Chapter Twelve: The Job Interview

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Aoife took a deep breath as she stared up at the Brücherhof Grundschule, she was so nervous about her interview and she was hopeful that it would go well; the school was less than thirty minutes away from her home and would be perfect for her.

“Relax,” Marco murmured from the passenger side of the car, he had wanted to come and support her while she was in her interview; he had promised to stay in the car since she didn’t want to get the job because who he was.

Aoife nodded her head, she had decided to wear her blue front spilt vest and black premium skinny tailored trousers paired with black two part court shoes for her interview; she wanted to prove that she could do this.

“I shouldn’t be long,” Aoife murmured moving to collect her black plait satchel so that she could head inside, it was better to be ten minutes early than ten minutes late.

Marco chuckled nodding his head as he smiled at Aoife, there was only one more week until their wedding and everything was crazy right now; he couldn’t wait for this to be over so he could just relax.

Aoife climbed out of the car and shut the door behind her, she smoothed out her black long line duster blazer so that she wouldn’t be cold in the chilly December weather.

Marco watched her go and took a deep breath, he had no idea what to expect but he prayed that she got the job; he wanted Aoife to be happy and he was certain that it would happen.

Leaning back in his chair, Marco messed with his phone wanting to relax until Aoife returned; he put in his headphones knowing that he wanted things to be simple for them.

Closing his green eyes, Marco took a deep breath and wondered what would happen when he was forced to face his past; he doubted it would be long before Belle returned and he had no idea what to expect.


Aoife grinned walking out of the building pleased with how her interview had gone, she had seen the other people that were up for the job but she was so sure that she had done well.

Walking towards the blue Audi Q5, Aoife couldn’t believe how well the day had gone and she could only hope that it continued that way; she had no idea how many good days she was going to have when she married Marco.

“How was it?” Marco asked climbing out of the car, he moved towards Aoife eager to hear how it went; he knew she would be perfect for the job and he hoped that she got it.

Aoife smiled surprised that Marco had gotten out to greet her, she had noticed how close they had been getting since they had gotten engaged and she was surprised.

“It was good… I won’t find out until later if I have the job though,” Aoife replied grinning, she had no idea what she was ever going to do when she got married but she was determined to have her own career; she didn’t want to be known as Aoife Reus the WAG.

Marco smiled, he loved it when Aoife was like this and he wished that she was this happy all the time; he cleared his throat wanting nothing more than to hug her right now.

“Do you fancy going out to dinner?” Marco asked settling on stuffing his hands into his pocket, he had no idea what to expect when it came to Aoife; he liked that she kept him on his toes and nothing was going to be straight forward for them.

Aoife nodded her head, she was hungry and she wanted to relax for a couple of hours; she knew that the head teacher would call her when she had made a decision on who would get the job.


Aoife squeaked in surprise as Marco tickled the bottom of her feet, she had been curled up on the couch and he was sat close to her; he rubbed her feet making her raise an eyebrow at him.

Marco couldn’t resist giving her a foot massage, his eyes focused on the television and he had no idea what he was doing but he was starting to get very attached to the woman that was going to be his wife in a week’s time.

Marco trailed his fingers up and down Aoife’s leg, he felt relaxed and he could actually see himself getting comfortable with her; he had never felt so content before and he liked that he could just relax with Aoife without any worries.

Aoife opened her mouth to say something, she had no idea what was going with them but they were starting to act like a real couple; however she didn’t get a chance before her mobile started to ring.

Marco peeked at Aoife as she reached for her phone, he let go of her feet allowing her to stand and walk away from him; his green eyes watching her knowing that it could only be the school calling her about the job.

“Hallo,” Aoife said answering the phone, she was so nervous about who could be calling her since she was still waiting to hear from the school; she had no idea what to expect and she prayed that she had gotten the job.

Marco watched her, he tried to watch the television but he couldn’t turn his attention away from Aoife; he had no idea what he would do when she did get a job.

“Yes this is Aoife Beckan speaking,” Aoife continued running her fingers through her hair, she chewed on her lip wishing that they would hurry up and let her know if she had gotten the job.

Marco turned the volume of the television, his green eyes continuing to watch Aoife curious; he had seen how much this meant to her and wanted the best for her.

“Danke,” Aoife said grinning, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing and she was so happy that she had gotten the job; she had no idea how she had managed it but she finally had a job that she could enjoy again.

Marco leant forward, he could see that she had gotten good news and the smile that she had on her face made him smile; he could only imagine what was going on while on the phone.

Aoife beamed happily, she would start her new job in February when the teacher that she would be replacing retired and she had enough time to adjust to becoming Aoife Reus, the wife of Marco Reus the footballer.

“I got the job,” Aoife exclaimed when she had hung up the phone, she grinned putting her phone down and looked at Marco; she couldn’t believe that she was going back to teaching, she had feared that she would be unemployed for months on end without any sign of work.

“Congrats,” Marco replied getting to his feet, he had never seen anyone this happy about work before and he had a feeling that it was something that he was going to have to get used to.

Aoife wrapped her arms around Marco and hugged him, she was so happy right now and couldn’t resist giving the footballer a kiss without thinking; she blinked realising what she had done and pulled back.

“I…” Aoife spluttered shocked at what she had done, she hadn’t meant to kiss Marco but it had felt so right; she doubted that Marco had expected anything like that.

Marco stared at Aoife, his mind slowly working out that yes she had just kissed him for the first time; he frowned a little disappointed that it had ended so quickly, he knew just how to correct that fact.

Marco cupped Aoife’s cheeks and kissed her again, he drew her close knowing that he could get used to this; he smiled into the kiss as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back.

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