Chapter Sixteen: The Wedding

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Aoife took a deep breath and stared at herself in the mirror, she couldn't believe that in less than half an hour; she ran her fingers down the lace of her dress and tried to ease her nerves.

"You look beautiful," Irene whispered wiping away her tears at the sight of her youngest daughter in her white scoop neck chapel train mermaid lace wedding dress paired with cream round toe platform high heel shoes.

Aoife turned to look at her mother and smiled, she felt so nervous and she hoped that she wouldn't trip; she took a deep breath to calm herself not wanting to throw up while she was in her dress.

Irene moved to hug Aoife, she was so proud of her daughter and she would find some way to pay her daughter back for what she was doing for them; she had no idea what they would have done if she hadn't agreed to this.

A knock at the door made the two pull apart and they frowned as a nervous looking Belle stepped into the room; she was wearing a green jersey maxi dress, she peeked at her mother and sister hoping that this was okay.

"I hope I'm not late," Belle said forcing a smile, she wasn't happy that the wedding was going ahead and she couldn't understand why her sister was still with Marco if he could be the father of her baby.

Irene stared at Belle, she hadn't expected to see her eldest daughter today especially since it was Aoife's wedding to Marco; she had thought Belle would avoid it like the plague.

"What are you doing here?" Aoife asked brushing some hair from her face, she hadn't been expecting Belle to come to her wedding especially after what had happened the night before.

Irene was silent for a moment, she had heard about Belle's announcement and it made her worry what her daughter might do during the ceremony.

"I couldn't miss my own sister's wedding now could I? Plus I was hoping to be your maid-of-honour," Belle said smiling nervously, she was a little disappointed that her dress didn't match the colour theme but she hadn't known what it would be until she had arrived that morning.

Belle had been upset when Lindsey had told her that Aoife was going to marry Marco, she hadn't received a wedding invite and she was determined to make sure that Aoife had her support; she was going to need it if she was going to marry the footballer.

"That position is mine," Lisa interrupted stepping into the room, she glared at Belle having heard about her pregnancy announcement; she couldn't believe the older twin had thought that the night before a wedding was the right time to tell someone they might be a father.

Aoife sighed in relief at the sight of her best friend, she had no idea what she would have done without Lisa; the blonde had managed to keep her calm all morning.

"I'll just go and find my seat then," Belle muttered jealously, she eyed the burnt orange lux chiffon dress that Lisa was wearing knowing that it should have been hers before she stalked out of the room leaving the three women alone.

Lisa stared after Belle and shook her head, she had no idea what Belle had thought would happen but she had a feeling the older Beckan sister was going to cause some trouble during the ceremony.

"Don't worry I'll get the priest to take out the how anyone objects thing," Lisa promised smiling at Aoife, her friend deserved a drama free wedding and there was no way that she would let Belle ruin it.

Aoife nodded her head thankfully for what Lisa was going to do, she could only imagine what Belle would do if she had the chance to make this all about her.


"I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest announced smiling at the couple before him, it had been such a peaceful wedding ceremony and everything had gone perfectly; he had done as asked and taken the objections out of the ceremony.

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