Inside the Darkness

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Soon the small group began shuffling down the narrow alley way that caused them to go single file. "This is very narrow..." But it was far more tight for the girls due to their chests
"I know, I'm afraid I might get stuck." They were trying to move without getting their clothes snagged either.
"We can't move until we know for sure it's safe." Midoriya was whispering at the front of the pack. "No one will see us here, and at that height, we should be able to see inside, too!" And he came to a stop when he spotted a single window above.
"Will we be able to see anything in this darkness?" Todoroki asked a good question, because it was night it would make things harder.
"Even if I use my Quirk, I won't be able to see." And Rose had spoke up to inform them, since she wasn't able to see in complete darkness.
"I can make a night vision scope-" As Yaoyorozu was about to use her own Quirk to solve the problem...
"Wait, Yaoyorozu!" Kirishima ended up speaking up as he began to rummage through his pockets. "Actually, I brought one with me..." It had appeared that Kirishima was already prepared for this.
"Wow, why?" Which came as a surprise to Midoriya and the others.
"When I thought about what we'd have to do, I thought we'd need it." This had been explained, and it was really strange as this was surprisingly serious of the young man.
"But isn't that super expensive? I did research on them only when I was things about my costume, but if I remember correctly, they cost around fifty thousand yen..." the green hair boy was stating all this, looking at the red head a bit concerned.
"Who cares how much they cost? Stop talking about it!" Clearly it was a lot of money since Kirishima didn't want to talk about it.
"Okay, then Moriyama look through it when using your Quirk." Todoroki was looking over to the girl, who in returned glared at him.
"Fine." But she soon closed her eyes upon crossing over her arms. It was a few moments later a line of hands began sprouting from the walls that Kirishima hand the goggles to. It began being passed up the line until it soon was in the hands of a pair of arms that had sprouted above the window and extended down.
"Tell us what you see." Iida had instructed her as another pair of arms had sprouted from them and soon the palms were gripping onto the vision glass. "Moriyama, what's inside?"
"There doesn't appeared to much..." The arms began moving sideways to look inside of the room. However, out of nowhere her eyes had completely shot up and the colour from her face had drained.
"Moriyama!?" Midoriya was looking over to her in shock.
"What's wrong? What can you see, Moriyama!?" While Todoroki had noticed the look of fear across her face.
"In the back... In the back..." She seemed completely startled at what she had seen. "Those things... Not just one... There's a bunch of Nomus!" But Rose finally managed to answered and hearing this caused the others to look at her in shock. But then Kirishima hear something from the side that pulled his attention and when he saw it.
"Hey!" He pulled the others to it and they all witness a small truck that had something purple lifting it up.
"That's...!"Before any of them had a chance to react, a large just of wind had blasted at them. This had all been caused by the actions of Pro Hero - Mt. Lady who had increased her size and slammed her foot with the truck on it down into the warehouse.
"The Nomu hangar... is completely under our control." It didn't take long before all the Nomus had been captured by the No 4 Hero Best Jeanist, along with Tiger, the hero that had been training the students.
"Wh-What happened?" However, Midoriya and the others had be knocked around because of the blasted casued by Mt. Lady and picking themselves up. The sound of police sirens echoed loudly down the alley they were and as Todoroki was helping Rose up, Yaoyorozu and Kirishima got onto the shoulder of Midoriya and Iida to see what was happening in the window.
"Mt. Lady and Gang Orca... and even the number four hero, Best Jeanist?"
"Mr. Tiger is there too!" They were able to see pro hero's in the building that had been partly destroyed
"Urg, are these really alive?" Mt. Lady seemed to be in disgust as she as a Nomus in her hands. "Is it really okay for our jobs to be this easy, Jeanist?" She then turned to the No 4 hero asking him. "Maybe we should've gone with All Might."
"Don't think about difficulty and importance together, newcomer." However, she ended up getting a slight lectured by the man. "Riot squad, get the Maidens ready. They might still be here. Please continue to give it your all." He had ordered the police that were in the building in full body armorer.
"Yes, sir!"
"Ragdoll! Answer me!" Tiger had ended up picking up Ragdoll who had been in the warehouse. She was not responding to her teammate calls.
"Is that your teammate?" Gang Orca had ran over towards the two and asked. "Looks like she's breathing. I'm glad." Despite the man's terrifying face, his heart appeared to be pure and kind.
"But her condition..." They were looking down at the woman, who's eyes were open but had no life or focus in them. "What did they do to you, Ragdoll!?"
"The heroes were already moving before we were!" Iida seemed pleased and a bit surprised.
"Now, let us fall back immediately. There's nothing left for us to do now." With the heroes now here, the group had no reason to be.
"Since she said 'with All Might,' does that mean Kacchan is there, too?" Midoriya remembered the words of Mt. Lady, and since their teacher wasn't there clearly he was somewhere else that was just as important.
"If All Might is there, then there's even more reason to rest easy." Yaoyorozu was in an agreement with Iida as she spoke that. "Now, hurry!"
"Right." The group began walking out towards the other end of the alleyway, since if they went back they come from they would be caught by the police. Which would only cause problems later on. However, just as they were about to leave...
"Sorry, Tiger. She's always had a good Quirk." A voice from the darkness had alerted the heroes as their feet steps were getting closer to them. "It was the perfect opportunity, so I took it."
"Are you with the League?" Gang Orca questioned the voice.
"A light, someone..." while Tiger turned behind him to the police so they would be able to see the person.
"After my body turned into this, I also depleted a lot of what I'd stocked up..." They were back to looking in the direction of the voice that spoke strangly.
"Stop! Don't move!" This was being shouted by Gang Orca, since they were clearly an enemy. However, the man did not listne and continued into the light of the moon. This caused Jeanist to use his Quirk that soon wrapped around the man.
"Wait, Best Jeanist, what if he was an ordinary citizen!?" But seeing this surprised Mt. Lady causing her to yell at him.
"Think about the situation. That instant of hesitation could be decided the fight." The hero had responded to her. "Don't let the villains do anything!"

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