Sure Enough...

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Before anyone knew it, Sunday had come and the small group of high schooler were standing in front of a theme back. "Are you sure your fine like this, Rose?" Uraraka was asking the girl

 "Are you sure your fine like this, Rose?" Uraraka was asking the girl

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right before her. Who was sitting on a bench swinging her legs. "Like what?" But it seemed that Rose didn't quite understand what she meant.
"She meant your disguise." Midoriya pointed out to her, thinking it wasn't much.
"I agree. I would be bad if you were mobbed by the media." Iida seemed fine be in agreement with them both.
"It's fine. As long as they don't get a close look at my face they won't know it's me." But Rose wasn't all that worried as this wasn't the first time she had gone out like this. "But is it really alright for you guys to come, I mean finals are tomorrow and all?" She turned to them as when Monday comes, the exams will begin.
"It's better to have a break from studying the day before!" Iida had shouted to her, since it wasn't healthy to study till the last minute.
"Yeah, besides we were worried." Midoriya added on, since they hadn't heard from her since the book came out.
"Say, Rose, where are you meeting your younger siblings, by the way?" Iida seemed to have moved on. After meeting with Remi Yamasato, her birth mother, Rose had contact the three of the four before her and told them everything that had happened. Of course she was yelled at by Iida and Uraraka was crying while Midoriya went into a trance of muttering. But in the end the three of the were more then happy to come, especially since they were worried about their friend.
"Here? Ren and Ran?" They were the twins names.
"Their names are Ren and Ran? How cute!" Uraraka seemed to think matching names were great.
"Ja. Apparently they!re always watching me on TV and listening to my music. They're both huge fans of mine." Rose seemed to be quite proud of that fact.
"Look..." Todoroki had cut into the conversation and had pointed off of them.
"Mama, this way, this way!" A little girl with Blond hair was pulling into the arm of her mother. As a little boy with the same blond was clinging into her skirt and of course that mother was Remi Yamasato.
"Ah, there they are." Rose's eyes were sparkling as she looked at the two twins before her.  "Okay!" She was all ready for this and took off heading for the gates of park.
"We're right behind you!" The others were following after her.
"Ah! A fewwis wheel! Over there!" The little girl had ran off heading right for the gate, which Rose had come to stand in front of, only to have her ran into. "Owwie."
"Oh my! I'm so sorry!" Yamasato had some running over.
"Not at all." Rose turned around smiling then bent down to the little girl, Ran. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?." Rose bent down, pulling her sunglasses down enough to show them her face.
"Ah! It's Rose!" The girl, Ran had shouted in excitement her eyes filled with sparkles looking at the older girl before her.
"Rose..." Even the little boy, Ren, had come out from behind Yamasato to see her.
"Oh, you know who I am?" Rose was acting all shock. "That's right, I'm Rose. I'm here to have a good time with my friends today." She due both their attention to the four standing in the background waving.
"Really!? That's unfair!" Ran was shouting loudly while her brother seemed to be pouting.
"Unfair? Do you want to join us?" The older girl asked them both and they seemed to lighten up hearing that. "I see! It's decided then!" Rose grabbed ahold of both their hands. "Let's go!"
"Go!" Twins both shouted as they took off.
"Rose sure is great with kids." Iida stated since the girl seemed to know exactly how to please the two twins.
"That must be the training that she's done since..." Midoriya seemed to be off in his own world.
"And we lost him." Uraraka looked to the dark green young man that was muttering away. 
"Shouldn't we go after them?" Todoroki had drawn their attentions back to Rose, Yamasato, and the twins that were a far distance away already. And with that all done, the first thing that had been decided to go on were the Spinning Cups, which Rose, Yamasato, and the twins while Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya were in another.
"Wow, we're spinning around and around!" The ones that were causing the cup to spin had been the twins as they were slightly to small they needed someone to hold them back so they would fall as they were leaning forwards. "I'm kind of getting schwindlig! Dizzy!" Rose was saying as their cup was going so fast it would seemed likely it would take off c
"I'm fine!" Ran shouted all happy, while Ren seemed a little stunned but eager.
"Um..." as their mother didn't know what to do. Then they moved onto the Bummer Cars, they had to do the ride twice due to there being only two allowed in the cars each. So, Rose had gone on with Ran first, with Iida and Todoroki being in a different car. Then later in with Ren, with this time it being Midoriya and Uraraka that took part.
"She seems to be having fun." Todoroki was watching as Rose, who had been upset for the passed few weeks was smiling happily and loudly as they were moving onto the next thing.
"Todoroki..." Uraraka was looking to the young man and she could see something in his eyes as he was looking at Rose whi had stepped into on of the pods for the Ferris wheel along with the twins and Yamasato.
"Look, we're so high! Everyone looks so small, huh?" Rose was pointing down to the ground as they were getting higher. The twins were looking outside with her.
"They wook wike dolls!" Ran shouted while Ren noticed in agreement. It was clear that their personalities are the opposite to one another but it seemed to be fine. They were enjoying the rest of the park, going from one thing to the next having fun. Rose thought that her little siblings were adorable. But, she was sure that what she was feeling isn't the way an older sister would feel. Maybe Rose just enjoyed simply being around kids having fun. And, sure enough... sure enough...
"Oh my, it seemed that their tired." Rose was looking down at the children that were placing into the car at the back, they were pretty much asleep and it made sense as they had been playing for hours none stop and it was almost night. "Mrs. Yamasato, thank you. I'm glad I got to meet Ren and Ran." She had stood up looking to the older woman, who seemed a bit shocked. "Well then... Meine Freunde! My friend! Shall we head home!?" She turned to Todoroki and that, who were basically in the background the entire time.
"Okay!" And they were just as tired as the twins as they began to head off
"Um..." but it seemed that Yamasato had something else to say.
"Ja?" Which and arose stopping and tuning back to her.
"Rose... I'm... in no position to say this, but... I wonder if I can hold out any hope... if I shouldn't think that at some point... The day will come that you will live with us, Rose...?" She stood before her first born child questioning, but there was a long phrase as Rose looked at her, not smiling like before.
"That... is it going to happen. I can't do that." That had been her answer which wasn't all that surprising to Yamasato. "I could never think of you as my mother. To be frank, I don't feel the least bit of concern towards you." Rose was stating quite bluntly. "You and I... we're not see each other again." But even if it was something that was expected, Yamasato didn't seem to be upset about it. "However, there is one thing... that really scares me whenever I think about it. There is one thing, madam." Rose was pointing out to her. When I think about it... What if you haven't given back to me, it really frightens me. After all, if you hadn't... I wouldn't... Be here now." That seemed quite surprising. "If you hadn't, I wouldn't have ever met Mama... Papa... Bruder... Schwester... Todoroki and all my friends now... and when I think about how I would have never known this online for world... I thought of it.... It's just too sad... And so..." Tears were rolling down not just Yamasato's face but now Rose's as well. "H-Huh...?" And she was a little confused but grabbed onto her birth mother's hand. "I am... very grateful to you for giving birth to me. And for that... I thank you." She was completely sincere when she said that and it seemed to have also caused her friends, excluding Todoroki, to cry as well. And with the day coming to an end, the group of five headed for the Moriyama estate since they wouldn't let Rose go alone. "I'm home!" Rose had shouted upon entering, taking off her Bennie and glasses, along with her slippers.
"Welcome back, Rose. How was it?" She had been greeted by Emmet at the front door.
"Oh, the press was no problem." Rose had informed him, but
"That wasn't what he meant." Ayame had stated as she came down the stairs.
"I see." But Rose had walked right for the living room. "Mama! Papa! I'm home!" Since that would be were her parents were located, drinking tea.
"Welcome back." But there wasn't much of reaction from them.
"Yamasato asked me if I would ever come with her to live." The girl had informed as she was walking over to join them.
"She did? What happened?" Ayame had come up from behind Todoroki and that asking.
"What happened? I turned her down, of course." Rose had sat down in between her parents as her siblings had come into the room, while the others were standing out in the hallway. "Mama and Papa are the only Mama and Papa for me. I'm nerving seeing Yamasato again. Although, I did give her a number for the twins when they get older. If she ever told them who I am. But even if she doesn't, it's fine, since I have my Bruder and Schwester, not to mention all my Nichten and Neffen." She smiled answering them, but looked from her father to her mother that remained silent which had caused her to frown a little since they weren't saying anything and didn't even look happy. Everyone looked at the three in silence.
"Rose..." until Yuzume had spoke up and Rose waited for what it was that she wanted to say was said. "I'm so sorry. It must have been rough, huh?" She looked at Rose with such pain in her eyes. "I knew when we didn't that it would be cruel... to tell you everything... while you were so little..." She had been wrong, since deep down it hurt knowing of such a thing.
"You see..." Christoph had spoken, pulling Rose to him. "We've... been anxious, this whole time... thinking that maybe come on Sunday, your real family would show up, and take you away from us."
"That was why we wanted to find them first." Ayame had stepped towards them saying.
"It was so that we could get things straight." Emmet also came over.
"That Rose... that Rose was our child."
"Mama... Papa...Bruder... Schwester..." The tears that Rose were shredding, with weren't out of pain or grief but because she hadn't been the Boku one worried about this. They all had been. "Can I still stay here, with all of you?" She asked them.
"Of course you can!" If had been the first time that she ever seen her family cry which had Rose throwing her arms around her parents, who wrapped their arms around Emmet and Ayame who grabbed on. Seeing this had once again brought Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida to tears as they were watching as this overwhelming scene. They were completely glad for Rose and ended up being dragged out the room by Todoroki since they would leave them alone. That night, the entire family had slept in the living room together. Rose loved her family and it didn't matter if they shared blood because their were her one and only family. After that, everything had gone back to normal and Rose seemed to have changed a bit, but her appearances and self. As she walked to the front of the entrance to U.A. Monday morning.
"Ah, Rose!" The media were still hanging around.
"Rose, do you have anything to say about your sister's book?" They were asking her with cameras and mics going.
"What are you on about?" She asked them confused turning around and their eyes had completely widen upon seeing her. "Don't you know? That is totally old news. Everything is already over." That had been told to them as she had walked right passed them into the school grounds. "But keep up the good work. Tschüss!" And right about now home room had started.
"Is Moriyama absent today?" Mr. Aizawa was standing at front taking roll call.
"Nien! I'm here!" The door had opened up.
"You're la—" The teacher's eyes had completely widen as he had turned to the door.
"I know. Es tut uns leid! Sorry!" Rose entered the class room and all eyes in class had widen as well, since they saw the same Mr. Aizawa saw. And that was Rose's hair

 And that was Rose's hair

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it had been cut short. "Rose!?" They bursted out loudly.
"Who broke your heart!?" When ending a relationship, a woman may cut her hair as a way of rejecting who she was expected to be.
"We'll fine him and kill him!!" That was why everyone was freaking out.
"That's a crime." Mr. Aizawa stated to them, his eyes were glowing.
"Wait? Broken heart? Who has one?" But the one in question seems quite confused looking around the class.
"You do!"

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