to the USJ had been smashed off their hinges which were followed by a cloud of smoke. All heads had turned in that direction and the eyes of the students began to shed tears of joy as someone began emerging from the cloud.
"It's fine now!" The one that had come was none other the All Might! "I am here!" All Might had a bad feeling, which had tore him away from the chat he was having with the principal and came. He had passed Iida on his way and he had heard the story. He was extremely angry at the thought of how terrified the students were and how hard his juniors fought.
"All Might!'" Mineta had bursted into tears seeing him
"All... Might... he's not smiling." Midoriya had been the only one to noticed that fact.
"Oh, we're getting a 'continue'..." Shigaraki seemed like an excited child as he looked at All Might. "I've been waiting, Hero. You trash of society."
"That's All Might...?" The villains that were still conscious had asked frighten as they looked up at him thought his coat off onto the ground. "It's my first time seeing him in person!"
"He looks so intimidating..."
"Idiots, don't hesitate! If we kill that, we'll-" before he had even the chance to finish his sentence All Might had knocked him out as he had basically disappeared due to how face he was moving. The other villains were confused but then they were in the same situation as the other. They were all on the ground unconscious as All Might had gone up to Mr. Aizawa and was holding him in his arms.
"Sorry, Aizawa." All Might apologizes to the heavily injured and unconscious man, then he turns his attention to Shigaraki and before they knew it, the students were in his arms as All Might had rescued them. While in the progress he had swiftly knocks the hand mask off Shigaraki.
"Huh?! What?" The students were completely confused as they stood on the ground behind All Might.
"Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa to you." He had told them placing Mr. Aizawa only the ground beside him. Tell them to then hurry.
"Y-Yes, sir!" Mineta and Asui had grabbed their unconscious teacher and ran for it.
"All Might..." While Midoriya was looking up at his ideal speechless.
"It's not good... it's not good... it's not good..." Shigaraki was completely freaking out with his hand where the mask was only moments ago. "I-I'm sorry, father..." While saying that he had picked up and placed the hand back in his face which seemed to have calmed him. "He hit me as he was saving them. It's the violence of a government official. He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes." He was saying but then noted that All Might had gotten slower though. "I guess, it's true, after all... that he's getting weaker." Shigaraki seemed completely pleased but what was it her meant by that? While that was all happening, Midoriya had wrapped Mr. Aizawa's arm around his shoulders as Mineta had picked up his legs. But before leaving
"All Might, you can't." The green hair boy had looked to his teacher speaking. "That Brain villain took One Fo- He took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch. He's gotta be-" He was trying to explain but
"Young Midoriya!" All Might had turned around to him smiling and posing. "It's fine!" Was all he had told him. But it seemed to have convinced him to leave with the others. This had left All Might to... "Carolina..." rush, hands in a cross position, towards Shigaraki and "...Smash!" His hands had come downwards cross chop to the enemy's head, however, Nomu intercepts him. And to top it all off he was completely fine, not a scratch on him. That's when he tried to grab All Might but he ducked. "It seriously has no effect at all, huh?!" He said that before sending a punch into Nomu's the gut. "In that case..." All Might punched his face two more times and then retreats after realising the strikes are not effective. "It doesn't work in his face, either, huh?" Nomu charges at All Might and swings. He evades and counterattacks with three more punches.
"It doesn't work because of shock absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be more effective to slowly gouge out his flesh." While that was happening Shigaraki had explained the reason the punches had no effect. He almost seemed like a child playing with a new toy.
"Thanks for telling me all that!" All Might had shouted as he had ducked and grabbed Nomu from behind. "If that's true, then it's easier for me." And then he had began heading into a German Suplex which had caused a smoke screen to be created. The fight had ended when the smoke screen...
"All right! Take that!" Sato shouted towards the smock. While Sero was without any words beyond that. "Those guys are underestimating All Might too much!" Both Uraraka and Ashido that were beside Thirteen had looked at each other with tears in their eyes smiling. While Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta were looking back as the continued walking
"How did he make a Suplex look like an explosion?!" Mineta was asking all excited watching, only to say that All Might was on a completely different level.
"Even thought he's a rookie teacher who can't teach without looking at his notes." Asui had noted at the end. However, Midoriya was still worried. There was the possibility that they had a way to kill All Might But it wasn't Koike they could do anything. It would be far more dangerous if everyone was held as hostage.
"Get 'em! Aim for the balls!" The short boy was shouting back to the battle,
"Were we overthinking it?" Asui had ended up asking as All Might was amazing. Minute was shouting and cheering for All Might as they were continued. Just when they thought it was all over the duct had cleared to show a warp gate had appeared right above the ground where All Might was about to use a Suplex and that Nomu had burred his claws into All Might's side while dragged Kurogiri them both slowly inside the Warp Gate.
"We're you trying to keep him from moving by sticking him deep in the concrete?" Shigaraki had asked him in amusement. "You won't be able to stop him like that. Because Nomu is as strong as you are. This is good, Kurogiri." He had looked to his warp gate saying. "It's an unexpected opportunity." That was when the warp gates began to grow smaller as Nomu's claws dig deeper into All Might, who had released him so he could remove the claws but it didn't seem to work.
"This is your first offence? You'd better prepare yourselves..." All Might had looked at Kurogiri and then over to Shigaraki which only seem to make him scratch his neck again.
"I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me, but I would be happy to take in someone as great as you." Kurogiri had explained that. The warp gate then began to drag All Might in and began to close. "You are too fast to see with the human eye. Restraining you was Nomu's job. And then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate... and tear you apart is my job.
"Asui." Midoriya's group had stopped and saw the danger All Might was in.
"What is is, Midoriya?" She had asked, looking to the boy with Mr. Aizawa on his back,
"Trade places with me carrying Mr. Aizawa." He had told her,
"Ribbit? Okay... but why?" She was confused to why she would need to so such a thing. He didn't answer as he handed her their teacher, without a word he began to slowly move in the direction that the fight was in. Seeing All Might in mortal danger, his body had moved on its own as it was rushing back to the fight.
"Midoriya!" Mineta had shouted after him seeing what the boy was doing.
"All Might!" Midoriya was leaping at him but Kurogiri intercepted him, and he was about to enter the gate as well. If it wasn't for someone grabbing him from behind and Bakugo appearing out of nowhere to suddenly blast Kurogiri .
"Move! You're in the way, Deku! Take that!" He had snapped at him before pinning Kurogiri down and whoever had grabbed him had sent him back. He had found himself sitting on the ground beside him.
"Are you alright?" He had looked up to see it was Rose

"Are you alright?" He had looked up to see it was Rose

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that was asking. She had been the one to grab him using her Quirk, causing an arm the sprout from the ground and five move to sprout from the palms of the last one. The floor of had turned to ice around Nomu's leg and it had extended up half of its body which had frozen Nomu.
"All I heard was that you all are her to kill All Might." Of course it was Todoroki that had been the one to so such a thing. He had controlled his ice stopping it from reaching All Might which had given him the chance to break free of the villain's hold. That was when Kirishima leaped our of nowhere joining the fray as well, but Shigaraki evades his surprise attack.
"Huh?" He was confidence that he would had gotten him, so when he missed he was surprised. That was when Flora had sprouted a chain of arms again to grab onto Kirishima and pull him away before anything could be done. "Damn it! I didn't get to show off!"
"Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody!" Bakugo had snapped down at Kurogiri.
"The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you." Todoroki was saying in a cold tone.
"And even if he could, we won't let you." While Rose had added that last part as the four of them were ready to fight without hesitation.
"Kacchan! Everyone!" Midoriya was on his feet looking at them, tears swelling up in his eyes but he had wiped them away and also got ready to take Shigaraki down.
"Kurogiri, our exit and entrance, had been overcome. We're in a pinch." Shigaraki was saying looking in the direction where Bakugo had him pinned down.
"You careless bastard, you're just what I thought you'd be." Bakugo had revealed that he figured out that Kurogiri uses the black mist to hide his actual body and he knew to aim for his neck armor. "If you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said 'that was close.'" He had remembered from when both he and Kirishima attacked. But it didn't matter, Kurogiri tried to move but... "Don't move! If I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up." Bakugo threatened him.
"His behaviour isn't very Hero-like..." Kirishima had to say as he looked at the boy awkwardly.
"In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured. Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look bad." Shigaraki had compliments the student's efforts as he had noticed that both Todoroki and Flora were completely unharmed. "Nomu." The creature had began to move out from the warp gate, still half its body covered in ice.
"Even thought his body's broken... he's still moving?" Midoriya was saying shocked at what he was seeing.
"Get back, everyone!" All Might had shouted to them, However, much to Todoroki's shock, Nomu breaks off his frozen limbs and regenerates them. But he wasn't the only one that was shocked. "What? His Quirk wasn't shock absorption?"
"I didn't say that was all he had. This is his super-regeneration." Shigaraki explains that Nomu has more than one Quirk and that he had been modified to take All Might at 100%, stating that he was a super-efficient human sandbag. Which means it didn't matter how much his punch. "First, we need to get our gate back." The students become shock at hearing that. "Go, Nomu."

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