Chapter 9

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"I've never had coffee

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"I've never had coffee."

"How is that even possible?" Ash exclaims, "I'm taking you to my favorite spot right now. Put on some shoes." Ranboo laughs and does what she says.

"Techno we are going to get coffee!" She says loudly and leaves with Ranboo. It's his second day in San Francisco. The previous day had mostly been filled just sitting in the apartment enjoying each others company for the first time.

The wind has a slight chill to it and the warmth of the coffee shop is welcome once they arrive.

"I'm going to order you something that I think you'll like," Ash says and Ranboo nods.

"Go ahead, I'll go sit." He leaves as Ash steps up to order both of their drinks and pays. He gets out some money to pay her back and when she comes over to the table he tries to hand it to her.

"I don't need it," she says. "I covered it don't worry."

"I'm not worried I just want to pay you back."

"Nope!" She says and walks away to get the drinks that are ready. An hour later and Ranboo would says his overall experience with coffee had been pleasant.

After they had finished their coffee they decided to head out and Ash wanted to show him around San Francisco. She shows him everything she can within walking distance that she can and then they get a Taxi to the beach near the Golden Gate Bridge.

Once they arrive they sit together in the sand, Ranboo lazily drawing patterns in it. "I never understood the hype around this bridge," Ash says. "Do you know how many people commit suicide here? Two a month."

Ranboo frowns looking up at the red bridge. "I guess it's just because people think it looks cool. You're right though it's not as cool as people make it out to be."

Ash smiles, "I keep saying this but I'm glad you're here."

Ranboo carefully takes her hand and intertwines their fingers. "I am too."


Later that day, when the sun is setting and casting a golden glow over the city Ranboo and Asteria return to the apartment. They enjoy a quick dinner with Techno.

"Come on I have something to show you," Ash says and grabs a couple blankets. They leave the apartment once again but this time they head down the hall reaching a locked door. "Don't question how I know this," the teenage girl says and picks the lock. The door then swings open to reveal a small stairwell.

They run up the stairs, open another door and are met with the open sky and fresh air. Ranboo smiles looking around. Ash walks out to the small shed and then sits down, Ranboo next to her. She hands him a blanket which he gratefully takes since the wind has a bit of a chill to it.

"I figured out how to get up here a couple months ago. It's hard to see the stars most nights but I still like it up here." Ash's eyes search the sky for the small pinpoints of light.

Ranboo ends up focusing his gaze on her. He thinks she's got to be the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Ash tells him about all of her insecurities but he doesn't even notice them. He carefully reaches over and slowly takes her hand again, their fingers fitting perfectly together like that's where their meant to be. Ash looks over at him and moves closer, her head finding a spot to rest against his shoulder.

Ash @.asholic Ranboo leg content? You're welcome.

asholic Ranboo leg content? You're welcome

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They stay that way for a while on the roof, Ranboo's arm moving around her waist at some point. They quietly head inside around two exhausted. Ash keeps ahold of Ranboo's hand as she gets into her bed "stay with me?" She whispers.

"Of course," he says carefully laying next to her. The bed was not made for two people, let alone one thats 6'6 but they make it work. Ash buries her head against his chest and his arm drapes across her head.

"When I'm with you all the noise in my head gets quiet," she whispers. "It's nice to have some quiet for a while."

Ranboo doesn't respond and instead carefully messes with pieces of her hair until her breath becomes quiet and she's asleep. "I love you," he says to no response, not that he was expecting one, and relaxes before falling asleep as well.


The next morning both of them are waken up by Ash's phone singing Able Sisters. Her ringtone for Tommy.

"I'm sorry," she mutters reaches to grab the phone. "Tommy, time zones are a thing, a very real thing. By the way you're on speaker and Ranboo is here."

"Fuck that Ranboo guy, plus isn't it like 11 there."

"Hey-" Ranboo says at the same time Ash speaks.
"No you fucker it's 8."


"Yeah oh. Did you need something?"

"Not really. Just wanted to see how Ranboo coming to see you is, make sure he hasn't done anything stupid." Ash just rolls her eyes and moves to sit up like Ranboo has and once again puts her head on his shoulder.

"Be nice, again he can hear you." Tommy's loud laughter comes from the phone.

"Make him not hear me," he says actually wanting to have a conversation with just her.

"Alright fine, two seconds." She climbs out of bed, switches the phone off speaker and mouths 'I'll be back' at Ranboo before leaving the room. "Okay what's up?"

"How's it going? You have to tell me it's required since I gave you advice and all that."

"You're really not entitled to anything Mr. Innit," she says as she goes to grab a Monster from the fridge. "It's going really well though," her voice lowers. "I really like him Tommy and I think he feels the same."

She gives Techno a wave as she sees him come out of his room while Tommy speaks again. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing- well not nothing. I don't know just wing it I guess. Listen I have to go but I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Rude but okay."

"Bye Tommy," she says hanging up and heading back to her room. When she gets back Ranboo is in the bathroom so she uses the opportunity to change.

When he comes back she presents an idea she has which he agrees to. A grin spreads on her face and she clasps her hands together, "Awesome."

~Author Speaks~
Word county: 1097
My own writing makes me feel alone...

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