Chapter 7

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The FaceTimes become more frequent as time passes

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The FaceTimes become more frequent as time passes. Ranboo also feels more comfortable sharing things with her. Things that he hasn't really told anyone online before.

They discover that they live across the country from each other. Asteria on the west coast and Ranboo on the east. Yet they still both desperately want to meet each other.

She also begins to open up about her past. She tells Ranboo about her dad leaving but how he was a drunk who didn't care anyways. She talks about how her mom practically threw her out. Most importantly she talks about the fire and her addictions. How she's been battling them for years and even despite being in a supportive environment it's still hard.

Ranboo offers his support. Letting her know if she ever needs him that he will be there. Ash thanks him all the time and he always tells her there's nothing to thank him for. They're best friends.

The passing time also causes feelings to grow. Feelings that Ash has never felt before, more than friendship. Ranboo feels the same way about her. Neither know they feel the same and neither know how do deal with it.

Ash decides to ask the people she trusts the most besides Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo.

Are both of you free?

Yeah I am

I guess only because you're asking

What's going on

Pick up my call and you'll figure out asshole

"How could you call me an asshole?" Tommy says as he joins her call, Tubbo coming soon after.

"Shut up I'm trying to be serious."

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asks.

"Yeah I'm okay I'm just trying to figure something out. Hypothetically if you had feelings for someone who lived 2,500 miles away what would you do?"

"Oh so we are talking about Ranboo," Tommy says and Tubbo agrees with him.

"What?" Ash asks confused. "If I was how would you even know."

"Come on Ash, any person with common since can see that you too have something going on. I'm suprised twitter hasn't gone all weird about it yet." Ash shakes her head at Tubbo's comment.

"Fine, I really didn't think anyone noticed though. But what should I do?"

"Talk to him," Tommy says, taking this seriously and wanting to help. "It doesn't take half a brain to see he most likely feels the same way. Did you know you're the only one he's shown his face too? Out of all of us. He trusts you and if you trust him then you should talk to him.

And if he somehow doesn't feel the same then you can continue your friendship anyways. My advice is don't miss out on something that could be so amazing."

"I agree," Tubbo speaks up. "You really should hear how he talks about you."

Ash smiles, "you're both right. But who knew TommyInnit could be so serious and helpful. Thank you."

"Shut your mouth before I take it back."


It takes Asteria a couple days before she gets the courage to actually use her friends advice. Finally one day after Ranboos stream which she had been on she decides to talk to him.

While he's ending she sits in the call, nervous butterflies in her stomach. He comes back and instantly asks for her to FaceTime him, which she does.

Once they switch over she pushes through the anxiety and speaks up. "Hey, can I talk to you?"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Well I'm not really sure," she says picking at her finger nails. Ranboo looks at her through the screen and waits for her to talk.

"I just mean that I don't know what's going on. I tried to talk to Tommy and Tubbo but they couldn't do anything because it's about you. That sounds bad it's nothing bad, more about me than you. Now I'm rambling hold on." Ash stops talking to take a deep breath and collects her thoughts.

"Basically I think, no I know I like you. You know more than just a friend." Ranboo looks up to the camera from his computer. Ash bites her lip and looks at him worriedly, waiting for a response.

"Really?" Ranboo asks very quietly rubbing his hand on his chin. Asteria's heart sinks, thinking that he doesn't feel the same and that she could have possibly ruined everything.

"I- I'm sorry," she says stumbling over her words.

"Wait no I'm not done," Ranboo says quickly realizing he should have said more earlier. "I just didn't think you would feel the same."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah," he says quietly. "What do we do?"

"We are 2,500 miles away, separate coasts but i don't want to miss out on something. Something with you."

"I feel exactly the same way," Ranboo says smiling.

"I need to meet you, in person," Ash says. "It's a lot to ask for you to come here but I don't know if I could go to you since of my probation."

"Don't worry about it, I'm promising you now that by the end of January I'll be there."

Ash grins, "promise?" She holds up her pinky in front of the camera.

He copies her movement, "I promise."

~Author Speaks~
Word Count: 861
Yeah so regarding the note earlier it's not platonic. I got bored trying to write it that way oops.
Also Covid is a thing in this but I'm just ignoring things mostly because I don't know how they work.
Wear your mask :)

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