It's Time!?

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After everything that had happened, the Killer Hero was all that anyone could talk about. It was all over the news, papers, and radio. "Hero Killer: Stain. Real name: Chizome Akaguro. All Might's debut left a deep impression on him, and he said his sights on becoming a hero. He in rolled in a private hero high school that was disappointed in the fundamentally depraved view of heroes taught by the educational system. He dropped out in the summer of his first year. Until the end of his teenage years, he called for a return to the old idea of heroes making speeches on the streets until he realised resignedly that words had no power. For the next 10 years, in order to fulfil his 'duty,' he studied and trained in killing techniques on his own. During this time, his parents passed away and that affair was considered non-criminal. He emphasised a return to the old idea of heroes. Heroes should not seek compensation. The title of hero must only be granted to those who epitomise self-sacrifice. The present day heroes are fakes who are all talk. He wanted society to realise this through his purges one after another.
"Someone must be dyed in blood... I must take back what it means to be a hero! Come! Try and get me, you fakes! The only one I'll let kill me is the truth Hero... All Might!" It was video that was spreading like wildfire all across the Internet but whenever I was uploading it was always taken down. And yet it always reload itself again.
"This is too much of a coincidence." But the thing was that Rose couldn't help but think it was a planned. "Could it be that bastard..." She was looking out of the window of the studio building the band watching the people walking passed heading to work or school.
"Rose! It's time for the shot!"
"Coming!" A large amount of time had passed since the incident with the hero killer and the internships had ended. In the end, none of the four involved in the fight were mentioned in the news. At least by name. During the internship's Rose had returned back to the Wood Witch Agency after one day along with Todoroki. Although, the main reason was so he could see if his father, Endeavor had an shame after having been the one to have defeated the Hero Killer. However, the night which Iida had gotten his results, he had gone home with his mother. As for Midoriya, he had to stay longer due to his injuries needing to heal longer. However, as for right now, normal school was back on along with classes. Although, right now, Rose was at the studio where she had come to be one of the lead actress in a drama. As for the rest of the band, they each had their own projects that were assigned for them to do. Some for adds while others drama's as well.
"Guten Morgen! Good Morning! I'm Rose Moriyama!" She had spoke up loudly to the crew that was moving around getting things ready.
"Ah, Miss Midoriya, you're so beautiful!" Someone had told her after walking over to her. He was most likely the director.
"I'm sorry for being unable to attend the meeting the other day." Rose saying apologising.
"Nah, don't worry about it. U.A. had internships so we were aware that you would be unable to attend." This time it was the set manger that had told her that. "Nice to meet you."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Which she then bowed to him.
"Well, if it isn't Rose, hello." Rose turned around to see a tall, lean middle-age man walking over to her, in a police uniform. The man's dark purple hair was shout and wavy, to his nape. Additionally, his messy bangs all but obscure his dark, slanted eyes.
"Hello, Mr. Hatsu." She greeted the man smiling happily, as she has worked with him plenty of times before in small adds.
"Good luck, Rose! It's nice that you got such a great role." The man, Hatsu was telling her pleased.
"Danke! Thank you!" She was smiling still looking up at him. "Do you also have a role?" She then asked him.
"Yeah, but it's only a small role. As you can see, I'm a police officer with a single line." He had explained with the script in hand.
"I see. Does it have to do with you retiring soon?" Rose had asked since she heard the man was feeling sick a lot lately.
"Yeah, so after today's shooting, I'm leaving for my home town with my wife and children." He explained this to her, which seemed to have caused her to fell down. "Don't worry. By the way, have you heard about the other main actress is Aira Yuhara?" He completely changed the topic
"Ja! I can't wait to meet her!" And Rose's eyes were sparkling in excitement. "I wonder if she's here yet. I'm so excited!" She was overly excited looking to the man. After all, I love Ms. Yuhara! Her acts are so natural. That's why when I heard that she was going to be playing my big sister, I was overjoyed for it."
"Yes, I remember you tell me about it a few years back, before you created a band and more or less stopped acting for a year." Before Rose was a member of 'Rose Garden' she was a child actor and was quite famous. Many were quite disappointed when she entered the music side of things, but after a year she was back to acting along with her music.
"I'm so excited and thrilled." And when she was starting her acting career it was the actress Aira Yuhara that Rose striated to be
"I thought that would be the case."
"Mr. Hatsu!" Someone was called out to the man.
"Coming! See you later." Which had him taking off
"Tschüss!" And Rose was waving to him as he left.
"Rose?" Someone had creeped up from behind her all of a sudden. "You're Rose, correct?" And when she looked around a bit startled, it turned to pure joy when she saw a brown eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair woman smiling behind her. She was incredibly beautiful with a buxom and had a curvaceous body. She had the appearance of someone in their middle twenties. It was the actress Aira Yuhara.
"U-Um... R-Rose Moriyama. It's nice to— to have the occasion to meet you." It was as if her eyes had turned into hearts as she looked at the woman completely love-struck.
"I listen to your music all the time, and I use to watch the movies and dramas you were in as a child." The woman, Yuhara, chuckled looking at the nervous girl. "I also read your older sister's books."
"Really? Yay!" And Rose was shocked but happy at hearing such a thing.
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you." Both of them had shock hands and Rose was happy about how her idol wasn't like other stuck up actresses.
"Ms. Yuhara, do you have a moment?" A crew member had called out to the beautiful actress.
"Yes..." she hadn't hesitated to answer. "...I'll see you later, Rose. Let's make this a great show."
"Right! I'll do my best!" And with that being said, Yuhara left to follow the crew member that called for her. Which left Rose standing on her own.
"Rose, good morning." Until a man called out to her.
"Ah, Ren! Guten Morgen! Good Morning!" Who she ran over to.
"Shall we get you ready with make up and hair?" He asked her, which she was all ready for. They both headed off to the dressing rooms. It took half an hour before make up, hair and clothing was done and the filming had already been under way. Mina (Yuhara) was on set, sitting down on the table with the cameras rolling. She was slouched over in the chair over the table all upset. Then the door had opened up having Yuko (Rose)

 Then the door had opened up having Yuko (Rose)

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all smiling as she entered the 'room'. "Sis, do you have a minute?" She was in her role talking to her 'sister'.
"What is it?" Who looked over to her asking.
"You know what?" Yuko had so,etching behind her back that she was about to pull out all excited.
"Lunch money?" But had come to a stop as she looked back confused. "Are you going to an amusement park with your friends? Some new clothes? A bag? What do you want?" Mina was asking no longer looking at Yuko, as she was annoyed. "How much do you want!?" Until she finally snapped screaming
"Sis... that's not it. I just..." which had completely hurt the little sister.
"Here, take it! As much as you want!" Money had been thrown everywhere as the 'alcohol' in the cup that Mina was drinking spilt everywhere and got on Yuko's face, who had fallen to her knees trembling. "Why is this!? All the other people my age are all off someplace, enjoying themselves!" Mina was back to sitting down on the chair slouching in pain
"Yuko, did you know the reason mum's health got ruined and she had to go to the hospital... was because she over exhausted sort it herself giving birth to you?" That was being asked right to Yuko in anger. "And ever since then, I've done nothing but work hard, taking care of you.And all I ever wanted way to just be happy, too!" It almost came as a shock to the little sister. "I've had enough!" The glass was throw across the room, having Yuko flinch in fear. "You're a monster! You should have never been born...!" But it had been then when Mina realised her mistake and by the time she looked over to Yuko, she was crying.
"I'm sorry... I..." And before running out the room she dropped something.
"Yuko!" And Mina tried to stop her little sister who was in tears, however, the door was slammed behind her. "Yuko..." It had been when she noticed a present that was on the ground, it had been what was dropped. "A birthday... present...? For me?" She had it in her hands which had her shocked.
"Cut!" Had been shouted. "And that's a wrap for today people!" And everyone began to move around to clear things up.
"Rose, that was great! That was very nice acting!" Yuko turned back into Ross, was walking over to Shin and Sare that were both in tears. Since they had finished their jobs had came to watch.
"Would you idiots stop crying." As did Hatori that looked at the pair crying annoyed.
"You're lucky we were far away or else—" Yuki had stopped in his track up noticing Rose's face. "Are you alright?" He asked this because it seemed that she was still crying.
"Yeah, I just can't stop crying." She answered but that didn't sound all that okay to them.
"You get into your acting to much." The tissues were handed over to the girl
"Danke." that began blowing her nose after wiping the tears away. That was when Yumiko came up to the group.
"Rose, it's your sister." Which was what had been said as she held up Rose's phone to her which had 'Ayame' on the screen.
"Hallo Schwester, wie geht es dir?" (Hello sis, how are you?, German) That was why she took the phone to answer it. And the reason for specking in German was so that people wouldn't be able to over hear the conversation as she walked off leaving the group.
"Hey Rose, I'm fine." But there was a long pause with silence.
"Bist du sicher?" (Are you sure?, German) but it seemed that Rose didn't quite believe since her sister was normally lively like their father.
"I'm calling you to tell you that mama and I think it's time."
"'Time'?" What it was, it seemed to have shocked Rose a lot, she was speaking in Japanese once again. "I see... I see... It's finally going to happen, huh."

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