Chapter Twenty-Two: Take Responsibility

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Marco chuckled wrapping his arms around Aoife and kissing her neck, he couldn’t believe that it had been five months since she had come into his life; he was so in love and he wouldn’t change that for the world.

“How was training?” Aoife asked smiling, she had the day off since it was spring break and that meant she could relax for a bit; she rested back in his arms.

Marco grumbled softly kissing down Aoife’s neck, he didn’t want to think about training right now not when they were finally home alone together with no distractions.

“Marco…” Aoife whispered turning to look at her husband, she playfully glared at him wondering what was going on; she loved having days like this with him and she hoped that they would have anymore.

Marco chuckled ducking down to kiss Aoife when the doorbell rang, he groaned hoping that it wasn’t anyone important; he had not long got home from training and he knew what he’d like to be doing before Aoife went back to work.

Aoife leaned back on the couch, she hoped that whoever it was would go away; she ran her fingers through Marco’s hair before she gently pulled him back down for a kiss.

Marco smiled into the kiss, he was sure if they ignored the door long enough that the person on the other side would go away; he wanted to spend his free afternoon ravishing his wife.

However whoever was at the door seemed determined to interrupt them, Marco took a deep breath and pulled away from Aoife; he apologised softly before moving to answer the door, he wondered what was so important that they had to disturb him at home for.

Pulling open the front door, Marco stared shocked at the sight of Belle and David outside his home; he gripped at the door knowing that this couldn’t be good, he eyed the bump that Belle now carried concerned.

“Marco it’s great to see you again,” Belle gushed smiling at her brother-in-law, she wasn’t overly pleased with how happy her sister was with Marco and she hoped that her visit wasn’t going to cause her any problems.

Marco eyed Belle for a moment before he sighed and allowed her into his home, he couldn’t slam the door in her face while she was pregnant since it would only look bad.

“Who was at the door?” Aoife called from her place on the couch, she had only heard the door shut and had no idea about what was about to occur in her home.

Aoife looked up and stopped at the sight of her twenty-six week pregnant sister, she had no idea what Belle was doing but she had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be a pleasant visit; she had made it clear to their mother that she wanted nothing to do with her.

“Hallo Aoife,” Belle gushed smiling at her twin, she had no idea what it was but Aoife looked different and it unsettled her that she couldn’t figure out why; she shrugged her shoulders moving to take a seat with David following her silently.

“Belle,” Aoife replied coldly, she looked at Marco wondering what was going on and why her twin was in their home; she laced her fingers with her husband’s and tried to calm herself down.

Belle watched the couple, she knew that Aoife was still mad at her for what had happened; she had pleaded with Irene to try and make her sister see sense and to speak to her.

“What can we do for you?” Aoife asked trying to be polite, she didn’t want Belle in her home not after everything that had happened between them and what she had done to their parents.

Marco took a deep breath, he didn’t want to fight and he hoped that Belle wasn’t here to try and make things better; he would only get involved if the baby was his.

“I came bearing news… here’s a sonogram,” Belle said carefully moving to take the picture out of her bag and hand it to Marco, she wasn’t pleased that he had not bothered to spend time with her since she had told him the baby might be his.

Marco took the picture and peeked at it, he prayed that this baby wasn’t his since it was going to make things harder for him; he wanted to start a family with Aoife not the sister that seemed to want everything to be about her.

“It’s a girl, the doctor says everything is perfect,” Belle continued pleased, she had found out ages ago that her baby would be a little girl but hadn’t had the chance to share the news with Marco or Aoife since neither wanted to speak with her.

Aoife closed her eyes, she had no idea what her sister hoped to achieve by coming here like this; she didn’t want to hear about her niece who could also become her step-daughter if she was Marco’s baby.

“Why are you here Belle?” Marco asked trying not to get attached to the picture of her daughter, he wouldn’t know until a bit after the birth to find out if the baby was his.

Marco had already set up the test so that there would be meddling with it, the test would take five days to complete and Marco was sure that it would be negative; he didn’t want to be the father of Belle’s baby when he was married to Aoife.

“I came to talk to you about what will happen, it’s time you took responsibility for what could be your baby,” Belle stated firmly, she didn’t want things to be awkward between them when her baby was born; David was wonderful but she needed to spend time with Marco so that they were ready for the birth.

“Maybe you should take your own advice,” Aoife scoffed not believing what she was hearing, she wasn’t going to forget that Belle still wasn’t helping their parents pay back the debt that she had caused, instead now she was taking more money from them for the baby.

“I won’t give you a penny until the paternity test tells me I’m the father,” Marco said shaking his head, he knew that Irene and Frank had been giving Belle money that they couldn’t spare since she didn’t have a job right now.

Aoife tried to stop herself from smiling, she was pleased that Marco had told Belle that; she could only imagine what her sister would waste more money on that she didn’t need.

“I don’t want your money… I want to spend time with you before she is born,” Belle replied resting a hand on her bump, she was a little annoyed that Marco wasn’t going to pay for anything; there was still so much to buy for the baby that was due in fourteen weeks.

Marco shook his head, he wasn’t going to change his mind and he didn’t want to spend time with Belle; he could only see it ending in tears since Belle was used to getting what she wanted when it came to everything.

“That’s not going to happen,” Marco murmured squeezing Aoife’s hand, he wasn’t going to do anything that could upset her since he knew that she was going to have a hard enough time as it was.

Belle frowned at Marco’s words but nodded her head before she got to her feet, she had a feeling that Aoife was to blame for him not wanting to be around her; he used to love spending time with her.

“Well you know where I am if you change your mind,” Belle muttered annoyed offering Aoife only a glare before she stormed towards the door; she wanted to get home for dinner since she was feeling pretty hungry.

Marco got to his feet and started to show David out, he had no interest in changing his mind about any of this; he wanted nothing to do with the couple.

“Would you change your aftershave… it stinks,” Aoife said wrinkling her nose as David passed her, she felt her stomach churn at the smell and she slowly reached for the air-freshener to remove the smell that David left.

David paused and sniffled himself wondering what Aoife was talking about, he was wearing expensive aftershave that Belle had given him.

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