Chapter Thirty-Four: Briana Alexis Reus

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Irene took a deep breath as she stared up at the hospital where Aoife had given birth only a few hours earlier; it was all over the news now and Marco hadn’t been able to stop expressing his joy at the birth of his daughter.

It was late in the night now and Irene wasn’t surprised to see several paparazzi now camped outside of the hospital, everyone was dying to see the baby and it was going to be the talk of Germany when morning came around.

Irene sat in her car, she hadn’t been able to convince herself to go inside and see Aoife, she didn’t even know if her daughter would want her there since she hadn’t called to announce the birth; instead Frank and Irene had found out via the news only an hour ago.

It had been weeks since Belle had disappeared off to Hamburg with David, she hadn’t called and Irene couldn’t believe how quickly her eldest daughter cut her from her life without a second thought.

Irene closed her eyes, she should have seen this coming and she should have known that Belle would do this after she had fled to Hamburg instead of marrying Marco; she had lost both of her daughters because she had been too blind to see that one was using her.

Irene would do anything to fix what she had done, she missed Aoife and it was even worse now that she had a grandchild to think about; a grandchild that she might never meet.

Opening her eyes, Irene blinked surprised as she watched Manuela and Thomas walk into the hospital; she had seen pictures in magazines of Aoife spending more time with Marco’s family but she had never thought it was anything serious.

Irene swallowed, she didn’t like the idea that Manuela would be able to bond with their granddaughter more than she would; however there was nothing that she could do about it now.


“She’s perfect,” Marco whispered holding Briana in her arms, he couldn’t believe that she was in his arms right now; he pressed a kiss to the top of Briana’s head before he looked at Aoife who lay in the hospital bed.

The couple had been thrilled that everything had gone so well with the delivery, Briana weighed 6Ib 9oz and the midwife was pleased with how the little girl was doing.

“Thank you,” Marco murmured leaning forward and kissing Aoife, he had no idea what he would have ever done without Aoife and thank you didn’t seem to be enough for the woman that had given him a daughter.

Aoife smiled tiredly, she had been in labour for five hours and she was pleased that Briana was okay; she was glad that everything had worked out as well as it had.

Aoife was comfortable in her hospital bed and she was glad that she had changed into her blue stripe half placket nightie after the messy birth; she watched Marco knowing that he had been a saint during the birth of their daughter.

“How are you feeling?” Marco asked curiously, he hadn’t left Aoife’s side unless he had truly needed to and he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon; he wanted his wife to be comfortable after what she had done.

Marco had called his parents to inform them that Briana had made a welcome arrival into the world four weeks early and then he had phoned Borussia Dortmund to let them know; he wouldn’t be surprised if it appeared on the website now.

“Tired…” Aoife mused softly, she wasn’t in any pain and she was sure it was down to the pain killers that the midwife had given her; she was sure that they would be going home tomorrow.

Marco nodded his head, he wasn’t surprised that she was tired especially after she had somehow managed to push Briana into the world; he would never be able to understand how Aoife had done something like that.

“I got you something,” Marco mused smiling he had done a lot of thinking and he hadn’t been able to resist getting Aoife a little something for not only carrying Briana for eight months but pushing her into the world.

Aoife looked at Marco confused as he handed her a box that had been in his bag, she had no idea what he was talking about but she thought it was sweet that he had gotten her something.

Opening the box Aoife gasped at the sight of the 9ct yellow gold ruby and 20 point diamond bracelet that lay inside; it was beautiful and she had no idea what to say.

“Marco… you didn’t have to get me this,” Aoife whispered looking at her husband while he smiled down at Briana who was sleeping soundly in his arms; she was beautiful and neither of her parents could believe that she was there.

“I did… you deserve so much more,” Marco argued back gently, he had no idea what to say to Aoife about the amazing gift that he held in his arms; she had carried Briana for months and now she was finally in his arms.

Aoife watched Marco for a moment, she didn’t want to argue with him over something so silly; they were both tired and wanted to celebrate the fact that they had such a beautiful little girl.

“Knock, knock,” Manuela said stepping into the hospital room followed by Thomas, she had been so excited when Marco had told her the wonderful news that their granddaughter had been born; she hadn’t been able to resist coming to the hospital to see her.

Thomas smiled looking at Marco with his newborn daughter, he had never thought he would see the day that Marco looked this happy and content with his life; it was a miracle and all down to Aoife.

“Is that her?” Manuela whispered moving forward to look down at the small bundle in her son’s arms; she smiled at the pink bundle glad that everything had gone okay with the birth, she had been so worried that something might be wrong.

“No they robbed another couple’s baby,” Thomas teased making his wife glare at him, he knew how excited Manuela was about all of this and he didn’t blame her; this was their first granddaughter and second grandchild.

Marco chuckled at his father’s words and slowly handed Briana over to Manuela, he was sure that his sisters would turn up tomorrow to meet their niece and he was hopeful that no trouble would come.

The last thing that Marco wanted to do right now was deal any problems from Aoife’s family or anyone else, she wasn’t speaking to any of them and they were bound to turn up now that Briana had been born.

“Marco… she’s perfect,” Manuela fussed cooing over her granddaughter as Thomas stood beside her and smiled down at her; they had been so worried with Briana being born early that something would be wrong.

However the entire family was relieved that Briana was perfectly fine, she was a strong baby and the midwife was pleased with how she was doing.

Marco took Aoife’s hand and carefully placed the bracelet around her right wrist, he kissed her softly knowing that he would do anything to make her happy.

“What did you call her again?” Thomas asked looking at his son and his daughter-in-law, he had never thought that any of this was possible and it was clear that Marco was always meant to marry Aoife.

Marco looked to his father and mother for a moment and smiled, they had picked the right name for the little girl and he was sure that everyone would love it.

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