Chapter Fifteen: I Think I Might

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Marco ran his fingers through his hair, he couldn’t believe that Belle had shown up the night before his wedding and announced that there was a chance that he was the father of her unborn child.

Part of him had a feeling that Belle was only saying that in hopes of driving a wedge between him and her sister; another part wasn’t so sure since he had been sexually active with Belle before she had left him, it made him think about what this would mean for him and Aoife.

“What are you going to do?” Aoife asked running her fingers through her hair, she watched Marco knowing that if the baby that her sister was carrying was his then it changed everything.

Marco shook his head, he was so confused right now and there was no way of really knowing if he had fathered Belle’s child until she gave birth in July; he did know one thing and that was he wasn’t going to let this ruin his life.

“We’re still getting married tomorrow,” Marco murmured turning to look at Aoife, he wasn’t going to let something good slip through his fingers; he was finally happy and that was all down to the woman in front of him.

Aoife blinked a little surprised, she had thought for a moment that Marco would call it off in favour of trying to bond with her sister who could be having his child.

Marco took a deep breath, he was glad that Belle and David had gone back to the hotel for the night; he had time to clear his head and talk to Aoife about their next step.

“Are you sure?” Aoife murmured a little nervous, the entire situation was a mess and she feared what would happen if Belle was having Marco’s baby; she knew that it would only make things worse.

There was no telling how this was all going to work out and Belle wasn’t likely to just disappear until the baby was born; she would be a thorn in their side until the baby was born.

“I’m more than sure,” Marco replied with a smile, he moved to sit down next to Aoife he would have to leave soon to head back home and sleep; they were getting married tomorrow and he wasn’t going to be able to stay.

Aoife was the one that he wanted and Marco wasn’t going to give her up for anything, he would find a way to make this work if he was the father of her twin sister’s baby.

“I want this to work Aoife,” Marco said taking her head, he laced their fingers and watched her; he had feelings for the brunette and they were a lot better suited than he had been with her sister.

Belle had made her choice and so had Marco, anything else could be sorted out later when they knew if the baby was his or David’s.

“I think I might love you,” Marco admitted softly, he searched her face wanting some sign that he was making the right decision; it might have only been five weeks since Aoife had come into his life but he felt something for the brunette that would be his wife.

Aoife stared at Marco, his admission coming as a bit of a surprise to her; they had been growing closer and she had a feeling that things were only going to get better between them.

“I think that I might love you too,” Aoife whispered nervously, she blushed a little and looked down at their joined hands; she wasn’t sure what would happen and it made her nervous.

Marco grinned at Aoife’s words, he gently cupped her face and made her look at him; he ducked down to kiss her wanting nothing more than to do so after the day that they’d had.

The couple kissed slowly enjoying the moment, they didn’t have long and Marco would have to leave soon; however that didn’t mean that they couldn’t enjoy a moment together like this.


Aoife took a deep breath as she climbed into bed, she peeked over at the dress bag that sat hanging up on her wardrobe; it contained her wedding dress for tomorrow and she was pleased with the dress that she had gotten.

Aoife laid back in her bed, she couldn’t believe that tomorrow she would be Aoife Reus; it seemed unreal to her and she knew that she would miss being Aoife Beckan.

Shaking her head as she laid back, Aoife prayed that Belle wouldn’t show up at the church; she didn’t want her sister there after what had happened and she knew Belle would find some way to make it about herself instead of her wedding.

Aoife closed her eyes, she wanted to have one last night of peace before her entire life became madness; she had no idea what Marco had planned for their honeymoon but they were going to leave the day after their wedding.

Marco had promised her that she would enjoy it and Aoife was a little excited to have a break before she started her new job; she was due to start in February when the other teacher retired.

Aoife nibbled on her lip, trying to clear her mind so that she could fall to sleep but she just couldn’t forget her sister’s announcement; she was sure that Belle had been hoping their engagement would break at the confirmation of her pregnancy.

Aoife wondered when her sister had started to think of only herself, they had been so close as children and now Belle was someone that Aoife didn’t even know; she wished that she could understand what had happened.

Aoife had always been so supportive of her sister’s decisions, she understood that the past few years hadn’t been easy but Belle had made a mistake and was refusing to even acknowledge that she had caused so many problems for their family.


Belle sighed looking out of the hotel window, she rested a hand on her bump knowing that she had made the right to tell Marco that he might have fathered her child; she couldn’t place all the responsibility on David if it wasn’t his child.

“I can’t believe you told him,” David muttered glaring at Belle, he didn’t understand why his girlfriend had done it when things were going so well between them; he would have raised the child as his no matter what.

It made David wonder if Belle still had feelings for Marco, she had fled from their wedding yet she didn’t seem to be able to let him go; he had noticed that Marco and Aoife had feelings for one another even if Belle hadn’t.

“I had to tell him… he has a right to know,” Belle whispered closing her brown eyes, she wished that David would let it go since she didn’t want to fight; she wanted the best for her baby and she was sure that if Marco was the father then things could be worked out.

Marco would want to be a part of the baby’s life and Belle knew he would happily pay her money to make sure their baby had the best life possible; that way her and David would be able to buy the house that she had found for them.

“I don’t like it Belle,” David murmured staring at his girlfriend, he could only imagine what Marco would do now to be a part of her pregnancy; he could demand that the couple remain in Dortmund since it was unlikely he would be happy about a move to Hamburg.

Belle didn’t reply, she had no idea what was going to happen but she was determined to make sure that her baby had the best start to life.

“Get some sleep… we have my sister’s wedding tomorrow,” Belle whispered bitterly, she couldn’t believe that Aoife was still going to marry Marco.

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