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Breaking though the wall and being saved by Rose's arms sprouting to a net to catch them, the trio had recover from the fall as none of them are injured. "Are you two okay?" That had been asked by Rose had she deactivated her Quirk and they slightly fell to the ground.
"I-I'm fine" Midoriya had sat up saying
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just some scratches." Melissa informed her lifting up her arm that had the scratches. "How about you?" She was looking at the girl.
"Es geht mir gut!" She had answered in German at first. "I'm fine!" Before speaking in Japanese with her thumb sticking up. But then out if nowhere, Midoriya had grabbed onto both females and rolls out of danger as something had come down where they had been just a second ago. But it wasn't time ti replace as the villain attacked once again with a Sword Hand Quirk but Midoriya parries using the Gauntlet to block it.
"You revolting kids...!" The villain that had attacked was a middle-aged man with lightly tanned skin, thin honey brown eyes and a long face. He had shoulder-length hair of a desaturated pink-like color that flares outwards to the sides, with shorter bangs between and to the sides of his eyes. He also has curved, linear markings under his eyes and down his cheek which are a dark shade of purplish-pink.
"What are you all after!?" Midoriya had asked while trying to hold.
"Don't prevent to be heroes!" However, the villain's other hand had turned into a sword as well, and brought it down of Midoriya that had jumped back out of the way. It had over powered the young man that had been thrown out of the giant hole in the wall he created before. The villain was about to cut down Midoriya that was clinging into the outside.
"Stop it!" But before he could Melissa had throw herself at him.
"Get out of the way!" Though he had knocked her away.
"Nien!" Two arms had sprouted from his back, wrapping around from behind to have an arm gripping onto the other holding him. Forcing the arm against the arteries in the neck of the villain. This was a arm-triangle choke that was caused the villain to have difficulties breathing and Midoriya took this as an opening to land a smash to defeat the villain.
"Melissa!" Both Midoriya and Rose had turned to the young Quirkless woman laying on the ground with blood on the floor.
"I'm fine." But she had gotten slightly injured. "It's not too bad." The cut was deep enough to be bleeding
"Give me your arms." Which had been why Midoriya had wrapped it up. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."
"You should be saying 'thanks', right?" Melissa had corrected him smiling.
"Yes!" Which had him smiling. "Thank you too, Moriyama." He turned to the girl saying,
"Keine Probleme!" She had winked at him.
"Let's go and save everyone!"
"Ja!" They both agreed taking off running up the floors and it hadn't been long before they had been forced to run though a hallway due to their path being blocked. Although, it hadn't matter as this path had become block for a different
"Looks like Swordkil was taken out." A very large and muscular man stand before them. He nad black hair and blue skin with green spots on his forehead and shoulders, as well as fin-like ears, fins on his shoulders and a dorsal fin on the top of his head. "Talk about pathetic." He wore a violet vest with a white collar and red bow tie, as well as two white cuffs on his wrists with black buttons. He wore a pair of dark blues pants with black shoes and a belt that has a golden buckle that resembles a fish.
"Another villain!" Midoriya was ready to attack but
"Dreißig Blumen!" (Thirty Flowers) A large amount of arms had began to sprout out from three different areas. Thirteen had sprouted from the ground, been spilt into grabbing onto both his legs. As another set of thirteen had sprouted from the back grabbing onto his arms. As the remaining four grabbed onto his neck or chin.
"Moriyama!" Midoriya had turned around to Rose.
"Go on ahead." Who had her arms stretched across her chest. "I'll deal with him."
"We can't!" Melissa on the other hand didn't like that idea.
"That wasn't an option." But Rose had stated moving in front of them. She was glancing behind to Midoriya and he could see how serious she was.
"Alright." He hadn't hesitate upon seeing those eyes and took off, taking ahold of Melissa, who still didn't seem to what to. However, in the end they had left running, leaving Rose's with the villain.
"This is quite an interesting Quirk." He was smirking while staying.
"Clutch!" But Rose didn't respond as the arms holding the foe up at their back, and legs pull, cracking the foe's back. At least it was supposed to but the man had seemed to become liquid that dropped to the ground. "What?"
"My Quirk is Water Body. Physical attacks don't work on me." The villain had informed her as his body was returning to normal. Maybe Rose had bit off more then she thought especially when she was suddenly surrounded by the villain's waves not drowned in it thought. The water was surrounding the walls, floor and ceiling.
"There's no way to escape." Rose was looking around  for a place to escape not to mention the villain that had completely disappeared within the water.
"You know..." But the voice of the villain came from below in front, and when she looked down his face was in the water before it took form of a water version of himself. "For a kid your bodies pretty well developed." He had the most creepy and perverted look at his face looking down at Rose's body. "Let's see what's underneath that dress!" And before Rose had a chance even under what had happened the villain had tears the top of her dress.
"What is wrong with you?!" But even so, Rose had sprouted twenty arms that had created a shied that was spinning around, hitting the water away like a water mill. She had leaped back gaining down distance as the water surrounding her had disappeared and taken this change to rip the helm of her dress to wrap the torn cloth to cover her chest. "How can you feel good after assaulting a minor?"
"I'm a villain, you know." What had said had been true and having said that he followed up with spanking Rose's rear with her whip made of water.
"Stop that! Ow!" None of her attacks would work on someone made of water. In other words Rose was completely unable to do anything, not even defend hers as the whip had been sent flying at her face, which Rose had been sent flying across the room and landed had onto the ground. Pain was ripping through out her body as she pushed herself up from her stomach. But that was when at the corner of her eyes, Rose had come to spot something. "Wait..." And seeing this seemed to have caused something to have a plan pop into her mind.
"I'm starting to get bored. Let's end this." The villain had taken a step towards Rose when he had created large sphere of water that can be used to trap Rose inside it. As it was made of pure water there was no air, meaning that she was folding her breath. However, there was so long that she could do that and she was already beginning to lost a hold after 15 seconds. But Rose's arms had stretched across her chest as she was in pain not being able to breathe. By doing so, her Quirk had activated and behind the villain a hundred leg that she had sprouted began to create a shadow forcing him to turn around. All her legs had sprout all together in one area, he had come face-to-face with a giant leg. "She can create a large leg?!" It had then been when the leg began move as it came stomping down upon Rose's opponent. The sphere of water had dissolved and she came falling to her knees coughing up the water that she had swallowed. "I have to say, I was pretty surprised." But since the villain's Quirk had caused his body to turn into water, it had stopped him. "But that wasn't going to work." And he was unharmed as the water had gathered together forming him after being stomped. Although, Rose was still trying to pull herself together. "At the end of the day, you're nothing but a pretty face." He grabbed ahold of her hair after walking over to her, as she was drenched to the bone.
"Pretty face, huh?" That's when he spotted something in Rose's hand which were electric wires
"Wait! That's..." He could see what she was planning.
"I dare you to say that again!" However, it was already too late, she had broken free of him and shoved the electric wires into his chest and in an instant his entire body lite up from the electricity move into his entire body. Once Rose had removed this cores from his chest, the man was toasted and come collapsing to the ground completely knocked out. "Who's just a pretty face?"

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