A Turn of Events!

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Night had completely fallen over the forest and after eating, the classes had moved to a flat clearing in the forest. "Now, we've filled out bellies and washed the dishes! Next..." Pixie-Bob stood before all with excitement.
"...It's time for the test of courage!" Ashido cut in, celebrating the fact they were going to enjoy some fun.
"We're gonna test it!" The guys from extra lessons shouted, celebrating as well, since they've been doing nothing but work since getting here.
"Before that, it pains me to say this..." However, it seemed they were celebrating too soon. "...but the extraThe lessons group will be having class with me now." Because Mr. Aizawa had told them such a thing.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" And the pink skin of Ashido had gone white in shock.
"Sorry." The five of them had been wrapped in the scarf before they could do anything. "Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time." The were forced to the ground.
"Give me a break!" And were being dragged away
"Let us be tested!" In complete and utter protest against it, which had a lot of their class mates turn away. But there was no time for that as the rules of the test of courage had began to be explained.
"Okay, so Class B will be the 1st to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you." Class B had already taken off to get in their positions
"Revelry in the dark..." Tokayami randomly said, and it hadn't been the first time to say such thing.
"Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your Quirks."
"The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!" Tiger shouted loudly with a lot of force behind it.
"Stop it. That's filthy." But Jiro stated that back to him in disgusts.
"I see! They are trying to make us refine our ideas for making us compete with each other, giving us more options for our Quirks in the progress!" And yet once again Iida tried to see this as something that was planned for training and not fun. "As expected of U.A.!" He was extremely serious as ever.
"Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!" Pixie-Bob had paper strips in hand, they had numbers at the bottom and one by one students began to take one.

1st Team — Tokayami & Shoji
2nd Team — Bakugo & Todoroki
3rd Team — Jiro & Hagakura
4th Team — Yaoyorozu & Aoyama
5th Team — Uraraka & Asui
6th Team — Ojiro & Mineta
7th Team — Iida & Koda
8th Team — Midoriya & Rose

These were the teams for the Test of Courage and Rose had walked over towards Midoriya. "Looks like we're last to go." She stated to him disappointed.
"You don't seem to like that." The young man was looking to her smiling.
"Of course not. I wanted to go first, because the first ones to leave the group get killed first." It had been explained the reason.
"Wait! What!?" Midoriya seemed completely confused by what she meant by that though.
"That's how it goes in horror movies!" Rose seemed to have gotten things confused.
"This isn't a horror movie!" It had been shouted at her in fear.
"But aren't test of courage like horror movies?" She was definitely confused about all this. It had been explained before that until recently, Rose didn't take part in any of this type of stuff. She had no idea what a Test of Courage is.
"No! Where did you get that idea?!" Midoriya had to find out where she found out such information.
"From my Schwester." But it became clear, since Rose's sister was quite known for her odd personality.
"Sch... that means sister, right?" She nodded in response to him. "You see a Test of Courage is usually when people explore frightening, and potentially dangerous, places to build up courage." It had been explained to her but...
"What?" Now Rose seemed even more disappointed then before. "That doesn't sound fun at all." And she walked over towards Uraraka and Asui.
"Huh?" Leaving the boy alone with cold sweat.
"Midoriya." Until Todoroki walked over to him.
"What's up, Todoroki?" That had been asked over at him.
"I saw that you seemed panicked while talking to Moriyama." Had been the reason given.
"Yeah... well, she kind of thought a test of courage was like a horror film and got all disappeared about it." That had been explained to the multi coloured you man.
"I see. I guess it makes sense as she likes those types of things." Todoroki explained that.
"Wha?" Although, Midoriya didn't quite understand what that mean.
"Horror and mystery is her favourite thing to read and watch." That was before Todoroki explained it properly.
"That's surprising." That had the said, which wasn't wrong.
"That's true. I was pretty surprised myself on that fact but when watching them her eyes seem to shine." It was kind of an odd thing to hear such things from Todoroki's mouth. At least for Midoriya anyway. However, it did show the young man watched Rose quite closely to notice these things. But 12 minutes later the test began, with the first four groups gone.
"EKKKK!" And the screams of girls echoed loudly through the forest.
"Okay, the fifth team!" Next had come Uraraka and Asui who were standing in front of the path with Pixie-Bob. "Ribbit-kitty, Uraraka-kitty, go!" And time was moving forward as the next pair was standing by waiting, however...
"Hey Deku, do you smell that?" Rose turned to Midoriya asking upon smelling something.
"Smell what?" He began to sniff the air just as she was doing once again.
"It's smells like something burning." It had been explained but soon the sight of black smoke could be seen floating above the trees. "That's smoke..."
"Is something burning?"
"Could there be a fire on the mountain?!" It could be the only answer. But for a fire to suddenly occur out of nowhere was strange.
"Wh-What is this?!" But the panicked voice of Pixie-Bob caused everyone to look around to find the woman glowing pink and flying off backwards.
"Pixie-Bob!" Mandalay shouted after her.
"Those pet cats are in the way." Something was smashed down on Pixie-Bob's temple, causing her to bleed while unconscious.
"Wh-Why...?" Panicked began to erupted in the students. "I thought they made doubly sure... why are there villains here!?" As before them were clearly two villains both of them appeared to be men. One had quite a wide, muscular build, with surprisingly smooth, shoulder-length, reddish magenta colour hair, and a rather square jaw covered thinly with facial hair. His lips were notably big, appearing to be similar to Sato's, just slightly more pink-tinted in color, and he wore triangular, white-framed sunglasses, obscuring his eyes. Along with these, the man also wore a dark orange shirt, left unbuttoned to reveal with white v-neck he had on underneath, and blue jeans secured with a belt, plain dark brown espadrilles on her feet. As for the other villain, he had a reptile-like appearance, with bright green scales for skin and a face shaped like that of a lizard. His hair was swept backward and a desaturated pink-purple, standing out from the rest of his colors.
"That outfit..." Rose had seen it somewhere before on someone from the pasted, minus white blue polkadot sleeveless shirt, everything was the same to the Hero Killer: Stain.
"Pixie-Bob!" But out of nowhere, Midoriya began dashing for them.
"Oh, no!" If not for Mandalay or Tiger stoping him, the young man would had dove right into a fight. But either way, this wasn't a good thing and the heroes knew this.
"How are you this evening U.A. High School? We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!" The lizard like villain introduced himself to the with a smile.
"The League of Villains?!" The same ones that had attack them at the U.S.J. "Why are they here...?"
"Shall I crush this girl's head? What d'you think?" The other villain was asking about Pixie-Bob under the clothed covered item in his hand. "Well, what do you think?"
"Like I'd let you, you—" Tiger was about to go in to attack.
"Wait up, Big Sis Mag! Don't be hasty." But for some reason his companion stoped him... or her... "You too, Tiger. Calm down." And he expected the pro hero to listen to the words of a villain. "It all depends on whether having power over life and death follows Stain's tenets or not." Now Rose could understand why this villain was dressed as the Hero Killer, and it all had to do with the video going around.
"Stain..." Midoriya seemed to be surprised upon hearing that.
"So you're the ones his ideology brought?" It seemed to have angered Iida, who truly loathed the villain Stain.
"That's right!" But the villain appeared pleased. "I'm— Oh yeah, you, with the glasses!" Lizard had stopped his introduction while pointing at Iida. "You were the one who brought about the end of Stain at Hosu City." It appeared that the villains knew what really happened back in Hosu. "I apologise for the late introduction." The villain draw out large sword, that was just a bunch of blades tied together with belts. "I'm Spinner, the one who will spin his dreams into reality!" Hearing that, Mandalay made sure that no one passed her as Tiger began stepping forwards.
"I don't care, but you bastards..." He seemed filled with complete anger. The woman laying there, Pixie-Bob, has started worrying about getting married recently. She was doing her best to find happiness as a woman, despite her age." He was stating and probably lucky the woman was unconscious because she would have lost it. "You can't damage that woman's face and then just stand there laughing thoughtlessly about it!"
"What's a hero doing trying to be happy like the average person!?" The villain, Spinner asked as if heroes weren't humans. He was running at the group of heroes.
"Tiger! I've broadcast instructions. Leave the safety of the other students to Ragdoll." Mandalay had informed him about using her Quirk to  relayed a telepathic message to everyone. "The two of us will hold them back here!" It had been decided on that fact. "Go, everyone!" She looked back to the students left from Class A. "Listen carefully. Do not fight. Class rep, you're in charge!" The instructions have been relayed to them.
"Understood!" And Iida took charge telling them to go, which had been why they began to run towards base camp.
"Deku!" But Rose came to notice that Midoriya wasn't moving at all, which had the others stop to look at him.
"Go on ahead!" Was what he told them,
"What are yiu saying?"
"Deku!?" which was completely ridiculous.
"Mandalay!" He ignored their shouting at him. He began to say to the woman glancing back at him panicked. "I know where he is!"

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