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U.A. High School, for the passed few days had been off so that students were able to heal from injuries that were unable to be gone by Recover Girl. But today, as it poured down, had been back to regular classes for all students. Although, things were a bit different for most of the students that headed to school on public transports or roads. Rose hadn't obviously, and had already in class. Where everyone seemed to be over joyed. "It's different when they broadcast the match on TV after all, huh?" Ashido was asking the others since almost all channels had U.A. Sports festival on them at least once a day. "So many people talked to me on my way here!"
"Yeah, me too!" Kirishima was pointing to himself having experienced the same thing.
"People were staring at me, too. It was kind of embarrassing!" Hagakure was saying that all giddy.
"Isn't that normal for you, Hagakure?" Ojiro was smiling with sweat rolling down his face, since the girl was invisible, so people would be watching clothes moving on their own.
I had some elementary school is suddenly tell me 'Don't worry about it'." Sero seemed completely depressed about the whole thing.
"Don't worry about it!" Asui said to him which seemed to have stricken a nerve.
"After just one day, we're suddenly been thrust into the spotlight, huh?" Kaminari was standing beside Mineta's desk speaking down at him.
"U.A. Really is amazing, huh?"
"You seemed to have had a rough time." Yaoyorozu looked to Rose stating, along with Jiro
"Ich vermute. I guess." Which made sense as after the festival interviews have been asked all over the place. Rose had found herself on show after show for the days that they had off and she was finally able to breath when school was back on. "And they're not over yet." She was slacking over her desk all depressed like. But then the door to the classroom opened up, and since all the students were already present...
"Morning." It was their teacher,
"Good morning!" Which had everyone in their seats before he entered
"Ribbit? Mr. Aizawa, your bandages are gone." Asui pointed out as their teacher, who had been a mummy a few days ago now only had bandages around his arms, but now he had a large scar under his right eye.
"The old lady went overboard with her treatment." Mr. Aizawa had explained, as there really had been no need for him to wear all those bandages till now. "More importantly, we are having a special hero informatics class today." The entire room had become tense at hearing such a thing. Summer thinking it was gonna be a test which for a few people in class it was a bad thing. "Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names." The room
"We're gonna do something exciting!" Had become filled with excitement hearing that, but because they were so loud Mr. Aizawa's eyes began to blow as his hair stood up, which and caused everyone to quite down. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mention the other day. The draft begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros." This had been explained to the class once again, as Mr. Aizawa had mentioned this before the festival. "In other words, for them to extend office to 1st years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down for graduation."
"Adults are so selfish!" Mineta was shaking while hitting his deck in front of Rose.
"So will have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" Hagakure spoke up to clarify whether she got it correctly.
"That's right. And here are the totals for those with offers." Mr. Aizawa had used the contract on the black board where he shows them the draft results.

Moriyama: 4936
Todoroki: 4123
Bakugo: 3520
Tokoyami: 360
Iida: 301
Kaminari: 272
Yaoyorozu: 108
Kirishima: 68
Uraraka: 20
Sero: 14

Those had been the people that had offers given to them. "In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three this year." Mr. Aizawa were speaking about Rose, Todoroki and Bakugo that had over 1000 offers for them. But Rose couldn't believe that there were so many heroes out there.
"Gah, there such a big difference!" Kaminari was pretty much shocked throwing his head back.
"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!" Aoyama was puffing out steams in frustration.
"Rose's first, Todoroki's second, and Bakugo's third...?" Jiro was confused to why it was laid out like that.
"It's the opposite of the placements in the sports festival." Kirishima had been right, which had been the most surprising part about the whole thing.
"Some people are too scared to ask for a guy who had to be restrained on the podium." Sero had a point in the statement.
"What're the pros scared of!?" But the one in question had lost his temper at the boy.
"Your personality." Rose had pointed that out, since no matter what no one would want someone as short temper as Bakugo as their side kick.
"What was that, Two face!?" This time he had lost it at her, but she paid no mind to it when she heard Yaoyorozu signing behind her.
"You're both amazing, Todoroki, Moriyama." She was saying to them both.
They're probably all because of my dad." Todoroki stated back to her in almost annoyance.
"I hear you." Rose had walked up next to him. "My offers are most likely due to my band's popularity." She had said turning around slightly in her chair. Many pros would like some famous person to Internet their agency to make them a lot more popular. Rose understood that quite well.
"Wow, we got offers!" Uraraka was so happy that she was in tears and shaking Iida that was sitting in front of her. But the boy was also quite please.
"Midoriya, you didn't get any!" Mineta was rubbing salt in the guy's wounds. "They're scared of you 'cause of that a crazy way you were fighting." That was most likely the truth, since he continued breaking his fingers and his arms.
"Yeah..." and he was unable to deny the fact either.
'Keeping these results in mind, whether or not any one asked for you, you will all be participating in the internships with pros." Mr. Aizawa had explained to the rest of the class.
"Internships?" This had been so,etching new.
"Yeah. At U.S.J., you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work first hand." Which had been the reason of the internships.
"So that explains the hero names!" The class had come to realise now why they were coming up with hero names.
"Things are certainly getting a lot more fun!" Uraraka was getting all excited about it.
"Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it..."
"... you'll have hell to pay later!" The door had slide open as someone intruded Mr. Aizawa speaking and all the boys had become pleased. "Because a lots of heroes names used by students become recognised by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!" That was because the one strutting her stuff walking into the room was none other then
"Midnight!" Which was why almost all the boys were flipping out.
"Well, that's how it is." Mr. Aizawa didn't really have much to say after she explained it all. "So Midnight will be making sure your names are okay. I can't do stuff like that." He had pulled out his sleeping bag like always and he name had been given to him by Present Mic when they were students. "When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future, and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say, 'Names and natures do often agree'. Like 'All Might,' for example." And with that being said those sitting at the front of the class were given a number of boards that were passed down the line after taking one. Which had been when the class was filled with silence as they were thinking and writing down their names. Although, Rose seemed to be thinking still since there was something she must take into consideration.
"Okay, let's start presenting names starting with those who are ready." Midnight had spoken after five minutes had passed and Mr. Aizawa was asleep. Most of the class had become shocked upon hearing that and were all too nervous to go up. Yet there was a single person that had no problem at being in the centre of attention.
"Here I go..." which had been none other then Aoyama. "'Shine ing Hero:..." who had showed the entire class his board above his head. "I can not stop twinkling!" He had come up with a ridiculous name. "Which means, you can't stop my sparkles!" And most of the class find the name strange.
It will be easier to use if you out the 'I' and shorten the 'can not' to 'can't'." But Midnight simply shortens it to 'Can't Stop Twinkling'.
"You're right, mademoiselle." And Aoyama had no objection to it, which seemed quite surprising the the class.
"Then, I'll go next!" Ashido had gone up all excited with his board out for everyone to see. "Hero name, 'Alien Queen'!"
"Two! Are you trying for the thing with acid blood?" Midnight had gone blue in shock due to 'Alien Queen' was a villain character in Ridley Scott's movie franchise. "I wouldn't if I were you!"
"Dang it." Of course, the pink skin girl was disappointed and pouting as she walked back to her seat. The rest of the class was worried since the first two were weird and they felt that they needed to make the funny now.
"Ribbit. Then, may I go next?" Asui had raised her hand asking
"Go ahead, Tsu." Midnight was all for it and the girl was then in front of the class.
"I've had this in mind ever since I was in elementary school." That had been explained as she turned the board around to face the class. "'Rainy Season Hero: Froppy.'" Had been the titled she picked.
"That's so cute! It seems friendly. I like it!" Midnight was all for it since it was A great example for and name which ever one would love.
"Froppy! Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!" And the class responds cheerfully since she chose a normal name in comparison to the initial two.
"Then, I'll go too!" Kirishima was now at the front of the class with everyone able to see name written. "'Sturdy Hero: Red Riot'!"
"'Red Riot'?" Midnight had heard something similar before. "You're paying homage to to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, right?" She asked the boy.
Yes. It's pretty old-fashioned, but the hero image I'm going for is Crimson himself." Kirishima was explaining a little embarrassed about it.
"If you're bearing your name you admire, you'll come with that much more pressure." That was being explained as the teacher smirked at him.
"I'm prepared for that!" But he didn't mind that at all and he headed to his deck as Rose had stood up.
"You're next, Rose?" Midnight watched as she walked to the front of the class.
"Ja. However, I kind of didn't see the point in having a codename, show..." The board that was facing her turned around so the rest of the class to see what was written."...I chose, 'Der Blumenheld: Rose'. It translates into 'The Flower Hero: Rose'." It had been written in both German and Japanese.
"Oh! You took your heritage into making your title. I like it!" Midnight was completely in love with the name. "It also makes sense as your name is already known thought out the country." That was pretty much what Rose was going for. But many of the other students were having difficulties coming up with their names.
"Man, I haven't thought of a name yet..." Jiro had noticed that Kaminari was struggling to choose a name as Rose walked back to her seat.
"Why don't I give you one?" She was whispering over to him, after poking the boy's shoulder to get his attention. "How about 'Jamming-way'?" That had been suggested.
"It's like Hemingway's who write A Farewell to Arms!" Kaminari had taken a liking to it, until...
"No... it's because even though you're strong... you always end up like that." Jiro admits it's just a way of making fun of him.
"Hey, Jiro! Stop messing with me!" That was snapped at her but she gets up and heads to the front of the class
"'Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack'." She announces that this was her chose while the board was seen by the class.
"That's good! Next!" Midnight was all for it and the class was then on a roll.
"'Tenatacle Hero: Tenacole'." Shoji was up next with his name.
"It's like tentacle with some octopus thrown in!" That had been stated by Midnight as he played around with the words.
"'Tape Hero: Cellophane'." Sero stood in front a bit nervous.
"Nice and simple! That's important!" But it changed when Midnight took a liking to it.
"'Martial Arts Hero: Tailman'." Had been Ojiro's pick as his tail was flecks
"You're name reflects your body!" No objection from the teacher.
"'Sweets Hero: Sugarman'." Sati had picked that name.
"So sweet!" Which Midnight was pleased with.
"Pinky!" Ashido was standing back in front of the class with a new name.
"Peachy pink complexion!" Midnight loves the chosen title this time. The class were going through one after another, moving on to the next person
"'Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt'..." Who was Kaminari that chose that. "...combining'change' with 'lightning bolt!'" Had been the reason behind his name.
"Oh, I feel tingly!" Then Hagakure took to the front.
"'Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl'." Which had been the perfect name for her.
"That's great! Come on, let's keep right on going!" It was surprising how Mr. Aizawa was able to sleep through all this. However, next been followed by Yaoyorozu.
"I hope I will not bring shame to this name." She was holding out her board to the class. "'Everything Hero: Creati'."
"Creative!" Midnight loved it. Then Todoroki came up but...
"'Shoto'." He had elected to simply use his first name.
"Your name?" Midnight had asked him since there weren't heroes that used their names. "I can understand Rose... but is that okay?"
"Yeah." But he didn't mind at all. Then they moved onto Tokoyami
"'Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi'." Which had been his choose.
"God of the night!" How been the name given to one of the gods of Japan. But then Mineta was up front.
"'Fresh Picked Hero: Grape Juice'." But he was too short so no one could see him behind the stand at front.
"Pop and kitschy!" It was approved before moving onto Koda, 'Petting Hero: Anima' who stood up in front all shy and silent. "Okay, got it!" And Midnight was fine with it. Then they mooted onto the most shocking name yet
"'King Explosion Murder'." Which had come form the most villain-like Bakugo that had a terrifying look on his face.
"You probably shouldn't use something like that." And understandably he had been rejected.
"Why not?!" But the boy didn't understand why.
"You should be 'Explosion Boy'!" Kirishima shouted up to him.
"Shut up, Weird Hair!" Only thing he got back was being snapped at and the others were laughing at Bakugo now. However, goes up next and reveals
"This is what I thought of: 'Uravity'." She was slightly blushing as she showed the class.
"Sounds stylish!" When hearing that she had sighed in relief. "Choosing hero names is going more smoothly than I thought it would!" Midnight was looking up at the clock and it had one been 9:20. All that is left is Bakugo, who needs to rethink his, and Iida. And Midoriya, right?" Besides the exploding one, the other two had yet to show any names. Rose had looked over to Iida who seemed to have a painful expression on his face as he stopped and rewritten his name before going up to the front. "You're using your first name, too?" Midnight was a little confused as the thing that had been written was 'Tenya'. But she moved on... "Midoriya, are you ready?"
"Y-Yes!" He had gotten up answering before heading to the front of the class, where the entire class had become shocked as they saw what he had written as his name.
"Are you really okay with that?" Kaminari was asking him since it seemed a bit...
"You might be called that forever, you know." Kirishima was trying to remind him of that.
"Yeah. I didn't like this name until now. But someone changed the meaning of it, and that had a huge impact on me. It made me really happy." That was being explained by him and the one he spoke of had been Uraraka, which was why Rose looked over to her. "This is my hero name!" Which was 'Deku'.
"'Lord Explosion Murder'!" Bakugo really didn't get the point of his first rejection.
"No, that's still no good."

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