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The smoke billows behind her as she walks down the halls of her midwestern highschool

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The smoke billows behind her as she walks down the halls of her midwestern highschool. It's a cursed place, middle of nowhere Ohio. Now that curse is going up in flames.

According to Asteria the only thing needed to start a fire is a lighter and a bottle of vodka. The lighter to start the fire, the vodka to use as liquid courage. She had those things and something else. A hatred as burning as hot as the fire she set. Hating herself, hating her family, hating the fucking town she's trapped in.

The moment she stepped out of the building she was put in handcuffs and dragged into a police car. It was worth it to go to be arrested. She was on track to fail her sophomore year anyways. Her life has always been set up to fail her.

As the car drives off with her, Asteria stares out the back window. She watched as the vibrant orange flames take over the building. Sirens blaring as more red fire trucks rush towards the scene.

There would be no saving parts of the building. The fire started in the library, blackening the paper bound as books. The other students, which she hates, wouldn't be coming back until the next August anyways. They had just been sent into quarantine, no one needs the school right now.

When Asteria is brought into the station hushed voices surround her. Everyone already knew who she was, it wasn't her first time being brought in either.

She's sat in a metal folding chair and her mother enters the station after a couple minutes. Her eyes are daggers digging into Asteria by her glare.

A woman belonging to the CPS meets her and takes both Asteria and her mother into a separate room. Her mother doesn't speak or look at her as the worker starts to explain what happened. Or what they think happen.

She explains it as some bullshit about the teenagers anger at her father leaving being taken out in inappropriate ways. Asteria doesn't say anything but knows in her head that's false.

She did it because she was bored in all honestly. A part of it did have to do with anger though. Not at her father, he was a deadbeat piece of shit anyways, but at the entire world. At the world for being unfair, and a horrible place.

Hushed voices come from across the room. "In my opinion she shouldn't be sent to jail or anything similar. It wouldn't be helpful to her or anyone. Therapy would be the best way to go in this situation.

"I couldn't give a fuck what you do with her but she can't be in my house anymore. All she does is cause trouble and I'm over it."

Asteria's mothers words sting as she hears them but she ignores it. She doesn't want to be around her mother anymore than her mom wants to be around her.

The worker sighs before responding. "Well, does she have any family that would take her in? The only other option would be the foster care system."

At that the teenager stands up, "call Techno, I like him." She's met with her mothers glare but the CPS worker gives her a small smile.

"Alright Asteria, come with me and we can give him a call."

A few hours later and Techno has agreed to take in his younger cousin. Asteria and him have always been decently close and she looked up to him. She's now at her house shoving things into a couple bags. She makes sure to take any money she has stashed away knowing her mom would take it all from her.

It's the middle of March and her life is about to be changed forever. Without knowing it going to live with Technoblade may be the best decision she's ever made.

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