Girl Talk!

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The hell had come to an end for the day and evening arrived. Both classes had been pulled together ever after that, where they were ready to eat. But..."Now, remember what I said yesterday?" Pixie-Bob had asked the group of students. "'Today's The only day will be doing stuff for you'!" She repeated what had been said to them yesterday during dinner.
"At least make your own food! Curry!" Ragdoll told them as they provide the students with the ingredients to make what looked like curry.
"Yessir..." Although, needless to say is that everyone was overly exhausted.
"You all look exhausted!" And it seemed that the young woman to amusement in seeing such a thing. "But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!" Everyone was completely out of it all but one of them
"It's true that part of rescuing someone is the feeling the stomach and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's U.A. for you! No opportunity wasted!" And it was Iida who seemed to be coming up with a positive, training aspect to it all. " let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!" And he was urging his peers to band together and start cooking after changing into something clean.
"Okay..." Although, it didn't work completely but they began to get away with the cooking. The rice had been the first thing to be cooked, as it would take away. They were placed in metal containers over flames which Todoroki Ignited for his group and
"Todoroki! Can you get fire over here, too?" And others were asking for him to light theirs, since no one else had a fire base Quirk.
"Bakugo, use Explosion to light this." Sero gotten the idea, looking down at the ash blonde hair.
"Like I would, scum!" But despite saying that, Bakugo did use one.
"Huh...?" Except, it destroyed the inside and rice.
"If you rely only on others, then you will not to learn how to light a fire." Yaoyorozu stated this over at them while creating a lighter.
"No, it's fine." But Todoroki didn't mind doing such a thing as he lite up more.
"Wow, thanks!" Uraraka was cheering.
"Burn, burn, burn it up!" While Ashido sounds like some sort of pyromaniac. But around then...
"Oi! Get up and do something!" Bakugo, who had stomped away after exploding the rice, had come to notice Rose

"Oi! Get up and do something!" Bakugo, who had stomped away after exploding the rice, had come to notice Rose

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who was sitting at an empty table, being served  water by Kaibara from Class B. She was clearly doing nothing as everyone else were getting ready the ingredients for curry.
"What?" However, she looked over to him shocked for some reason.
"Why are you looking so damn shock about it!?" And it seemed to anger him even more.
"But I am doing something." It had then been pointed out that Rose sprouted her arms on a different table and they were peeling or cutting away at some onions and carrots. "See?"
"That's not the point!" However, beside Bakugo, no one else seemed to have a problem with it. He was just being picky about it due to the failure from before.
"Thanks for the food!" By the time night had fallen, the curry had been made and everyone was digging into it.
If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be very happy, but in this situation, it's delicious!" Kirishima was shouting while stuffing the curry in his face at lightning speed.
"Don't say that! It's rude!" Sero stated while doing the same thing.
"Yao-Momo, you eat a lot, huh?" Ashido noticed his Yaoyorozu was eating only slightly slower then the boys beside her and just as much.
"Yes. My Quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat, the more I can make." It had been explained to the pink skin girl in a way that anyone would be able to understand.
"It's like poo." Which had Sero stated that and it seemed to have strike something as Yaoyorozu gotten all depressed,
"Apologise!" Jiro punched the young man in the face all panicked at the sight.
"I'm sorry!" And he realised his own mistake.
"Boys sure are insensitive." Rose had stated this while looking over from the table she sat at with Todoroki, Sato and Koda, spoon in mouth.
"Is that so?" Although, her boyfriend didn't seem to understand why she said that.
"They are." But she wasn't changing her mind looking to him. "Or have you forgot I-Island?" Rose was speaking of the time that he didn't tell her that he was going to the island as well. "I know that you lied by telling me you wanted to make it a surprise. The truth was that you completely forgot." Hearing that, Todoroki had flinch which was a clear sign of administration.
"Dude, that's bad." Sato stated to him, as he could clearly see that Rose had been right. Koda seemed to also agree with his nodding.
"I allowed it since I did force you unconscious at the time." It had been explained why there she had brought it up that time. Although, after that the conversation moved into other things and before long dinner had come to an end and since everyone had bathed before they had the chance to do their own things before bed. It was why the girls had all gathered together, both Class A and B where they were chatting away together in the bedroom being used. "When you have a training camp you have to have a girl talk!" Hagakura started as they had out snakes they brought out in the middle of a circle of 13 girls. It was due to the fact that Ashido was taking make up test with Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero and Sato because of the fail finals. "To start things off... Who's going out with somebody?!" But there was a silence through out the room, which didn't seem completely unexpected. "I see, so there's no one." Of course there was someone, but the girls from Class A didn't speak of it due to their professional lift. However,
"Das ist nicht wahr. That's not true." All had froze before their heads turned to see Rose sitting where the voice had come from.
"Rose..." Uraraka was looking at the girl with concern, since only those in their class knew and wanted to keep it that way to protect their classmates.
"It's fine." But it seemed that Rose had already decided. "I don't think they'll say anything about it." As she trusted those gathered together.
"You're dating someone, Moriyama?" Kendo had been to ask from Class B.
"Rose it fine." But it was a bit formal for the one in question. "And yes I am."
"No way! Is it a celebrity!" Tokage had asked all exicted at the thought of it, however, Rose's head had shaken.
"It's a classmate, huh?" Kendo seemed to understand now.
"Who might it be?" Shiozaki asked the girl, with no grudge from the sports festival.
"Todoroki." Upon hearing that, the girls from Class B seemed to be screaming in excitement. Which brought on the questions.
"Say, say! How far have you two gotten?" Hagakura had been the one to ask the question a majority of the class wanted to know. "Have you two have sex yet?" She gotten right to the heart of the conversation. However, seeing how Rose's reaction didn't become all fluster did come as a disappointment.
"No... we've only been dating for almost a month, so..." But someone seemed to noticed a hit of sadness in Rose's eyes. Before long everyone had tired themselves out and fallen asleep, all but one who had left the room and building to sit out in the cold night air.
"Rose?" Until hearing someone call her from behind had caused the girl to turn around to find Uraraka standing on the other side of the bench table Rose was on.
"Ochaco? Why are you still up?" It had been asked, since she thought everyone had been asleep upon leaving.
"I was kind of worried."
"Worried?" Rose seemed confused to why it seemed the 'worry' was directed at her.
"I noticed that you seemed a bit down." It had been explained and why Rose understood why Uraraka's expression was like that, looking at her.
"I see." But Rose looked back around as Uraraka moved around the table to sit along side her.
"What's the matter?" It had been asked, since it was clear the girl wasn't going to say anything. "Is this about before? The question about... you know..." it seemed to be hard for Uraraka to say without turning red in the face.
"I guess it is." But Rose did understand what she meant.
"Did it make you uncomfortable?" It would be the obvious thing.
"Nien, it's not that..." however, it appeared to not be the case.
"I have thought about it, you know..." It had been spoken out loud. "I mean, we're told that we shouldn't do it when we're young. Both Todoroki and I are only 15 right now, so... is it wrong that I want us to do it?" Rose's knees had been pulled to her chest upon asking this question.
"I don't completely know." Uraraka had to be honest about the whole thing, since she didn't. "But shouldn't be fine since you'll be 16 in June, right? Todoroki..." However, she didn't know when the young man's birthday was.
"His birthday is in January." But his girlfriend did. "However, the truth of the matter is..." She had come to a holt with what she was about to say.
"Is what...?"
"... is I don't think he wants to do it." The girl didn't understand why her friend was saying that. "After going swimming and Mineta mentioning it... I don't know, but Todoroki seems a bit distance when it's just the two of us."
"Hmm..." Uraraka began to think of reasons behind such a thing and one did spring to mind. "Maybe because if he's close to you he'll attack you!" And that had been said out loud in a positive tone.
"You think..." But Rose didn't seem all that confident in this.
"Of course! I mean, there isn't a man alive who would be able to resist you!" The gravity girl seemed completely confident in that. "The key is when to strike. When you're both alone in one of your houses, you make the move then!" Despite not being in a relationship at all, Uraraka was confident in her advice and it seemed to be working.
"I see! I'll try that!"

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